StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Dr. of Common Sense is about 65.25% truth. He speaks refreshingly about many subjects saying what we are all thinking sort of thing. However he also embellishes for fun and a little provocative humor. He made a video about the CIA coming to his house for example, that was play acting and a little click baity. His FBI friend may be a little birdy kind of thing or just his common sense. Story could be true, and he is saying what we all are thinking in regards to a suspicious guy strangely obsessed with Howdy Dudey and hob nobbing with a bunch of pedo elitist, while refusing to prosecute or investigate any of them. Dr. of Common Sense may be kind of playing poker face with them. He may be right, or he is just calling them out because he knows they won't call his bluff. He has enough sense to know that the network of people covering for these pervs wouldn't call his bluff because of their own skeletons. Even if he's 10 percent right that's enought that they don't want that 10 percent out. For example mounting Prince Charles may or may not be an embellishment.

downwithpizzaelite ago


x50_spence ago

This man is either having a very funny joke, or he is indeed telling the truth. Either way, this mans delivery of the stuff invovled is hillarious and i can see why he is a star on YouTube. The whole thing sounds ridiculous, but the funny thing about it is; it could all be fucking true!!

I am conflicted in my brain with; omg this guy is joking. To suddenly going, oh my god this shit is real.

The biggest thing to me that it is a joke is the level of detail he goes into it. Espeically toward the end with the whole grabbing him by the ears, and the pig noises.

However, with this in mind, one thing that is a shared interest is the friends with people who have sex problems.

Blowitwideopen ago're's not a STRETCH for him to mount charles?!?

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Correct but he said at the end of the video that he watched a video of Comey and Prince Charles. He just didn't want to watch any of the child stuff.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Wow 17 days ago? I missed this one.

Jem777 ago

This guy is obnoxious to some hysterical to the rest of real people. He has openly outed Obama "past" his birth certificate, HRC, Republicans, everyone. He has been banned, visited by secret service, etc. but everything he has said has been proven true in the end. He must have connections

Gbuggers ago

Why am I not surprised? Add Another member to the DC 🍕party.

SturdyGal ago

Wow, that's nuts. I don't recall Dr CS ever saying anything threatening. I guess I know what I'm doing this weekend!

Scirel ago

Whether he is right or wrong (and it all sounds plausible), he is funnier than hell!

3:12 mark: "Right here (Prince Charles) has his dress on, diggin' boogers"

Sharipie ago

Exactly. The phony dichotomy of Republican vs. democRAT.

party1981 ago

It could be that FBIanon didn't know about Comey.

When George Webb called out Comey that was the first time that I discovered the contradiction with FBIanon. Then it all made sense - why Comey let off Seth Rich and HSBC and Hillary twice.

The question is: does Trump know?

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Seriously Lol'd at some of his deliveries. Passionate guy, as for what he is saying, I don't doubt it at all.

2017, this place in history, remember, you have never been closer to staring satan in the eyes as you have been now.

No matter what happens folks, stay with the light.

educate_yourself ago

oh yeah its called being more informed than you because ive been researching this stuff a lot for a long time and read books on it and am sick of fucking baboons like yourself making this whole process drag out, out of a simple refusal to do the hard work yourselves. the point is i dont want to live my entire life in this world where we are slaves and kids are stolen and fucked and murdered by those we put in charge. where war is perpetuated over drugs and oil in order to keep us from evolving into things better we already have and to keep us doped up and stupid and to keep us in endless debt slavery by gas and fiat monopoly money. the leaps and bounds by which we as a species can grow are astounding, but we are only as fast as our slowest. thats you. so fucking do some homework and realize this stuff has been rigged for HUNDREDS of years and shits been getting rigged for THOUSANDS and people been getting offed to make their plans go through the entire time. so either we all die as slaves while destroying the planet so that other people can take it from us while we bicker over nonsense and die.............. or you can get curious about shit and do a fuckload of reading or research and realize that things need to change. trump isnt change hes another president who was groomed and is on a short leash

50hurtz ago

Amen to that!

EndThePizza ago

Everybody needs to stop posting "this person says they have evidence!" Anybody can make those kinds of claims. We've heard so many and they never pan out to be credible.

When these people release the evidence, then it'll be important.

thisHoCwilltumble ago

I'd like to believe this, but I don't rust anyone when they are wearing sunglasses. That's how Jim Jones got the people of the Peoples Temple to kill themselves.

strix-varia ago

Satan is all about sorcery.

equineluvr ago


This war has been ongoing since the dawn of man.

Mad Magazine was founded in 1952. There was virtually NO American anti-Irish sentiment by then.

