DeathToMasons ago

So the one person that was on Trump's staff who is suspected of going after a list of high profile pedo's in the ring gets axed, and no search warrants for anybody in the ring let alone charges for anybody, and some still think arrest are a matter of time? What do you do when the very people responsible for stoping this sort of thing, are in on it? Think about that question. No matter what is revealed, those in power will ignore it, supress it, mock it, or go after those exposing it. So....what is the next step? Or is acceptance of being slaves the only road in the dessert?

Pokes ago

I was reading through MIke Flynn Jr.'s tweets and found a link to this article:

Part of me wonders what would happen if let's say, oh I don't know, a Muslim Pizzagate Fanatic were to set of a dirty nuke in the Vatican. How fast would we have A Holy WW3 resulting in global 1984 therafter? What if you're a eugenicist who wants to reduce the world population by let's say the 15% Gates cited? How would you expect the tens or even dare i say hundreds of millions you'd get from a prolonged global ground combat war to make a drop in the bucket so to speak? But what if you vilify a billion people, by virtue of their religion while simultaneously giving a pretext for the need for a ministry of truth and the eradication of a free press through some false-flag act you both orchestrate and falsely take credit for? That's my outlandish new fear!

Fateswebb ago

This guy on twitter is saying it's okay for joe Biden to grope kids. Unbelieveable.

bopper ago

Right, thanks, and if this is the case, then the Flynn tweet about pedogate and the pope could have been a reaction to the discussion here on voat (not today's but another one just before the present one, it was longer) ... unless Flynn Jr. maybe saw the story elsewhere first and then tweeted. Not sure about the timeline(s). Anyway, my hunch is that he might be here on voat.

bopper ago


logjam ago

Do you think you might be reading into it too much? I'm not being critical of you in asking. I truly hope your correct, but how long does a guy hold on? It's great seeing progress though. I'm content if we seem to be going in the right direction.

bopper ago

Do you have that link? I didn't see it.

Because (unless my time line's off) my hunch is that the voat pope discussion is what triggered his pope pedo tweet.

IlluminatiKing ago

I like where this is going.

Bolux ago

Well fuck it then let's go get pissed.

Jem777 ago

Flynn Sr. did not lose his job. Trump and he laid out the plan to catch Brennan (Obama boy) at CIA.

Brennan was outed by Trump during the election for lying about Russia hacking or interference.

He has been caught now red handed as the liar now leaker of classif. info against a sitting President trying to Sabotage

Trump & Flynn played them like a fiddle.

Classic & now can be released to American people when timing is right.

Flynn was given the highest intelligence position in US

They are scared shitless.

Now we have the most streamlined intell being formed. Flynn is known as the most gifted Intelligence officer in 10 years in the field of war.

He is sly cunning in his pusuit of Justice and protection of the country.

He stood up to Obama's face & Brennan in 2014 over this. Was dismissed

Stand by

bopper ago

Exactly, like he would make careless phone calls with no inkling that he was being listened to.

Flynn is known as the most gifted Intelligence officer in 10 years in the field of war.

quantokitty ago

Yeah, I was sorry to see these two go. They're what we need in government.

FreeThem ago

The gneral raised solid seeds, we need to have Flynn as the unofficial pedogateredpiller

stellarcorpse ago

sorry to be bearer of bad news but this is a fake account. Wish guy would remove it. He is a PG supporter though.

Silverlining ago

Stella Bad fake news? Or fake bad news? If a fake twitter account gets the fake media reporting pizzagate, whether truthfully or not, I'm all for it. MSM's deafening silence is suspiciously not helping us. This is war.

HashTagFU ago

Fuck the pope. He's an irrelevant asshole that thinks he matters.

OttoMaddox ago

George Webb is fired up again today, asking everyone to tweet his vids to Flynn Jr. @mflynnjr

Werwer12 ago

This is bugging the crap out of me that it says im banned from viewing his tweets. Is it because I reposted the Honeybee video onto twitter?

equineluvr ago

Pence's "best friend" -- according to some accounts -- is Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona.

