huskyfly ago

hello this is lactose, they wont let me comment anymore and i dont know if they will repost the dc girl attack....please b my guest and do anything you want with any of the info.i think the citizens here should be able to judge for themselves and show the video.

awarenessadventurer ago

I never found 'the video' just a video with a woman pretending to do a job interview who is apparently a finder. PM me with other links and I will post.

huskyfly ago

huskyfly ago

Najma Aala @fucknoobabyy she is also on lipstick

huskyfly ago


11-11 ago


(re John podesta's mother Mary... ) A 2004 Associated Press profile noted that her home cooking has raised millions of dollars for Democrats and benefitted a whos who of candidates. Among them are Sen. Tom Daschle of South Dakota, the current minority leader; Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York.

someone may have already quoted this article but I didn't have the time (right now) to read through to find out. sorry if it is a duplicate.

AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

Please provide proof that:

1) these Podestas are even related. i have had other friends with the same last name as myself that I wasn't actually related to. Even some that gasp are FB friends with me. Also, it might help for you to know that Italian last names, such as Podesta, don't actually mean that you're related. Italy is known for having the largest number of surnames for its population - true - however, sharing a last name does NOT mean relation! It might be an indication that you're from the same village or same province, but not absolute proof of relation.

2) that this pathologist is the OWNER of the hospital. where did you get this info from? because no research that i have done seems to indicate anything other than this guy being an employee of the hospital and in fact, his office is NOT even AT the hospital! it's at the hospital's backoffce/admin headquarters where there happened to be practicing doctors. i have access to a large platform of financial data, including ownership data, and nothing I can find puts a Podesta or anyone related to him on the board or even high level positions. the hospital also is a member of the NY-Presbytarian Network of Hospitals, so it's not completely independent. and again, nothing I can find proves that this random Podesta is even part-owner.

3) that chief John Fontneau is who you say he is. I have met the guy before and he is a standup individual and not someone that I would could imagine would be involved with this kind of thing.

I've lived in the NY metro area my whole life and very familiar with Stamford as I used to work there. I am pretty sure that this, and your other post about Fontneau, are flat-out disinformation. Stamford is not a "hub" for child trafficking unless you can prove that it is. I've noticed a disturbing trend where someone boldly claims that something is something and that the burden of proof is on the skeptic to prove it's wrong, when in reality it is completely the other way around. Anything less is intellectually dishonest.

This is prime example of potential disinformation or outright quackery intended to distract from focusing on Comet Ping Pong and the DC area happenings.

@mods, can you flag this as questionably sourced?

awarenessadventurer ago

So... you know Fonteneu AND you used to work at Stamford Hospital?

Then perhaps you can explain why they are paying to remodel a private home used for CHILD TALENT MANAGEMENT Singer Express? Youll see the post...

I am considering you as questionable as well....

I see that you lived in New york your whole life.. perhaps you know of FRETLESS PRODUCTIONS in New York? Stamford Hospital pays for the business remodels of the CT office. Perhaps you can explain that?

AndPodestaWasMoLesta ago

I don't post much but I have no interest in mucking up any investigations. One of the worst things about this whole pizzagate thing is that there is so much dis and Mis info out there.

I don't know much about either of those cases however I can tell you that stamford hospital buys up a ton of property in nearby areas and possible other towns for the future when they have bought out an entire block or two - so they can then build a new building. That's how the latest massive renovation was done. The Beaty streets were ghetto projects and they bought out landlords one by one until the last one gave out - then them demolished and built the new facility. All of this took place over about 20 years. I can also tell you that they would rent out some of the purchased homes in the mean time so as to not come out in the red on property taxes. I knew the person in charge of renting them out to nearby college kids at icon Stamford. I believe her name was Lisa Bradd, Brat, Brandt - something like that. They even renovated some houses that were shitty in order to get college kids to want to live there.

If you send links about the two cases I would be happy to take a look. I am not so closed minded that I shut out info. No shame in admitted that I could have been wrong.

Also Fontneau is definitely political and later I distrust him because of more gun laws that he is trying to lobby for CT state to pass, throwing his weight around it. So if he is involved with dirty stuff I wouldn't be surprised knowing what I know now. I just do not believe he killed his precious boss. That's what I find hardest to believe.

