Eastwood350 ago

The Jennifer Argueta in the post who works for the birthcare org. isn't the same Jennifer Argueta who wrote the email to Mary Podesta.
The one that wrote the email worked:

-Special Assistant to John D Podesta

-US Embassy to the Vatican

-Chief of staff to President Bush

-Sponsorship Management to the Clinton Global initiative

https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-dudley-argueta-9b939625 http://imgur.com/a/MHPFxImgur Album

Her husband is a film director who appears to make films regarding immigration. Here's their facebook links.




One thing that is rather strange is her husband in in his 70's, I couldn't find her age but she did say she was in Guate back in 2010 and there to adopt. (Rather late to adopt in life) There are no pics of a child other than one stock photo of twins, so where is the child she went down to adopt? And her FB page has an update where it states on 10/31/2016 that she started working as a fund raising consultant and lives in NY NY . One might assume it was for the Clinton Global Initiative and must now be laid off because that was shut that down.

awarenessadventurer ago

I have a boatload on Luis Argueta I planned on posting but please do! If I have made any errors I woudl like to fix them. This has poured in one connect leading to another. I beg to differ on the midwifery. That very same "Jennifer" that was assistant to Podesta IS related and a midwife. I will fix any errors if I am wrong. Its a little overwhelming and I have been at it for days and have barely touched the surface let alone posted all I have yet. I would love to let the better researchers take this and run with it. I am doing my best but I also have a business to run and my husband needs me. He is getting worried about how much time I am spending, doesnt think its healhty. He is right... but whatever... I must. I have to. I cant NOT.

Pokes ago

This is good research if you can establish that Kevin Argueta is related to the Jennifer Argueta in question. Or if Franco Argueta is related to her, because I'm not comingup with anything when I try to find a conection between them, although I'm not saying that there isn't. And, much though I hate to say it, it appears as if the pictures of the Jennifer that @Eastwood350 posted are not the same as those that you posted. I believe them to be two different people. The midwife you linked to is not the one who worked for the Us Embassy to the Vatican or for a POTUS' chief of staff. Curious how you made these connections. Appreciate your business and family lives' demands but it would be helpful in determining if there's any reason to continue digging. Since you presumably were the one to make the connection, and not by just typing Argueta into google to see what you could find, I'd hope you could provide the source from which you inferred the connection. Because I see people with the same last name. That Kevin Argueta stabbing case did sound fishy, it almost sounded as if the author alluded to the possibility that there were pedo reasons pertaining to her 3yr old daughter that she stabbed the man, and that is pizzagate related. But who is this Kevin to the Jennifer who worked in the white house or with JOhn Podesta or the pope? Why, do you think you have the right Jennifer sitll? I get you're tired, but really, he linked you to a source that appears good, and it contradicts yours which is kind of the crux upon which your submission hinges. because while the stabbing article is fishy, it's not evidence of anything, and while the creepy artist was likely a pedo, i'm not sure the gallery that argueta owned necessarily is guilty by association when his art was seemingly tame enough to be hung in a sandwich shop he worked in.

"Snorsky, who drives a new BMW, was living and working at a sandwich shop in Aurora after the took him in.

His artwork was hung on the walls at the shop.

However, at least one prominent art venue in Denver rejected him for being 'too creepy.'

Consortium 816 gallery severed ties with Snorsky just one week after contracting with him about a year and a half ago, owner Franco Argueta.

Argueta said one painting Snorsky submitted depicted an angel chained down surrounded by lions and demons. He titled it 'self-portrait."

Geo_synchronous ago

John Podesta is almost 70 yrs old and he wants to adopt ? RIGHT !!! That fucker wants to eat the child.

awarenessadventurer ago

and.. more podesta Argueta / police connections.

Here is Luis & Jennifer Argueta in Stamford Conneticut with Jonathan Fontneau, Chief of Police of City of Stamford CT. https://www.facebook.com/LuisArguetaDirector/photos/rpp.218066865060937/360403114160644/?type=3&theater

The thing that is interesting about this is he works with a.. AUGUSTO PODESTA and they work with Sourth American children/art/child services. I am digging there but foudn them mentioned on many community / child based projects in Stamford.

I think Augusto is another POdesta "adopted" child. more on that in the new thread but this stuff is coming quick and I want to capture until I can compile. I am doing it here for now.

Now here is something interesting about the Police Chief. Former Stamford police chief found dead in apparent suicide Louis DeCarlo lead the department from 2001 to 2004


and "There's nothing I can fathom why this happened or why it would happen to anyone," said Police Chief Jon Fontneau who was personally handling the investigation. "It's very sad and we just have to watch out for his family at this time." Fontneau served under DeCarlo in the department's Youth Bureau and reported directly to him as commander of the midnight division

We have identified another pedo cop. PLEASE HELP FIND EVERYTHING YOU CAN ON Augusto POdesta of Stamford Conneticut AND Police Chief Jonathan Fontneau, Chief of Police of City of Stamford CT

This deserves a sub of its own. Lets get this guy.

awarenessadventurer ago

Ok.. getting more strange. Luis Argueta has another page. Guess who is on his cover photo? LUIS AND THE POPE!!! holy fuckballs.


awarenessadventurer ago

**Jennifer has been tipped off. She hid her friends list.. guess I could go see if its in the wayback machine... she had so many contacts named Podesta and others. We need access to this. **

awarenessadventurer ago

Rolando Argueta (connected with the Istituto Modela

(along with Luis Argueta that is connected with Jennifer Argueta and TOny/Jon/Mary/Mae Podesta. **

Guess what.. .THIS guy was elected the new President of the Supreme Court of Guatamala.**

They have protection from high up perhaps...


