quantokitty ago

I'll upvoat this as many times as it's posted!

equineluvr ago

Being considered as Comey's replacement -- John Pistole, FORMER HEAD OF THE TSA. (!)

"whose decision to put in place more aggressive pat-downs and full body scans at airports drew wide criticism, is stepping down, the agency said Thursday.

Mr. Pistole, a former deputy director of the F.B.I., was nominated to the post by President Obama in 2010 after the president’s top two choices were forced to withdraw because of questions raised about their past.


Thorshamster ago

Cool Ranch!

Dressage2 ago

Well the Dems are going to say all because of Russians Trump fired Comey. It is about damn time we need to put a leader in there. Trey Gowdy would get my vote.

DonKeyhote ago

There's gowdy then there's everyone else

Omnicopy ago

The swamp is pretty shook up

LightSource ago

Trey Gowdy!!!

ArthurEdens ago

Gowdy would be like Eliot fucking Ness

horse-with-a-name ago

YASSS THISSSS (a guy can hope)

jstrotha0975 ago

I've heard Chaffetz and Sheriff Clarke mentioned already. I think Guiliani would be good.

jstrotha0975 ago

I will sleep good tonight.

jstrotha0975 ago

Probably, he's not the FBI director anymore so they can't charge him. That's how it works in government, if they step down or their time in office runs out before they are charged, nothing can happen.

bopper ago

They can arrest him as a private citizen for pedophilia.

jstrotha0975 ago

Is he involved in Pizzagate and is their any evidence?

jstrotha0975 ago

I believe the guy in the video.

bopper ago

I cannot help but believe him, I know how he is. Either he saw the real deal like he said or he dang sure saw something!

The_Crux ago

It's about time. I'm thinking Mueller will be back at the helm. Very establishment but Mueller and Alberto Gonzalez busted the DC Democrat pedo ring. It was a top priority for them, Comey is more of a protector.

jstrotha0975 ago

I hope you're right but I was thinking Guiliani.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

I am hopping it is chaffetz.

equineluvr ago

Yes, that's what we need -- someone with ZERO LAW ENFORCEMENT EXPERIENCE heading up the FBI. /sarc

jstrotha0975 ago

He would be good, if he isn't scared.

bopper ago

It's true, it's true!!! Howdy Doody fired by Trump, headline on Drudge and Zero Hedge!! (Okay, relax bopper!)

(Comey probably begged him to fire him.)

carmencita ago

I am sure the Cabal will keep close watch on him. I don't think his being fired will cut into his fear though. We should keep tabs and check to see if something happens, like ala Brock. Where is Brock by the way?