American anti-Irish sentiment reached its height in the 19th century.

sponiatowski ago

This is a very interesting video and I believe it. I think credible people (insiders) reach out to independent info sites to get the message out and scare the right people. Judicial Watch requested access to Weiner's "Life Insurance" files and it was postponed. NYPD promised to make the info public and maybe this is the only way to do it. I'm going to believe this because of what happened to the Clinton's over the FBI server investigation. I've also seen the photos of Prince Andrew and Charles on the island. Let's wait to see how this pans out.

The_Kuru ago

Why doesn't he provide a screen grab of the video of Comey and Prince Charles having homo relation?

Jem777 ago

I have watched his videos. He is entertaining and brutal but everything he has ever said has come true. Including the fact he has been shown documents or evidence. I bellieve he is or was a military or intelligence operative.

equineluvr ago

With that accent, that is doubtful. Unless that's his schtick. I think he has some friends who are connected, however.

Jem777 ago

Yes..not sure if that is his sctivk. It seems he might have been high ranking military. When you listen to him through his schtick he uses terms and phrases that can only be known in military training. He also has heavily spoken out against Obama including identity. He has mentioned visits by the secret service and having his channel shutdown. Seems he has connections in high places or dirt on very high people. He has mentioned seeing pictures before.

dFrog ago

Hmmmmmmm. It's really not hard to believe that anyone that high up the chain is a pedophile. It only makes his actions since 2016 more confusing, though. I think it's pretty clear that Comey is acting based on behind-the-scenes events, but it's hard to discern where exactly he stands.

If this is true, I hope it blows up.

Commoner ago

According to this site, Comey is helping Jeff Sessions bust the CIA drug running operation, which Obama, Clinton, and Bushes have benefited from.

/ The site links to these article about the recent drug bust, largest in years, aboard a fishing boat called the.....Lady Michelle.

educate_yourself ago

sorta confused at the start didnt he say he didnt see it only his friend did? then at the end doesnt he say he saw comey mounting andrew???????? just wondering what im getting mixed up

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

I remember hearing Obama had a tryst with Senator Frist.

equineluvr ago

Frist was caught on video coming out of a homo D.C. hotel brothel. See HOOKERGATE (2006, I think) . Tom Flocco did some stories on it.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Watched ET Williams many times. He is not known to put out info unless he has verified it.

Pixel_loves_Polygon ago

I like ET Williams. He cracks me up sometimes. But I've always watched him as comic relief. I don't know what to make of this honestly. I don't think he would fabricate it, but he does tend to embellish stories for comedic effect.

I had heard a few months ago that he was actually visited by the FBI for things he was saying about the Obamas but was never able to actually verify that it happened. Anyone have info on that? If it's true, perhaps he came into contact with a sympathetic leaker through that encounter.

I do believe that things are being leaked to YouTube personalities from those in the know. But there's also a lot of disinfo and false leads as well. The best thing people can do is stick to verifiable things, like arrests, financial connections, etc. Keep stuff like this on the back burner and if it pans out, so be it. If not, it doesn't discredit the research being done.

Jem777 ago

You have to have watched him from at least over a year ago to understand him. He talks of very dark subjects but uses humor yes. He has really gone after Obama for being gay & Michelle for being a (try). you can believe this or not but he actually provides information in between the jokes. Most people would be shut down over this and he is not. He ridicules evil in the same way that is done on the Donald at Reddit or in 4chan. Some of you think this is juvenile but it is actually psychological warfare higher than many understand. Would challenge you to think about it that is all. Williams is also know for his faith which many would not see outright.

Ridiculing evil can take it's power away.

SoldierofLight ago

Interesting. Good points.

Pixel_loves_Polygon ago

I've watched him for some time and am active on the chans. I know what he's doing. I have no problem with it. It's why I watch him. However, I'm not about to use his claims of Comey fucking Howdy Doody look-alikes as some sort of proof. Maybe we'll get evidence, maybe not. I'm not about to stake all the legitimate research done around here on it though. It's on the back burner.

Jem777 ago

I agree. The Comey angle is a stretch. I was just confirming he does give accurate info in a numerous way. Often it seems outlandish but has proven to be true.

Pokes ago

Who is this guy? Why is he wearing sunglasses inside and why does he have another picture of himself wearing sunglasses inside hanging on his wall? How does he have FBI inside sources? Is he a journalist, a spook, or in law enforcement? I would like to believe this but I don't know this guy from Adam and am not sure how credible all the conflicting anonymous insider claims are; I genuinely think at least one or two of them have to be some 4channer trolling us.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I've wanted to believe in Comey, but it's becoming clear that someone has something on him.

