Bluebirdsolitude ago

I wondered if it was something like this...thanks for posting

Pizza_Hacker ago

Awesome post. The link you provided is great. I kinda feel that way about Rudy Giuliani. I haven't heard his name in awhile and I know he was with Trump. He would be perfect for a RICO case. =)

MattHelm ago

Trump is royally fucked the Deep State has Trump by the balls right now. Trump blew it he had the chance to go full speed and Expose Everything but he has made stupid decisions with regard to what his first month priorities should be. Everything is blowing up in his face he failed to anticipate the depth of the hatred toward him in the D.C. swamp and now the Neo-Cons and Globalists have the momentum. They will force Trump to start a big war in Syria or Iran to benefit Israel. I am terribly disappointed with Trump. If he's impeached this year I won't be surprised. He is in the major leagues now with enemies all around him and he is just not up to their speed. It's sad he really was our last best hope to drain the swamp but he now looks like a guy in over his head. He could be assassinated at any moment he could be killed at his rally in Florida tonight or at any time. He stays alive only as long as he's willing to get butt-fucked by the Neo-Cons the Zionazis and give the Deep State what they want which is more wars to profit from. The second Trump tries to double-cross them he's the next JFK shot and killed in broad daylight by the CIA and Mossad and a poor dumb brainwashed Mexican or Muslim will be the patsy he will be shot and killed by the Secret Service and we will spend the next 10 years investigating the videos the same way we all spent the last 15 years looking at 9/11. If Trump is killed the fakestream news media will cover it up exactly as the CIA tells them to cover it up.

shooglenifty ago

You obviously didn't read the article. Patience young grasshopper.

shooglenifty ago

The wheels of government move slow. He is positioning the chess board for maximum advantage.

hir0ce1ine ago

Trump is so much smarter than the media will ever admit. He tests the water first, manipulates the situation and then come out on top. Won't sell a resort to him? He'll buy the land around it and threaten to ruin the view. Then he comes in with with a low ball offer. Won't let him have a flag pole the size he wants? Sticks it on on a mound to make up the difference. Unscrupulous? Sure, but the man knows how to win and that's what we need right now.

srayzie ago

But why would Flynn go along with it knowing he would have to resign. Am I missing something?

shooglenifty ago

Because he is not done. Just transitioned.

OrwellKnew ago

Lol, nice assumptions! But really, I don't read fiction or watch TV anymore. In fact I was an avid video gamer up until 3 years ago. I pretty much gave it up after getting redpilled by all the evil our government is doing. Sandy Hook Hoax was the reason I became a truth researcher. And then Pizzagate happened. Like I said I read all Martin's books 15+ years ago. Never watched GoT on TV or much of anything on TV

bopper ago

Truth is stranger than fiction. Or as Mark Twain put it, truth is more of a stranger than fiction.

NoBS ago

@ pizzamemario Respect. Like the Hollywood crowd, #VeryFakeNews has become a narrative which is in direct conflict with human dignity and our children's safety. It's the Ass holes who mock a child's innocence and imply Human Trafficking is not epidemic.

AreWeSure ago

Flynn will only be the first to be investigated and removed from office. There will be many others. See Pence comments today, he understands he soon will be the POTUS. There is a snowball rolling down a mountain peak, but it's not the mountain you are thinking off. There's a reason Giuliani was not given a cabinet position.


Melitica ago

Guiliani may have been ditched exactly the reasons you think but those things don't take Trump out. U Pence's speech was management of rhetoric after McCain went out and made a hysterical rant speech.

shooglenifty ago

You obviously didn't read the article. Flynn was a sacrificial lamb. He wasn't investigated, the IC was and they were busted. There is no internal administration coup, it is a coup of the deep state by the administration.

AreWeSure ago

Yeah, like I said, the snowball running down the hill is not on the hill you are thinking of. Flynn took $40,000 to appear at the Russia Today 10th anniversary. He didn't disclose that payment when he was being vetted. He lied to the FBI about his contacts with the Russian ambassador. He's not playing super-duper secret spy game 4 dimensions ahead of us, he was playing a simple spy game badly and he got caught.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Can you please source the $40,000 payment.

AreWeSure ago

He didn't disclose that payment when he was being vetted.

