PresudentMcCheese ago

So if you don't deep throat Trump, the Pizzagate geniuses will accuse you of being a pedophile? Get fucked, losers.

chordwonder ago

Putin also ended adoptions of Russian children to the U.S. some time back.

2impendingdoom ago

will do!!!

2impendingdoom ago

Can you repost this as its own thread, I think its important but will get lost in the comments. Or re-comment at the top, at least. Lets start a go fund me page to send McCain back to North Vietnam so that they can beat the shit out of him, and finish the job?

zoltan907 ago

Emily Pitha, a staff member of McCain's fundraising campaign, was arrested in April for operating a meth lab in her home. Investigators also found MDMA, LSD, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, about $7,000 in loose currency, counterfeit money, a marijuana-growing room, and bomb-making materials. Two children, aged 5 and 10, were in the home, and had easy access to the drugs and bomb-making materials. This article from also mentions that Cindy McCain stole drugs from a charity she directed and used them while mothering four young children.

OrwellKnew ago

Great find! This might be really important

zoltan907 ago

A few more details on Pitha:

She was a preschool teacher’s assistant from 2003 to 2006. In 2006, she became an administrative assistant to U.S. Senator John Kyl. From January 2013 to March 2013, she worked for U.S. Senator Jeff Flake. She began working for LovasCo, a political consulting company owned by Corrine Lovas, in October 2013, and her name was listed as a contact for fundraisers for McCain and Arizona Governor Doug Ducey.

The ecstasy pills that Pitha's boyfriend, Chris Hustrulid, received from the Netherlands were purple, pentagon-shaped tablets scored with a ram's head.

McCain issued a statement claiming that the methamphetamine in Pitha's house was for her personal use, to treat glaucoma.

News report from Crime Watch Daily:

delivery1 ago

Check this Wikileaks email from Iraq War Veteran & Chairman to John Podesta


If Senator John McCain had his way, we'd be arming ISIS in Syria and fighting them on-the-ground


Senator McCain snuck into the country to meet with opposition leaders. While he was there, he paused for some photos -- including some with ISIS militants.


After taking photos with ISIS rebels in Syria, he told CNN's Anderson Cooper that "It was a very moving experience to meet these fighters


John McCain has exhausted his last measure of credibility

OrwellKnew ago

Agreed 100%

NeedPolyGF ago

If they don't show any of the pictures or don't get any affidavits etc, it's probably just hearsay.

delivery1 ago

There are a few different photos of Mccain with these Isis militants circling the internet. You can find them straight away by googling "John Mccain Isis photos"

kplusk ago

Another interesting thing to note was the human trafficking ring in Ahwatukee neighborhood in Phoenix, AZ on 11/1/16. It was reported as US Postal Investigation that >12 children were staying at home & had set up sting operation at home acrosss street. It was reported locally, then MSM & local officials began back pedaling quickly & stated that DOJ was taking arrests have been made & no further updates. Article: Video from station:

equineluvr ago

Interesting. Are you suggesting that that is connected to McStain? Because Phoenix is a BIG city, and that's not his neighborhood.

2impendingdoom ago

Please make this its own post!!

OrwellKnew ago

This is excellent information. Needs further digging, thanks

kplusk ago

As far as human/child trafficking, pedophilia, etc, but McCain started The McCain Institute [] "...has become nationally recognized for its work to counter human trafficking....Our partnership w/ Thorn: Digital Defenders of Children, Google and Digital Reasoning led to the creation of Spotlight". McCain's wife, Cindy "serves as co-chair of the Arizona Governor’s Council on human trafficking and on the McCain Institute’s Human Trafficking Advisory Council" from: [] Thorn (tech companies, Ashton Kutcher & Demi Moore) are tied into NCMEC, Alert Sense, etc. - see 3 screen shots taken from voat detailing the relationships between NCMEC, Alert Sense, Thorn, DC, Alefantis, Silsby, Koons, Brock, etc: 1.) 2.) 3.)

OrwellKnew ago

Nice work here, thanks. Need some follow up

sore_ass_losers ago

McCain became a prisoner of war and recorded propaganda for North Vietnam, hence his nickname 'Songbird'. Well he was injured and reports say tortured.