DarkMath ago

"Who does prince Charles look like? .......Howdy Doody"

I'm laughing and crying at the same time right now. I can barely type.

Oh lawd this guy's hysterical.

GeorgeT ago

Christina_Gilliam you made my day. When Williams painted the image of James Comey grabbing Prince Chales by the ears as he went at it I was in stiches, never laughed so hard for a long time. I love Williams. (Please do not take it the wrong way folks, you know how I feel about this horror that is going on but as they say, the one thing that the devil is scared of is mockery, and Williams unleashed it in spades) I knew Comey was a sicko, how else would he have gotten where he is.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Yeah, he's a cynical person that often deals with dark topics with a twisted sense of humor. That obviously upsets some people but everybody's different.

GeorgeT ago

This is the way to take down those monsters. They don't deserve anything dignified. They deserve mockery. Williams has exposed them for what they are! As a red blooded woman's man I am on the same page with him. They are sick animals that need to be locked up in a psychiatric penitentiary! Prison is too dignified a place for them. Abomination on earth!

Kristina_Gilliam ago

That's your opinion. Unfortunately, your opinion isn't worth shit.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Who says I "buy into it?" Maybe I'm just curious and checking it out. Your motivation seems a little more dubious.

DeathToMasons ago

Terrible video. This guy makes you all look like idiots. He carries on about Prince Charles digging boogers, says Comey makes 12 yo boys dress up as Howdy Doody and Comey mounted children. Presents no evidence. Does this entire idiotc performance with his sun glasses on. Calls people queers. Makes one accusation after another. people are impressed with this video? Amateur night. Huge downvote for this video of a loudmouth clown making one dumb comment after another. My IQ suffered from watching this. Shut this thread down. Downvote.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Would you prefer he wore a suit and read a teleprompter? You should check out CNN. You'd love it.

DeathToMasons ago

So it is CNN or this? Both are garbage. Go ahead and show this video to somebody who knows nothing about PG. This nonsense does not help.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

I wouldn't show this video to somebody that knows nothing about Pizzagate either. Who says you have to? There's some leads here on Comey, his preferences, Howdy Doody, Redheads, Prince Charles etc. You're being incredibly narrow-minded and autistic.

DeathToMasons ago

You think you found leads? Because this guy said his FBI friend told him so? This same clown who on his video said he was offered to watch proof of Comey having sex with kids, but he said no, I trust you, just verify it for me? You realise the leap you are making here makes you look gullible? So you think you can right down "howdy Doody/Comey" and you have some lead to work with? And this video is the source of you starting this research? I am narrow minded? I think you are easily had.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

You would be a hopeless detective. You would sit around waiting for bulletproof evidence to fall into your lap and ignore everything else. This is not some random YouTuber that just created an account 5 minutes ago and then made a ridiculous claim. This is a guy that has been commentating on news stories for many years and has never made a claim of this nature before. Obviously we want more evidence but that's no reason to shit all over this like an entitled brat. Grow up.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Well, this would explain a lot! Sick POS MFing Evil Satanic Pedos! Gitmo4Pedos!

GeorgeT ago

Williams also nails Obama and Michelle

GeorgeT ago

Perhaps Princess Diana had known Charles was gay and there was a fear she might have blown his cover and had to be silenced. She was also aware of Jimmy Saville and the pedophile ring. She would have exposed everything. Also with Diana in the picture Prince William would not have been allowed to go through the pedo/gay initiation at Eton (latest scandal involving Eton Colledge member caught with child pedophilia and getting no prison). Kate Middleton is a beard. Comey was selected long ago!

equineluvr ago

Virtually ALL the royals are homo or at least bi. Having been raised in that milieu, Diana would have known that.

GeorgeT ago

Diana was aware of everything. She could not be trusted. All Roays are into pedo/satanism. They are a bunch of inbred psychopathic parasites.

PGIsIncrediblyDumb ago

"In fact he was skeptical of PizzaGate when the story broke saying that he didn't see enough evidence to fully convince him."

If the pizzagate "evidence" was enough to convince you, you're either a liar, either a retarded conspiracy theorist.

DeathToMasons ago

Why do you care to come here daily and repeat this troll? Is it your job?

Kristina_Gilliam ago

There was enough smoke to raise suspicion of a fire. It's as simple as that. No shekels for you, ShareBlue/CIA minion.

PGIsIncrediblyDumb ago

"ShareBlue/CIA minion"

You know you're an insane conspiratard speculating baseless accusations here, don't you?

