Silverlining ago

I watched "The Skulls" recently - supposedly based in the Skull & Bones club. They had the word ~WAR~ prominently on the wall of the ritual room. And there was some mention that there was an obligation to promote and cause war.

If it matters, I can perhaps find where it is mentioned in the film.

VieBleu ago

is that a movie?

Silverlining ago

Yes it is, the first one as I recall, though could have been the second.

VieBleu ago

I want to check it out. It does not surprise me at all that a main goal, occult and secular of this group is to promote war, and in fact THEY DO! I mean all the Bushes have ever done is start wars. Then there's the theory that the illuminati feed off the energy, they plan using chaos as a given, and we have a pretty good idea it is easier to traffick anything in a war zone. So there you have it.

If you like, tell me if the movie is worth seeing. thx.

btw, You have a great name, because finding that silver lining has been more important than ever recently.

Silverlining ago

I found it fascinating - there seems to be lots of truth in fiction! Consider also the Bourne Identity series.

VieBleu ago

seen the Bourne Identity stuff, but not with "pizza eyes". Ugh.

Should rewatch.

Silverlining ago

Bourne is the super soldier product of MK or Monarch. The programmed assassin altar - kill or be killed. No memory of what your other altar does. Watch the guy who is sent to kill Bourne in Paris jump to his death after he loses the fight.

VieBleu ago

I wish people who always attack hoilywood would give the place a little credit for these films which dissect and display how this stuff works! There must be some good people up in there.

witch_doctor1 ago

Here's another weird one about somebody named Sam's Mom being the founder of another group. And what were they sending to her?

VieBleu ago

a "Founding Mother of the group" - is a founding mother of their group I think. But there is no charity or Foundation we ever hear about which leads me to see it as a secret or private group.

"gathered to send to Sam's Mom" - send her energy, send her power?, commune? Again, the Mother references are always in T. Luzzatto's emails - her cult is a female/mother centered witchcraft group on the Garnarian/Italian model.

"and wonderful to see you" so Podesta participated in whatever went on there. I don't think it was bible studies.

But the weirdest thing is the headline which makes no objective sense at all. But - "beautiful Sundays Reading bride" is how she is addressing Podesta, she is saying she thought she would see him (why, they pressured him or he really needed some juju for his election efforts?) So if he is the "beautiful Sundays Reading bride" was he involved in a ritual, possibly a black mass, acting as the "bride"? Does that mean he was the receiver of someone or something? Unless you read it as something fairly sick and strange as in where my post discusses Gardnerian or Ancient Italian sex magic it does not make sense. Luzzatto usually talks about her "book group" in terms of doing "readings". At a real book group, you discuss books. This is more like Sunday school, but an inverted one, that can only be discussed obliquely. And perhaps more than listening to readings, they enact ritual.

"please know I want to do all I can to help" - So again we have Luzzatto offering to help, just like when Mary was in the accident. I wonder if her "help" isn't directing the group to provide luck or power to Podesta. Even though her emails are syrupy sweet, I can't help but feel there are cat fangs and a bit of menace as an undertone. Was Podesta in trouble? was there another emergency? Turns out, if you look here through a timeline of Hillary Clinton's email scandal,here there is a bold entry on September 8, less than a couple of weeks before this comforting message was sent from Luzzatto. Clinton had gone from denial and fighting to an apology letter - admission. This was al over the news as well as her greatly declining poll numbers and it was a fire that needed to be put out, so Luzzatto almost sarcastically is saying, "Thought we'd see you turn up again, now that you need help."

Anyway it is a lot to read into this email but the email is total nonesense without a background of secret goings on and private groups that make Sunday brides out of major political operators. Politicos in the heat of a major election will do ANYTHING to win, we know that. It is not that far-fetched that they could be seduced into participating in black magic rituals to gain favors or if they believed it would give them luck or power. Podesta would have happily bent over wearing a pretty white dress or a nun's habit (bride of Christ inverted/perverted) every Sunday for a year I'm sure if he thought it would give him a win. The email text is below for reference-

From:[email protected] To: [email protected] Date: 2015-09-20 11:29 Subject: Thought I'd be sure you see you beautiful Sundays Reading bride

"We gathered to send to Sam's mom, a Founding Mother of the group at his parents' apt! And wonderful to see you -- please know I want to do all I can to help. Con amore, T Tamera Luzzatto"

Edit: I'd like to add, parsing every bit of this, that the excitement of "at his parents apt!" is also weird. If this is on the up and up a regular book group, why in the hell would it be so exciting to meet at someone's parents apartment? Because it isn't. It is illicit, and it is exciting when acceptance of the circle widens. Sam's parents are fine with our weird "Sunday Readings".

witch_doctor1 ago

This was a weird email I that I missed before. I definitely think you have the Founding Mother thing figured out...and yes, I think she was talking about sending power or spiritual energy somehow. Also significant to find another example to bolster your theory.

VieBleu ago

yes thanks for that. Let me know if you run into any others. I find them to be interesting puzzles.

witch_doctor1 ago

Will do...and I also love the obviously coded emails...

vanievilgenius ago

I'm afraid it is you who misunderstand. Statements like yours and Crowley's can be taken exactly as I stated and they frequently are. Which is why what he practiced was pure evil and why he himself did many evil things. The belief in personal truth (see your point A.) over a larger truth is at the heart of all of this darkness.

