memnochdainfowarrior ago

Hey guys, I found another link to an interview with Robert Steele dated back to earlier in the month when Flynn was still in office, that is more in depth and hosted by a calmer journalist than Alex, ha. Love the work he does but he can get animated which quickly draws new users to the conclusion that he may be crazy.

The link below is another interview where they actually drops names from a few days ago.

memnochdainfowarrior ago

What up everyone, new to the team and thought I'd get your feedback on the "secret bff" for Pence. At first I thought it was Pence’s congressional predecessor, David McIntosh, then dug a little deeper to another person who McIntosh introduced Pence to and ultimately became really good friends with is Robert Aderholt. While he openly bashed Obama (no surprise) he never objected to any of the democrat spending bills, most notably, the omnibus bill. Makes you wonder if they have any "dirt" on him, and like Flake, McIntosh, and Aderholt they all oppose President Trump.

And I noticed towards the end of this thread it seems like people were going away from Robert Steele's theory because they liked Mike Pence as a VP. But what do you think of the latest news about Pence traveling to Brussels to attempt to "smooth things out" with the EU when we know Trump thinks they should disband. The video asks is if Pence is to Trump what Bush was to Reagan.

DaintyBrighton ago

Okay, good, I'm not alone! I am worried it might be some kind of confirmation bias on my part because I really like Pence, but just going through other things Steele has said and interviews he has given, he doesn't seem like a reliable source. Not totally sure how to describe it but it is more than arrogance and rudeness. He only cares about what he has to say and isn't open to new evidence/info or hard questioning. That is just my impression, though!

Fateswebb ago

It was probably some joke Rothschild said like haha if you run I'll give you 20 million, but trump saw it as a challenge not for the money for honor. Idk..

Azzipdoe ago

Sounds like a terrible idea.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake apologizes for teen son’s slur-filled Twitter, Facebook postings Doesn't sound like Flake's son was raised very conservatively. Interesting to see these rants, when Flake's second cousin is gay.

Roberts: Did Arpaio set up Sen. Jeff Flake's son in Green Acre case?

I think this is another son. 21 dogs died under his care. Looks like the Flake's took the arrest badly. I think the Sherriff's department was definitely within its rights until the air conditioner could be proven to be bad.

Another story on the horrific death of these dogs. If the son is this arrogant and callous that he doesn't accept responsibility, Jeff Flake deserves more scrutiny.

ASolo ago

The Salacious Ammo Even Donald Trump Won't Use in a Fight Against Hillary Clinton

In the late 1990s, Virginia Roberts was recruited to perform a massage for Epstein while working as a $9-per-hour locker room attendant at Mar-A-Lago (at 15 yrs. old - Florida legal working age is 16). (Groomed and culled from Mar-a-Lago by Trumps lesbian/hebophile friend Ghislaine Maxwell, who implicitly works for Jeffrey Epstein). Roberts' father also worked at Mar-A-Lago, which is located about 3 miles away from Epstein's estate, as a maintenance manager.

Epstein and Maxwell were repeat guests at Mar-A-Lago. In 2000, they hung out there with Prince Andrew, who arrived for vacation on Trump's private plane. That same year, the Palm Beach Post reported that Trump, Epstein, Prince Andrew, and Maxwell were all at a tennis tournament/celebrity event at Mar-A-Lago.

ASolo ago

Please try and tell me trump didn't know what went on in his own house.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

I imagine they were not staying in Trump's house but at the Mar-a-Lago Club. "The 126-room, 110,000-square-foot (10,000 m2)[5] house contains the Mar-a-Lago Club, a members-only club with guest rooms, a spa, and other hotel-style amenities. The Trump family maintains private quarters in a separate, closed-off area of the house and grounds.[6]" - wikipedia

Epstein was banned from Mar-a-Lago, but I don't know what year. He supposedly propositioned a young hotel worker who was also a daughter of a club member. "The primary business occupying the estate is the Mar-a-Lago Club, which operates as resort and hotel for dues-paying members, and rents out estate venues for private events."

ASolo ago

Epstein was confronted after years of this behaviour he must have hit on someone's daughter that couldn't be covered up. You jockeys are so dumb.

formatist ago

Do this: google 'jeff flake son'

I google image search Jeff Flake and then click on the 'Jeff Flake son' search suggestion, and there are at least FIVE different photos - check them out - in each of them he is wearing the exact same clothing in slightly different positions on the beach - his sons are wearing varying things and they are posed differently - why would you take the exact same spontaneous-seeming photo at five different times during the same day with father wearing the same clothes and sons wearing different clothes, in a posed manner? What family takes five sets of posed photos at the same beach event in different clothes? Just look at these photos and try to imagine a normal scenario in which they would be taken - it makes no sense. Green screen?

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

I was trying to find out more about Flake and came across this article about his gay second cousin and another prominent Republican's son being a couple.

Kent Flake and Matt Salmon. Both from a conservative Mormon background. They want to marry and have kids. The sister of Flake call Salmon a "fag" and a "pedophile", but later recanted.

ASolo ago

You might be on to something.

Jeffry Lane "Jeff" Flake[1] (born December 31, 1962) is an American politician and member of the Republican Party who has served as the Junior United States Senator from Arizona since 2013.

Born in Snowflake, Arizona, Flake is a graduate of Brigham Young University and was a Mormon missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints before working in public affairs.