I am starting a new thread I think. This is getting convoluted from the orignal title. I will copy over what I have to the new Sub. Let me know if anyonen disagrees...

awarenessadventurer ago

Fuck. I am not sure if I should start a new thread just called ARGUETAS PROVIDE CHILDREN TO PODESTAS. I have found almost every single argueta is involved with Children, Adoptions, DC, Politics and possibly bestiality. For example

Luis Argueta (Jennifer is in his cover photo on FB: **Guess who is following Luis? noneother than TONY PODESTA ** https://www.facebook.com/luis.argueta.739/about?lst=693656760%3A721960017%3A1488241539

LOTS of questionable photos on his page you could peruse I wont bother posting. He works with the Breeders I think he is also into bestiality (just a hunch based upon the dog fascination and strange comments on dog photos (that is a sideline GROSS)

**But this is even more interesting Luis Argueta. owns a productiong company THAT MAKES FILMS. He lives in new york and travels ALOT. The films feature family members and foreign children. ** http://www.imdb.com/company/co0110993/

Only 4 films listed on IDMB. a cover? I want to find the films but they will be in spanish. I dont speak spanish very well. Just some italian.

Here is a Vimeo list of films. OVer 50 films. I am convinced the film company is a cover/sideline and they make child porn in poor countries like guatamala.

I am going to leave you with just this one film for now. called AGOPHOBIA. I think it speaks for itself in symbology and transhumanism. https://vimeo.com/72681903

A time beyond humanity and within a digital world. A new fear of the distant human past in a future where technology has manifested all life The Ram encounters fantastical beings, defying his position to escape this world.

This makes me think of the murals at Denver airport and the theme of eradicating indigenous bloodlines. ** My question from everyone is should I start a fresh thread just ARGUETA's because I have ALOT coming together on these people. I am positive they are very directly connected with Podesta's and seem to be main suppliers to the family.Opinions welcome.. I feel overwhelmed there is SO MUCH on the Argueta family and they have there fingers in children and trafficking. ****

redditsuckz ago

Tony Podesta adopted 3 children...

Tony’s first marriage had ended bitterly, with his ex-wife claiming in court that when they split he undervalued his income by roughly half and, by doing so, reduced his child-support tab for their three adopted children.


redditsuckz ago

John Podesta email response includes a picture of a dog. John says "She looks kind of mean" https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/31081

That pic might have a hidden picture inside of it...possible some steganography going on.

awarenessadventurer ago

Also both cops that got arrested for sex with a minor both were K-9 cops. Still work there. Police Chief Fontneau thinks its all fine to ahve sex with a 16 year old. He see it as consensual. Fucker. DOGS are a theme. I will post more later as it is less important than identifying people.

awarenessadventurer ago

it does. Its a dog. I believe Jennifer is into bestiality. She has a fair number of pictures of dogs/kids. This picture is out of context. And this email to Podesta while in guatamala 'adopting' a child. And she sends a picture of a dog. Wtf. Here is the pic http://tinypic.com/r/2qamhc5/9

redditsuckz ago

Edit/note...the Jennifer Argueta of Birth Care is a different Jennifer than the one found in the Podesta emails;

Justin Barrows;


Justin Barrows is gay yet married to Vanessa Thomas and he is going to a midwife for their baby;


This alone would raise suspicions with this place;



Photo and Video of Annual Adoption Day Celebration by jabbaroos AKA Justin Barrows - Nov. 22 2014


The guys a bastard and shouldnt be around babies.

Are theses midwives delivering babies without registering their birth certificates?

There are spirals on the pillars at the BirthCare place;



gt8h65fg ago

Mary Podesta's job is arranging kids for foreigners? Then kids bewteen obama and his tranny boyfriend must be...

redditsuckz ago

Tony Podesta also adopted 3 children...

Tony’s first marriage had ended bitterly, with his ex-wife claiming in court that when they split he undervalued his income by roughly half and, by doing so, reduced his child-support tab for their three adopted children.


25 kids adopted...

John and Tony Podesta's mother adopted 25 kids after moving to Washington


awarenessadventurer ago

Mae Podesta is Jons daughter Podesta’s daughter Mae emailed him in December, 2015, telling him they should make a charitable donation that day because it would receive a 20 percent match from another donor. To make the donation, she asked for Podesta to send over the family’s credit card information. http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/15/john-podesta-gives-away-credit-card-info-in-latest-email-leak/

Email regarding Mae Podesta procuring an apartment for John/Tony in New York https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/53510

Re: hi

From:[email protected] To: [email protected] Date: 2015-03-05 16:11 Subject: Re: hi


Trying to get home, but will stay if trains get cancelled. I left my ring and bracelets on your dresser. I'll be back more regularly. What scandal? A few e-mails that we've asked be made public? On Mar 5, 2015 12:32 PM, mae_podesta@mckinsey.com wrote:

what did you think of apt?

