looking4truth ago

Lmao you dumbass .this is not "my" headline . I didn't create this thread and nice try with your falacies and putting words in my mouth. Never claimed all celebs or politicians are part of a cult. But you have to be stupid and naive to think such cults don't exist. Oh and just because you live in your mom's basement and use her computer doesn't mean everyone is. You need to get out and socialize more often . So you're an atheist ,I already told you that you are kewl and edgy ,not satisfied yet? Not feeling validated? Lmao

looking4truth ago

You're just embarrassing yourself at this point. We all know what your real motives are. Ok You're an atheist , we got it. good for you . Your cookie will be in the mail. Feel validated now?

looking4truth ago

There are people out there who sacrifice kids for Satanic rituals. Satanic cults exist. These people think Satan exists and will continue their practices as long as they believe the devil exists. . They think he exists. You don't have a legit point. You just want to flame people and start a religious debate. Go be a shill somewhere else. Stop deflecting.

Pizzatemp420 ago

This! It doesn't matter whether or not satan exists. The rituals happen. People...CHILDREN are being raped and murdered at them. Simply saying Satan doesn't exist doesn't make these things stop!

looking4truth ago

Who cares if you think Satan doesn't exist? Satanists do think he exists . What is your point?

TheExedous ago

What are you talking about, OTO blatantly claim that they are the torchbearers for Alistair Crowleys teachings of Thelema all over their websites, they don't even try and hide that fact.

BrickInTheVVall ago

‘Satanic Temple’ Joins Planned Parenthood in Pro-Abortion Crusade (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/06/17/satanic-temple-joins-planned-parenthood-pro-abortion-crusade/))

Former Satanist: “I Performed Satanic Rituals Inside Abortion Clinics” (http://www.lepantoinstitute.org/abortion/former-satanist-i-performed-satanic-rituals-inside-abortion-clinics/))

TheExedous ago

Oh shit Kamala Harris is mentioned in above articls that she received 10s of thousands of dollars in donations from planned parenthood and requested that the witnesses home be raided for evidence.

She was just named as the new attorney general for California. FUCK

Jehosefat ago

Cheap dead babies?

TheExedous ago

Have been trawling through IG and Twitter for info about the OTO and came across this site. Below quote is quite horrifying based on previous evidence that we have seen.

"When I think of why Planned Parenthood was such a fitting cause for us to contribute to it was in part because Planned Parenthood is an organization that has helped almost every single woman I know. Many men as well. From providing health services, to free or inexpensive access to birth control, to education and much more that we will hear about shortly. [emphasis added]"


The above is taken from a speech at the fundraiser. The next paragraph is taken from the events FB page. WTF OTO themselves saying that Alistair Crowley was involved in the advent of birth control and to some extent planned parenthood in America


"During the 1910’s Margaret Sanger coined this term birth control, and opened a clinic for the same in Brooklyn, the same time and period that Aleister Crowley was in New York. She also started the American Birth Control League. This was the predecessor to today’s Planned Parenthood. Sanger was also one of the financial backers to the development of the birth control pill. The pill would not be approved for use in the US until the late 1950’s and in 1960 finally approved for contraceptive use within the US."

Edit 2:

Double WTF, article claiming that Hillary was in Awe of Margaret Sanger, mentioned in the above paragraph.


BrickInTheVVall ago

Planned Parenthood has clear links to occultism if you do the research...

Check out Alfred Kinsey, sex researcher and suspected pedophile...

"Kinsey's influence also extends far beyond what the film projects. The organizations that make up today's "safe sex" education movement can trace their roots to Kinsey. In fact, one "researcher" who worked alongside Kinsey at his institute at Indiana University, Wardell Pomeroy, later went on to establish the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS). Another Kinsey associate, Mary Calderone, founded the organization that eventually evolved into Planned Parenthood. The abhorrent theory that sex at any age is appropriate as long as it is "safe" is also part of Kinsey's legacy."

"One woman’s quest to expose the pedophile Alfred Kinsey and his demented sex ed curriculum" (https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/one-womans-quest-to-expose-the-pedophile-alfred-kinsey-and-his-demented-sex))

Kinsey has links to Crowley and other shady people:

"Another of Kinsey's apparent influences was the occultist Aleister Crowley, "the Great Beast," known in the press as "the wickedest man alive." Kinsey visited Crowley's Thelema Abbey shortly before his death in 1955. Although it has not been established that Kinsey used Crowley as a research source in his books, they shared many friends and acquaintances, such as occultist film maker Kenneth Anger, American Nazi George Sylvester Viereck, and French pedophile Rene Guyon." (http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/alfred_kinsey.htm))

The Kinsey Institute seems to be funding some real occultist art collections too: (http://ianhornak.com/index_ian_hornak-12.html)) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Hornak))