The rest of the points I summed up neatly in the prior post. These folks could easily say these kids true purpose is to be sacrificed. I'm sorry, that's just the way this stuff is written. There is no clear right and wrong delineated.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

lol you misunderstand occultism, although i don't know what drives them

So, you don't know what drives them? But you're confident enough to "lol" at someone else's theory?

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Gardiner was a freemason. His version of Wicca is an attempt to subvert Wicca and bring it into freemason thinking. They do this shit all the time, i.e. Judaism with Kaballah, etc.

VieBleu ago

Interesting. These webs are very tangled and complicated. When was Wicca established?

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Secret groups meeting to worship the earth mother and father are documented well back into the middle ages. And nature religions go to the dawn of human history.

VieBleu ago

But they weren't called "Wicca". Turns out the earliest mention of Wicca is early 20th century at most. Basically a post WW2 developement - neopaganism.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Yeah the 25 indicatea a group of 25 "Mary followers" Something is going on in Truckee, or wherever 'truckee' is refering to.

Godwillwin ago

I have not watched Rosemary's baby - I'm a ninny when it comes to spooky movies. So I just read a synopsis. Then I googled Dubrovnik pedophile because when the satanic couple go on a European "vacation" the man says Dubrovnik is his favorite. In the google search an article about woody Allen being a paedophile came up. Mia farrow, the actress that plays rosemary, says he raped their 7 year old daughter. She still claims this and tweeted about it during a golden globe tribute to him by Diane Keaton. Just thought it was an interesting parallel

rail606 ago

I have thousands of hours of research on esoterics. I have read a few dozen books and have spent countless hours on the internet researching. The occult is not some big secret like it use to be. If you want to know about it there is more text available today then at any point in history. In fact it is amazing how much esoteric knowledge is out there but its still being kept under wraps. I belong to a group on facebook that is 10 million strong. Bout 40/60 left handers right handers. I have read Aleister Crowleys The Book of the Law and very well understand Thelema.

There is also a middle path for western Buddhists. IMO it is a path with very little reward. It involves being neither selfless or selfish. More about avoiding pleasure/pain/anything. Kind of a numb path imo. I would rather feel good helping others then spend my days like a wall flower.

SO i guess I will ask you? How do you know what they believe how many hours have you researched the occult? Aren't you the one assuming that no one knows what they do because they are secret? Even though most of them allow open membership. But fuck signing my life away to some society.

And on the left hand right hand Wasn't really going to mention the magic part as most don't really believe in that shit haha. But my definition of left hand right hand is correct if you throw magic into there. Do I practice magic? Yes but it is just science has nothing to with magic. This is why you guys don't believe in it. The science of how all this shit works is a bit hard to wrap your head around. But we all practice magic daily. It is your very nature. When you recognize what is beneficial and what isn't life can be very enjoyable/energized.

All Christians practice "magic." Every-time they put there hands together to pray they don't even realize what they are doing haha. When they sing and spread joy at church they don't even realize they're getting rewarded for it. The religions all teach "magic"(science) but they don't tell you why to do it or how it works.

It is pretty much the best kept secret on the planet that Religion is the oldest Science.

VieBleu ago

Perhaps that is what it is supposed to be, but in practice "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" becomes an excuse to run over anybody in the way of what is desired. Crowley himself was certainly no paragon of restraint.


I have thought this as well, Planned Parenthood is sacrifice factory line

its why the Dems like to keep broken families in the ghetto - higher abortion rates, kids taken by CPS etc

Rigg5 ago

This stuff goes way back and has, in a few ways, perpetuated the cultivation of Pizzagate. It would be harder to believe the other way around, such as, discovering Pizzagate and blaming it on some kind of weird Satanism 'thing'. That 'thing' is a part of this. Denying it could be very naive and short-sighted. The more you research the occult, the more you find sprinkled all over this like extra pepperoni. These people aren't acting. They really believe it, and that is key to understanding the motives and belief system. It's in their art. It's in their communities. And it's in their damn food... :(

vanievilgenius ago

But Crowley explicitly states you can do what you will. Some people may believe they deserve to rape and murder children and that the children's higher purpose is for their indulgence. The problem with the statements these groups make is they can always be taken to very bad extremes. I realize he sugar coats the saying but suggesting you do your acts as you will with love.. but a murderer can easily argue he was acting in love and he may even feel amazing while committing the act (in fact probably does knowing what we know about those who kill repeatedly).

rail606 ago

He is not wrong. Freemasons, Skull and Crossbones ect there are a ton of secret societies. What do you think they do? Haven't you ever noticed how everyone in charge of the world believes in religion and belongs to one these groups?

They believe they can become gods/reach nirvana on earth. If they follow the left handed path it means do anything necessary to gain power; kill(sacrifice), steal, cheat and lie. If they follow the right handed path(no one at the top does.) then they believe in being completely selfless as a means of reaching nirvana. The right handed path also believes heavily in martyrdom. I follow the right hand path but I do not belong to any secret societies.