Lileee1010 ago

since you are obviously of higher intelligence than us conspiritards, please provide sources for you great opinions of how dumb this all is. We are just peasants and obviously need someone as smart as you to guide us on how to think. Do you like to have your way with little children? But what do I know, I'm just a conspiritard obviously beneath you and your high intelligence. I must go find more people to tell me how to think...please don't comment on my post. I will probably have to go find a safe space because I'm so weak and can't handle anyone like you who might speak something negative about me or the way I think. You have shined the light on the errors of my ways. Do you wear a crown a royal robe perhaps? If you wear a royal robe, I'm out of toilet paper and could use it to wipe my ass with.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

You can't be doing this for free. Nobody could possibly be that much of a loser.

Azagthoth ago

I did NOT see this one coming. Yikes. The doctor doesn't bullshit either

GeorgeT ago

The second I saw James Comey I said to myself - he is gay! Again, and again Homosexuals are selected in these high posts.

SuperJohnWayne ago

I always though his demeanor was effeminate but never thought he was into kids, but maybe he is. It sure would explain his ability to be blackmailed after the Clinton/Lynch tarmac meeting and why nothing has happened with pedogate yet in regard to the elites.

equineluvr ago

He does have that "pretty boy" face, especially around the eyes.

GeorgeT ago

Spot on! Around the eyes! These gay/pedos have that look. Compare it with Prince Andrew - same look. Look at Alifantis - around the eyes, same look. Same with Prince Charles. Podesta is a freak! Too easy for us. They can't hide no matter how hard they try. Strangley Mike Pence has that same look, not as prominent but something is there. Dennis Hasterd has your typical pedo look. They make me want to reach for barf bag.

SoldierofLight ago

I don't believe that every gay guy is a pedo by any stretch, but Pence screams closet case to me and pedo and someone who will overcompensate in an effort to hide what he really is from the public. He gives me the creeps. Big time.

GeorgeT ago

A lot less creepy than Tim Kaine though.

SoldierofLight ago

Do we have to choose either one, lol?

GeorgeT ago

It was Bill Clinton himself who wrote in his autobiography 'Politics is a show buiseness for the ugly people.' - I would have replaced 'ugly' with 'creepy'

Phenomenonanon ago

You are who you hang around with

SturdyGal ago

I love ET Williams and would have missed this if you hadn't posted. He has always been credible. Did ET say he actually saw the video? If so, I tend to believe in Howdy Doody.

remedy4reality ago

He absolutely implied that he saw the video, avoiding the CP portion. If he saw it, we will see it eventually ( uuugh ).

awarenessadventurer ago

hmmmmm.... So Comey found his howdy doody videos on wieners laptop?. The FBI insiders know about it. Some of the media insiders know about it? Some are with "the program" Some are NOT.

Gowdy was his little HOwdy Doody FBI insider. He played his part. Going back in review of the headliners on this are telling in and of themselves.... HOWDY DOODY GOWDY is literally everywhere. The headlines flip from Gowdy wiped the floor with Comey, to Gowdy was protection Comey (further back) It all stinks.

They had it all wired in. It was an excercise in theatrics. Serious dirt on that weiner laptop. They should get oscars for the performances.

leaks are happening from inside, lots of Howdy Doody bombs peppered into articles that go back. . I think we now know why this hasnt led to big arrests YET. I have no idea if Sessions is really doing this, or if it is more theatrics at this point.

What will it take? I believe a NYPD public release of Weiners "life insurance" files and laptop contents are now required. I believe the WorldCorp video could be one of those intentional insider leaks from that laptop. I could be wrong, but that was my first hit on it when it started circulating.

What if NYPD release is our only hope?? THAT is some scary shit.

‘Criminal Referral’ Smear: What Trey Gowdy Knew — And When He Knew It from 2015

equineluvr ago

Gowdy was a VERY vocal supporter of Comey recently.

Jim Comey did more today to update us than I have ever had done in the 6 years I have been there, and for Adam to treat it that way - that dismissively, clearly he and I were in two separate rooms this morning.

I have never heard a Federal law enforcement agent give, with that degree of particularity and detail, an update on an inquiry. As you may recall, I was a federal prosecutor for 6 years, so I have talked to lots of FBI agents. He went so far beyond what any other administration official has ever done, whether it's Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, or his predecessor Robert Muller - they never gave us this level of detail and specificity. He bent over backwards.

Touchdown50 ago

Gross. Ughh. Dont even wanna imagine that

Truthseeker101 ago

Wait... FBI Anon said Comey wanted to Bring down Clinton. That he was on our side. Somebody is lying, right?

Somevoatguy ago

Not really, maybe he wants to bring her down but he's being balckmailed to not do it?

Rangers_justice ago

What if Comey is FBIAnon? Think about it.

