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sore_ass_losers ago

"Forget Scientology, celebs are now falling for an even more sinister 'religion': Introducing the Satanic sex cult that's snaring stars such as Peaches Geldof" (the OTO)

sore_ass_losers ago

"In November 2013, Peaches Geldof caused controversy by tweeting the names of two women linked to Ian Watkins abuse ring.

In April 2014, Peaches died in mysterious circumstances."

(Ian Watkins = convicted UK musician/baby raper.)

sore_ass_losers ago

See also:

(Aangirfan and The Coleman Experience are two speculative, anti-pedophile blogs from the UK. Essentially the UK version of pizzagate was launched in the aftermath of Sir Jimmy Savile's death, when after what was pretty much a state funeral it was revealed he was a lifetime abuser.)