MolochHunter ago

sounds like you got a story

noreturn4me ago

I personally believe Alefantis is a coward as are of the of the perps in this investigation. We won't hear a word about this from any of them. I also believe that there is already enough evidence against HRC that they could arrest her tomorrow on many charges, maybe not pedosexualism but many none the less. We haven't proven acts against children that the msm hasn't already covered, and then deleted but there is enough proof and circumstantial evidence for a full investigation in all countries into these matters. Unfortunately all the players have high positions so there won't be a full exodus of these bastards. We are all that is going to change and make a difference in these matters. We the people are what is going to change this. We stand as a united front against this. The more divided on issues like sexual preference, gender identification, etc will be our undoing. We have all been red-pilled and have a focus on educating the masses, protecting those that can't protect themselves, and as a united front we will prevail. I applaud your effort in this post, but the unfortunate truth is these people are the epitome of coward. If they weren't they wouldn't use defenseless children.

MolochHunter ago

I think you're right - but I think the FBI already has 10 x the evidence we have - they just dont have the political circumstances to deploy that evidence. That is where we the people have to step in. So for me, this Voat forum should place more emphasis on awareness campaigns.

We all are fearful - both sides. Titanic historical forces are at fulcrum. If Alefantis fears the public more than he fears his masters, in that circumstance a small display of mercy might make him co-operate with the people

joeysaperv ago

Bravo. Well put.

It is a time for choosing, for all of us. I deliberately speak openly about pizzagate so bystanders can hear. This toothpaste is not going back into the tube. This is going to result in a huge change in how people view the powerful in society.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

I'm at risk of my relationship ending because my girlfriend is so tired of hearing about it. I'm learning how this topic brings out a lot of perple's selfishness and lack of empathy for anyone who isn't directly in their lives. The general many of them just seem so bewildered by this fast paced world we live in, and they cling to their simple ideas about what the "1%" are all about, and when you take the idea of elite murderous pedophiles running the world, their "self-programming" breaks down and they either laugh at you or get very angry.

MolochHunter ago

thanks mate. The mods wont allow this in the main pizzagate thread despite emphatic approval from other OPs when Ive tried. Feel free to link to this in your other posts on the main thread

pizzaboss ago

I highly doubt that Alefantis is going to repent, but it is important to highlight the contrast between homosexuals and child-abusers. Alefantis just happens to be both. I think culture accecptance of homosexuality as being not criminal is important, and child-abuse as being criminal and done in secret as a social program that needs to be made public on mainstream media.

The state of things its not a very friendly to speak out about pizzagate with your name attached to it wether you are str8 or gay, but as it becomes more and more acceptable to expose and talk about, people of all sexually orientation will have no problem speaking out that child abuse is wrong and should be attacked.

pizzaboss ago

It should be okay to be a child.