Forgetmenot ago

Please stop acting like comey has to resort to 4 chan. Lol he has the ability to subpoena anyone he wants under seal. Understand that no one has their hands tied. Look at what the citizens have exposed with zero investigative authority. No subpeonas no surveillance, no team of forensics. The FBI has every resource available and they do what? Endlessly investigate cases that are never brought to justice. It's all a scam system.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

If this video really exists, did it come from the Weiner laptop? If so, that was found after the original FBI Anon. So, maybe FBI insiders didn't know about Comey until October?

educate_yourself ago

FBI anon is a sham just like DHS insider. at the end of DHS insider coming back for round 2 with VL he tells VL that FBIanon will be coming otu with more information soon and then anon did like the next day. seems both insiders are cumbucket liars or possibly VL is larping both. idk but its bullshit fbianon is a fuckin joke iremember thinking well this is not true when he talked of comey was a good guy. i just wonder if they are atually stalling for time or what

MeeestaTraumaLlama ago

What's VL? Sorry.

party1981 ago

Explain to me, specifically, how FBIanon scooped the NYT and Washington Post, four months in advance, by talking about the Clintons and child trafficking on July 2.

The NYT and Washington Post didn't talk about it until November, after Podesta's emails came out.

DeathToMasons ago

Comey so obviously protected Clinton that so called insider was exposed as a farce. RDS is the worst of them all of course. "Everybody gets the truth, nobody goes to jail". His dream result. Said it with his own lips.

educate_yourself ago

IKR!!! absolutely disgusting kid fucker and eaters colluding im sure of it. yeah i watched one of his videos a long long time ago and i didnt finish it, i couldnt. it stank of idk controlled op BS or whathaveyou. on top of that people are still posting about him and quoting him on threads or subverses or whatever lke the guys knows anthing .. fuckin hate that shit thanks for not being a tool dude

cantsleepawink ago

Everybody is just playing for time. The time for patience is almost over.

awarenessadventurer ago

you got it. go back on a search and see the flip flop on perspective. all theatrical.... we are onto something here.

numbat ago

The FBI has no jurisdiction in the British Virgin Islands and the British just stall and lose evidence anyway until everyone is dead or of no use to the blackmailers.

awarenessadventurer ago

have you ever been to the BVI? it is crawling with spooks. seriously....

DeathToMasons ago

You know this how?

YingYangMom ago

They wouldn't care if it was stolen or even faked and it would be online in minutes behind a paywall.

I disagree. They wouldn't want Comey to have new masters' protection. I believe they want him to pay for his disgusting crimes and this is the best way to humiliate him. If someone else had the original videos, they'd want Comey to dance in exchange for their protection or silence. Hell, maybe that's why he's still in position right now. Why couldn't he be Trump's whore?

DeathToMasons ago

Comey is FBI not CIA. His fall would not even stop the FBI's criminal conduct either. The entire Bureau would need to be gutted. CIA needs to be abolished, followed by criminal trials for their decades of crimes against humanity. Their HQ isn't even in the United States, it is in Germany. A reminder that they don't work for us. They are a criminal cabal that answers to the Central Banks who are owned by the Rothschilds, and they have a black budget and police themselves. The entire thing is so absurd it exposes the phony Republic we have always had.

carmencita ago


DeathToMasons ago

I don't like this video. I have come across this individual before but have always clicked off the video. He is highly theatrical, wears sun glasses and has pictures of himself on the wall. He is attempting to be a youtube personality. He simply talks about what he knows and never presents evidence. You simply post a video of a man making claims. I did not bother to watch the entire vide, but I will. I am afraid I am not impressed by his statements, and I don't like people trying to build a cult of personality and then talking about serious issues. I feel it makes a circus out of things. No need for personalities.

dFrog ago

I agree with the bit about personalities and that getting in front of a camera and saying things isn't a very strong format, but I don't think it's appropriate to assume that his intentions are that shallow. Yes, this video probably wouldn't do much to redpill someone totally uninitiated, but it has value to researchers in the form of a possible lead. It belongs in the stack of others who have made statements based on what they were told by alleged insiders. File under "something to consider."

Honestly, this is the nature of YouTube: People who haven't honed their media skills but have the will and the means to speak out going ahead and doing so. This is why I hated YouTube when I was a teenager, but I've come to accept the roughness around the edges because it's a great platform for citizen journalists and we (as a collective of citizens who aren't media professionals) are on a bit of a learning curve. The best thing to do is to set an example for others to learn from so that we collectively get better.

awarenessadventurer ago

I am 100% positive you are a white male and you dont know a single black person in any real way.