One of the goals of these societies is to keep there organizations secret. This is why you question the lengths they go to. Here is a decent video to watch that will show you how wide spread it really is.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Funny how that Skull and Bones flag has been flown for centuries. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the secret society that once had both major-party candidates for president as members.

I'm sure freemasonry is just a fraternal organization that's a few hundred years old...

EQJ ago

I have been wondering for over a month now, if right in front of our eyes is a list of 25 "close people" involved in "the circle" are who we need to be digging into further. they are all listed out in that email about Mary getting hit by the car.....

VieBleu ago

I think maybe yes..

VieBleu ago

I actually used to brush off the agenda of NWO, not because it isn't possible but it was just too pointed and too big. But I see more and more evidence of it now, and I wanted to bring up look at the newest issue of National Geographic. I know NG is an old fogey publication, but think of the veritas it carries. Their ENTIRE ISSUE this month is devoted to exploring the various terms of gender identity and sexual orientation. Down to a dictionary like page so everyone can learn all the terms. What in hell does that have to do with geography at all, or wildlife? so I wanted to mention that.

equineluvr ago

NG's board is full of J globalists and always has been.

vanievilgenius ago

They have polluted schools with their ideology. It boils down to subjectivism vs objectivism. Do you believe in a truth larger than your own? Most University professors these days are post modernists. They believe in subjectivism. Which is a direct offshoot of Crawley as if everything is subjective there's no real truth so you may as well indulge in whatever you want to indulge in. Whereas objectivism requires the acknowledgment of others and the potential for a truth greater than what you believe. And I can see how this can translate into a God vs no God debate as well... all this stuff is sort of making me think really hard about my own philosophy.

VieBleu ago

I'm not sure that post-modernism is an offshoot of Crowley, but food for thought there anyway. I think this is the reason for the malaise of post-modernism

Isn't obectivism the philosophy of Ayn Rand? She is absolutely the worst writer ever, and her philosophy is about being a selfish capitolist because anyone else is a weak lazy parasite. So not my cup of tea. But if you can extract meaningfulness out of it, I'm willing to listen. But writing "who is John Gault" over and over again and having a sappy ending about a shangri-la where industrialists all have to escape their bully workers so they may garden in peace is just bad writing. She is a genius at publicity though to make her awful book still have legs.

VieBleu ago

I agree with the runaway ego thing but def don't agree that MK Ultra is "overdone" if anything it is not discussed enough, and Alefantis is connected to it in my opinion. Because of this and that it is pretty clear if you've ever talked to anyone who has survived MK Ultra style programming (I have) that the Heavy Breathing videos/"music" is MK Ultra type brain entraining programming. Alefantis is the producer of a unit of CIA MK Ultra type materials. They make the "kid party" blackmail acts happen through brain entraining and mind control if that is necessary. The drugs employed help a lot to create an alternate world where the unthinkable becomes real. How much Satanism is in your pedo activity? How much pedo activity is in your Satanism - there are different tastes and styles and relationships, and the culture that Alefantis oversaw catered "so to speak" to everyone, the willing and the unwilling.

Alefantis himself could be a tool, egoist that he is, he could possibly have alters even though he clearly is a handler at least for Amanda Kleinman, the "band" members and others.

Disclaimer: This is all alleged and this is all my own opinion and theorizing based on the artifacts available online and elsewhere about MK Ultra,, Alefantis and the pizzagate investigation.

Cynna ago

I haven't seen these names mentioned so far, so forgive me if this is a repeat, but there are two very well versed men in the conspiracy/truth movement who have a great deal of knowledge about these secret societies and their beliefs and practices. Well, there's a lot more than two, but... One is Mark Passio, who is a former Satanic priest. The other is Michael Tsarion. However you may feel about them PERSONALLY - they can both talk until the cows come home and get really passionate about it - they both have a wealth of information that is very well sourced. Michael recently addressed the Pizzagate investigation on his Unslaved podcast. Of course they think we're all retards for being surprised by any of this because it has been going on for ages, BUT, they really do have a lot to offer in regards to the cult/society aspect, the psychology of it and who is behind it. It won't really help us with a factual investigation, but if you have an interest in the history of it, I've found them both to be good sources. I listen while I'm working and take notes for further research. I know this forum is dedicated to collecting factual information...but it's good to get a well-rounded in-depth schooling on the deeper issues as well. And I can't stress this enough...the more we get into this, the more we should be protecting ourselves, not just our personal information. We're wading in some seriously deep, foul waters here, the kind of stuff that can mess with your head and taint your soul.

VieBleu ago

I'd like to check them out - provide a link if you will not only for me but for others who may be reading along.

Cynna ago

Michael Tsarion & David Whitehead podcast for Unslaved

Michael Tsarion -

Mark Passio Main Website

YouTube is full of many, many interviews, videos and podcasts with both. Way too many to list. You have to kind of pick your way through it all depending on what aspect of their research is of most interest to you.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Maybe they are studying the oldest books of witchcraft, which are in French or Old French. It WOULD require study.

VieBleu ago

yes, I said elsewhere a lot of OTO style and Gardnarian and Crowlian and other ritual group magic is very specific and requires certain words be said in certain directions. They'd need to have it memorized and probably practice it so the ritual would come off - almost theatrically.