So yeah send what you can and I'll gladly take a look. Thanks for your time

crazimal ago

The photos of Mae Podesta online show that she looks Mediterranean, Italian or Greek.

Biracial WTF?

"Created" WTF

Intellius makes a connection between people with the same name.

Intellius can't tell if they are related.

Intellius commonly will return results like listing a father son and grandson under the same name (even if names are different) at the same address, or listing one person at multiple addresses when really it is other family members at the other addresses, or unrerlated people of the same name.

Intellius is only useful when you cross reference it against a bunch of other things.

I hope you didn't have too much wine.

Commoner ago

It seems to be that going down the Podesta road in investigations is going in the right direction. Breitbart's focused on Podesta with his tweets. And whose emails did WikiLeaks release? Podestas! So thank you for doing this research!

Pokes ago

How gullible are all of you? Do any of you know how to critically thinkor did you just not bother to read her submission, you got wet at the mention of the name Podesta? Because I have reread her post just to make sure I'm not being obtuse and I am convinced it's not just bad research, but outright intentional subterfuge.

"There is almost always a SOuth American Connection (many are brown/mised race) Many are in high level positions medical, legal, Social services related to children and immigration. They are ALL related. But still many missing links.

Those Podestas raise an army to do the bidding and control it all. Its insane. I think I cracked something here..."

Did you all manage to just forget how to think for yourselves when you read the above passage? Because boy that's a lot of having cracked something with no actual contribution. What'd you discover? They have a wealthy doctor in the family? That he has a son who has a job you've provided no proof for there being anything unwholesome about, who is marrying a reporter, who you conclude is a Breeder? What the hell does that mean? Why do you make that jump? I've noticed something about your posts, they tend to have some links to official sources, but ones that don't demonstrate anything. Then you tend to make huge leaps, like this wealthy family have a dr in it, his son married a reporter, and the john and tony work dc so clearly it's a triple-pronged conspiratorial spear raping the children. I'm as eager to catch these fucks as anyone, but you do a disservice to the investigation not explaining why you draw any of the conclusions you do, and I am convinced you do it intentionally. that you are a paid shill seems clear.

awarenessadventurer ago

Poor Pokeymon... at it again. If you could quit stalking me I would appreciate it. Again, not contributing just being negative. I may have to block you if the mods dont first. This is getting really really old. GO AWAY. you are wasting time and space.

50hurtz ago

But could you please provide sources though? We're trying to be logical here.

awarenessadventurer ago

I wil be updating this document as I said in the post. I was getting harrassed and had been up for 2 days so I didnt finish. better now.. more later.

Pokes ago

I'm making an argument. I'm not attacking you ad-hominem. Sorry you don't like being EXPOSED FOR BEING A TROLL OR SHILL.

Pokes ago

And, for the record, I believe the POdestas are scum, that Tony and John are pedophiles and likely responsible for the abduction of Madeleine McCann, profit from exactly what breitbart called John out for, and are likely Satantists, based on Spirit cooking angle. Although, in truth, I'm not even sure Satanism isn't either a front to make the accusations seem insane, some sort of fabricated secret society subcultre used to initiate/brainwash or at least get dirt on members, or merely the front for genetic/organ harvesting. I think Alefantis is both a pedo and probably CIA, that most of the media is CIA, that most of the CIA is in on this sort of stuff and has been using it to blackmail gov'ts for generations. I don't believe it's unique to the US or mossad, that honeypots have been used by intelligensia the world around since at least the 70s, and that many NGO's and likely gov't agencies have been co-opted by the deep state that profits from this arrangement, if they weren't always just a front for this. Slavery still exists, and I don't just mean sexual. This investigation is important and I value and praise the people who I believe are doing tangible honest work towards exposing this disgusting enterprise. I often just scan and ignore what I don't consider meaningful work, comment constructively when I do believe they are working in earnest, and dig myself when I believe they are on to something, but with this contributor/user I consistently feel that they are reaching, never demonstrating any of the claims they are making that matter, and are also behaving very personally like a troll towards me so I am compelled to inform others that I believe them to be intentionally dishonest.

Pokes ago

Oh Voat, if you're new to this "contributor", allow me to inform you that you've been had. I am confident she's a paid troll and I will explain why.

