CosmicChrist ago

Sorry I couldn't respond sooner. Please read this write up about Crowely myths. The child sacrifice remarks are addressed and further discussed in the comments.

flyingcuttlefish ago

I don't have anything posted to dropbox myself - but I notice some info with dropbox url was also available at 8chan or 4chan with no expiration.


book club?

Holy Books of Thelema ="Book of Law"

didn't Podesta go to / is a professor at law school at Georgetown?

maybe other members in the book club are law related as well?


my theory:

think of it as scientific Satanism - they are trying to create/ressurrect a god out either rituals - or by creating a geneticaly enhanced human with super human powers, esp, emp abilities etc

they are using children and organs to experiment. see wyss institute, tavistock

Jack Parsons of Jet Propulsion Labs worked with Crowley and was obesessed with bringing a demon to life.

it is their version of the 2nd coming of Christ - the return of their God, the more pain, horror and death they cause in the world, the sooner he will return

MolochHunter ago

Hey, this is a common trigger button for this community. There's a big difference between censorship and merely suggesting some aspects should be de-emphasised for certain aspects of this campaign. I didnt call for censorship nor to exclude the occult aspect from the INVESTIGATION, but in the dissemination and introduction of new people to pizzagate, I stand by my view as a wiser course, the occult aspect should be de-emphasised

truedekektive ago

Tamera Luzzatto is key. I've posted this a few times now, but it keeps getting buried each time. She deleted all tweets on her verified Twitter account before December 7th.

Spread this infographic along with Thelema code memes.

flyingcuttlefish ago

this is a very good graphic .... in the header... does she work at Pew Trusts?

truedekektive ago

Yes, that's where she currently works now. She is Senior Vice President.

MolochHunter ago

well, regardless i think many investigtors put the cart before the horse. I think they are pedo / sadists and egomaniacs first, and thats what attracts them to a spirituality that can justify their deprvity

So in a way, though they may well be called satanists (even if they dont identify with that term, the shoe pretty much fits) its sort of incidental

that why i prefer to refer to their cult as a paedo-mafia, using pedo-entrapments for coercion. Its easier for newbies to digest. They start to see the satanic aspect themselves once they start digging, but to get them interested in the first place 'satanists in the whitehouse' is just too much of a leap for many

AllianceFan ago

That has also been my conclusion so far, they can justify their hedonism with their interpretation of Thelema, etc. ""Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law."

EQJ ago

I have read all the book club emails. Mary leads the pack. The emails have addresses of everyone involved in the club. I am convinced with the amount of elite men and women involved in this club that it's a cover up for something. We need to develop a list of everyone in this club and research them!

CosmicChrist ago

I have already stated crowelys comments about child sacrifice are about masturbation. Do more research please.

Orange_Circle ago

That Luzzatto woman, she looks so horrible in the face.

flyingcuttlefish ago

That's good to know! I have some helper elves who will like this!

flyingcuttlefish ago

my idea is greed plays a huge role.... does spirit cooking 'show' for all those celebrities (in lab coats) really mean anything.... or do they just want to 'be seen' to up their in-crowdness.

rail606 ago

Understanding the sacred geometry of the universe.

This is what the Golden Dawn uses. However Golden Dawn isn't all that bad they weren't doing sex rituals. Crowley stepped it up a notch with satanism and pedophilia. Do what thou will. Duality is bad shit man. It represents the idea that there are 2 ways to gain knowledge/power. Do good or do bad. It is much easier to do bad.

IMO the golden dawn are still assholes for keeping this knowledge from us. This should be taught in school. We are being kept in the dark on purpose. This creates an inequality in man. Do not keep this to yourself share it with others.

CosmicChrist ago

You obviously don't know what you're babbling about. Duality is the evil, that's why Crowely teaches that path of unity, the union and mutual destruction of opposites through love. Crowely felt the same way as you, which is why he left the golden dawn and published their secrets.

Try to actually study these things.

rail606 ago

Touche. I just learned about sacred geometry 2 weeks ago and my mind has really been an another level since. I am still learning but I understand its importance to the human race. I also understand that its been kept from us.

I will have to do more research on Crowely.

CosmicChrist ago

That's the best thing you can do, dive in and study for yourself!

Hooliganscat ago

Firstly, nice find! I went back to Wikileaks and typed in "our circle" the first hit related to a guy named Ulrich Boser. He mentions a book he had just published about trust and hoped JP liked it. I checked it out on google books:Leap And found it interesting that in the intro he discusses how in the True story Stranded the survivors developed a deep lifelong trust after having been forced into cannibalism..... wow the hits just keep coming!

anonRec178 ago

The Luzzattos are members of the Northeastern division of what people call 'The Finders' (although that name is no longer used).

Example: Alex Luzzatto (spouse of Ben Luzzatto) The link she provides in her tweet also includes part of their symbolism "the flower of life".

They hide themselves in plain site as an ecological "permaculture" movement. In reality it is a Pegan movement with borrowed elements from every religion in a unitarian universalist method.

So you know I'm not just blowing smoke. Here's a photo of a member teaching "dragon dreaming" at one of their South American Communes. Go ahead and google dragon dreaming or permaculture for a fun ride down pedophile/occult symbol lane. A few of my personal favorites: 1, 2, and this video from one of their fake universities.

