Gothamgirl ago

What I have stated before & Simon Rothschild I (obviously) Twin towers (false narrative) Love, sex, satan & rock ref to Jack Parson, L. Ron. The hell portal where NSA Rocket King hung. Also reference to Swine Flu. Obama limited defendents rights. Arizona state police & US Marshalls combined. Reference to Buzz Aldrin on his show. Then from reading a couple of pages I got this. American-Dictators-Terror storm-Marshal law-Terror storm. Scared choas Then a pic of a chimney blowing it all away.

Mark Defrates in this video is deceased. However there is another Mark Defrates running a charity. Not accusing anyone just thought its interesting that they claim to do all these things for children, but I can't find any press coverage.

SimonRothschild1 ago

GothamGirl, you need to take down EquineLuvr.

I believe in you.

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you & I believe this video has some great info hopefully it gets the message across.

SimonRothschild1 ago

Anytime Gotham Girl.

MathPhilo ago

Which one?

Gothamgirl ago

From the AJ video Mark Defrates This guy makes satanic jewelry & shows up on fb with lots of kids from Kenya.

Also there is a reference to this