It looks like Mae Podesta is not a woman of color, it looks like the hospital is only worth $250-500mil, not that it brings him that much in in a year, and I fail to see how doing a genealogy of the Podestas constitutes making connections. This entire post is pizzagate unrelated. It should be called "Yet another waste of time wild goose chase shit post from an easily verifiable paid troll!". But she talks about the Podestas! No, actually she mentions Brian but does no real research on him, so again, you've etsablished they have a rich Dr. in the family, that they marry other wealthy familes, like elites usually do, and little else. But she claims that the United States Soccer federation in Chicago is producing films on demand, doesn't provide a link. Isn't that odd? Isn't that the single most startling revelation? Yet we should take the author's word for it? You're welcome to, but I've already studied them and am convinced they are a paid troll. Go check her submission contribution history. She's a trojan horse and you fools are eating it up happily.

Again, what's the revelation? Podestas are affluent? They are related to other Podestas? All those worthless genealogy links and not one for any of the supposed connections to pizzagate or to anything nefarious. But she makes some leaps she doesn't substantiate that I guess none of you noticed, or maybe you've all outed yourselves as rubes or paid trolls too.

"Lauren Thoren is in Media and considered "an agressive reporter" She is of an elite bloodline. The perfect Breeder." Is a perfect example of the types of arguments she makes in her submissions. They're not in any way substantiated, they're based on her hunches. She does claim to have made connections between things but never includes links to them, even though they would be the only things of worth in any of her posts. Then she atacks the commenters for asking her for links, or to substantiate her claims. Enjoy being had you schmucks!

Pokes ago

What bamboozles your mind? Podestas are related to Podestas? I get that they're an affluent family, possibly groomed for roles of power. But again, what's been shared above that is such mind-boggling? I'm not being coy, please explain it to me!

SpikyAube ago

I'm seeing what you mean. Could be over-excitability and enthusiasm coupled with being bad at backing up all the details. Some people are not good at presenting research, most people here aren't professionals in that field, so I think it's better to first assume it's lack of experience/skill before assuming paid shillery.

Pokes ago

I feel you, I'm all for that. But i attempted to engage this person in a dialogue the other night and saw them pull out the shill tactics. Literally spamming my past comments with downvotes which i'm not sure how they have they have the ability to give, as they don't have the sufficient contributor points. But yeah, they called for a campaign to remove me from the boards, attacked the size of my penis, literally called for the other trolls and shills support. And, in that instance, i was merely asking her to link something specificly suspect, as she was screaming fire, without demonstrating any smoke. In this insance I feel like she's doing damage control, trying to add something remotely credible to her contributions, and even then she insists we're on board with podesta cloning copies of himself, she looks created, breeders, etc... other unsubstantiated nonsense. and that's the sum total of the contribution. I don't think she's just mental. I think she's here to misdirect, waste our time. It's too consistent. If I produced such ridiculous nonsense that consistently led nowhere, was never added to the executive summary, and was generally conjecture based with huge leaps coupled with links to official sites with seemingly nothing suspicious about them, I'd probably stop posting my theories as their own topics. Furthermore, she's outright hostile to anyone who doesn't agree. So i think otherwise, although I hope I'm wrong.

shakethetree ago

Link back to another thread on Podesta Relations: Podesta, NCMEC, and Washington Post: PIZZAGATE

Jem777 ago

There is something strange happening here. These are not all children in the same family.

Mae*Podesta was quoted as if she adopted 25 children.

I think we have stumbled upon something significant here.

Who are these "children?"

Are they intelligence operatives using the podesta name in the field.

awarenessadventurer ago

I think they are breeding an army. Mind control, ritual abuse adn then big rewards financially. These people may even be programmed and controlled by handlers in a manchurian candidate scenarior. It is my gut. I think they rape, breed and steal children. I think the hospital is a major hub as is Stamford. I know its big. I havent even posted yet half of what I have. I will but Ineed to take a break or I am going to spin out. Any help we can have to compile links into a single thread just on relations it woudl be awesome. I know some smart person is going to come along that knows how to map this stuff into a visual so we can get th bigger picture. My brain is fried.

awarenessadventurer ago

DON PODESTA - Father of NCMEC CEO Brian Podesta

DONALD PODESTA Donald Alan Podesta is in his 50s Donald Has Lived In * Walnut Creek, CA * San Mateo, CA * Concord, CA RELATIONS: Donald's Relatives ** 2nd acct *** Brian Podesta * Patricia Podesta * Tony Podesta * Anthony Michael Podesta * Anthony R Podesta * Diana Podesta * Patrick Podesta * Jane Podesta

