BerksResident ago

Big upvote ... good line of research... what I love about voat is so many pieces are coming together and we are starting to see the whole picture.

equineluvr ago

Hoagland is a dubious source at best.

I lasted til 9:42 when he veered off into alien woowoo land. Nothing new there -- We already know about Parsons-Crowley "relationship."

Anything coming from Hoagland is questionable unless it's been verified elsewhere.

EndOfTimes ago

Parson hated Crowley.

redditsuckz ago

Alcholics Anonymous might have origins with Aleister Crowely and occultism...

AA’s Satanic Roots

The A∴A∴(Argentium Astrum – Silver Star) - Aleister Crowley Organization

Godwillwin ago

Thankfully, I Never felt comfortable leaving my babies at daycares. I couldn't do it. I had to quit working

NeedPolyGF ago

Crowley supported Nazism and this makes sense given his ties to MI5/MI6. 1888 comes to my mind as significant.

I think you need to replace the word, Nazism, with Zionism. It seems that the stories about the Nazis are mostly Zionist lies. I haven't found strong evidence against the Nazis so far. I haven't looked real hard, but I did look.

Freemasonsrus ago

Old article from 2013 but just more evidence for what you have been talking about. My apologies if this has been posted before in another thread.

Freemasonsrus ago

For some reason I'm unable to copy/paste from the article, but it is about a lawsuit that details a case where OTO is accused of being a pedo cult who does commit human sacrifices.

equineluvr ago

Babylon Working was to impregnate a woman to bear a Moon Child.

What does that have to do with NASA?

equineluvr ago

Superb research, OP!

equineluvr ago

If you're gonna learn about the occult, you gotta know about Jack Parsons.

Tanngrisnir ago

Very interesting info. Nice find!

SimonRothschild1 ago

It's inverted Catholicism. The dove falling represents Lucifer.

What did Crowley say on his death bed? "Sometimes I hate myself" was it something like that? I wonder of the OTO's position on reincarnation.
Crowley supported Nazism and this makes sense given his ties to MI5/MI6. 1888 comes to my mind as significant.

SimonRothschild1 ago

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

SimonRothschild1 ago

I understand.

PurpleReign ago

“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

PurpleReign ago

God bless you.

PurpleReign ago


PurpleReign ago

Parson lives.

PurpleReign ago


PurpleReign ago

The Atomic Bomb involved sex magick. "Big Boy".

M.A.D project

PurpleReign ago

The OTO founded NASA.

PurpleReign ago

Peaches Geldof was murdered by the OTO when she revealed their suppliers via Ian Watkins court case. She published these names on twitter . Ian Watkins was recently allowed to return to twitter. Twitter is run by Satanist Jack Dorsey, who is on the board of directors for Disney.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Ian Watkins is on Twitter?!

PurpleReign ago

I concur. It was Alfred Kinsey who introduced the notion sex with babies was normal and he was a follower of Crowley.

Just found a giant clue, the OTO(Major Satanic Cult) held a fund raiser for planned parenthood, joke in the article that they offer much more than the usual services.

"Another of Kinsey's apparent influences was the occultist Aleister Crowley, "the Great Beast," known in the press as "the wickedest man alive." Kinsey visited Crowley's Thelema Abbey shortly before his death in 1955. Although it has not been established that Kinsey used Crowley as a research source in his books, they shared many friends and acquaintances, such as occultist film maker Kenneth Anger, American Nazi George Sylvester Viereck, and French pedophile Rene Guyon."

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Racine, Wisconsin is one epicenter for Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption. The system is very connected throughout Wisconsin. See this old article from Racine's paper specifically about taking young runaway to participate in OTO rituals. We need to put the global spotlight on Racine and Wisconsin - it is Paul Ryan's district and it is a cesspool of criminal corruption, racketeering, trafficking and abuse involving the mafia, secret societies, churches and youth programs, prisons and juvenile detention centers, corrupt politicians, corrupt businesses and organizations, corrupt media, corrupt law enforcement, and elite families.

CHIPPEWA FALLS (AP) - A man claiming to be a priest who told police he had provided sanctuary to two teen-age girls with family problems was sentenced to three years probation.

Brian C. Knecht, 28, of Chippewa Falls, pleaded no contest Tuesday to a charge of interfering with parental custody.