I'm interested in the 25 - we actually have the emails of the people in this alleged coven as a string of emails under Luzatto's when she is talking to Podesta about the Mary Followers after the car crash.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

25 is a sacrifice date. Dec. 25, etc.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Well, as I remember, the cult of Mary was encouraged by the church to get the Earth Mother goddess worshippers to be Catholic. I pray the rosary myself, and find it soothing in a different way to praying to God and Jesus. I will consider 25. Ruminate on it, with you.

VieBleu ago

Ah, correct me if I'm wrong but you are talking about the Mary Followers reference in the email? I take this to mean they follow John's mother Mary in their coven. Also Mary is injured (his wife) and she could be talking about their reverence for her too. She would be the 2nd Mary of the coven, being John's wife. Remember, Satanism is an inversion of Christianity. THEIR Mary would be the goddess, far superior in power and influence on their behalf in their eyes than the Mary cult of Christianity.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Yes, I agree. Just giving a little Catholic background. That they're inverting. I'm sorry you think all Christians are that dumb. In Mexico, criminals and outcasts, the poor, people with dangerous, lowly jobs have a "saint/demon" they pray to, Santa Muerte. she has a skull face. Kind of another inversion of the Holy Virgin Mary, but from their own ancient folklore. I must say, I doubt these birds are revering either woman like a goddess.

Disciple7 ago

directed by the Polish director Roman Polanski

Reading the the synopsis of the film, it lines up awfully well to the whole "hiding in plain sight" idea that is rampant in Hollywood.

YingYangMom ago

Yes, thank you.

shoosh ago

I had the same position and replied to a post yesterday of George Webb's recent vid that told people that the ritualistic idea shouldn't be the focus. I disagree with George and think it's a part of the investigation for the same reasons as you. The article ìs in the deleted thread section.

I questioned if it's true that CIA FBI system refuses to acknowledge ritual or if that's rumor, cuz although I like Georges Braverman series he's sounding CIA.


My theory is that it's more acceptable for the public to believe political elite are child trafficking than to believe their occult ritualists using children as part of their ceremony. What would the red states think? Church and state has never been separate except for the illusion of separation and that church has been christian. Hillary alluded to her christian roots in the pre-election roast dinner to keep up the public delusion.

The founding fathers well concealed their masonry allegiance. There are Underground sects of Bohemian grove, founding father masonry, thelema, and whatever coven Hillary belongs to, along with their modern off-shoots. I can't copy that link article on my phone but it was on this forum the other day describing Bills admittance that Hillary went to Cali for her witch group. Obama is whatever that was that came out of Rev Jeremiah Wright in chicago, and hybrid muslim from his youth incorporated into whitehouse daily schedules of allah worship. My opinion was that Obama was groomed and Rev Wright was the pre-election proof of christianity, but it was a cover to say he was christian coming out of rev wrights chicago style system as an appeal to the red state vote. Nobody bothers to check his cover. But he knows enough to do a thelema favor for somebody. His mother-in-law is santeria and he's got to know what that's all about.

It seems like a buffet.

Adding: I interpret distinctions between their close friends and their reading group and followers group. Books and prose had questionable pedo stuff and it makes me wonder if thats their code for ritual group. Of course they could read up on ritual belief information as part of the book group and rituals group as a double entendre - double meaning.

HunkaHunka ago

This is very strange because there is a TON of real life evidence paralleling what went on in Rosemary's Baby, for example real life celebrities in satanic cults IN THE DAKOTA, women drugged unconscious for sex, child sacrifice hinted on the periphery of groups like AHAB (Artists Helping All Blacks) named after King Ahab, the Jewish King of a child sacrificing society The Canaanites . who worshiped Baal as the sun god and as the storm god - Canaan Baal = cannibal . The elite Jews are cannibals. Madonnna lived half a block from The Dakota, Cosby a ten minute drive across Central Park from The Dakota, Cosby was in AHAB with knighted Sir Sidney Poitier, and both played the role of black physicians, Cosby an actual gynecologist. In Rosemary's Baby 'Tannis root' is really Tansy, an abortifacient and menstruation-triggering witch ritual herb, these people eat semen, ovum, fetuses, human brains, etc. to get the mental edge.

Evidence linking Bill Cosby to satanic cult at The Dakota:

VieBleu ago

The piece I am looking for now is why 25? what is the significance to them of that number. I looked through some Crowley stuff and that number didn't specifically come up. Maybe they decided that was simply the outer limits of a coven they could handle - 12 men, 12 women, 1 High Priestess Mother

Solver2 ago

Mary is John Podesta's wife apparently.

VieBleu ago

Mary is Podesta's wife, but also the name of his mother.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I don't think so, we've read about Bohemian Grove, the Franklin Scandal, MKUltra, as well as the references to paganism in these peoples emails. Not to mention the influence of groups like Skull and Bones, who use pagan/satanic rituals often.

VieBleu ago

Agree. The emails show a hardly veiled occultist group asking favors of Podesta, discussing their closeness with his wife, and insinuating themselves into their lives.

