privatepizza ago

Great, great info, top post. This is what it is. More to come on this from me soon. Thanks V___Z !

bdiminishedminor7 ago

A little known fact about Crowley is that he also worked for MI5 and MI6. During WWII, he allegedly played a key role in persuading Nazi hotshot Rudolf Hess to fly to England, and is also on record acting as a disinformation agent during WWI. So, in other words, his connections to secret services and deep state power structures reach far beyond the domain of the occult. Read "Secret Agent 666" for more information.

Ample4th ago

If you haven't already read why Scientology is a CIA front group and why Russia has banned the organization

Ample4th ago

The McClaughry blog is amazing, so much great research there.

DonaldWashington ago

JPL Parsons Whiteside

V____Z ago

I'm definitely "entry level", and i really don't want to go much deeper.

CosmicChrist ago

It's clear you're "entry level". However that has not stopped you from posting all this crap about Crowley, despite admitting your ignorance. Why is that?

Crowley was not a Satanist. On this sub, here and there since the beginning, this incredibly uneducated idea has been thrown out there and it annoys me to no end. People who are involved with the Occult, or study Occult philosophy are not automatically Satanists. Crowley, if you read him, denounced black magic and the left hand path often.

Crowley in his day was endlessly assaulted with accusations from powerful people and MSM of his day. He was often the subject of FAKE news with the goal of slander. Most of which bullshit still lingers to this day, where its picked up and ran with by people who don't know any better.

Stop the misinformation!

V____Z ago

Dude, whatever. Crowley was a sicko, I don't really care what non-Godly religion he used or created. I tried to stick to the title of the video as the title of this submission so that I don't have to rely on my own (lack of) expertise in this subject. I don't think what i've done is hindering the investigation so I'm not sure what's so upsetting to you.

CosmicChrist ago

you say your lack of knowledge of said person is unimportant. Admitting your cluelessness, but call him a sicko.

So its pure ignorance, but at least you concede as much!

V____Z ago

My lack of knowledge, as is clear from my comment, pertains to the Occult. I don't want to explore the intricacies of satanism vs luciferianism etc, they are evil and that is enough for me.

V____Z ago

There is no reason for 4 downvotes, this is completely factual and relevant - people are trolling to the detriment of pizzagate investigation. Voaters need to combat this by maybe becoming more active on the "new" list so they can catch the good stuff before it's buried.

druhill007 ago

i'll do my best during my browsing hours but my sleep schedule is pretty messed up at themoment lol

V____Z ago


kingforpres ago

Good info. I'm reading sekret machines. It touches on this briefly. More from the historical point of view (so far at least), but an interesting read all the same.

Jobew1 ago

was thinking the same thing.