Knecht and Christopher J. Kurschner, 19, were charged in March with the felony parental custody count and contributing to truancy involving two 16-year-old runaway girls.

The criminal complaint said Knecht and Kurschner drove the two girls from Chippewa Falls to Texas, looking for an order of the Ordo Templi Orientis. Knecht described himself as a priest in the sect.

Police said the OTO is involved in hallucinogenic drugs and rituals involving "young juvenile girls."

They knew all of this back in the early 90's, and it continues today. Corrupt law enforcement at all levels is a major problem that has enabled this criminal occult and terrorist organizations and societies to continue its patterns of abuse unchecked. Look up the old murders in Racine, then look up the connections with high profile pedo crimes, see the history of secret societies and powerful global connections, and look at what is happening now - there is a major cover-up going on in Racine to hide the corruption and abuse. There is a mass exodus of prominent leaders who are suddenly resigning amid allegations of criminal corruption and abuse.


Freemasonsrus ago

This is OT but do you have any thoughts on the Steven Avery case? I'm asking bc it has always seemed to me that that area is corrupt AF and wouldn't have thought twice about murdering an innocent victim to shutdown a guy who was going to bankrupt them.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

There is strong evidence of the same systems of closed and secret societies in Manitowoc as Racine and many other areas throughout Wisconsin. The Attorney General is corrupt or complicit to criminal corruption, and is a Freemason with many ties to the Racine area, including being close friends with the criminal and corrupt District Attorney that the cops covered up for after his drunk hit and run on Main Street in downtown Racine. They run everything, and specifically they run law enforcement. There is much more to the Steven Avery case than "he did it". He is not smart enough to have either pulled off the crime so well, or to have figured out what really happened. As you can tell, everyone in Wisconsin particularly outside of Milwaukee knows how things work. They won't speak up. They won't stand up. They know what happens when you do. The governor is part of a group referred to as the Marquette Mafia, and the network of State and Local police are notoriously corrupt, and are given incentives through broad and unconstitutional Search, Seizure and Asset Forfeiture laws.

The corrupt mayor of Racine stated that if you so much as even ask questions about corruption in Racine, "we will destroy you personally and professionally". They make examples of people to dissuade others, and they use the newspaper and other outlets to attack and ruin anyone they need to. They will stalk homes, threaten families, and even murder or attempt to murder witnesses and victims to silence them. What is happening in Two Rivers and Manitowoc is mirrored throughout Wisconsin, and some areas are better at hiding it than others.

Freemasonsrus ago

Thanks for the reply. I'm hoping his lawyer Ms. Zellner, can actually shed some light on it. I feel sorry for both families. And I agree, he had no ability to even think up all the steps in that crime.

Conejo_loco ago

Welcome back @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ! Everyone's been looking for you... seems you've been RIGHT about Racine and the Knights of Pythias... HELP US PUT THE SPOTLIGHT ON RACINE!!!! Tell us MORE please!

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Everything posted has been true, and if you have followed Racine at all, you would see there is a mass resignation going on among officials amid allegations of criminal corruption that is linked with Pizzagate.

Guess who downvoated you? Why are shills like EquineLuvr so scared of the truth that will be revealed in Racine? The connections and cases are growing daily. EquineLuvr, other shills and those involved know that Racine is a weak point, and they try to discredit the truth that Racine is a cesspool of criminal corruption tied to every aspect of Pizzagate including the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Clintons, Schumers, Weiners, mafia, churches, secret societies, and more.

Have EquineLuvr and other shills looked up anything about Racine at all, or do they know it is all true and are trying to discredit the truth? Do you know who lives in Racine? Do you know what organizations and foundations are in Racine? Do you know about the history of corruption and abuse in Racine? Do you know anything about the Zika virus or Polio vaccines, or anything about Sustainability and Agenda 2030? Do you know anything about Racine's links with Haiti and the Clinton Foundation? Do you know about the links to Satanism and corruption in the Catholic Church in the Racine, Milwaukee and SE Wisconsin areas? Have you heard of Dahmer? Do you know who Michael Aquino and the Snake Lady are? Do you know about the kidnappings and ritual murders in Racine? Do you know about the abuse and rigged insider deals involving the prison and juvenile detention systems?