BRIAN PODESTA - Brian W Podesta is in his 30s Brian Has Lived In * Gainesville, VA * Falls Church, VA * Fort Lauderdale, FL BRIANS RELATIVES * Emlyn Podesta * Diana Podesta * Patrick Podesta * Amy Podesta * Don Podesta Brian works for NCMEC (we know about him)

TONY PODESTA is in his 30s Tony Has Lived In * Creswell, OR (current) * Manteca, CA * San Leandro, CA Title: Supervisor Company: Peterson Power Systems, Inc. Company Size: $250 mil to less than $500 mil - Employee Range: Less than 25 Tony's Relatives * Renee Podesta * Donald Podesta * Patricia Podesta * Stephanie Podesta * Stephaniee Podesta











These above ARE ALL RELATED TO EVERYONE IN THIS LINK> I will go fill in the details on these later. But they are all related for sure according to intelius. Some have multiple profiles. I havent even begun with social media and Link'd In yet. Its a DEEP DEEP WELL. Seems like they have a very tangled web and a Podesta Army.

THERE ARE MORE! So many... will update soon. Looking to build a geneology somehow.

twistedmac11 ago

People are apparently getting banned on Twitter for tweeting about Brian Podesta. We must be onto something!

2impendingdoom ago

Oh boy! how do you know Mae is of color? I thought she was the daughter of Mary and John Podesta. Anyway, this Connecticut break through is huge, great work here. there is definitely weirdness in CT. Bush family was originally from the area and you have skull and bones at Yale. All the wall street banks have buildings in Stamford. This area of CT to the NY border is called the Gold Coast due to all the massively wealthy hedge funders living there, but the urban areas are very poor and drug/crime infested.

Also, the soccer link is interesting, the Paule Carres cousin Michael was looking to do some kind of soccer program near Kalamazoo, MI maybe they are in it together?

awarenessadventurer ago

Her pictures. She is bi racial but she does look like a podesta so I dont think she was adopted. I think she was created.

Here she is glassy eyed with "Daddy"

They DO have a soccer program. I havent gotten to that yet. PLease by all means add a post. Hoping to add individual posts on each kid. I am not really good at this stuff but figuring it out. thanks for the other tips. I see LOTS of Yale, Bankers, etc.

Sharipie ago

She does seem to have Posestas eyes and that long flat mouth. Created? Hmm.. Not so far out there anymore.

2impendingdoom ago

I did post on john and mary's three kids and the paule carres cousins a long time ago. I'm not sure Mae is biracial, it looks like she is just well tanned. but it doesn't matter in either case. There should be more Chicago cousins and some McCarthy cousins too, I'm just not sure how they are all related.

awarenessadventurer ago

Me neither but I did find a chicago connection and lots of Podestas there too. I have to stop for a bit..I am spent no sleep, no eat, my husband is upset and my business is being neglected. I will continue but I have been on this hard fo rthe last few days my health is suffering and I have anxiety from finding this stuff. I like my life. lol.

Woudl you mind following through with those and posting what you have on this thread? If not, cool It woudl just help as you are likely better at this than i am.

I believe she is bi-racial. I think from Indian decent.... for sure. I am 100% its not a tan.

2impendingdoom ago

take care of yourself!!!

awarenessadventurer ago

thank you. I am about to go for a walk with my dog tonight. Its snowing... I need to breathe the mountain air! This shit is NOT what life is about but what else can we do? If not us, then who?

2impendingdoom ago

:) & love to the pooch

awarenessadventurer ago

so much. they bring everything into the moment! I have a good one.. he is smart as a whip and more fun than 98% of the people I know! LOL. cow dogs are the BEST breeds.

Kawksnahch ago

How.... how big is this family going to get? Do we have a running list?

Like... I assume you left Gerry Podesta off since he's already been covered?

awarenessadventurer ago

I just havent gotten to him yet. would you mind making a comment post JUST with info from Gerry? I am overwhelmed. They are like cockroaches. But really I am acutely aware that many of these people have been stolen or created, abused, mind controlled and made into what they are. Dr. Agusto owns a FUCKING HOSPITAL.. I am sure it is Hell on Earth in the basement. I am sure they are doing Mind Control, Organ Harvesting, and more than likely MAKING BABIES. SO fucked up. I am a little afraid to contribute anymore as I dont want to be targeted as a researcher. I am hoping many many others step in who are much better at this than I am and puts together all these links. I am drowing in connections. And they are centered in Conneticut. They involve Podestas, Arguetas, Corrupt Cops Jon Fontneau and a wicked web of EVIL.

