micha_ ago

Could you communicate what you mean, please?

micha_ ago

Ben who?

Hangdempedos ago

Her new favorite book accordig to her FB page. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Little_Life

MrGodspeed ago

A quote from the wikipedia page that gives a summary of the book:

...the damage to his (Jude's) legs was caused by a Dr. Traylor, who picked him up and held him captive for 12 weeks when he was 15 and eventually ran him over with his car.

Here, again, we see the subject matter of children being kidnapped, abused, raped, etc., as the focus of so many of the elite's books, artwork, music and movies.

micha_ ago


derram ago

https://archive.is/h4q38 :

WEDDINGS; Tamera Luzzatto, David Leiter - The New York Times

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