Rumors abound that Pence himself is a major pedo. Tory Smith did an entire YT series on this before his death.

Problem is, Smith never cites ANY evidence -- he just reads a "list."

sunshine702 ago

Flake is a Mormon. I could see him being a pedo. To be honest I don't think we will ever get the complete and full story on Flynn resigning. 3D chess moves clearly.

2impendingdoom ago

I believe that, because none of the leakers disclosed the transcripts, and strategically it keeps Pence from getting ambitious.

gt8h65fg ago

I think Ben Swann refused to follow the order of twitter and FB, then his SNS account were terminated by them.

bopper ago

Mike Flynn Jr. if you're here please stay in touch but don't get absorbed here (like me) if there's other fish to fry etc., stay safe and thank-you very much. Do stay in touch. Tell your dad thanks for everything and that we know he's on the side of right.

Edit: Ok so I'm old and sound corny :)

bopper ago


alanna ago

I read a tweet yesterday about the pope reducing the penalties for the pedofile priest. Do not know if it was current or old info and don't know if I can locate again.

edit: Scratch that ...see it in your post

Blacksmith21 ago

I don't think Flynn's departure, or his son's for that matter, were forced. My belief is that has been the plan all along. The Administration is ginning up for a shadow war. The NWO is very entrenched and this is not going to be an easy fight. The gloves will have to come off for this shadow operation (the destruction of the New World Order, including the pedophiles). I can't think of anyone finer to lead such an operation as the former Director of Intelligence of JSOC, LTG Flynn.

JesusRules ago

The New world Order has been in progress for nearly 2000 years, all starting with the Pagan Vatican, it was the Roman empire going in hiding.

equineluvr ago

It's older than that. Its origins lie in the ancient Egyptian mystery schools.

zagreos ago

No, the ancient mysteries were against what you call the "new world order". The ancient mysteries were hijacked in the modern era.

MasterLucifer ago

Your name being a reference to Hippo, no?

trypanon ago

Am I missing something? I think it just means he likes horses. 'Equine Lover'

(Something to do with Set/Tawaret?)

MasterLucifer ago

Firstly, there are group of intellects on this forum whom identify one another with horse name references such as EquineLuvr or Dressage.

I presumed it was a reference to their blood type being of the lineage of Alexander The Great, thus carrying congenital mutations in the pax6 gene and displaying things such as a mallen streak like George Webb or maybe a coloboma like Jacob Rothschild.

trypanon ago

Ah okay gotcha. I knew about pax6 etc, no idea there were people on here signaling to each other ;)

Where does Alexander the Great tie in?

MasterLucifer ago

He had Heterochromia iridum which is a result of Pax6 congenital mutations.

JesusRules ago

Trisomy X

trypanon ago

Very interesting. Also someone is watching your posts, I didn't upvoat either of them lol. I will now though

dksogo358 ago

I hope you're right. I'm disappointed by statements Trump's replacement National Security Adviser apparently made on Radical Islam. Unlike Gen Flynn, McMaster is opposed to naming the enemy ideology "Radical Islam." I recall Obama fired Flynn for his view on need to name enemy as Radical Islam. McMaster's comments are a serious break from Trump's view on the subject. Is Trump bending to the globalist neo-cons?

redditrunbyfascists ago

No one should be making a judgement less than two months into an administration.

maybe after a year.

Blacksmith21 ago

Put it this way - there is an alignment, I think, between Flynn, Prince, Theil/Palantir and many within the black ops community. Palantir is a massive engine behind this investigation, heavily used within NSA and DIA. Palantir has the ability to draw the investigative corollaries needed to define the NWO/Pedo-infrastructure and prove relationships in order to execute offensive actions. Not to mention see relationships many analysts would miss. Prince has rebuilt some extreme capabilities to wage asymmetrical warfare at a nation-state level that can be utilized outside of standard government circles.

