Millennial_Falcon ago

I appreciate the apology. :-)

Millennial_Falcon ago

You are missing the point. Shills are actively trying to disrupt this investigation. If we allow posts that are unverifiable, it opens the door to absolutely anything.

I'm not asking for your medical records; it's really not even about proving you were abused (OP didn't even mention that you were abused, which seems rather fishy given that you're now claiming you are who he was talking about). I'm asking for something more than just a couple vague paragraphs about how OTA abuses kids and Soros is evil.

Millennial_Falcon ago

need some sort of verification/proof.

VieBleu ago


Here is a description of what it is actually like to dissassociate from a person who says they were ritually abused and have split into multiples. I have no reason to disbelieve the writer, but I have no proof this is true, nor did I ask for any. They chose to post this in public comments so I don't think they'll mind it being posted here. I put it here because even if this sub gets deleted this is similar material and may be intersting to others. There is a part 1 and part 2 which deals with my questions about the actual rituals and acts.

Okay, VieBleu, here we go! Q) What does it feel like to dissociate?

A) First, there are four types of Dissociative Disorders. It's important to understand those first. I copied this from the internet as they describe it better than I can: The following list of dissociative disorders outlines the four defined disorders: Dissociative amnesia – characterized by an inability to remember personal information in a way that cannot be accounted for by forgetfulness. Dissociative identity disorder – characterized by more than one identity present in one person Depersonalization/derealisation disorder – characterized by a feeling that objects in the environment are changing shape or size or that people are automated; feeling detached from one's body Other dissociative disorder not specified – a dissociative disorder that does not fall within the other three types of dissociative disorders So I have Dissociative Identity Disorder(D.I.D.) but experience Depersonalization/Derealization and Dissociative Amnesia within my D.I.D. The latter two are a big part of my experience with DID. I am what's called Polyfragmented. It's when a person has more than 100 "selves" or "parts" (which is what I call them). I know seventy six of their names but know I have hundreds of parts. Here is a link to help you understand how the different parts roles work and how the internal system is organized - Please read it before continuing. I normally experience co-consciousness with most of my parts. It feels like I(the host) is in the back of my mind and someone else has control of my thoughts and actions. I compare it to feeling very drunk, where your body is somewhat numb, and you blurt out things without control over what you're saying out loud. I'm aware of what I'm saying and doing yet am not in control, ie, when one of my parts that I call "Littles" (child parts) will be coloring or making coffee and as I'm looking down at my hands, they look so huge to me because in all actuality, my posture, voice, and awareness of my body parts changes to that of an actual child. It feels like I have cotton inside my head, my ears make this buzzing sound inside, my head throbs, and my vision either gets blurry or very clear. It is very hard to communicate to people when I'm experiencing co-consciousness because it's like a grownup and a child are both trying to take control of the conversation and I may stutter and falter, or my words are slurred and don't make logical sense. I can also hear my own thought;s and if other parts speak up internalIy, I hear theirs, too. I literally have conversations in my head. You know when you have weird thoughts out of nowhere, similar to a revelation or all of a sudden an answer pops into your head regarding a problem you're solving? It's sort of like that. Other times, when a part does what's called "fronting"-a part is in complete control of everything and I the host is contained from taking over their thoughts, actions, speech, and emotions. Some parts hold only one emotion. Those parts are created to contain one feeling in response to one or more moments of trauma. For example, my three year old part, Rose, only experiences terror. It fills her(me) with that feeling and my heart beats uncontrollably, I want to scream and run from wherever I presently am in present time whether there is an external threat of danger or not, and at such time Rose relives a specific moment of trauma-one memory. It feels like when you are replaying a scene in a movie in your head, except these moments actually occurred and Rose is showing them to me, the host, for whatever reason. During these times, I normally have what's called "body memories". Body memories are part of PTSD. I can physically feel the terror and if pain was being inflicted in the memory I will feel it in my body. Once Rose was punched continually in her stomach and when she was fronting and reliving the memory I felt extreme pain in my stomach in real time, and couldn't catch my breath.