Much, much worse however: "John McCain, who has risen to political prominence on his image as a Vietnam POW war hero, has, inexplicably, worked very hard to hide from the public stunning information about American prisoners in Vietnam who, unlike him, didn’t return home. Throughout his Senate career, McCain has quietly sponsored and pushed into federal law a set of prohibitions that keep the most revealing information about these men buried as classified documents. Thus the war hero who people would logically imagine as a determined crusader for the interests of POWs and their families became instead the strange champion of hiding the evidence and closing the books."

The story is North Vietnam held back some POWs expecting huge reparations from the U.S. When those reparations never happened the POWs were forgotten.

This is a conservative website publishing an article by a liberal NYT journalist:

sore_ass_losers ago

John Kerry was also involved in this POW coverup: (see other videos in sidebar)

OrwellKnew ago

Ah yes, Hanoi John

2impendingdoom ago

follow the money??

kplusk ago

McCain is tight with ISIS. He's had his photos taken with these terrorists on numerous occasions. Here's an article talking about McCain's involvement w/ ISIS & includes some of the photos he took w/ ISIS: from:

EndThePizza ago

The US made sure they had their favored people in power. The post earthquake election in Haiti was more rigged than the Democratic primaries

Leastofthese ago

This is worth looking into. John McCain's wife, Cindy McCain is co-chair of the Arizona Governor’s Council on human trafficking and on The McCain Institute’s Human Trafficking Advisory Council. There was recently an incident in Phoenix Arizona on Nov 1 that was reported as a human trafficking bust by local media. Local media were then told by an embarrassed Virginia DOJ to shut up about any mention of human trafficking. One month later I read that Phoenix Police might be reassigning all police on the vice squad, including those covering human trafficking. Is this all related? I not sure--I'm still researching it, but I can tell something isn't right.

Also, the McCain's have a daughter they got from an orphanage in Bangladesh.

Here is the article on possible reassigning of vice squad members:

OrwellKnew ago

Excellent! I feel this avenue of investigation will prove fruitful

DevilintheDetails ago

I remember reading about this on here somewhere. Someone said HRC was in AZ the same day.... I have the arcived article

zoltan907 ago

The McCain Institute Foundation's Form 990 for tax year 2014 shows that the foundation received $1 million from the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia; $5,000 from John C. Whitehead, a former Goldman Sachs co-chairman and chairman of the International Rescue Committee; and $300,000 from the Eranda Foundation, a grant-making charity founded by Evelyn de Rothschild.

Info on John C. Whitehead:

OrwellKnew ago

great find

NotTooLate ago

Great catch! Looks like its also funded by the UN and EU. Dig.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

He's definitely been up to some weird stuff in the Middle East:

ISIS is basically a creation of US money and equipment.

OrwellKnew ago

He's a piece of garbage, yes

Don-Keyhote ago

Don't forget he's the hugest amnesty shill in Congress on the GOP side

zzvoat ago

Relevance? if any, should have been posted in pizzagatewhatever. Mods?

OrwellKnew ago

See my update at the bottom of muh sub. It's all related

DevilintheDetails ago

Said this on a couple relevant posts.

2impendingdoom ago

Frequent kidnappings, but any systemic corruption by public official revealed on account of emails/election/russia hacking is enough for me.

Vic138 ago

Imo, McCain is a puppet for Kissinger and the Anglo-American establishment. Look at the name of the person who was the middle man, Sir Andrew Wood. He reminds me of the type of people in Lord Milners group and the Clivenden Set in the early 1900s that work to maintain the status quo. They started WW1 and WW2 to destabilize Germany and Russia and have heard theories they are behind the mass migrations from Asia and Africa that is mainly aimed at Germany.

Now they are after Trump. 2017 will be interesting.

OrwellKnew ago

Agreed 100%

The theories you mention are on point

pizzaequalspedo ago

This is why the Sanders contingent and other Dems who disliked Hillary must support Trump. He may not be the greatest guy ever, and he certainly has his flaws, but he is the only thing standing between us and a war with Russia that all the neo-cons/neo-libs want so badly.

The narrative during the election is that Trump is a hot head that would get us into WWIII. My opinion is that if that's what the MSM/CIA is telling you, then you should assume the exact opposite to be true. He in fact, is likely the ONLY thing that can prevent a war with Russia.

Any time Obama, Bush/Cheney, McCain and the Clintons agree on something, you KNOW it's bad.

YingYangMom ago

I couldn't agree more.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

You're getting close. Sanders and Trump are better than Clinton and the Bushes.