I'm heading back to NY tonight. Any chance you're staying in nyc b/c of weather (or scandal?

Mae Podesta McKinsey & Company mobile: +1 973 980 9357 [email protected]

I think these guys 'adopt' kids from other countries (Mae is a person of color) and Mk them as children and then put them into elite schooling (Mae went to Columbia) and then into high level positions so they have the POdesta army to do the bidding of these sickos.

I think Jennifer was taken from Guatamala as a child by the POdestas and has been raised to be a 'midwife' pawn adopting and delivering children for perverted uses. I am absolutely positive this thread will lead to some solid findings just trying to put it together. Trying to find another OLD article about the adoptions of Mother Podesta and another article about Tony adopting 3 children and we know Jon has adopted some as well. I found more about this but I am checking references in the articles.

Rmm ago

ya think? Probably true!

Eastwood350 ago

Op Redditsuckz posted 8 days ago about Justin Barrows (Jabbaroos on Instagram) going to the same birthing center with his wife that Jennifer Argueta worked at. I can't find the post and wonder if it's a coincidence or there is more to this center than meets the eye.


you are right!! so she is midwife of jabbaroos!? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1660696/8123738/10#8123738

that would be a pretty crazy coincidence then.

Eastwood350 ago

Jabbaroos went to the same birthing center with his wife but it's not to say that Jennifer Aguera was their midwife.

awarenessadventurer ago

Through FB Jennifer Argueta - USED TO WORK AT THE WHITEHOUSE. There is a picture of the dog she sento Skippy on her main feed. https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.argueta.5076?pnref=friends.search

Works at Fundraising Consultant Former Development Director at The Futuro Media Group Worked at White House Went to J W Sexton High School Lives in New York, New York From Lansing, Michigan

She has her connections to GUatamala http://www.vogue.com/134343…/guatemala-insider-travel-guide/ ref link to this woman also appears to be related to Jennifer El Salvador - Children stolen during Civil War case http://poundpuplegacy.org/node/29720?sort=desc&order=Document

awarenessadventurer ago

and... I found a Mae Podesta (of Columbia University) FB page and guess who here friend is? Yes.. Jennifer Argueta! https://www.facebook.com/mae.podesta/friends?lst=693656760%3A100008944411861%3A1488228921&source_ref=pb_friends_tl

redditsuckz ago

Jennifer Argueta Worked at The White House;

-Special Assistant to John D Podesta

-US Embassy to the Vatican

-Sponsorship Management to the Clinton Global initiative



Husband Luis Argueta





Police Chief Jon Fontneau - another pedo cop connected to Podestas Arguetas /Youth Services / Murder


A note here that there are 2 different Jennifer Arguetas and the birthcare lady might not be connected to podesta.

Full Moon: Bring on the Babies - - from OP's pdf link


There are spirals on the pillars at the BirthCare place;


Mary Podesta Facebook;- Wife of John Podesta also friends with Jennifer Argueta


Tony Podesta Facebook;



Mae Podesta Facebook;



Friends of Mae Podesta;

Jennifer Arguenta Facebook - Midwife at Birthcare



Notable Friend of Podesta Family;

Tamara Lazzato Facebook



Tamera Luzzatto sending children for Podesta's entertainment


Relatives of Mary Podesta Family the Spieczny's;

He is survived by his wife of 63 years, Mary Gabrielski Spieczny; his children, Mary Ann Podesta of Washington D.C., Thomas Spieczny of El Paso


sponiatowski ago

There are lots of art galleries, adopted babies, South American countries and abducted children around the Podesta's. Is that an understatement?

equineluvr ago

Nope, not at all!!

awarenessadventurer ago

this woman also appears to be related to Jennifer El Salvador - Children stolen during Civil War case http://poundpuplegacy.org/node/29720?sort=desc&order=Document

throwaway89209834 ago

I would appreciate any comments about usefulness of including email links like this or if they should be excluded in the bot's search since it might be too generic and distract from focus of topic.

LostandFound ago

Good work kill links to the megathread might be less useful as its got a bit of everything.

jw4vc ago

My first instinct is it is a distraction. If the bot was to summarize entire email chains and provide links to other chains between the sender and receiver, this would be more useful.

throwaway89209834 ago

My first instinct is it is a distraction.

Thanks for the feedback.

If the bot was to summarize entire email chains and provide links to other chains between the sender and receiver, this would be more useful.

Woof, that is a big task. I am testing Natural Language Processing against the voat threads to see how that picks out key phrases on longer discuss posts , but doing analytics like that against emails would require a whole different program to be written and I can't work on this full time, I need to eat!

equineluvr ago

A big THANK YOU to you for all your hard work! I love and appreciate the Bot.