VieBleu ago

Some parts only have names of feelings or emotions. I have parts called Rage, Hate, Anger, Fear, Loneliness, etc. They hold those specific emotions so in present time I am not overwhelmed with feeling all of them at once. At times I feel as if I am sad and happy at the exact same time yet I'm emotionally numb. I liken it to the emotions being tangible things like blinking neon lights of the words Sadness and Happiness, and they are being poured down a funnel into my head or heart but the numbness is like a barrier and they drip down the outside of me like droplets on a shower curtain. I know the droplets are there, but I'm only experiencing the flow from the shower head and the droplets are seen but not physically or emotionally felt. Other times, I "lose time". That is when particularly strong parts take over completely and I'm not aware of anything. It's like I'm in a box filled with nothingness until I'm allowed to front again. At these times, when I am allowed to "come forward" again, I have fleeting snaps of memory about what my body did and said while I was "out". Other times I can recall memories of trauma that the part was experiencing. Other times I have zero recollection of anything I said or did when I lost time. Those are the scariest ones. So I do something called Theophostic Prayer, which is based in Christianity. Here's a mini synopsis of how it works as described on "Theophostic Prayer Ministry recognizes that a common source of the emotional pain one may experience in the present has an experiential source and beginning which is lie-based. If the emotional pain is coming from this original historical faulty thinking, true release of the emotional pain in the present will not likely occur unless the person is able to review the memory event where the lie was first embedded. It is acknowledged that it is possible for some people to succeed in choosing to walk in truth through controlled behavior and discipline in the face of their emotional pain (which has value in context) but it is believed that many fail at this juncture. There is a vast difference between "self control" which is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Holy Spirit accomplished) and "controlled behavior" that which I do on my own through discipline, hard work, and determination." What I do in these sessions is to allow my parts to come forward an relive the traumatic memories in order to heal from them and release the part from cyclic pain which therefore frees me as well. Here's an example: my five year old part, Elaine, was reliving a memory about us being raped by many men on an altar. As she is reliving this memory to show me what happened, "I" am either standing to the side of the event or floating above the event, watching it. I don't feel any pain as it's like I'm watching a movie inside my head. I can hear what is said and see what happens. In one particular memory she showed me, I was five and had fallen out of my bed screaming for my Dad who was asleep down the hall. I have always had a cognizant memory of that night and before my dad came running into my room, I saw a demonic looking person look at me from inside my closet and who ran their finger across their throat then put the finger to their lips, representing, "shhhh, don't tell or I'll cut your throat and make your blood come out" (this was said to me countless times as a child. My Dad came in and I told him there was a monster in my closet. He wouldn't look in my closet and told me I'd had a bad dream. He put me back in bed and I fell asleep again. That is what I've always remembered as the host about that memory. I created the lie/belief that my Dad won't protect me and doesn't believe me.

What Elaine showed me was completely different. The real memory was my uncle had come into my room late at night to rape me. I woke up and started screaming. In his hurry to climb over me and hide in the closet, he had knocked me out of the bed. He got in my closet and did the finger thing then closed the door. By the time my Dad came in to the room, two angels were standing in front of the closet. They were terrifying. They were standing next to eachother with their swords drawn in an X between them, they looked like solid bronze, and were wearing armor. While "I' was still being show the memory by Elaine, I was reminded of the lie that my Dad won't protect me and won't believe me. In actuality, the angels were stationed there not to keep my uncle in as much as to protect my Dad from opening the closet door and my uncle beating him possibly to death upon being found out. After my Dad left the room, the angels moved over to the side of my bed and crossed their swords again to protect me. When I look back to that memory now, I feel peace that God protected me from being raped and my father from being attacked that night and instead of feeling like no one cared about me, i now feel protected and safe in that memory and the anxiety I would feel as a grownup presently was completely alleviated. Elaine and I were healed in that session from the negative impacts of that particular memory. Look, I know it sounds crazy and bizarre, but my mind has developed a system to protect my Authentic Birth Person from knowing all of the abuse at once because no child can survive the pain, torture, and damaged emotions that I experienced. The protection has been enforced until my parts started introducing me to them and showing me what happened a bit at a time in my childhood. At first I didn't even believe myself and questioned my sanity. I deeply researched my condition and got a lot of answers I was looking for and validation from others describing the exact things I have been experiencing with dissociation. I'm going to send this so it isn't lost(my computer sucks) and I'll move on to your next questions in a new reply post.