'I cant find anything off the top about him.' - lol , Mormon is all you need to know.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

I listened to the video again. Steele didn't say Flynn gave the list to the Russians. Maybe the Russians brought up the list or Steele is just trying to muddy the waters with crap for his own reasons. His story is the list was discussed and Flynn did not tell Pence his best friend was on the list.

DaintyBrighton ago

My impression was that he was saying Pence found out Flynn had the list and got him fired to save his friend. I did some research on Steele and other things he has done and I would not put too much weight on just what he says. I'm trying to find more about the possible Pence connection to Pizzagate/Pedogate and it seems like everything is leading back to Steele. Just looking at the information/research people have gathered here, it seems extremely likely that this Flake person could be on the list and Steele knew he was friends with Pence and that Flynn was interested in Pizzagate/Pedogate. Then Steele possibly jumped to the conclusion that Pence somehow thought he would be able to save his friend by firing Flynn.

My personal theory is that it just wasn't working with Flynn and he and Pence butted heads with some things and maybe there was some insubordination at some point? Still, if they were having trouble working together it would have been bad for running the country and so Flynn had to go because of that. President Trump also had a mole to flush out so he might have given different people different reasons and Kate Walsh got the Russia sanctions version.

private-i ago

and maybe Flynn discussed the pedo list with someone other than a Russian and THAT call was intercepted

PizzaGateIsReal007 ago

Let's not forget who is the other Senator from Arizona....... John McCain.

Dauphin ago

His wife Cindy McCain runs a human trafficking charity AND institute.

OrwellKnew ago

Yep. I've suspected McCain has pizza dust all over him for a long time see here

dindonufin ago

He's more likely a spy for the viet cong and spent his time sampling the pizza in vietnam, cambodia, laos.

roundhouse1776 ago

Logical fallacy.

Speaking of McCain, he could potentially be going down for treason:

Fateswebb ago

Yeah I think Steele may be giving us bad information, not that it isn't possible it just makes no sense. So he is going to give Russians blackmail material if that's the case then yeah he needed to go.

sunnydaylemons ago

when everything seems like a sick deception 😕🔫

Clinker ago

  1. Hillary & former Staffer connect Flynn's resignation with Pizzagate thru tweets
  2. Ex-Cia celebrity Robert Steele goes on Alex Jones to say that Flynn was fired over Pizzagate
  3. Steele names a sitting Republican US Senator as a pedophile and stresses the friendship with the VP

I just can't picture Flynn on the phone with a Russian ambassador, running down a list of US politicians that are suspected pedophiles. You'd never want to discuss something like that with a foreign government. The tweets and this Steele interview were meant to be picked up by people like us and ignored by everybody else. It is meant for us to start attacking the GOP, the VP, and Reince Priebus. It is an attempt to get us fighting our own team.

cakeoflightylight ago

Well Hillary sold secrets as well as had her private server hacked, so it's possible Russia has information they wanted to discuss with him?

Godwillwin ago

One of those exCIA whistleblowers said that Russia and France intel documents were leaked long ago saying they knew of the pedophelia of the politicians use as blackmail and for their own sick fetishes. Also, Putin hinted at knowing when he said no more Russian babies could be adopted by the US.

There are a lot of Russian spies. They likely know and we're helping Flynn out with his list. I'm just throwing this out there as a theory.

Of course the other theory is 4D chess Flynn was never supposed to stay and they used his resignation to call on investigating the NSA knowing the investigations will bring some nasty truths to light

shooglenifty ago

You are exactly right. This had nothing to do with Pense, Flake or #Pizza(pedo)gate. It was spycraft as laid out in my post: Flynn's Firing

Freemasonsrus ago

Totally agree about why in the hell would Flynn talk about that?? Makes no sense. The other thing is why would Flynn ever say anything at all that could be misconstrued? He was totally aware they'd be at least attempting to wire tap him. He's no dummy. If the guy from 4chan is right then Flynn will be back in a few weeks advising Trump. So, was there a bigger chess play here that we don't see? Remember this is a psyops game and Steele may well be part of it with disinformation against the deep state.

Anyone have the link back to 4chan of the guy who asked everyone to tweet #medialiesagain?

Jobew1 ago

Good to keep in mind. However runnin names w a russian intel may not be inconceivable. It may be too messy for trump et al to oust a sitting senator with a pedo info that may implicate rnc members and others that go all the way to the top of the world. But if the big bad russians even attempt to blackmail the same person any leak of that info results in the senators removal and the underlying pedo info can be protected.

micha_ ago

Excellent thoughts.

jw4vc ago

Pizzagate is being held back by people who believe the RNC isn't balls deep in pedo. Once we start looking into pedo across the isle, at pence and friends, a flood of trump haters will get on board.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Arrests have to be made on both sides so it doesn't have the appearance of a political witch hunt

2impendingdoom ago

its to keep pence from getting any house of cards ideas

fartyshorts ago

LOL! WTF? We really are living in a simulation. Wiener getting busted for sending wiener pics, Bernie Madoff made off with all that money, etc.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I've been wondering about that as well. This is getting bizarre

iamthepizzanow ago

It's been speculated for days, this is nothing new.

Littlebird1 ago

Nice rabbit hole to go down. Jeff Flake...giddyup!