equineluvr ago

It is PAX2, NOT PAX6!


In our study no pathogenic PAX6 mutation were identified. This suggests involvement of other coloboma genes.


Millennial_Falcon ago

Eh, we don't "let" people post here. We just enforce submission rules. If there is something obviously fake about his videos, please name it.

hanknut42 ago

the big smile at the end of his video when he was being threatened by james? check my comment history timestamped in there. also the meme in pizzagatememes smiling and selling shirts

Millennial_Falcon ago

You think a person is incapable of smiling after they've been threatened? It was kind of a nervous, strained smile. Also, he shut down pizzagategear and is refunding the money, since people were giving him grief over it.

hanknut42 ago

its doxxing is it not even if he is doxxing him self? he uses his real name and in that thread so does the Mod i thought doxxing is against rules?Millennial_Falcon is editing peoples posts CALL HIM SPEZ DONT TRUST HIM

Millennial_Falcon ago

I thought your claim was that he's lying. Now you're concerned about him "doxxing" himself?

VieBleu ago

something squeezing your nut today? - sticks and stones grandpa.

hanknut42 ago


VieBleu ago

you are wasting your time with me, and that's fine.

hanknut42 ago

welcome to my block list not even gameofthrones is on it lol Millennial_Falcon is editing peoples posts CALL HIM SPEZ DONT TRUST HIM

VieBleu ago

And now I'm deprived of your daily grump diarrhea? made my day trust me. Free to say whatever I want about your trolling and you'll never know it? suits me.

VieBleu ago

people do care, and he didn't "let" him have a field day - it's pizzagate related. Alefantis' threats are not a distraction - they are front and center of this discussion.

AcrobatAnthromorphic ago

Alright I shall amend the post

Millennial_Falcon ago

AcrobatAnthromorphic, rule 1: told you again and again. this is way too speculative. most of the people and kids posted in LegionWill the shill's original post about this did not even have coloboma. they have much more common conditions.

AcrobatAnthromorphic ago

Also, in my studies of Law, you just breached your websites own datasecurity by associating my current account with different accounts on voat. You do realise that, right?

derram ago

https://archive.is/ayVB8 :

Maddie McCann and the baby in James Alefantis' instagram account have the same extremely rare eye disorder. : conspiracy

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