VieBleu ago

Q2) I would ask things like do they actually wear robes, are their ceremonies very structured, like facing different directions, calling on entities and saying very proscribed things, maybe from a book, or do they just make it up as they go? or are they crazy chaotic things, and are they loud or quiet about it, do they chant? Use modern music? A2) Yes, they wore robes. I have memories where most of the men are in black robes, sometimes with scary masks on; men in red robes (and sometimes women), and the Master (Worshipful Master Mason, my grandfather) always wore a white robe. My sister and I along with the other children always wore white linen robes with inverted crosses sewn in them with nothing on underneath. The ceremonies were always structured and felt very formal. There was chanting to Lucifer the "Light Bearer", things read out of books(I don't know which ones) but they mentioned Satan and eternal afterlife a lot. There was almost always a big fire if the ceremony was being held in the woods, along with a makeshift altar. They would stand in a circle and sway back and forth while chanting. I don't know if it was loud or quiet to other people? It was loud to me because I was right there next to them or in the middle of them. I don't have a memory to line up with this yet, but I am instantly thrown into complete terror and freeze anytime I hear the Beatles. I hate them. Always have. As for facing different directions, in one memory I've processed there were four men in black robes at each of my sides and head and feet. They were chanting something and then turned around at the same time, walked away from the altar, then turned and came back. The man at my feet moved out of the way into the line of hooded men standing in a half circle behind the foot of the altar so my grandfather, The Master, could step in and proclaim things over me such as I am Satan's daughter and bride, did blood drinking and pouring stuff, sometimes drew a pentagram or inverted cross on my naked chest with the tip of some sort of dagger, then at the end viciously rape me. The other men would stay and hold me down. I recently posted a reply to a user who did an IAMA Freemason AMAA session. It is very graphic. I was extremely angry about my abuse that night and was lashing out. It will probably make you seriously queasy to read it so it's at your own risk. Trigger Warning for anyone who is a victim of SRA. Disclaimer: Up until about a week ago, I blamed the entirety of Freemasonry for my abuse. I couldn't understand how these things happened to me at the hands of Masons if everybody in Freemasonry didn't know about the abuse. I decided to read a ton of blogs and Ask Me Anything sessions from them on Reddit. After reading a bunch of them, it became very clear to me that the majority of Freemasons are decent people who just want to become better men. I believe there is a tiny percentage who abuse the offices and privileges of Masonry for their own religious beliefs, such as Satanism. I asked them if there are hours of the night where no one is in the lodges so my abusers could take advantage of it. I say all that to say this-I viciously attacked the guy doing the AMA and feel pretty bad about it. I'm still on the journey of figuring things out as the memories surface. I know that the part that wrote the reply to the Mason is named Janie. She's fourteen and holds a large amount of rage and remembers lots of details about the abuse that I don't remember. Reading it later was pretty eye opening in a few areas for me. I'm going to leave the reply as it was written for those reasons.

VieBleu ago

Here goes: "tell me mr conspiracy, what do you think us Freemasons do ?"