DeathToMasons ago

An ignorant comment on your part. You took my comment and inserted me having a problem with blacks. I will use your tactic and say you must be a libtard for coming to that conclusion. He makes a bad impression. You make a bad impression. He presented no evidence. You pulled me knowing no blacks out of your ass. No wonder why some youtube stranger impresses you. You are a simpleton.

awarenessadventurer ago

but I am right..... arent I? lol....

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Non-autists have personalities. Shocking, I know. It would be so much easier if people were robots. Look, he has no history of making wild claims or engaging in hoaxes and is relaying important information. If you can't get past someone's looks or personality and want incriminating evidence handed to you on a silver platter then you're wasting your time here on this subverse.

DeathToMasons ago

Well know, you seem to not get my point. My point being that he is putting on a show, selling a personality and trying to be the show. The material is serious and not made for his stand in front of the camera with his sunglasses on, act blunt, present nothing solid and show his image everywhere in the room with big microphones. This subject is not a joke and he looks like a youtube poser. Maybe you still need idols or larger than life theatrics. I need all the bullshit out fo the way and no distractions. This is not serious material.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

I get your point. You care more about the messenger than the message.

YingYangMom ago

Why would it be on several websites? The man said he has FBI connections and they let him view one (or maybe more) incriminating videos to probably convince him that they're not making this shit up. The man seems genuinely pissed off and disgusted. Idk, he sounds credible to me.

equineluvr ago

That sounds like the superficial explanation.

equineluvr ago

Another "12-D chess move?" Riiiight!

Uh huh. I don't share your optimism.

I voted for him but have serious doubts. He has more royal blood than Hitlery does. I believe we are being played.

equineluvr ago

So why'd he give the CIA control over the drones?

stellarcorpse ago

Would explain why he never prosecuted Hillary.

equineluvr ago

The FBI investigates; they don't prosecute. That is the DOJ's job.

Hitlery will never be prosecuted. She is a royal and a sovereign.

SuperJohnWayne ago

You're shilling with the same comment.

equineluvr ago

No, I am clarifying a point. If you don't like it, then don't read it.

SuperJohnWayne ago

No, I am clarifying a point. If you don't like it, then don't read it.

How can I know whether or not I like it, if I don't read it?

equineluvr ago

Oh god, another double-digit-IQ moron! Here, mouthbreather:


SuperJohnWayne ago

Does your username imply that you fuck horses? no wonder the dem mascot is the donkey.

SuperJohnWayne ago


SuperJohnWayne ago

I just nullified your comment using logic against your own flawed reasoning. You response? Personal character attacks straight from the Brock handbook of faggotry.

DeathToMasons ago

He recomended no action be taken to the DOJ. Same thing.

equineluvr ago

No it's not the same thing. A recommendation not to indict is merely input based upon inculpatory evidence. It is not a determination of guilt, which can only be made by a jury or judge.

stellarcorpse ago

you know what i mean. Never found her guilty.

equineluvr ago

FBI doesn't make that determination either! :)

stellarcorpse ago

Don't know why you are being such a dick. If Comey has found substantial evidence of wrong doing & illegality, she may have been prosecuted .Even with the sellout DOJ at the helm. She is not invisible. No one is. You are romanticizing the witch.

equineluvr ago

I romanticize NO ONE. I merely CORRECTED THE ERROR that YOU made.

Your ego can't take it? Get over it! This is supposed to be a RESEARCH sub. We are supposed to be posting FACTUAL INFO on here, not misinterpretations.

YingYangMom ago

Wait, I thought Comey said he didn't have enough to prove "intent" to commit treason. That was for an indictment, if I'm not mistaken.

equineluvr ago

Yes, FBI recommends (or not) indictment (grand jury) to DOJ, but ultimately it's still the DOJ's role to decide whether to proceed. That's why everybody's been pointing fingers at Lynch.

The MAIN point of Comey's testimony that day was that he LIED. There is NO intent element in the statute, which Gowdy pointed out.

YingYangMom ago

Got it. Thanks for explaining in more details.

awarenessadventurer ago

check this out... Howdy Doody for president, vote for a real puppet 2016.

RABBIT HOLE... Amaranth publishing. Follow the links on this one folks...


fucking deep, from 2016


Buffalo Bob Smith ...........James Comey Howdy Doody...................Trey Gowdy Dilly Dally...................southwind Phineas T. Bluster............ dell Clarabelle....................TownPUMP Flubadub......................Citrat

at this point in my search (with many many links to peruse containing COmey and Howdy Doody) my internet supposedly cut out and every search came up with a "There is no Internet connection" but I here I am submitting on VOAT. algorithms kicked in or some nonsense....

