eiggaMAD ago

Okay so I might just be overtired but....

We all know this picture: https://sli.mg/pTvSJR And it's pretty obvious John Podesta is taking the heat as it was his emails and such: https://sli.mg/AgZr3e

On speculation of organ and blood being a possible motive: https://sli.mg/ZaTJl1

Soros history and that the CF, Tavistock, basically all of these are masked as helpful charities or donations yet none can back up the work they do ("linked to a group, cannot be destroyed") : https://sli.mg/EptWfC

There also is a thunderbolt coming out of the eye, which I know is standard symbolism, but it's worth noting Madeleine MacCann was "marketed" as the girl with the thunderbolt eye. (Used marketed and placed in quotes because her dad said it was a good marketing ploy and that statement alone makes me a bit uncomfortable.)

eiggaMAD ago

Also, since old Reddit and voat are considered "the newspaper online" we got a card: https://sli.mg/gg2i4o loll it's cute tho, I'm digging the right eye (good) symbolism

sudonymous ago

Freemasons are innocent. We can't even organize a proper fish fry.

UncookedSpirit ago

One of the people tied in with Steve Jackson Games is John Perry Barlow, co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Here was his hope for the internet: https://www.eff.org/cyberspace-independence It didn't exactly work out.

archons ago

They have almost erased this card of the internet. I actually just bought this card so I would always have a copy to post if needed.

neurofluxation ago

Interestingly, the hardest card to find is "witch hunt" which is also relevant to PizzaGate...

archons ago

I learned the spam mail card is relevant to pizzagate. Before internet and a bit during they used spam mail with codes. Spam email isn't really harmless after all.

VoaterFrog ago

You should.

archons ago

Thankfully since pg exploded the card is more easily found online now.

VoaterFrog ago

Yeah, I managed to get a good copy. Talk about weird. That card game freaks me out. WTF?? WTF is going on?

archons ago

Matrix was real. Welcome to wonderland Alice.

VoaterFrog ago

Yeah, I've known I've been in the Matrix for years now. I just had no idea it got this weird. Every time I think the rabbit hole can't go any deeper or get any stranger.

archons ago

Yeah I don't believe in lizard people and stuff but wait until lizardgate drops.

Wellwerefucked ago

I am pretty confident they are programming us for a Trump assassimilation... they lame 'attempts' throughout his campaign the constant rhetoric on the topic... were being buttered up so it doesn't shock us.

Wellwerefucked ago

These two have already played out, so we could be in the middle of the Pizza card being played & soon to be the above World War 3 card...

Wellwerefucked ago

"Play this card after any group has been destroyed" is Wikileaks said group?

TheGettysburgAddress ago

Holy crap !

Here's the rules? in .pdf.


nnfx ago

Um ok. Am I the only one thinking this could also mean, that someone is actually just playing the "Pizza-card" to

Pick one Secret group to lose its Secret status for the rest of the current turn.
