OrwellKnew ago

Please check out my recent submission. Possibly related


Mark_Jones1234 ago

They'll be spending the next week shredding documents.

tamaman ago

Clintons are done with. Everything will keep going with new faces.

Betty_Swollocks ago

I wonder, if by shutting down CGI they get to destroy all the paperwork, all the hard drives and computers of every employee? I bet they do!

catslovejustice ago

They are shutting down and shredding documents.

shrimp_keeper ago

awesome, there will be an influx of fired people that will spill their guts about the clintons.

jbooba ago



All i can find, but should be enough as proof. At least 1 office is shutting down?

Update: ZH has also a post about it:


micha_ ago

The moderator that labeled this news with ACCURACY IN QUESTION should be removed!!! Is it maybe the same moderator, who has tagged the story about the shot Finnish reporters and politician as DEBUNKED?

IlluminatiKing ago

Looks to me like the gig is up.

crystalclearme ago

This is a good thing I'm just going to accept at face value for a few moments and do a brief little happy dance around my laptop

Hermesthriceborn ago

Anyone else enjoy reading this title over and over and over as much as I do?

ArthurEdens ago

Time for them to count the winnings and hit the buffet

Dressage2 ago

I think corruption will never stop. We can only hope to contain it!!

44-6-6 ago

buh the children

OrwellKnew ago

They're shutting it down to shred the documents now. After Jan 20 there won't be anything left for FBI to seize

Live_Free_Or_Die ago

There should be an immediate investigation into why suddenly this foundation is closing its doors...a freeze on all of its assets and documents should be court ordered by Monday at 8am. But, I'm sure they'll get away with it because nothing ever changes.

remedy4reality ago

Guys... I'm pretty sure this was announced back in September. Doesn't mean it's not related to PG, though. https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2016-09-19/clinton-global-initiative-ends-run-with-some-of-shine-worn-off

Read the article. It's a pretty scathing critique of the CGI.

zoltan907 ago

Here's a Politico article from late August, that mentions that CGI was shutting down due to pay-to-play accusations. http://archive.is/xGRfm

Seventy-four employees at the New York office were supposed to have been laid off at the end of 2016. http://archive.is/mYSfs

Bloomberg reported that heads of state, A-listers, and assorted hangers-on are now flocking to the Concordia Summit, which has been attended by Bill Clinton, Madeleine Allbright, Cherie Blair, George Soros, Warren Buffett, T. Boone Pickens, and David Petraeus. http://archive.is/EH7rf

SaveTheChildren ago

I wanna know who the 2 downvoaters are and if they are satanist pedophiles.

Yates ago

Is this it? https://archive.fo/ly0t6 There are a few pages from that site archived, I just took a guess on this one.

thestormking ago

This is why you archive.

YingYangMom ago

I've said it over and over, and I'll say it again. The Clintons will die from a thousand cuts.

Orange_Circle ago

And to think that John Podesta proposed a "youth engagement session."

Guess that won't be happening.


LeChevalBlanc ago


Astrodreamer ago

The Clinton Global Initiative, which has 22 employees) is by no means the entire Clinton Foundation,which has 2000 employees. But CGI is that CF program (out of about 10) that most easily attracted contributions from foreign governments buying influence. SInce the Dems are out it's lost its main purpose. For some reason Norway was a particularly large contributor, and Norway recently announced intention of significantly reducing its contributions. This may well have to do with the Norwegian pedophile ring recently broken up, supposedly with international ties, possibly connected with Pizzagate actors.

sugarskull ago

could this be the first money trail???

Tanngrisnir ago

Makes sense. The foreign donations have dried up. No foreign donors wants to buy influence with someone who will never again hold another major political office.

Sharipie ago

Still though, you would think they would keep it going just until enuf time has passed for the optics if nothing else. Maybe they don't want to pay the taxes that Geo Webb believes they owe to the IRS.

LA6661 ago

Amazing what happens when you run a pay for play and then you get sidelined.

AlphaWookie ago

Seize all the documents before they are shredded by court order.

345353 ago

wikileaks has a 20k reward for anything related.

HashTagFU ago

Good, now prison for the operators.

Dressage2 ago

This is what you would call a good start. My research dealing with CGI is the corruption is rampant! You will read something outrageous happening in some poor country and low and behold, CGI is always involved!

Antonius ago

CGI is just a scam. So glad they are being forced to shut down.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

that is some serious wishful thinking.

assuming that's the only tentacle

just_clueless ago

Odd the Clinton friends have suddenly lost their charitable instincts...If I didn't know better I'd swear it looked like influence peddling dried up, but that's impossible because the news would have already told me they were corrupt if there was any truth to these terrible rumors.....I hope they rot in prison.

anonentity ago

Its being closed down so they have time to shred all documents before the next administration, and Tre Gowdy gets them.

dbstfbh ago

I haven't heard it from CNN yet so it mustn't be true? /s

Edit: what's with the down voat? Jim Acosta, is that you?

Yates ago

Every single person I know irl thinks like that.

Bolux ago

You have to give the ABCs credit,they have done a bang up job brainwashing the general public, especially my generation(50+).They keep us just comfortable enough and just ignorant enough.You have to realise up until the last 15 years or so MSN was the only news.My wife is perfect example,even though she knows things are fucked up she doesn't want to entertain the thought and honestly I'm at the stage where I'm glad she doesn't know what I know, at least one of us can sleep at night.

Innocent_Bystander ago

Its fucking sad isnt it? Every fucking coworker, all my bosses, my fair weather friends and my real fucking friends all believe the MSM BS lol. I cant even talk about it to anyone. And the friends i Do still like, will disown me because they are just uninformed or misinformed. fuck society.

blumeanie ago

Sad ain't it?. I followed a link over to CNN's FB page from here a couple of days back, and reading through the comments, it's quite disturbing the shear amount of people that are still completely sucked into their fucking baloney. Even worse, when normies start going on about left and right, democrats and republicans, not realizing they're all part of one big mob...yes even Trump.

lawfag123 ago

Open cover-up?

crystalclearme ago

hmmm maybe some folks will start to sing real pretty like

ThePuppetShow ago

This isn't an admission of guilt, not at all. Forget you even saw this. Hey, look over there.

Great find OP! WTF haha

Donky_punch ago

What will take its place?

DustyRadio ago

Exactly. Something more sinister, secret, locked down is certain to follow.

Psalm100 ago

Seems true. But the left-wing media are so far silent on it.

pizzaequalspedo ago

They will quietly mention it on Sunday and then move on.

shoosh ago

Likely a few private and internal death threats and tantrums all round. They'll continue their habits underground . In the words of Alefantis first interview "this is our life blood."

pizzaequalspedo ago

How could this be? We were told of how much good they were doing and it was totally separated from their political lives.

What a joke.

Sharipie ago

But it was for the chillllllldrennnnnn!!......oh wait....

mooteensy ago


MayorMcBullshit ago

Is it any coincidence that Clinton Global Initiative is "CGI" as an acronym? All just a figment of that imaginashun