...but they're all compromised in significant ways. The system is horrifically corrupt, and can't be fixed just by voting the bums out. The intelligence communities run a deep state that would never allow it.

They killed the last guy who tried to clean it up.

Godwillwin ago


asdfghjkl123456789 ago


Freemasonsrus ago

The games been going on long enough. People are sick and tired of it. And I mean people who are in positions to expose.

2impendingdoom ago

Can you elaborate on these sick and tired people? Are they in position to prosecute? Thanks in advance!!

Freemasonsrus ago

It's become more and more obvious there is an internal war going on within the deep state. The majority of people within these institutions are good guys. Just like in life, there are groups within the group that are the criminals. The amount of leaking that's gone on throughout the election is a huge dog whistle. It's become obvious that the white hats are feeling more comfortable getting info out. It will be interesting to see what wikileaks drops. I'd recommend watching this video of former CIA officer Kevin Shipp. It explains why people don't whistleblow or leak and will help connect for you why it's a much bigger deal that there has clearly been info leaked by the "good guys".

pizzaequalspedo ago

McCain's story has never passed the smell test for me and I've long suspected he and Lindsey Graham has some serious skeletons in their closet.

The fact that McCain (Graham too) continually beat the drum for war against Russia, almost to the point where he/they seem blood thirsty.

He's so fanatical about going to war (Syria, Iraq, Russia, etc) that he must be doing the bidding for someone else.

Normally I would think someone like McCain who has (allegedly) seen the horrors of war, would not be so quick to use military force at every turn.

detfrank ago

Why would a person who has been through war and being confined in a POW camp be pushing for war with Russia. Makes no sense. And to be honest most people who have heard his story would think he is on the right side of right!

OrwellKnew ago

See the update at the bottom of my submission. Why McCain hates Putin

MAGABoomer ago

The skeletons are well-speculated on in this article..Paul Ryan, John McCain, and Lindsay Graham...Clinton Foundation money.

This email was dated days before Speaker of the House Paul Ryan withdrew the invitation to Donald Trump to speak at an event in Wisconsin. Even though we do not have the ‘smoking gun’ to say it was him, no other logical conclusion can be assumed.

Other emails hint at the money being moved to Republican elected officials in the House and Senate. For instance FEC reports shows that two large donations from PACS and private sources ln early October went to John McCain right after he attacked Trump publicly criticized Trump. That happened shortly after a slew of emails concerning moving money to support one candidate and move support from another.

Shortly thereafter, his challenger in this tight race, Kirkpatrick, lost several key donors and money and support lessened from the DNC and the DSCC in the last few weeks of the race. The thing to note is that McCain is one of the lead sponsors of a committee to investigate any Russian influence into the election.

Senator Lindsay Graham, another outspoken critic of Donald Trump and briefly candidate for President from July to December also it seems received help from the Clintons. An email that simply states, “Cleared the road for him in 2020,” could mean that there will be no strong or supported Democrat in the South Carolina Senate race when Graham is up for re-election.

As with McCain, Graham has publicly called for a look into the Russian influence in the election.

OrwellKnew ago

Good stuff, thanks

OrwellKnew ago

Here's why McCain hates Putin

Russia further undermined its civil society last week when the country’s prosecutor general ordered nongovernmental organizations International Republican Institute (IRI) and Media Development Investment Fund (MDIF) can no longer work or have a presence in Russia.

The IRI is basically McCain's version of the Clinton Foundation

catslovejustice ago

Little Marco seems antsy to going to war too. Been wondering what he is trying to hide. McCain, Lindsay and Little Marco were all part of the gang of 8.

shoosh ago

He's so fanatical about going to war (Syria, Iraq, Russia, etc) that he must be doing the bidding for someone else. My theory is that whether or not he has direct PG involvement, it's clear that the PG community discovers money links to arms, oil, children, drugs which further tie into the never ending wars and the global bedfellow associations. These money makers (children being one of them) are all part of the larger whole.

When fleshed out details aren't being deleted from this forum the links usually end up heading to these areas. It's like pulling a stray thread in a sweater and unraveling the whole thing - all connected as one.

It's long been a speculative theory that McCain and a few others were in charge of developing ISIS war in Syria after the Al Qaida war had run into a brick wall. [damned conspiracy theorists just wouldn't believe AlQuaida or let it go. lol.] If these ties are continued to be investigated via pizzagate leads, then PGate would be the weak link to their ongoing legacy of lies and corruption. It doesn't mean that McCain has a direct tie in PGate but it could expose the deeper connections. That's why the Saudi threads here are a real threat to these tie connections.

