MaryWolf ago

Hmmm...interesting. NBC did an article on "Hillary Clinton's Campaign Is Powered By Pizza" back in 2015..

and Hillary admits being guilty of it in a reply tweet about above article with a pizza icon.. she really does like her pizza...,cs_srgb,w_620/MTM1MzA3MDAxMjMxOTQwMDYy.png

Hillary Clinton speaks to voters at Need Pizzeria in Cedar Rapids, Iowa...with creepy pizza skull and cross bones pic...

Meerika ago

Okey, so Tony Podesta is not suggesting to invite pizza girl for Hillary, but the date is a bit suspicious. It's not the first time that the date for their party is a satanic feast date. Right?

Stukov ago

In regards to Thelema unless Podesta/Clinton are perverting the teachings there, this wouldn't have much to do with the whole torture, rape, and cannibalism.

Alpo ago

There is another thread about the "thelema" email:

Cbradio ago

Lol it is solo close..

Cbradio ago

Look at my comment under Webb.found bigbig

Cbradio ago

I looked up Hilsry..I see its used by ones to cash her all over web..could be typo, but podesta emails already reveal that they know Shes crazy..but they don't care for they just want even more entitled access up..and they all know they are ALL MAD CRAZY ILLIGIT.. sure they laugh about her..sure she does it there are a lot of typos in wikileaks but they all ignore.

Hey read my comment under web, found something BIG BIG BIG

Cbradio ago

I'd edit florr but maybe I'm doing coded language..

Thrulkggls ago

Hillary also rented out Robertas pizza for a private party on a satanic sacrifice date in (I believe) September (search Podesta emails for Roberta's). Would also be interested in just what the "PizzaPAC" referred to in both Podesta emails (with pizza logo for Hillary) and by Stratford, who set up a site (no longer registered). Sorry no links...not in a place in which I can include them, but they are fairly easy to find.

Thrulkggls ago to satanic holidays .... to Hillary schedule for private party at robertas pizza 9/21/2012 ... and to "confidential" card for hrc with reference Can't find stratfor mail, but these have all the info

jstayz44 ago

This is the event for which the invitation reads "Pizza for the Party," which in and of itself is a strange way to word the invitation, and brings us back to this illuminati card previously posted here at

OrwellKnew ago

Interesting remark in that email "Do you wanna do pizza or try to sell to terry event"

What is meant by "do pizza" or "sell to terry event"? Do the child or sell the child?

And Terry McAuliffe, former DNC chair, current Governor of Virginia and long time Clinton ally?

Has anyone looked into HIS creepy ass? I bet he's a pedo extrordinare

srayzie ago

Oh wow. I never read that but figured they would get off on the power they have over the people. Can you imagine? People could even catch Hep C or something.

IlluminatiKing ago

I thought they loved to eat stuff like lobster risotto, not peasant food like pizza.

Bouchart ago

These rich millionaires don't eat pleb food such as pizza, I'll tell you that.

heretolearn ago

who's going to sneak into the party and do some recon?

BigSmeez ago

It was 8 months ago :(

heretolearn ago

i'll do the next one if it's on the west coast

Kwijibo ago

Pizza or try to sell to terry event

Terry is probably Terry MCalliffe the DNC chairman.

Theupsidedown ago

The Comet pizza sign is also a partial unicursal hexagram, aka the star of thelema. The edges of the sign share the unique geometry - if the lines were continued, it would be the completed unicursal hexagram.

Bubbha ago


WITLESS ago the smegma.

wgvdl ago

For sure. Bees are collecting free stem cells and inject them under the foreskin.

TheGodHead ago

Everyone knows grass is the key to immortality.

Cbradio ago

I think Hillsry is a neg term for her..they now Shes crazy..

throwitawayn0w ago

April 10th is supposedly the last day of Crowley writing The Book of The Law. I wonder if Aquino was there.

ArthurEdens ago

Oh shoot, that Thelema day is a new connection. I haven't heard that before on here. Great find.

srayzie ago

It just seems odd to me that all these rich powerful people would be having so many real pizza parties. I would think they would be eating expensive elegant food that the tax payers pay for. I thought that all food had to be prepared by their people anyways. I doubt they have like 20 pizza ovens going at once. If you were the elite, would you be having actual pizza parties? Maybe with their families. But not the rich snobby elite.

Hazilla ago

Exactly what I've thought from the start, why would they be obsessed with eating pizza and pizza parties, wtf.. Pizza parties is something you would associate with kids not normal adults, let alone top elites

Stukov ago

And to even have Stratfor have massive excel spread sheets tallying pizza's.


Unless the pizza has a 'special ingredient,' you're be right. I'm not sure there are too many photos of these kinds of people eating actual pizza either.

BerksResident ago

OMG! I appear to be "ignorant" and suffering of "cultural prejudice". The more we dive into this the worse it gets i never thought I would believe that canabilism is practiced in modern societies

bopper ago

They should invite Kasich.

srayzie ago

You're right. There is no way I would eat pizza from Comet. They probably get off on putting some "secret sauce" and feeding it to innocent people. Or to kids.

bopper ago

I laughed out loud. Sorry.

fetuspizza ago

Looks like they're planning some campaign party, involving actual pizza. Not writing it off completely, but focus on it enough, and if they actually had a fundraiser at a pizza parlor, it could further discredit "this fake news".


I agree with "fetuspizza" (!) first cross check the hrc intenary


always thought it strange they call pizza mexicana.or americana...or napolitana..