Given the leaks going on now from within the White House staff, one can surmise how closely held the operation is, because of the compartmentalization and trust. Something so closely held cannot move very fast. And must operate in deep secrecy. I'd be willing to bet a lot more has gone down than the little we know about.

Only time will tell.

bopper ago

Trump would rather die on his feet than live on his knees that I can tell you. He's redpillable also. Yeah that's a word.

The only thing that would affect Trump is the life of his family, and I do worry about Melania holding up but she seems to be doing fine. She did that surprise Lord's Prayer thing at the last rally, supposedly it was of her own accord.

Freemasonsrus ago

She has good discernment. People have way underestimated her, and Trump for that matter.

bopper ago

Yes, both of them. It's helpful (to me) to remember what FBIanon said, (when questioned), that Trump was pretty safe. I would assume that goes for his family too (well of course). But I believe that would be his only, or chief, Achilles heel (family). The thing is though, his family seems to be made of the same metal.

Melania didn't seem to care for moving into the white house. The main reason supposedly was her closeness to the boy, and not wanting to uproot him. I wouldn't be surprised if another reason was/is that she doesn't care to stay where the Obama's lived. I vividly remember Laura Bush insisting the entire carpet in the oval office be replaced. It bugged the media. But we're talking about Bill Clinton's oval office.

I've been to DC and it literally smells, to me, at least some parts, and I mean near the Capitol.

Freemasonsrus ago

There are bums literally littering the Capitol. It's disgusting and smells like urine in many places. Melania will move in after school is over. I would have done the same thing, let the kid finish the semester. Plus, DC schools are stacked with psycholibs who were trying to keep Kellyanne Conways kids out, so I'm sure s fear would be him changing schools and getting picked on. Which would be terrible. Plus, I think I'd choose Trump's penthouse over the WH! Kek!

bopper ago

Yes to all the above :)

remedy4reality ago

I am in 100% agreement. It makes sense to have the Flynn's lobbing bombs from outside the White House and forcing the narrative. The press will be compelled ask Trump to respond and he may comment without having to defend members of his Administration.

NoBS ago

Twitter is now loaded with Software Liberals. Millions of BusyBots for pennies on the dollar.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Kevin Annett is heavily shilled. There is a whole YT conspiracy that he is a fraud and a counter Video that the accuser is a fraud. I mean why all the effort. I think he's legit but will get attacked for saying so.

YingYangMom ago

Kevin Annett is a disinformation agent.

Since its inception, the ITCCS has achieved no such result, and Annett has been accused of double-dealing by those working closely with him. Explains author and former colleague, Alfred Lambremont Webre:

Incredibly, Kevin Annett recently told UK activist and radio show host Andy Peacher that he no longer believes Satanic ritual abuse is even happening. In this startling ‘turn around’ statement, Annett now says he attributes countless reports of Satanic ritual abuse to the planting of “false memories” and “false stories and labels in people’s minds”. This statement is in direct contradiction to his long-held observation that:

These things happen regularly… They are definitely tied into, not just Roman festivals, but also Satanic calendars. There are certain days of the year that seem to have more significance in terms of human sacrifice. New moons apparently often tie in to those times of the month as well. But the Roman festivals are significant because they seem to be guiding the actions of these cults that operate within or around the Catholic Church.

Incidentally, child welfare groups agree with the observations Annett now (inexplicably) disputes. **Given his sudden divergence from well-established fact, many activists and researchers now believe the “false stories and labels” are in fact Annett’s.


Silverlining ago


I wonder if there is any correlation between the festival dates and missing children statistics.

YingYangMom ago

There was a thread on the comparison between Satanic calendar festival dates and missing children's statistics that revolved around such a theory that they were tied together, but I can't find it. I believe it was on the number of missing children for every month of the year and every State in the US with Virginia being the highest. Reality Calls even interviewed someone that had called the CMEC in Virginia and inquired about their elevated number and they answered that they included all 'found' runaways in their number which was the reason why their numbers was so elevated compared to the other States. The Threads that I found did not include the Satanic sacrificial dates such as this one:

Aloha808 ago

I wish he would leak some new inside information. This is BS, there is a mountain of evidence.

