redditsuckz ago

MORE Podesta "Relations"

Luice Argueta and Jennifer D. Argueta and Jonathan Fontneau, Chief of Police of City of Stamford CT. has just recently been disabled from Facebook archiving...

awarenessadventurer ago

OK This might also need another sub. Stamford Conneticut is a Hive.

First we have Dr. Augusto Podesta - a Pathologist in Stamford CT

HE IS THE OWNER OF STAMFORD HOSPITAL. NOT JUST A PATHOLOGIST> HE OWNS THE WHOLE FUCKING HOSPITAL. Company: Stamford Hospital Title: Md Pathologist Company: Stamford Hospital Title: Owner Augusto H Podesta's Experience Title: Md Pathologist Company: Stamford Hospital Job Details Title: Owner Company: Stamford Hospital Company Size: $250 mil to less than $500 mil - Employee Range: 1,000 to less than 5,000

He is connected with this dirty cop in Stamford AND Tony Podesta on Facebook AND Luis Argueta. (which I have more on him)

Then we have n Adriana Garrone Podesta - aImmigration Attorney at International Institute of Connecticut

Podesta Relatives that are all related to Dr. Augusto Podesta who is Followed by or related to Tony Podest /Jon Podesta:

The fucked up things is there are MORE adn they are all connected. I need to start a new thread on Podesta Kids because I am finding the South American connection. They are all in medical, legal, Social services related to children and immigration.

Those Podestas raise an army to do the bidding and control it all. Its insane. I think I cracked something here...

my head is about to explode. I have a mountain of links on Podestas/Argueta connections. Its insane. It is NY, DC, CT for almost all of them. Many of them have some kind of Sourth American decent. Ie- Pricilla went to university of Panama.

I still need to explore. HELP. starting a new sub but this shows the connections between all these people and the dirty cop.

awarenessadventurer ago


**Here is another Possible Podesta "adoptee" Dr. Augusto Podesta ** see the connections to Haiti project, etc on FB. He is a ** Dr. Podesta is connected to Feed My Starving Children Which is in MINNESOTA! The Mission?Feeding God's Starving Children Hungry in Body and Spirit
This one deserves a looksie.. Dr. Augusto Podesta needs a thread all his own as well.

1st CONNECTION - I have more but need to vet. So all of these guys are part of an organization called "Neighborhood Links" now renamed "Building One Community"

1. Dr. Augusto Podesta 2. Jon Fontneau 3. Luis Argueta

ARE ALL MEMBERS AND SPONSORS OF THIS ORGANIZATION IN STAMFORD.** Looking at the donators lists it is a whos' who of the elite. I have to go through it still. Thought the names list are a good resource its all connected. I guarantee...

NEIGHBORS LINKS - check out p.8 "We have constructive relationships with the Stamford Police Department and the City of Stamford, as well as local immigration attorneys and other community leaders. These associations benefit our community at many levels. We work collaboratively with senior officials from the city, addressing issues that affect the community we serve. Police officers attend our programs, from community presentations to Family Nights. They often stop in to chat for a few minutes while on patrol in the neighborhood. These visits are very effective in developing the community’s perceptions of police officers and other city officials, and enhancing their willingness to interact with each other." oh really... I think that the second guy in is one of the cops who texted the 16 year old and kept his job.

PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS ORGANIZATION IS NATIONWIDE. WITH GLOBAL CONTACTS. This is full of leads. I have only just posted based upon the 3 dickheads above. I am sure there is more. This is an organization to watch. It could stand on its own for a sub.

awarenessadventurer ago

I dont know what this is for... can you elaborate bot?

equineluvr ago

The bot won't respond. :) Someone here kindly wrote an algorithm to search for related threads. Those are the results you see above. Very helpful, isn't it?

awarenessadventurer ago

NOW I SEE! OK. YOU are very helpful. I am not as saavy on that stuff. But I see ... yes. helpful... thank you.

awarenessadventurer ago


Here is a pic of Luis Argueta, Jennifer Argueta & Chief John Fontneu

Here is all of the pics from the Stamford CT event lots of names, big wigs. Luis was keynote speaker.

Notice his cover page. Luis Argueta with the POPE. Obviously connected. Tony POdesta is a follower on both of his facebook pages.