Rigg5 ago

The whole occult background and the spawn of the lies and pedophilia, sacrificial killings, desire for war, list goes on. Just because we don't believe in it, doesn't mean that THEY don't. They certainly do-- and they do it to serve themselves and their God. This is very clear in their actions and explains the evil group-think.

anonOpenPress ago

Something (but not everything) doesn't match. This need some work. Thanks OP for this insight, worth a lot.

YingYangMom ago

Is this why Podesta's circle of friends often send him pictures of their infant children and grandchildren, with details of their weight, height and names? For Podesta and his mother to judge and see if maybe their child might possibly be the Chosen One? The next 'Rosemary's Baby'?

VieBleu ago

That was about a specific ritual to creat an AntiChrist. Are you actually familiar with the book and the movie? probably not, as that would not be the kind of entertainment you would seek out.

Be careful about jumping to conclusions. I have noticed that the Jesus Followers here at pizzagate are eager and of value, but are unschooled about Western familiarity with occult subjects and concepts. LoPhatt was making an analogy, NOT a literal suggestion that the group around Podesta were actually creating an Anti Christ. No, they were not sending details about the kids to see if any of them were a Chosen One. We don't know exactly why but it may have been more on the lines of shopping for a child that would fulfill certain tastes in pedophilia.

YingYangMom ago

Don't patronize me about being Christian, what does that have to do with anything? I'm not a fanatic and certainly not as close-minded as you'd like to think I am. You're comment is down-right derogative and discriminative. If I weren't such a good-natured person, I'd call you a hypocrite because iirc, you were the first one to get offended on @ich1baN thread about the 'Talmud being accepting of rape on 3 year-olds'. I don't like to discriminate and I don't condone anti-semitism and racism either. And if you were trying to prove your intellectual superiority over Jesus Followers, you failed miserably.

I am familiar with the movie, seen it a couple of times. What I know is that you make it sound like you know more about what Podesta and his group are up to than any of us are. If they are part of a Thelema cult, it is very possible that they engage in orgies, SRA, fertility ritual ceremonies, et al. And what proof do you have to support the argument that they don't engage in such a ritual that envolves the creation of an Anti-Christ? I wouldn't be so quick to put it past the Podestas, but hey, what do I know... I was merely pointing out to a suggestion. Nothing more.

VieBleu ago

I wasn't the first one offended, I was the only one that bothered to try to have a rational discourse with Ichiban, the thread was deleted you remember right?

You guys have really touchy and quick tempers - you aren't here to be fawned over. If you don't like my honest opinion of the naivete of the Jesus Follower group about certain issues, too bad, you are here in a public forum that is not particularly Christian oriented so youj'll have to develop a thicker skin. I felt your comment was naive and if you think any criticism is condescension, then that's your weakness nothing to do with me. However, I am sorry to have made you feel that way inadvertantly. You don't have to know everything, I don't consider it discrimination to try to correct a poor assumption. I know I don't know everything, so when it is pointed out to me, I can accept it. Why can't you?

I've done more to "prove" they may be into mother/son incest, ritual sacrifice, blood sacrifice, black magic and etc simply with the book I quoted and the logic of my post than you have done with your wide eyed questions about OH ROSEMARY'S BABY ARE THEY GETTING THE MEASUREMENTS OF KIDS TO FIND OUT IF THEY ARE THE CHOSEN ONE?! Try backing up what you assert with some documentation for a start - that's what earns respect here, not a tongue lashing by Mom.

When dealing with these topics, try to show a little restraint and not jump to the wildest conclusion without supporting it. Wouldn't hurt if you did the same with your touchy angry grouch stuff as well. We are on the same side, like it or not.

Looking back at my response, it was quite measured and reasonable. If THAT ticks you off to such a degree, maybe forum culture isn't for you. Good luck.

ich1baN ago

I like how you insinuate that since it was deleted that it was somehow illegitimate. It was deleted b/c Millennial_Falcon lost the debate and was COMPLETELY delegitimized and devalued as a Mod... He still hasn't responded to my rebuttal that I linked him to 4 separate times b/c he knows his logic was defeated and he couldn't be made an example of for all VOAT to see.

VieBleu ago

A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Stop trolling your old fights and do something worthwhile.

YingYangMom ago

You guys have really touchy and quick tempers - you aren't here to be fawned over.

I'm not. You could have just chosen to overlook my comment, but something must have really bothered you about it, because you took the time to reply to it in such a derogatory way that I wonder what it is about it that triggered such a condescending and discriminatory reply.

I see you took the time to edit and delete the particularly incriminating parts of your comment. I was going to quote them, but now they're gone. Nice.

From this act alone, I gather that you are a cheater and a lier. Yes, I wish I would have archived your comment, but had no idea you would go to such lengths to look like you're innofensive and innocent of any wrong doing. Now that I know the kind of a person you are, I know what to expect and how to handle you. By the way, in order for you to insult me, I first have to value your opinion. And I don't.