Werwer12 ago

Is anyone else blocked from viewing his tweets? I'm somewhat new to Twitter, and it says I'm blocked.

detcmon ago

I am blocked too, for no reason, other than my account is a few months old.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Nope, I can see his twitter account.

Silverlining ago

Surely you can see twitter without an account? Half the page gets covered inconveniently. and whole page when I just tried,

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yeah, that is totally weird! Have you tried to log out and log back in? Are you using like a ghost app? Sometimes those apps will restrict your access to certain sites? If all else fails try to make a new twitter account and try that. :-)

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

I'm actually becoming a fan of Flynn Sr. and Flynn Jr.. They obviously know A LOT.

Rmm ago

me too! Love the chutzpah

Freemasonsrus ago

Well, according to Kay Griggs a lot military guys who are allowed to rise through ranks quickly are sexually abused as cadets. Not saying that happened to Flynn, but certainly word would get out if that is occurring. They do it in almost a hazing ritual type of thing. I can't link to it right now but if you look her up on utube under "wife of Illuminati speaks", I believe at least a couple spots you can refer to are at 1hr 17min into first video and 1hr 45min into first video. Her entire testimony is extremely interesting.

I have to say I'm shocked he is going after them again. They must know some serious shit to be this brazen considering what happened to Gen. Flynn.


Cherry Boys

Freemasonsrus ago

Ding ding ding!!

druhill007 ago

really love this interview. she is so genuine

Freemasonsrus ago

Yes she is extremely impressive with her computer like memory. I haven't been able to watch all of the videos bc there are so many, but it's so interesting how many parts absolutely relate back to pedogate and George Webb's series. 20 years later no less.

zzvoat ago

I understand that Flynn was put in his job to flush out leakers. when that mission was fulfilled, he was shadow moved over to the highest intelligence service...ODNI.

We are in very good hands.

myleperfriend ago

This is a very interesting theory. Is there any way you can expand on it?

Freemasonsrus ago

Man I hope you are correct. I had heard he was going to be back advising DJT just not in an official manner. We could use all the help we can get from actual patriots.

bopper ago

Patriots, yes, that's the key.

PromiseKeeper ago

What info corroborates your claim Flynn is at ODNI? Please share

Semore ago

I really hope Flynn is still in the picture behind the scenes. Where did you hear he was moved to ODNI?

druhill007 ago

that would be nice

zlomsocz ago

I remember Flynn SR referencing fake Twitter accounts in his and his sons names, seems like part of the deal was for him to say the Twitter accounts were rogue, but I think their legit

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

I'm pretty sure @mflynnJR is real, but I don't think his father is back on twitter yet. Mike Flynn Jr said that someone was using an account name for his father, but that it wasn't his father. That didn't stop NY Times from using quotes from the bogus account.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago


Blacksmith21 ago

To the best of my knowledge, your last sentence is correct. I follow this element closely.


Yes. The most important element, as it relates to those who continue to believe that the hiearchy of US Government (Pres. Trump's Admin.) are actually going to go after their own. The other big factor is this: WHO IS GOING TO EXPOSE the occult aspect of this? No one in Trumps admin or MSM is exposing this! The thousands of years of distorted history! @ VOAT COmmmunity @ humanity is it on US?

SturdyGal ago

The occult aspect is being unocculted, or shown. The bad guys are unable to cover things up; they try desperately but their attempts are obvious. They speak the truth about themselves whenever they accuse innocents. Meanwhile the normals are wising up on both levels. A few years ago few people had a clue, and now look. No one needs to expose it, it will be showing itself more and more. They can't help it. Don't worry.

bopper ago

"The normals." I like that :)

carmencita ago

Yes, it is.

Womb_Raider ago

All we can do is spread the word and hope the Streisand effect is their undoing.

dmthirdeye ago

I wonder how long he will be able to tweet before he gets banned