I'll tell you:

•Perform sex(rape), blood rituals, on children. •Sacrifice children, adults(less prevalent than children), and animals (I had to kill my cat one night) and not cry about it. "You cry you die. I'll cut your throat and make your blood come out. •Worship Lucifer, hence, "The Light Bearer" •Make children drink sacrificial blood of other children and animals then rape the children repeatedly. They believe the stealing of the innocence of children brings them immortality and that they will be the king of their own respective non Earthly "alternate kingdoms" •Dedicate female children to Lucifer as his bride and force them to say a version of the Lord's Prayer with God's named replaced with Satan's name

•Perform rituals where the points of the compass are poked into the chests of children. Draw pentagrams on living children and carve them into sacrificed children.

•Make children wear white gowns with upside down crosses sewn into the fabric.

•Gangbang kids, sometimes laughing while they do it. •Call children "good little treats" or "bad little treats". Bad little treats scream and cry and are then sacrificed. Sacrificed bodies are thrown into a fire when rituals are held in the woods.

•Tie us naked to Redwood trees in fifty degree weather at night and force us to watch while they perform rituals in the other children present.

• Right after I was dedicated to Lucifer, five men stood on with side of me each holding a leg or an arm, and the last one at my head. The Master approaches. A sacrifice was already made and he made me drink the blood, then he poured the rest on my vagina and licked it off. The men then lifted me up and swung me onto the Master's penis so he didn't have to touch me with his hands. The fifth man held my head so I was forced to look at the Master while he viciously raped me with the help of the others. This was a particularly brutal night.

•Celebrate all Satanic holidays

•Hang children by their wrists and spin them around and tell them they will be punished if they throw up as a test of loyalty to the Worshipful Master(my grandfather was one. We were to refer to him as our "Master). Part of forced dissociation as they give you your first alter's name. The parts continue to split off on their own.

•Drowning children almost to the point of death in metal tubs of water to force dissociation.

•Put children in boxes(coffin shaped) with bugs, snakes, mice, spiders for hours at a time to punish them and/or force dissociation. •Dress up in costumes to do rituals so the children's stories are just that much more unbelievable if they eventually told someone what was happening to them.

•Force children to rape other children while Masons watch.

•Purposely dissociate children so they aren't able to tell for fear of having our "throats cut/sliced so all our blood comes out" if we cry during rapes or sacrifices. (I've watched plenty of children be sacrificed and their hearts are eaten and blood drank) sometimes by us kids present. • If they are unable to dissociate a child said child is sacrificed.

• Loudly denounce the name of and belief in Jesus, but recognize "The Great Architect of the Universe and all other gods of any other religion than Christianity.

• There were hidden hiding places behind the wood panels in the walls if any of the Masons who know nothing of this facet of freemasonry happens to drop in. I have been a part of or witnessed every single one of these perverse, evil experiences. My knowledge is firsthand. Telling these horrific truths puts me at GREAT risk. It's important for people to know what's really happening in lodges after hours. I once watched my mother and aunt be sodomized on the lodge altar one evening because "they don't deserve to "enjoy"(?!?!) regular sex acts and they are ugly and worthless and used up. They were called dirty little whores whose faces he did not want to look at while performing sex acts on them. They weren't worthy enough to face the Master. Either you are not high enough to know the real truth about Freemasons or you are choosing to be blind to it, although I believe you are in the former category and I desperately want to believe you are not in the latter "blinded by things hidden in plain sight" category.

Feel free to ask me any questions but please do not attack me or say I'm stupid, fake, lying, or just want attention. I have over seventy parts(alters) and am what's called Polyfragmented. I suffer every minute of the day and night and so does my family on the frequent days I cannot function at all. My littles pop out at inappropriate, embarrassing times, forcing me to explain my story then to have them flippantly say,"That can't be true-you must have imagined it". HWAT? I don't sleep much and if I do I'm plagued with horrible nightmares where people are trying to kill me and my family. Every single time. I'm on six different meds to treat the co morbid conditions of D.I.D.: severe anxiety and depression, CPTSD, concentration issues, and more. Even with all the meds and weekly intensive therapy I am barely holding myself together most days. I am filled with grief, hate, rage, fear, and emotional numbness all the the same time most days. I frequently experience derealization and depersonalization when triggered and it makes me feel like I'm not real. I have panic attacks so bad I almost always feel like I'm having a heart attack and have gone to the hospital more than once because I thought I was dying. That's the bulk of what I KNOW high level Freemasons do/are. I can't even make this shit up if I tried.

sore_ass_losers ago

Here's "Hillary Supporters Jay-Z And Beyonce Are Members Of Aleister Crowley’s Satanic Cult OTO". (Don't know this site; appears to be about 'end time Bible prophecy'.)