VieBleu ago

Actually you are the liar. I didn't delete anything, I added a reasonable "sorry" to you which I now retract. If I never hear from you again seriously it would be too soon. Until you guys can control your tempers here you offer a continuously outraged distraction, with meaningless and unsupported wild assertions based on your misreading of esoteric subjects. OMG ROSEMARY'S BABY ARE THEY GETTING DETAILS ABOUT KIDS TO SEE IF THEY ARE THE CHOSEN ONE??!! Is seriously the absolutely stupidest thing that has ever been said on the entire /v/pizzagate subverse, beating even Ichiban's assertion that EVERYONE KNOWS THE MOON AND STARS ARE SATANIST SYMBOLS. There I said it, and since I can't insult you, that shouldn't be a problem.

Oh and I edited this to ADD a tone of robust condescension, just so we are clear.

YingYangMom ago

I was talking about you deleting parts of your first outrageous reply to me, which never included any apology. The one which starts with:

That was about a specific ritual to creat an AntiChrist. Are you actually familiar with the book and the movie? probably not, as that would not be the kind of entertainment you would seek out.

But who cares.

VieBleu ago

you are seriously off the deep end now. Truth is I never insulted you, but I certainly will now, and freely. actually it is you guys who throw around the insults so fast and furiously - especially Ichiban. Nice church you all go to for sure. What a bunch of hypocrites.

YingYangMom ago

You DID insult me and then deleted it. This is the classical way 'they' manipulate people, and the world for that matter. They do things, deny them, blame others and then act as if they're the most innofensive, misunderstood, unfairly judged victims the world has ever seen. Poor you! You must be one of 'them', because you use the same tactics and harbor the same agenda and mentality. You've been exposed, shill.

equineluvr ago

It's called "gaslighting."

YingYangMom ago

Yes, definitely.

VieBleu ago

AND she's off again... It's the Jesus of the Last Word Congregation brought to you courtesy of St. Hypocritus.

VieBleu ago

The "old" probably relied on homosexual acts, adultery, maybe a murder or hit here and there, and maybe a more rare occurance of child sacrifice. As homosexuality normalized in a liberal democratic milleau, not only did the acts have to become more and more underage but the lust for power and the MK Ultra style music, art and drugs led to an increasingly depraved efflourescence of "the scene" folding in the business aspects of human trafficking of slaves and organs, children for young blood, and for pedo acts for blackmail and orgies of decapitation oriented ritual sacrifice for an occult subculture flourishing and drunk on its own power and invincibility. Their art really does reflect their lives.

Even though we say and know "this kind of thing" has been going on forever, I really do think that what we are witnessing is the spillover evidence of an "untouchable" subculture that started to step almost "out of the closet" near the circles of power in a way unprecedented in modern times and certainly in America. The American taste for showing off, for fame and the rise of social media (must take a picture of everything and share it, must let people know who I rub shoulders with) ran smack into the elite control mechanisms of old, creating a new and to old European eyes probably Vulgar Display of what had been kept properly secretive for centuries. And if they were doing it at the top, everyone who was a social climber or wanted to be near the top did it too. Certainly any politician that wanted any real power had to do it, probably even asked to be compromised so they could get on with their agenda, whether they had a taste for it or not. Thus we have CPP right in the middle of it all from 2006 - 2016, with James Alefantis as the alleged terrifying intimidation and blackmail man and Impressario of Fear running the hub cover operations which did the gruntwork of processing and laundering through physical premises and chains of ownership as well as a gay information network, making him The Pizza Palace Power Broker, Fixer, and Favor Maker, 49th power of DC, tieing it all together. His Achille's heel though is his arrogance - Majestic Ape - and arrogance leads to a belief in one's own godhead. Inevitably, that gets sloppy.

equineluvr ago

Research the TRUE history of the U.S., and you will get your answers.

I do agree with "Their art really does reflect their lives." And yes, Americans show off.

But some of your dots are incorrect, so there's no way they can be corrected properly.

waybackwhen1987 ago

this is exactly what I imagine when i try to piece together the whole occult side of the story well written!

X_Bandit_X ago

NO NOT a "Psych-Op" see My comment on Robert Steele.. He opined it's Based in Wisconsin..

VieBleu ago


VieBleu ago

there would be more than one occult group, with bases all over the place. What he said was to paraphrase about "the group based in Wisconsin" which may be the one that elevated Priebus.

I also think you are too optimistic about "we are getting close", unfortunately. Steele himself outlines 3 ways things could go, and two of them are pretty bad.

VieBleu ago

See BAdGuacamole's video - he talks about PizzaBrains and Pizza slut - the CTR shill pushback on the Satanism/Occult angle by (them) claiming it is a "psy-op" used to control the kids they are holding and thus "not real". I disagree with the shills of course.

BadGuacamoleTV ago

Search Tikkun in the emails! Kabbalah is RAMPANT in Podesta's life


Here is why:

I have boon doing this a long long time.

VieBleu ago

No doubt. I theorize he is personally a kabbalist when it suits him, or nothing at all when he needs a break, but is beholden to and sometimes pressured for favors or renewed contact by these pseudo Crowleyists around him. They could have blackmail material on him, and it feels like they are always insinuating themselves into his and Mary's lives, with significant points of contact in the past with his brother and mother, then less contact for periods of time. There are probably a few circles of varying styles of ritualistic cults circulating in DC, all fawning for and trying to get blackmail material and initiations of high powered operators susceptible to what they are offering.