OrwellKnew ago

My argument here is that his NGO, the International Republican Institute (IRI) is simply the McCain version of the Clinton Foundation who profit from human/child trafficking

EndThePizza ago

If nothing else, the money that comes from oil and the military industrial complex can be quite persuasive

2impendingdoom ago

I wish to god that Haiti would get on its feet and demand these people extradited to there for justice, where they can be subject to a corrupt judicial system that does not work in their favor.

EndThePizza ago

And what makes you think the Haitian govt isn't so corrupt that they're fine with the whole arrangement?

2impendingdoom ago

At some point Haiti won't have anything left to exploit and the money will run out.

throwawaa ago

The Haitian people are rioting against the Clintons.

But the exploited people there have very little money and very little power of any kind. They can't serve justice on Americans unless the American people and government stand with them on that.

2impendingdoom ago

If the evidence is clear and compelling and presented to the public, I think Americans would want justice for Haiti, especially if Obama springs some kind of preemptive pardon.

Freemasonsrus ago

The extradition of Gus Phillipe is a good sign. We need 200 citizen journalists in Haiti doing live feed interviews of people and families who've been exploited and kidnapped/enslaved.

2impendingdoom ago

Who is Gus Philip?

2impendingdoom ago

Thanks, he must be pretty bad to get elected, and then a riot when he was arrested...a gangster with his own private army.

Freemasonsrus ago

Lots of bad dudes down there. My hopeful thoughts are he's now been arrested, not bc of the senate issue, but bc he no longer falls under the protection of CGI. Which could signal them shutting down in Haiti.

2impendingdoom ago

There is a current thread saying that CGI is shutting down, the loss of corruption funding will shake things up, hopefully for the better.

hayisforhorses ago

It is hard for Haiti to get on their feet when they have the UN and US (Dyncorp) taking over. Check out this and many other articles.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Stop, I could end my life happy if all these pricks were dropped in Haiti's worse slums,to face justice from those they exploited and left to die.

ThighHighSwampBoots ago

I saw a man suspected pickpocket, in the Iron Market in Port Au Prince, grabbed by dozens of women, biting him, scratching him, drawing blood, dragging him down screaming. What would they do to the Bushes and Clintons?

2impendingdoom ago

Can we all visualize the Clintons sentenced to life in a Haitian prison? Please! I don't believe in Satanism, but lets give a shot to the power of manifesting the collective will through visualization. McCain too, and all the other fuck rats.

algernon4peace ago

Yes, let's meme in some Haitian Justice for the Clinton cabal! KeK approved.

kekistocrat ago

Praise Kek!

Bolux ago

Wait till you see what happens to Cuba.

NeedPolyGF ago

What are you expecting to happen there?

Godwillwin ago

soros and the one world order globalists will convince Haitians to topple their government. Then their economy will fail then the US and others will start "charitable organizations" and steal all the money and they'll make "save the children" places and well you know the rest.

It's what happened in Romania, Albania, Libya, Iraq, Haiti and now Syria. I'm surprised they aren't more obviously present in Venezuela. Next up is Cuba.

When they don't think they can can convince a people to topple their own government, they just send in refugees or illegal aliens to tank the economy for them. They truly are trying to take over the world.

vacvape ago

Throw Canada on the list.

Freemasonsrus ago

Been warning people!

Fateswebb ago

The dude was treasonous in Vietnam and came back and was labeled a hero. The exact opposite of what songbird John really is.

NeedPolyGF ago

Just the same, the U.S. had no business in Vietnam, just like Iraq etc.

asdfghjkl123456789 ago

What do you mean treasonous?

Fateswebb ago

He domenounced the US on Vietnam radio, was treated great because he gave the communist intel. Then came back and lies about how he was in a cage. He was in a lush hotel.

NeedPolyGF ago

They were not the enemy of the people of the U.S., just of the politicians.

kplusk ago

Nixon issued McCain a pardon:

Orange_Circle ago

He's a treasonish person.

throwaway345678 ago

Am so unsurprised at this.

derram ago :

Sir Andrew Wood admits he was middle man who tipped off John McCain to Trump 'dirty dossier' | Daily Mail Online :

A Hidden Agenda: John McCain and the International Republican Institute | Alternet

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