The Daily Mail link I posted on another comment confirms the evidence for Jay-Z's OTO involvement. Don't forget the concert Jay-Z and Beyonce did at a HRC rally (video of HRC speech included here):

Millennial_Falcon ago

fiver_rabbit, rule 2: rule 4: no discussion posts without sources. please try to get some kind of documentation. otherwise, please post this to /v/pizzagatewhatever. thanks.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I mean, this is nothing new... And you literally provided no original substance, and you've backed up your calims with nothing. At this point, You're a person, who is saying some stuff. Why the fuck should anyone care about what you have to say, when you provided nothing to substaintie what you say, and especically since you're not saying anything new...

I don't get what you expect... Post the Tape, or don't. But no one should give a shit about what you have to say based on the complete nothingness of this post.

Sorry, If I sound bitter.

sore_ass_losers ago

I hate this f***g forum and you mods. Let the discussion proceed. I spent some time researching and put up some evidence connecting Clinton and UK pedophilia to the OTO.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Did you get just call me a mod? You better not have. I don't need to be insulted like that... And at least use the correct amount of stars if you're going to censor your swearing... :P

No but seriously, I'm not a mod, and I feel your frustration about this forum... But what you do you expect when anyone can join the discussion with as many accounts as they want. That being said, the mods obviously do have their hands full and are extremely under appreciated...

Although some are much more deserving of appreciation than others.

To address the point of your comment, I agree we need to let the discussions flow... But there is no discussion here, and nothing in the post worth discussing. As I said, there's literally nothing new in the post... But more importantly, there's nothing in the post to substantiate that this conversation ever took place.

Perhaps its foolish of me, especially since I just said all that, but I actually Do believe OP had this conversation, and it went down as he said.... But it'd be even MORE foolish of me to factor this post into any of my opinions on this vast complex matter, since again, It's literally just words from a person.

He didn't make this post under the guise of having a discussion. He said he has new information and doesn't know what to do with it. But again, this is not information, let alone new information. IT's just some words typed by someone.

All of that being said, I was admittedly a douche when responding to OP. Sorry, op.

NINJA EDIT: I contradicted my self by saying there's nothing here worth discussing... There's a lot. But he was not posting to have a discussion, He posted because he said he has information to contribute. But until there's a bit of substantiation of his claims, it's not information. It's exactly as you say, a discussion.

VieBleu ago

Even though I found the post an interesting read, you are right to question it. There are so many psy ops going on around here, giving trust to anything that is not absolutely factually sourced is not possible. As far as the bitter - it's this place, it'll do it to you. Keep strong. Take care of yourself.

sore_ass_losers ago

"Forget Scientology, celebs are now falling for an even more sinister 'religion': Introducing the Satanic sex cult that's snaring stars such as Peaches Geldof" (the OTO)

sore_ass_losers ago

"In November 2013, Peaches Geldof caused controversy by tweeting the names of two women linked to Ian Watkins abuse ring.

In April 2014, Peaches died in mysterious circumstances."

(Ian Watkins = convicted UK musician/baby raper.)

sore_ass_losers ago

See also:

(Aangirfan and The Coleman Experience are two speculative, anti-pedophile blogs from the UK. Essentially the UK version of pizzagate was launched in the aftermath of Sir Jimmy Savile's death, when after what was pretty much a state funeral it was revealed he was a lifetime abuser.)