BadGuacamoleTV ago

Dude.. I bring up thelema and kabbalah in the current vid i'm producing about jP.. Not pandering.. Just wierd i brought up my notifications and saw this. I didn't spend very much time in this thread, so the coincidence to me (you brough up crowley) is LOL funny :)

VieBleu ago

gotta link to that video? cheers

BadGuacamoleTV ago

WARNING!.... Jesus is talked about :)

VieBleu ago

I let the Doobie Bros say it -

BadGuacamoleTV ago


VieBleu ago

holy guacamole? ; )

BadGuacamoleTV ago

funny shit

MolochHunter ago

Our quest for certainty can lead us to false either/or propositions. We should appreciate the diversity of the paedo community. Some are old-school ultra elite initiation and re-commitment rite perps, victims, and victims turned perps. Then you have the more modern CIA brownstone op, perps, victims, and victims turned perps, and then you have 2nd, 3rd generation perps, victims, and victims turned perps who continue to 'practice' outside of - or with only remnant connections to- the official fold. These are the more visible ones as they do not have the resources or backing to avoid detection or justice

edit p.s. good job, you've convinced me. I was on the fence about whether Podesta's spirit cooking was just his interest in freaky artists, or whether it was genuine occult practice. I think we can safely deduce genuine occult practice in light of this info

NotOfIt ago

I know you are hot on the trail of the 25 children, but another detail caught my attn which may be an aside. She lived in Chicago before DC? Wondering if any there was any overlap with Obsmas' timeline. If someone wants to look into it. I'm not 'autist' gifted.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

Eventually, it all rolls up to the same place. Elite Satanic pedophiles, CIA, freemasonry, Jesuits, Kabbalist Zionism, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderbergs, Skull and Bones...

They're all aspect of The Cabal that runs everything.

equineluvr ago

And they are all Js or cryptos. And I am NOT talking about Judaism.

party1981 ago

I think this is exactly right, and I told George Webb basically the same thing.

Maybe it started out fake with Alister Crowley and British intelligence a century ago. Now we have 4+ generations of spies and victims. People like James A. seem to be MK Ultra victims who really believe this stuff, and may even have fake identities.

Phenomenonanon ago

Alafantis def has aka's

VieBleu ago

I appreciate the feedback.

VieBleu ago

We should appreciate the diversity of the paedo community.>

Ouch - can't get behind this wording - how about "understand" instead of appreciate. The rest is interesting. There's a book in just that sub-subculture for someone.

MolochHunter ago

point taken, my meaning was 'we should appreciate that *there is a *diversity' I'm keen to note I'd hate to be seen as one who is trying to soften community resistanc to paedophilia, and ESPECIALLY when we cannot trust to a functioning State to do the right thing, contempt, ostracisation, opprobrium and even hatred are the primal mechanisms we are given to reinforce morality.

So to those paedophiles making videos asking to be 'understood', I understand, but you must understand that my hatred - in measure - is my child's best defence. So sorry, but its better you live in fear. That's how it should be to prevent the unthinkable.

VieBleu ago

It is very natural for humans to go to great lengths to protect their young. That is what we are doing here, and anger is part of it.

YeeeHa ago

Soros, Madeline Mccann Coloboma Defect & StemCell Harvest

To begin, we are discussing the genetic anomaly which occurs both in the eye of George Soros, Madeline Mccann and members of the Rothschild family. One of the moderators of this forum has correctly pointed out the rarity of this condition here:

If 1 or 2% have it, then this could easily be coincidence. However, it is MUCH more rare than that. This is an extremely unlikely coincidence (although we must acknowledge there's still a possibility it's a coincidence).

estimates range from 0.5 to 2.2 cases per 10,000 births That's .005% to .022% quote @Millennial_Falcon OK, So the genetics of the condition are thus.... The PAX6 transcription factor within our DNA is responsible for the congenital mutation within the Iris we see on the aforementioned, for the PAX6 transcription factor plays a major role in the development of our eyes, brains, in particular our olfactory (sense of smell). Many of you will be aware our olfactory is responsible for some of our oldest and deepest memories. This is because the olfactory, unlike the functions of the other senses, is processed uniquely through more extensive channels of the brain.

It should also be noted, the olfactory bulb is responsible for the production of stemcells.

That's right, adult neurogensis.

That is to say, stemcells within the adult brain. I would hazard such a discovery, as it is known can regenerate organ tissue, would be a fundamental element to human cloning.

Now how does this relate to pizzagate?

~~~ "In modern times, it has been suggested that the mark in Sigurd's eye was a result of a congenital mutation of the PAX6 gene."

~~~Well if we consider the programs of the Nazis, to create a super race, we might consider which particular genetics might be considered the holy grail for eugenicists. This eye condition is found in the art of many of the alleged perpetrators of pizzagate. discussed here

Why do you we suppose that alleged occultists would have such a strong desire to show this condition symbolically.

"Sigurdr had a defect in his eye, that many believed to be an image of an Ouroboros, more specifically, the Ouroboros Jormundgandr."