I heard he didn't disclose this, but that might not be accurate. The accurate issue with this payment is before it happened. See links above.

Since retired generals are often subject to recall to government, they need to ask permission to receive payment from foreign governments. They are given explicit instructions on this when they leave the military. RT is a Kremlin operation, so taking their money is violation of the constitution's emoluments clause. He should have gotten permision from DOD or Congress or both. He did not.

Flynn is the tip of the iceberg. This is not a Deep State war against Trump because they don't like him or Trump has a list of pedophiles. This is because they have proven contacts with Russian officials and Trump's team. There are three separate FBI investigations into this and Congress just asked the White House and the Trump campaign to preserve all the emails, texts and other documentation. Russian politicians toasted Trump with champagne they day after the election. Two weeks ago, Trump was all over Russian TV and they were promoting him. Today, he is off their air. The issue with Flynn and the other developments have made it too hot. Both the Kremlin and the White House have started to portray their relationship as chilly all of a sudden.

When the intel agencies issues their opinion on Russia interfering with our election, the FBI was the hold out. Now they are on board. The reason? Comey did not read the intel reports until he got a warrant. Because if he read them before he couldn't prosecute people based on that information. FISA warrants have been issued and all prosecution options are open. This is going to ramp up very quickly.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I can’t read the WaPo article you link to because I will not pay them, so I will just assume that you are correct in that he was paid $40,000. According to – “RT is an autonomous non-profit organization.” I think that would be a pretty good defense as to why Flynn didn’t get pre-approval for his speech. Also, what are the chances he would have even been told no. This is a non-issue, and certainly not an issue to bring down a democratically elected president.

“ There are three separate FBI investigations into this and Congress just asked the White House and the Trump campaign to preserve all the emails, texts and other documentation.” There are lots of FBI investigations going on right now including the illegal recording of a private citizen and leaking to the press. Something that would have had to been authorized by senior IC members - the same senior IC members pushing this Russian connections and the ridiculous “dossier.”

“ Russian politicians toasted Trump with champagne they day after the election.” Well, Wolf Blitzer toasted Hillary and the DNC, and consider Hillary was pushing a “no-fly zone” over Syria, I can imagine that there were a lot of Russians glad we avoided WWWIII.

As for Comey being the hold out, it was probably because the DNC would not allow the FBI access to their servers and they had to just rely upon Crowdstrike’s analysis – the company that was paid by the DNC.

The reaction to Trump’s election by the democrats and some republicans is something I’ve never seen before. There is no way that it is all because a couple of low level Trump associates “may” have had contact with Russia. There is something big boiling to a head and I hope it all comes out in the open.

AreWeSure ago

There is something big boiling to a head and I hope it all comes out in the open.

Yes, there is. I don't see Flynn's payment bringing down Trump, it's another piece of evidence in the case. Both Flynn and Trump used to be very anti-Putin and then they weren't. Some time after he published his book Flynn's views changed.

.... illegal recording of a private citizen and leaking to the press.

Not sure what you are referring to here. But it's been reported that the FBI sought and got multiple FISA warrants and I suspect those warrants going back months informed the discussion that Comey just had with the Senate Intelligence Committee. There will be investigations shortly.

The "we avoided WW III" argument is a straight up Kremlin talking point. It's a fallacious argument that any action we take against Putin will equal WW III. It's completely false as the sanction regime is not WW III and it let's Putin off the hook for his actions like annexing Crimea and invading Eastern Ukraine. We have other steps we can take short of WW III.

shooglenifty ago

Hmm. FBI says no laws broke. He was a private citizen and columnist for the RT at the time. I think someone that made it to the top of the DIA can play the spy game much better than us message board surfers. I don't get the animus here, but peace. All will become clear soon.

bopper ago

Bigly :) They do like Trump though, so it's a start.

bopper ago

They're still having a hard time w/ Kennedy :) Thanks for the comment.

bopper ago

heh, can you talk to some of my family members?

TaosDeiopW ago

I wish this is true. We can hope this is true, but I will be skeptical. I need to see Podesta + Clinton + CIA thugs + DynCorp rot in jail before I believe Trump is playing some 4D chess. God, I wish he is, I wish he is. At this moment, he looks like America's last hope. And if America goes down, we all will suffer on this Planet. And I'm not even American, but seeing this demonic evil, it fills me up with so much rage. This sick perverted un-humans or whatever they are, sure do deserve to rot in the deepest pits of Hell.