We need the spotlight on Racine to pressure Trump and Sessions for an open investigation, and we need protection. The FBI and DOJ are corrupt, and the cases in Racine can prove it. Witnesses and victims are being threatened and prominent officials have ended up dead. Many others are resigning at this very moment as part of the cover-up. Once the spotlight is on Racine and there is some level of protection or bigger visibility, then you will find the mountains of evidence coming forward and the naming of names. Until then we are putting the pieces together, and more is happening each day.

This might be a joke to EquineLuvr and others, but for those involved, it is extremely real and extremely scary. This is all true. Racine is a key to exposing the entire network. Why would EquineLuvr and others not want that? There are BILLIONS of reasons why. Watch the interview with Ronald Bernard, and then begin connecting those dots to Racine, Wisconsin.

Conejo_loco ago

You are right... after a little research one quickly finds that something stinks in Racine. A lot of powerful people are traced back here. Keep up the good work!

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is very true and the most powerful people in the world have ties to Racine. They are currently trying to cover up criminal complaints and corruption involving the mayor that will link right back to some of these powerful people. Help put the spotlight on Racine in any way you can, and we will show the world how this is all connected.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Yes, in connection with Michael Aquino. There is a rat line between Chicago and Milwaukee, over to the Quad Cities and up to Minnesota. There is also a history of satanic abuse, murders and suicides in the area plus Dahmer, Slender Man, etc., and America's only hope for a Pope is Timothy Dolan who was brought in from St. Louis to cover up serial sexual abuse throughout Milwaukee Catholic churches. Abuse is everywhere. It is an epidemic, and now as a sanctuary city, the area is a haven for undocumented people and crimes. The area is built on sacred Indian burial mounds, there are underground tunnels everywhere, and many haunted buildings including the Freemason lodge in Racine.

educate_yourself ago

haha i was wondering where wisonsin had got to also

Conejo_loco ago

I am glad he is back... at first I thought "what's all this shit about Racine, never even heard of that city..." Well A LOT is going down there... this guy knows, would like to hear more from him.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Look up what has happened in Racine in the past few months alone. The corrupt mayor is resigning (last corrupt mayor was arrested on pedo charges). His cousin the corrupt city administrator is resigning (last corrupt city administrator tried to commit suicide after resigning amid allegations of corruption and sexual harassment), many corrupt city council members resigned, the corrupt and criminal District Attorney resigned, the corrupt police chief threatened to resign and got a kickback to stay (the last corrupt police chief resigned after being labeled untrustworthy by the court system), and the city is mired in scandals involving allegations of corruption, bribery, blackmail, extortion, embezzlement, racketeering, collusion, fraud, conspiracy, records tampering, kickbacks, handouts, illegal campaign contributions, big rigging, election rigging, retaliation, stalking, trafficking, abuse, and threats against witnesses to criminal corruption and other crimes.

Look into the RICO lawsuit for a glimpse of the levels of corruption. The corrupt mayor commits perjury many times in his deposition alone. His corrupt bar owner friend plead the fifth to racketeering charges. His campaign manager swore to receiving illegal bribes and cash for quid pro quo licensing and development deals. The cemetery director is on record being told to push through back room cash deals for friends, and was fired in retaliation. The real secrets being hidden in Racine involve the more heinous side of Pizzagate. The entire community is corrupt, controlled and complicit. It is a community of blackmail and bribery among secret and closed societies and foundations.

The entire story will come out soon, and we need help to shine the light on Racine, so when it does come out, we can tell the entire world what is going on in Racine and how it is connected to every aspect of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption.

Conejo_loco ago

Holy shit, you are really on to something here... please do not stop spreading this and don't give up. You ARE having an effect!

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

This is very real and very serious, thank you for the support. Nothing is happening in a timely manner. The Bushes and Clintons have been involved in corrupt operations for decades. The FBI and DOJ are either corrupt or compromised. We need to take a different approach, and get as many people to put the spotlight on Racine as possible to force Trump, Sessions, Comey and others to start doing something about the network of criminal corruption and Pizzagate that leads to the Clintons, the Deep State, and the secret societies that rule the world with an evil and sadistic agenda focused only on their own power and sustainability.

equineluvr ago

After MONTHS of posting big claims, "that guy" has never revealed ANYTHING substantive to date.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Except of course hundreds of posts that you have yet to be able to dispute any single piece of, including revealing how Racine is connected to every aspect of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption through many secret societies such as Knights of Pythias, Pilgrims Society, Club of Rome, Freemasons and Scottish Rite, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg, Committee of 300, World Business Council, The World Bank, United Nations, Clintons, Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative, DNC, RNC, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Dyncorp, Monsanto, Dow, DuPont, Dutch and British Royalty, Catholic Church and Dominicans, Franciscans, the Irish mafia, the Italian mafia and Sicilians, the Russian mafia, many street gangs, and other hubs involved such as DC, Pennsylvania, Denver, Arizona, Chicago, New York, Ghana, Belgium, Norway, UK, Brazil, Netherlands, and Haiti for a few.

What other community under 100,000 shares connections like this linked to Agenda 2030 and sitting on one of the largest fresh water sources in the world? Do you know how many pizza places are in Racine, and why there are so many pizza places in Racine? Do you know that Paul Ryan is personally aware of criminal corruption in his District? Do you know that Loretta Lynch personally stonewalled investigations into Racine, Wisconsin? Do you know why?

We know why. So does Jim Comey. We suspect EquineLuvr knows also. Everyone will know soon enough.

DonKeyhote ago

I know of other uses of magnolia. Has anyone else seen it in their PG misadventures?

SimonRothschild1 ago

Magnolia the oldest of trees would carry much interesting memory. During the Victorian times, the magnolia flowers symbolized dignity, nobility, poise, and pride. The strength of its bloom is also symbolic of self-respect and self-esteem. Since these flowers represent durability, strength of character, and bearing, they are widely used in weddings. Magnolias are also associated with the life force and therefore can be sent over on the occasion of birth. These flowers also represent a love of nature.

SimonRothschild1 ago


organic1 ago

The OTO contains many members involved with Hollywood. See any lodges in that particular cess pool that have a child center beside it?

educate_yourself ago

drake's company or w.e OVO is based on OTO its octobers very own which is occult already and logo is owl. minerva and crowley much

GiantMillipino ago


educate_yourself ago

i dont understand what the question is...

GiantMillipino ago

who is this drake you mention, the pop singer?

educate_yourself ago

lol yeah drake the one everyone says raps... idk if youre fucking with me seeing as drake is known worldwide and you called him a pop singer which to me seems like trolling but if not then yes drake the singer

GiantMillipino ago

there's such a troll/shill infestation that even the most innocent question seems insincere.. yes, that's who I mean. I was just making sure you didn't mean any other drake. and he both raps and sings, but he's more of a singer to me. anyway, thanks for the clarification.

educate_yourself ago

i concluded you were sincere bc of millipino being like fillipino so somehow not north american. i likelywas wrong in my reasoning but thatswhy i was trying not to accuse u of anything. it more came across as trolling bc in my head one word drake means the dickhead popstar but of course there is more than one drake and to some people it might not be so instantaneous. sorry for bein rudeor w.e, and yeah it was the "drake the singer" that kind of came off like how my own friendswould troll me so i was confused. yeah he doesnt even rap, never did really.. i heard a new song of his on the radio and i was given another reason to want him dead lol

GiantMillipino ago

no worries, I understand you. if we were already talking about music, I would be like everyone else and assume you meant that guy just by his name. but when you said "drake's company," I wasn't so sure. can you elaborate on his connections to these daycares and lodges? I need to know this asap so I can tell my girl to stop brainwashing herself with this filth lol

educate_yourself ago

just pointing out his comany is an homage to the OTO and aleister crowley. his comapny is OVO and its logo is an owl

GiantMillipino ago

ah I see, thank you.

organic1 ago

Good to know. Thanks!

educate_yourself ago

i know its random and unnecessary and not helpful bc its all satanic b ut i hate the blatant shit like his name and an album that even says "if ur reading this its too late" with 3 upside down 6's and hands prayingto em.. just makesm e mad

organic1 ago

Yes, it is all satanic, and it makes me as angry as it does you. I just wish I knew a way to stop it in its tracks...

educate_yourself ago

yeah me too i want it fucking done1!!!!!

PizzagateBot ago

Planned Parenthoods and Child Services could be the ones providing child sacrifice subjects to the order.

Made me think of this

Destruction of innocence is the #1 goal, everything else is just a means to this or a side effect.

Pizzalawyer ago

Never heard of OTO, thanks for the education. I gave you an upvote for presenting a potential lead towards Abramovic and her cohorts. I hope there is followup.

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