"In Norse mythology, Ragnarök is a series of future events, including a great battle, foretold to ultimately result in the death of a number of major figures (including the gods Odin, Thor, Týr, Freyr, Heimdallr, and Loki), the occurrence of various natural disasters, and the subsequent submersion of the world in water. Afterward, the world will resurface anew and fertile, the surviving and returning gods will meet, and the world will be repopulated by two human survivors."

Perhaps they are after very particular stemcells, the ones from this particular lineage, which they presume to contain a very special kind of DNA.

equineluvr ago

"In our study no pathogenic PAX6 mutation were identified. This suggests involvement of other coloboma genes."

It is PAX2, NOT PAX6!

salinaslayer ago

If they truly believe this trash, that could explain the Antarctica connection, putting the world's two greatest nuclear powers at war with each other, etc

VieBleu ago

not sure you meant to post this under this submission - I get it you are saying yes to my submission question and saying this is why at least in part. Ok.

throwaway345678 ago

Ritual Abuse/ MKULTRA is real.


Here is the root source.

hanknut42 ago

No the only reason for the abuse is for rituals these fuckers are clinging on to the hope that their false god will save them from the grave. Look up Alister Crowley he said you used ot have to terrify the vicitm before consuming their blood for the androchomos

Millennial_Falcon is editing peoples posts CALL HIM SPEZ DONT TRUST HIM

VieBleu ago

Yes. The occult aspects of pizzagate are being pushed back against and called "just a psychological operation" and "not real" for those who may not have noticed.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I used to laugh at/feel sorry for satanists. I thought they were a bunch of losers who listened to German death metal, dressed like creeps for attention, etc. Then I moved to an American city with lots of satanism. I quit laughing fairly soon. I hate to say it, but their magick works. The opposite, our prayers to God and Jesus work, and bring peace of mind. But there is no peace of mind in any of the forms of dark work. No rest for the wicked is true. For those who don't see, watch the Lars von Trier films. He thinks Satan is the God of Earth. The one with Willem Dafoe, the couple whose son fell off the balcony. The end of the world one. I'm terrible with titles. Lars was an alcoholic. He quit, and couldn't create, so went back to it. He made Nymphomaniac. People underestimate the role alcohol plays in evil doers deeds. Both Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer got very drunk to do their murders.


the Willem Dafoe movie was ANTI-CHRIST

VieBleu ago

There is magic without it being Satanist. Satanists are the flip side of Christianity. Nature magic is not Satanic, but is occult because the church forced everything not Christian to be "hidden".

It ALL depends on intent. If you are grabbing for power and materialism, and will hurt others to get what you want no matter whether a Christian, Satanist, New Ager or Hindu or Bhuddist, etc then you are empty inside with a voracious need to parasite on others. There are people that can wear all black, and listen to heavy metal music, that can be much better people in spirit and heart than the most celebrated and closeted pedophile Christian priest.

The DC Satanist/occultists were power mad and didn't care who or what they hurt to get what they wanted. This is evil, and you can do the same thing and call yourself a Taoist Buddist or a Fundamental Christian.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I think ALL false religions were created by fallen angels with the intent to take humans away from the one true God, YHWH (God of the Bible).

The other religions and occult practices all accomplish the same goal, to deceive us from the one true God.

Just my two cents...

And yes of course Christians can be and do evil as well.

VieBleu ago

We have formed an alliance across religions and atheism to fight this common enemy which is heinous to all. Human young are to be protected, valued, and nourished.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

Gee, it's too bad you hate Christians so much. It really interferes with your extensive intelligence. I wrote "dark practices" or dark something, because I didn't want to limit to Satanism. As for people's clothes and music, again, you would pass me in the street and have a different idea. Well, you vastly underestimate me, but that also can serve a purpose. Mind how you go lol.

VieBleu ago

I promise I don't hate Christians at all. But there is a lot of lumping in alternative folks with Satanists, especially it happened with Ichiban and a host of asian christians that came to this website with the Chinese researcher. They have an attitude that anything that isn't strictly Christian is specifically "Satan worshipping". Chinese Christians were proselytized by missionaries so they tend to be a little more fundy in some ways, but "blasphemous" in others for example being born of the Virgin Mary means Jesus was born in September in the sign of Virgo. They are called Followers of Jesus and their churches are a really big and growing phenomenon in China, and tolerated by the state.

This is one of the things I enjoy about researching this horibble topic - I really do learn so much about topics I've never even considered before.

If I came off as a hater of any kind that is not my intention. I don't like extremist generalizations about religion or spiritual practice about any group, Christians, Atheists, or anything in between. And by and large yes the people who think they gain power from black magic or Satanism pretty much have a bad intent. Ive just known too many heavy metal people that do it all for fashion and don't even think birthday wishes over a candle on a cake can come true.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I really was talking about 3 neighbors, nice young (I assumed Satanist because of a nearby bookstore they loved) chaps, that I knew when I first moved to that city. They liked German death metal. That was before I knew ANYTHING. Yes, I can't count how many people I've dated into metal. "It's always the quiet ones"-i say that as the cliche for laughs. No harm done. Nobody's more surprised than me that I turned out Catholic.

VieBleu ago

Great name btw - wade in, in style.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago
