SturdyGal ago

Simon, okay I follow you except for connection to pizzagate. Please explain. Thanks.

EyeOfHorus ago

Nikola Tesla's high frequency current research did not die when he did in 1943. DARPA has had nearly a century to improve.

minusco2 ago

Yes, it was used on 9/11.

FckPizza3 ago

That's about the extent of what I know. The grounds were heavily guarded and you could only see parts of the property. I do remember the building having a lot of colored glass (can't think of the proper name) and it had a huge S in old English or something and lot's of weird stars. This is going off of a memory from 15 years ago lol.. So take it for what it's worth.

SimonRothschild1 ago

Snitchy. I'm telling God.

PizzagateBot ago

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SayWhatNOWAY ago

So does this all tie into Antarctica and the big fake alien holograms that the eliete are going to try and scare us with? Just like the fake moon landing!

FckPizza3 ago

For what it's worth I honestly believe that the nwo will ultimately try to use a fake alien attack on us to unite the world together in a state of frenzy and chaos to make us conform to whatever agenda they have planned. At this point I am ready to believe almost anything these sick fucks are said to be behind. My life is forever changed. 😢😢

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I seriously am thinking to head for the highlands, go deep into the forest, live off the land and off the grid. I seriously feel sadness for the ones having kids, the absolute fear of letting them out of your sight for even a min, would send me to the rubber room. Life is a lot harder to live now, that is for sure😢

FckPizza3 ago

I think about my children non stop now!! I have enrolled them into self defense classes, bought weapons (which they are learning how to use) I have even started censoring what they watch and listen to. All while trying to let them still be a child.... it's so hard!!!!! I have nightmares and all... And my hubs just thinks I'm being crazy and over reacting.... But whatever to him.. I just ignore him and continue to slowly prepare my children

SayWhatNOWAY ago

That's all we can do for now.

BlueChampagne ago

Yeah but we're smarter than that.

FckPizza3 ago

Wow!!!! Mind blown!! I am totally scared for the world as we know it. They can legit fake us with anything and anyone!

BlueChampagne ago

This is how they are predictive programming the "discovery" that they are "reptiles" (have no fear, fear is the mind killer)

BlueChampagne ago

They aren't faking you though and they aren't faking me and entropy says their trap is true to the troupe of empires fallen.

FckPizza3 ago

True.. I just need to keep red pilling everyone I know and buy more guns... And probably build an underground bunker!!

BlueChampagne ago

Or you could help to build a world based on compassion and tolerance, rather than hiding away.

FckPizza3 ago

::sigh:: you are right. I am still a newbie to all of this awakened stuff.. I fell into this rabbit hole a little over a month ago.... So I tend to want to retreat and hide more times than I should admit... But you are absolutely right. We have to unite and change things. Make the world a better place.

FckPizza3 ago

As a curious teenager living in LA the Scientology church would often set up a booth on the strip and try to attract people to join. I actually went to their webpage and took a really weird test to see if I was in need of saving according to their beliefs. It was a crazy survey where it pretty much was that if you have ever felt self conscious or sad or anything like that.. then you were in deep need of being saved. So weird. The church grounds is all caged in. We would see people walking the grounds in all white robes and they had what looked like a large wooden ship on the property. This was actually located in San Jacinto, Ca.

SimonRothschild1 ago

That's your choice.

SturdyGal ago

Simon, that music does make it difficult to understand the speech. Your summation would be appreciated.

SimonRothschild1 ago

Dorsey* I thought I had corrected it sorry.

FckPizza3 ago

I have actually been wondering about Ron L. Hubbard in all of this. Especially with the whole Alien space thing that John Podesta is on. Sounds incredibly close with the Scientology angle...scientology is very odd. I used to live near a large Scientology area and it was just creepy. And it would also make sense to fit in here with all of the well known celebrities that have followed along with it and also how they have to fight to get out of... 🤔

carmencita ago

I don't keep up with the Stars, but I do remember the case with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. She was desperately trying to get her and daughter away from him and the Church of Scientology. They fought her tooth and nail. There are others that have had the same problem. Also, John Travolta is a weird case. He is also a member of the Church as well. He lost his son and there was really no real explanation of how he died. He had a touch of autism I believe. Also there have been 2 or 3 accusations of men against Travolta of him making sexual advances. I do not trust him somehow. There is something strange about him.

FckPizza3 ago

Yes exactly. And also the wife from that show the king of queens. She had to literally fight her way out and I believe people were after her and everything. I am horrible with celebrity names... let me see if I can find an article about it.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Leah Lemini

carmencita ago

I would like to read it if you can. Yes, many had to claw their way out.

BlueChampagne ago

This looks like a fun game, is it called smash evil into the ground?