I am still working on creating an organized explanation of their activities so excuse the mess but here's most of the info I have archived:

contrary_mma_hipster ago

Good post - wonder if this email is part of the recent (post Assange rendition) WL batch

flyingcuttlefish ago

I had an add on as a comment to this post

On THELEMA – “Aleister Crowley’s doctrine of ‘True Will’, after François Rabelais (c 1494 – 1553), the French Catholic monk who envisioned an ‘Abbey of Thelema’ in his Adventures of Gargantua and Pantagruel. In 1920, Crowley, along with Leah Hirsig (the Scarlet Woman), founded the Abbey of Thelema in Cefalů, Sicily. Followers of Crowley are called Thelemites.”

From –

CosmicChrist ago

The important thing to know about Thelema is what its really about. Its Greek for "will", and their central code of conduct is " Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the Law, love under Will."

Crowely was incredibly intelligent and had a deep rooted scense of humor. This lead to most of his work being greatly mis-understood.

Do what thou wilt et cetera was obviously misconstrued as well.

The real meaning is every man and woman has the right to do there own true will, as long as I doesn't interfere or prevent any other person from doing the same.

He would never condone this shit all of these sick fucks are doing. Its directly against everything he stood for, and it would be obvious to anyone who actually studies his work. However difficult.

Crowely was experimenting with drugs and trances and altered states of consciousness since the late 19th century.

These people In power are only interested in his work because of this.

All I'm trying to get at is this.

Please don't blame crowely or his work in anyway for what these sick fucks are doing with it. Its a discredit to the intelligence of everyone here.

If Crowely were alive today, he would be on our side fighting this evil.

ifeeltrulysick ago

You don´t know shit about a dead man´s perspective

CosmicChrist ago

Well you're right I can't say I knew the man personally. However he has left us volumes upon volumes of his work and his perspective. Which unlike you, I've actually read.

ifeeltrulysick ago

Reading his books does not allow you to make statements in his name. Have some respect. And why do you assume that i haven´t read his works ?

CosmicChrist ago

Have some respect? I'm defending him from the shit storm of ignorance in this topic. You're right shouldn't claim to know exactly how he would feel or what he would say.

However for the sake of all the investigation on this site , we all need to be as well informed as possible. Most in this topic are just spouting off about what they THINK they know.

We all know how that goes.

Guess who were the ones claiming Crowely was " the wickedest man in the world?"

That's right, the MSM.

Jem777 ago

Crowley was known and referred to himself as the Beast using the number 666. He developed black majick. Was involved in extreme sexual deviancy including beastialiy, orgys, allegations of pedophilia, and many other disturbing things. He also was considered the most evil man in the world and was even kicked out of Italy by Musslolini because of his involvement in animal and alleged human sacrifice. Spirit cooking comes from Crowley i.e. Marina Abramovich, Podesta.? His ideas are from Egyptian paganism in the myths of Osiris and Isis. This will explain the number 14, the cut on the middle finger, and the fish wwritten on John's hands. This is a crucial part of this story because beliefs create actions and if you believe in Thelma or the Osiris myth as truth it can help. Research it especially on the matter of deculting. This stuff is wicked evil Luceferian etc. Also research Alex Crowley and his relationships to powerful people in government especially intelligence in the U.K. and USA. Including to our most powerful goverment officials in the past. It will slick you!

CosmicChrist ago

Again you don't know what you're talking about. Crowely denounced black magic many, many times.

fvckh1m_up ago


e-traiu ago

This is something spiritual for shure. Anyone have facts about Crowley that isnt mainstreamed?

CosmicChrist ago

I've studied Crowely for the last 10 years, what do you want to know?

One thing I can say for sure is Crowely would hate these fuckers. More so knowing they're perverting his life work in anyway.

e-traiu ago

I would just want a bitesize good info about what he actually was about. Not the mainstream media versjon.

My understanding of Crowley right now:

A sex oriented priest (cultleader) with dablings in the occult.

That is a very general description of my understanding of him.

But im quite Shure im very missinformed here.

Maeglor ago

What did Crowley think of Eliphas Leví?

VictorDaniels777 ago

How so? I thought Crowely was a Satanist or something.

CosmicChrist ago

He certainly was not a Satanist.

To be fair, there is a quip eraly in his auto hagiography where he says something like. "I gave myself to Satan". Tho is all tongue in cheek.

He was incredibly intelligent and had a deep rooted sense of humor. Its a huge mistake to take what he says at face value, which makes his works very difficult to dig into and really understand.

For example. He gets shitfor one section where he talks of human sacrifice. He says pure young males are the best for this. Reading the whole of this section, a smart person can easily deduce he's talking about masterbation. His sperm being the chip sacrifice. Sadly, in his day, it was okay to publish work about sacrificing a child, but talking about pleasuring yourself wouldn't be socially acceptable.

I could give 100 examples of similar writings of his.

VictorDaniels777 ago

Ive read some Robert A Wilson also saying that Crowely was not a Satanist. Suggesting he was messing with peoples superstitions, and how easily they fall for mysticism.

billcaseyABC ago

Robert Anton Wilson was CIA Aleister Crowley was MI6 lurk moar

flyingcuttlefish ago

STG Report, I think had Crowley early on

I think he talked about Crowley's fear on his deathbed ....

quantokitty ago

They have a Bohemian Grove/Canaanite thing going on. They already mentioned Minerva and her owl. There was also the sacrifice to Moloch.

redditsuckz ago

The guy digging in Alefantis Construction John Kreher pic refers to himself as "Bohemian"

Need Help: John Kreher Identified in "kill room" Construction pic - Project Manager at The Ley Group Construction

quantokitty ago


Great find!!! Can't believe you found that!!!

flyingcuttlefish ago

The 2 e-mails -

above ^ says "Subject: "Thelema" - a Favor" and odd phrasing in both...