AND THEN... my computer just started printing. NO JOKE. 1am and my printer started printing. I havent sent anything to the printer in a week. I almost jsut had a heart attack from it. blank page with lines. I shit you not.

going back to get more anyway.. fuck'em. this IS something.

edit- here is more

check out HOwdy Doody on twitter. he shows up on multiple forums talking about various political items. Is Howdy Comey or is Howdy someone who knows? one of Howdy Doody's posts:

Comey letter regarding weiners laptop. he is on it. holding this up. "THIS GUY Needs fired asap for destroying a Candidate again" Sun, Nov 06, 2016 - 4:29 PMmarybeth "FBI Director James Comey Clears Hillary Clinton on New Emails Nine days after crushing Hillary's momentum, the director of the FBI reveals there's nothing suspect or criminal about emails found on Anthony Weiner's computer. Andrew Desiderio Andrew Desiderio 11.06.16 3:50 PM ET FBI Director James Comey said in a letter to members of Congress on Sunday that the bureau reviewed all emails to and from Hillary Clinton that were recovered on Anthony Weiner’s laptop, and found nothing in them that changes his conclusion in July that Clinton did not commit a crime. Comey rocked the presidential campaign when he informed Congress, just 11 days before the election, that the FBI found emails “pertient” to its closed investigation into Clinton's private server on a computer belonging to Weiner, the estranged husband of Clinton aide Huma Abedin. Democrats and Republicans demanded more answers from the FBI in the days following Comey’s vague letter. “Since my letter, the FBI investigative team worked around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails from a device obtained in an unrelated criminal investigation,” Comey wrote to lawmakers on Sunday, two days before Election Day. “During that process, we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State. We have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton.”

Here is a search link that has been deleted. It is not on wayback machine as far as I can tell. reading: Free Zone Media Center News: 'VIDEO: IT'S HOWDY DOODY TIME ... Oct 31, 2016 - 'VIDEO: IT'S HOWDY DOODY TIME, The Process Has Begun': FBI ... by embattled FBI Director James Comey stating the agency intended to ...

Comey a dirty cop: “I know that inside the FBI there is a revolt. There is a revolt against the director. The people inside the bureau believe the director is a dirty cop. They believe that he threw the [Hillary Clinton email] case. They do not know what he was promised in return. But the people inside the bureau who were involved in the case and who knew about the case are talking to former FBI people expressing their disgust at the conduct of the director.”

TREY GOWDY = HOWDY DOODY - thousands of insider mentions referring to Gowdy as HOwdy Gowdey in direct relation to the Comey / Clinton emails. There is something here... Gowdy Promises To Grill Comey 'Like Any Other Witness' [Video] 2 days ago - C., said FBI Director James Comey will not receive special treatment. ... 'He's Going To Be Probed' Trey Gowdy Gives Comey A Brutal Warning ...

I think Comey Probed Gowdy. think about it.

remedy4reality ago

Your printer may have been performing scheduled printer roller maintenance. Mine does this about every 2 weeks, usually in the middle of the night.

awarenessadventurer ago

I hope that is it. I am letting it be something that is easily explained. It still gave me a heart attack...... the timing and all. Shortly after that our power went out entirely, not sure why but it is what it is at this point.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Blu Tac your mic and webcam. Stay safe.

awarenessadventurer ago

what is blue tac? i will do it. i have tape for the webcam already covered. i dont know how to deal with mic. at this point i am a sitting duck but I AM NOBODY. so not too worried. i think.... the printer thing really messed with my head.

educate_yourself ago

like plasticine or some shit

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Apologies Blue Tac seems to be a UK brand. The sticky stuff used to hang posters on walls. We may be nobody's but together we are bigger than them and they know it. I've had strange things happen to my technology recently but your printer turning on and printing is so spooky! You've obviously hit on something they didn't like. Keep up the good work.

Sharipie ago

Twice in a week my grandsons white noise (for babies to sleep) machine turned on by itself. It made me think about the baby monitor. The CIA/NSA pedos could be watching our babies thru those things.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Oh my goodness it doesn't even bear thinking about does it. I've been wondering if the front face webcams start recording when playing on children's apps. The possibilities are probably endless with these creeps.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Listen to babies? Cooing? They are listening to the adults in the home!

Sharipie ago

newsflash! There are pedos in the NSA! Has it still not sunken in with you?