Its a spiritual war for me.

banenya ago

We are awakening to a Brave New World Order.

Kawksnahch ago

Not really my role :/ I more explore rabbit holes and trigger things when I notice connections. I'm like a dual nuance and big picture person, who picked up on this because of MK Ultra stuff when it started... whiiiiiich is why it's not driving me nutty like it is to some people. This is... been staring at this for over a decade.

All I'm finding is stuff from 2014:

Mr. Gerry P. Podesta has been Senior Vice President of Dispersions and Pigments Business, North America at BASF Corporation and BASF SE since November 1, 2014.

This is BASF's website. They're a chemical company based out of Germany. I wonder if they had similar beginnings as IG Farben/Bayer:

Astrodreamer ago

Dispersions and Pigments Business = glue factory

Kawksnahch ago

that would mean the opposite too... right? Solvents to break down materials?

murphy212 ago

In 1925, BASF merged with Bayer, Hoechst and three other companies to form I.G. Farbenindustrie AG. Between 1933 and 1945, I.G. Farben played a central role in the Nazi economy

Kawksnahch ago

Ooooooooof course it did.

God damn it. It's the same fucking players as always.

redditsuckz ago

Luice Argueta and Jennifer D. Argueta and Jonathan Fontneau, Chief of Police of City of Stamford CT. has just recently been disabled from Facebook archiving...

awarenessadventurer ago

can you paste this into the Jonathon Fontneau thread? It belongs there too...thank you if you would! :)

Vindicator ago

You rock, awarenessadventurer. Not just in your research and post, but in the way you are herding the Voat goats to keep this tangled web as organized as possible given the limitations of the platform.

Pinging @RebelSkum, keeper of the Pizzagate wiki so he is aware of these connections. I can't help but wonder if there aren't some Podestas at Dyncorp. Or whether any of them own private aircraft who share tail numbers with aircraft known to be used by the State Dept. like Epstein's.

RebelSkum ago

Thanks for the ping, and good work @awarenessadventurer!

awarenessadventurer ago

thank you for that. I am feeling discouraged and very sad today. I have so much yet to update and post but I am tired. I may need to find a new venu.. this one seems to be very compromised and I am not a professional researcher so opening myself up to this is affecting me and my family. Its hard enough as it is to look into without all the pushback.. I think I will compile on my own until I have it all in one document and then maybe post that way. Put it out there and walk away. I found LOADS on the Stamford Hospital... i realize how deep and wide this goes. I am losing hope in humanity. Its hard....

Vindicator ago

Believe it or not, awareness, 300 IUs of 5htp (serotonin precursor) and 5,000 IUs of Vitamin D3 every day do wonders to fend off the dank sad malaise this stuff can bring on. I do my bit on here for the cause almost every day, read dozens of posts about evil shit every week, and this little supplement combo keeps me steady.

Please ping me if there is anything I can do to help you, or if there is anything in particular you find concerning here on the board. DO feel free to ban users who harass you; mods can't ban for that on Voat. Ping mods directly or DM them -- we don't always see stuff sent to mod mail or posted in v/pizzagatemods right away.

RebelSkum ago

I get the feeling. It's been some dark and dismal times, and the outlook is sketchy to say the least, but don't be afraid and do what you can. Worst case scenario you can go down knowing you did whatever you could.

Keep it real!

Seems like you could use this: , and maybe check out the podcast I just put out:

Hope's not completely lost just yet

Celticgirlonamission ago

Private aircrafts ugh one just opened out of Chicago, and I know it has ties to bill Clinton because of a pic of him there...lemme go find the post and see if I can put link up

Celticgirlonamission ago

B Coleman Aviation out of Chicago they have a FB page with a pic of Bill, B Coleman was one of the senders of Podestas emails "insurances to be made" was he title of email, Here are the screen shots I got a while back

Baxterbaxter ago


It takes a village. They have the butcher, baker, and candle-stick maker.

equineluvr ago
