privatepizza ago

Here's a 2 minute youtube video with more info from the guys who broke it yesterday. It cites other emails with talk of 'book group' and 'leading a circle of 25'. Could be of help to researchers. I'll try to find the email numbers and post them here too.

privatepizza ago

Great find... wow really you couldn't make it up. Let's get digging ; )

reasonedandinformed ago

The more you dig, the more you see how they consistently talk and act the same way, with the same messages and themes.

reasonedandinformed ago

There is a picture reference to the original email. Has anyone opened that email to look for steganography in the picture?

privatepizza ago

Don't think so.... this just came out yesterday, but someone will surely look. Good thinking.

Alpo ago

I just thought of something. Demos is a Greek name. Thelema is a Greek word. Podesta's mother was Greek. Maybe they are just using a Greek word and this has nothing to do with pizzagate.

privatepizza ago

Maybe something to do with a favour in Greek?

Alpo ago

I think we need someone familiar with Greek language and culture to help with this one.

Alpo ago

There are a few things out of place here. The email address from which this message came starts with jgdemos, which would imply that this person's middle name begins with G. They also say they are in Chicago. The author of the Satanic-related books is John Putnam Demos, and he lives in Massachusetts. There is a John G. Demos in Chicago - I found a webpage about him but couldn't archive it and don't want to link to it directly.

Secondly, this is a very peculiar use of the word "thelema". Thelema is a greek word which means will or desire and is found numerous times in the Bible. It doesn't seem to be referring to black magic here, but it isn't entirely clear what it is referring to. It could mean the desire of the intern's mother to meet Obama, but that is a bit strange. The writer of the email must expect Podesta to know the meaning of the word, though, and since it is such an obscure word which is most often associated today with black magic, it does seem very strange.

throwawaa ago

From the email:

This is an email from satanist author John Demos ( to Mary Podesta, John Podesta's wife.

... Since John is no longer with the email address I have for him, would you please forward this "thelema" (favor) to John ?

Our internist, of many years, has a 95 year old mother who is in "Love" with President Barack Obama. ...

DigForTheKids ago

I haven't seen Alistair Crowley's name come up yet, but there is something very important to know about him. This might sound hard to believe, but George W Bush's mother, Fmr. First Lady Barbara Bush, is the biological daughter of Alistair Crowley. I know that sounds insane, but trust me, it is true.

privatepizza ago

Is that father and daughter? She sure looks like him....!

privatepizza ago

Crowley's name came up for me when I was researching the fish and number 14 on Podesta's palms. Also, there's a few mentions online of Marina Abromovic being connected to Crowley too, online. This is where I'm headed next....

privatepizza ago

I was seeing that while searching around but didn't take notice. guess you can't discount anything in this game. Could you post some info we could archive?

DigForTheKids ago

Pauline, her mother, went over to France and stayed with a friend that also was having Crowley as a house guest. She came back pregnant. If you don't believe me, just google Alistair Crowley Barbara Bush, and the evidence will come up.

jc2017 ago

I think this is very important considering Crowleys book on sacrifice: " For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force. A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim"

privatepizza ago

I agree, very important, and could be 'almost' proof ? There's not another 'Thelema'.

That's an excellent resource you found, thanks.

Also, ties in with the whole #SpiritCooking and Marina Abramovic investigations.