OrwellKnew ago

I read the George R. R. Martin books long before the TV series came out. You will find many Fantasy and sci-fi geeks in the PG community

Rmm ago

This would be the answer to many a prayer. Reads like a spy novel only better

ArcherMcTaco ago

Can we just leave it as Trump was drawing a line in the sand sending a public message that even if he likes you he will fire you if you do something that is not to his satisfaction?

bopper ago

Could be, thanks for the reality check. I asked for sources, and who is saying this, but no response yet. Fact is, no one really knows, and nothing is confirmed, though it will be eventually.

ArcherMcTaco ago

I'm willing to wait this one out. Everyone is going crazy and the media despite having transcripts of every call that Trump and his Aides have made somehow magically doesnt have this one. Seems odd. I will just take everyone at their word on this firing

bopper ago

Agreed, wait and see.

bopper ago

This sounds very plausible, and especially because it is a well-known technique for outing intel snitches (and I like it) ... but again, who is this guy, and how does he know?? (And the website ... please quit reversing white out of black, it's impossible to read.) Thanks in advance for any info.

I agree on Pence, hope I'm right.

shooglenifty ago

I don't know who he is. I just read what he said and it all clicked. This is why Trump could get up in front of his enemy and say that his administration is running "like a well-oiled machine." It's either this, or he's delusional. I prefer to believe him over the psy-op media.

MysticMa ago

I came to this conclusion the day after the Flynn Fiasco.. I had nothing to base as in written or verbal but I agree with the OP 100%. I personally know the character of, an the moral turpitude of DJT and I would stand on top of the empire state bld and shout to the world that he is a man of his word! Anyone who underestimates him or takes him for granted will be sorely disappointed OR LEFT to their OWN DEMISE...
By the grace of a higher force we have been given a chance to turn this country around and just maybe have an effect to the positive for the rest of this planet. But we need to all get on the same page to help accomplish for the greater good!

shooglenifty ago

Find Mark Taylor's Trump prophecy. He has been raised and ordained for this moment in history.

bopper ago

Yes, it is providence. "For this reason have I raised thee up." Bible quote. People are finally seeing Trump is the real deal.

bopper ago

Thanks, yeah it does sound very good. You just stumble on it? Don't worry about answering, no big deal.

shooglenifty ago

Commenter on zerohedge on the pieczenik article someone posted yesterday.

bopper ago

Ah, thanks. I think I read those very comments, weird.

AliensInParis ago

This was brilliant. Thank you!

IlluminatiKing ago

Sounds most likely.

shooglenifty ago


Blacksmith21 ago

I believe this is very close to the real truth. It also aligns with what we know about Flynn.

OrwellKnew ago

So you are saying Robert David Steele is a disinfo agent? Genuinely curious

shooglenifty ago

No, more like mis-info. He said he had "insider information." That is another leak that is about to be plugged. Trump doesn't want anyone to see him coming regardless of "side."

OrwellKnew ago

So the whole Jeff Flake thing...false?

shooglenifty ago

Sorry, but I have a hard time believing that Pense would do anything to stop an investigation into a high profile pedophilia ring, or be mad at its possible exposition. I believe he would have required substantial proof if his best friend was implicated, but would not "kill the messenger." Maybe I'm naive, though Pense seems like a stand up guy.

OrwellKnew ago

Agreed. I get the sense that they had to come up with something juicy enough to get the media's attention, but totally false

OrwellKnew ago

Understand now. Makes sense thanks

PizzaGate711 ago

That was a most interesting read. Thanks for posting :-)

JrSlimss ago

Could also be 5D chess. Flynn could have talked about Pizzagate AND sanctions. Look at the appointment of Acosta, plea dealer for Epstein. Trump wants to bring up the subject, but he likes it when the media does it itself. Notice we haven't seen the full transcript yet right?

shooglenifty ago

Doubt it, but don't doubt that that may have been another piece of disinfo linked to the call. Trump wants to seal all leaks.

zlomsocz ago

I really enjoyed this perspective

shooglenifty ago

Anybody who watches GOT will recognize this spycraft as performed by Tyrian Lannister.