jangles ago

Το Κρυφό Σφαγείο Της Κισσάμου -

jangles ago

Podestas got a Greek family and into this shit. "παιδεραστία" "Τάγμα τού Αργυρού Αστέρα"

dreamdigital ago

I'm going to look into this. Thank you.

Throeaweigh ago

This is my favourite email.

Remember FBIAnon told us to look for 'favors'? Well, it leads right to this email.

dreamdigital ago

I was thinking that same thing but didn't say it!

witch_doctor1 ago

From the Wikipedia article: Thelemic holidays

March 20. The Feast of the Supreme Ritual, which celebrates the Invocation of Horus, the ritual performed by Crowley on this date in 1904 that inaugurated the New Aeon.

March 20/March 21. The Equinox of the Gods, which is commonly referred to as the Thelemic New Year (although some celebrate the New Year on April 8). Although the equinox and the Invocation of Horus often fall on the same day, they are often treated as two different events. This date is the Autumnal equinox in the Southern Hemisphere.

April 8 through April 10. The Feast of the Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law. These three days are commemorative of the three days in the year 1904 during which Aleister Crowley wrote the Book of the Law. One chapter was written each day, the first being written on April 8, the second on April 9, and the third on April 10. Although there is no official way of celebrating any Thelemic holiday, this particular feast day is usually celebrated by reading the corresponding chapter on each of the three days, usually at noon.

June 20/June 21. The Summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.
August 12. The Feast of the Prophet and His Bride. This holiday commemorates the marriage of Aleister Crowley and his first wife Rose Edith Crowley. Rose was a key figure in the writing of the Book of the Law.

September 22/September 23. The Autumnal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere and the Vernal Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere.

December 21/December 22. The Winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere.
The Feast for Life, celebrated at the birth of a Thelemite and on birthdays.
The Feast for Fire/The Feast for Water. These feast days are usually taken as being when a child hits puberty and steps unto the path of adulthood. The Feast for Fire is celebrated for a male, and the Feast for Water for a female.
The Feast for Death, celebrated on the death of a Thelemite and on the anniversary of their death. Crowley's Death is celebrated on December 1. [88]

Dejure ago

I found it rather time consuming to find any stromg proofs of Crowley being a pedo or thelema ensorsing pedo. Not saying there isnt proof, just tough to find (for me). I think if there was, wed need those police reports from that toen in Sicily he was kicked out of

VieBleu ago

Did you ever see and read through this? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1565573

dreamdigital ago

Dude thanks for sharing this. Very good post. And is quite relevant.

nafisnaf ago

Thelema Θέλημα means favor in Greek.

quantokitty ago

I do remember this. Yes, it is important and shouldn't be overlooked as a clue ...

witch_doctor1 ago

You and I think alike....I have done a little work on that on two dates in July and December (forget which ones, Alice Day was one IIRC) and I did not come up with much. I think I looked up important satanic days...anyhoo, the point is that if we could tie any of the coded emails to these dates or parties/events on these dates, it might reveal some good stuff. I would be up for some digging on that topic if we could figure out what the relevant dates are.

witch_doctor1 ago

Looking it over now, good stuff!

AreWeSure ago

You have the sender and sendees mixed up.

Mary doesn't use the language.

Eugenia and John do. Mary just forwards the email to her husband.

And when Eugenia and John use the word, they have to explain that it means a favor.

Subject: "Thelema" - a Favor

Dear Mary, Hope you and the family are well. Since John is no longer with the email address I have for him, would you please forward this "thelema" (favor) to John ? .... Love, Eugenia & John

dreamdigital ago

yes thank you. I did realize that after that fact.

The_Kuru ago

Demos is a Greek name. Thelema is a Greek word appropriated by Crowley meaning "will" or perhaps "as you choose". Podesta is half Greek. The wife Eugenia worked at Greek Orthodox Church in Chicago. I'm thinking it's a Greek thing rather than a Crowley thing. I hope that's not all Greek to you.

dreamdigital ago

It's not Greek to me. It means in English "errand". You have to do something. I knew the possibility of that. I just felt the info was relevant.

brass_bell ago

errand? What? θέλημα (Thelema) is in the Lord's prayer: "Thy will (θέλημα - thelema) be done". Does it have a different meaning in modern Greek? Because the classical Greek meaning makes no sense in this context, like every time they say "pizza"

AreWeSure ago

It means errand in modern Greek according to Google translate, so dreamdigital has it right above.

dreamdigital ago

I was wondering the same thing. Do as though "will". Thelema means to do something. To go. That's how it makes sense. It signifies action. Speech is powerful, words are powerful. I can't be sure of the context she is using it in, other than asking for a favor, signifying she needs an action. But why use that word when the rest of your e-mail is in proper English?

brass_bell ago

It is not a verb and does not mean "to do something" or "to go." But I agree with the rest of your analysis - it reads like a code word.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Damn looks like a pretty good catch! I bet John Podesta is shitting bricks knowing that the world is finding out what kind of weird shit he is in to.

strix-varia ago

Can only trust that he's feeling a little upset, unless he thinks he's invincible. Wish he could feel the terror that he's put all the children through.

blind_sypher ago

If he thought he was invincible he wouldnt have fell so strangely silent post election.

AFriend ago

Yes senpai, I feel the same.