Ssgtpepper ago

Another rabbit hole opened? Spooky shit. Can you post a screenshot of your Internet getting cut out or take a video of it happening?

educate_yourself ago

is it really that important to see his internet was actually down? i get that there is a shit ton of shilling going on and people lie about stuff but what is the benefit to this? do we really need it? will it change anyting? idk seems kinda bizarre to want a video of it happening

Ssgtpepper ago

I dunno mate but to me that just seems like some really spooky shit and i would have loved to see it. It would just further convince me that it's all real

awarenessadventurer ago

if i could have known what was happening i could have taken a video. it was a standard Internet Not available screen on searches, other pages still connected. they stayed disconnected on that search page, but not on other pages. At almost the same moment a page began printing with just a line of dots. I did not send anything to the printer. my heart is still racing from it, but no... i had no idea that was happening at that moment to video.

Ssgtpepper ago

Weird as fuck. Stay safe but keep digging, we have to bring these sick bastards down

Kristina_Gilliam ago

That's some weird stuff with Howdy Doody. I'm sensing a rabbit hole too.

awarenessadventurer ago

I know it. I feel it. there is more.... i pause here. for now. good luck friends.....this one feels different to me so sending prayers of safety for us all.

SoldierofLight ago

Stay safe. And thank you for your dedication and hard work on this.

equineluvr ago

Are you suggesting that the CIA will be dismantled? That is ambitious and not gonna happen.

awarenessadventurer ago

fucking fascinating....

Antonius ago

I have been watching the Doctor's videos for several months. I believe what he says.

equineluvr ago

Love this guy! Been a fan of his for awhile.

It doesn't surprise me one bit that "devout Catholic" COMEY is a sick pedo freak!

Jobew1 ago

he is funny. one of his vid's bout michelle O being a man is hilarious. he's descent, but a little to pro-Republican for me (as if they're any diff than dems)

bopper ago

Hey, so should I watch this? Just logged on.

equineluvr ago

Yes, by all means watch it, Bop. :)

bopper ago

And ... internet went down. OK thank-you.

sound_of_silence ago

love this guy...

right, hoover was a tranny.. "It is more or less common knowledge that he was a transvestite and had a life long relationship with fellow FBI man Clyde Tolson..."

YingYangMom ago

So, this guy actually VIEWED James Comey mount Prince Charles while squealing like a hog? Gawd. I pity him.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

If this is true and if they ever release the damn tapes its time to go to DC and start shooting folks. But only in a well regulated militia like the Constitution says.

awarenessadventurer ago

watch your words of violence. not wise.....

SuperJohnWayne ago

10:58 LMAO

SuperJohnWayne ago

I like this guy. Seen quite a few of his videos, think he has good intentions, generally trustworthy, and has some unique insight and information. I knew Comey was dirty from his association with CF, HSBC, and the Clintons in their earlier years, but I didn't suspect him to be directly involved with children.I've never heard of the Howdy Doody Comey obsession either.

remedy4reality ago

way too detailed and fucked up to not be authentic

nomorepepperoni ago

Be a real pity of a copy of that video leaked, even with the CP portions blurred...

(If it's real, of course...)

awarenessadventurer ago

the NYPD Is threatening release if they do not release. They know.

Nov 2

"NYPD detectives and a NYPD Chief, the department’s highest rank under Commissioner, said openly that if the FBI and Justice Department fail to garner timely indictments against Clinton and co- conspirators, NYPD will go public with the damaging emails now in the hands of FBI Director James Comey and many FBI field offices."

"“What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” the NYPD Chief said. “There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”

Nov 3 NYPD Threat

Nov 4 - Comey Theatrics

my god there is so much more... follow the timeline. NYPD KNOWS. They want Comey too. He is shitting bricks. Gowdy is in on it. COVER UP. We need to appeal to the NYPD in a BIG way. Its important.

I so desperately want to send Comey a Howdy Doody picture on his Twitter. If I could get 500 others to do it as well I would.... make him panic and do something stupid.

SoldierofLight ago

I would join you. Start a thread on pizzagatewhatever to gain consensus so that we're protected in numbers. Then we strike and hit Twitter hard. Maybe even more than just Comey's account.

srayzie ago

Trey Gowdy? No way.

awarenessadventurer ago

Jim Comey did more today to update us than I have ever had done in the 6 years I have been there, and for Adam to treat it that way - that dismissively, clearly he and I were in two separate rooms this morning.

I have never heard a Federal law enforcement agent give, with that degree of particularity and detail, an update on an inquiry. As you may recall, I was a federal prosecutor for 6 years, so I have talked to lots of FBI agents. He went so far beyond what any other administration official has ever done, whether it's Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, or his predecessor Robert Muller - they never gave us this level of detail and specificity. He bent over backwards.

He is a flip flopping actor. All over the place... He is one of them. Lets face it WE KNOW THERE IS EVIDENCE ON THAT LAPTOP. THEY KNOW IT IS THERE. NO ONE HAS DONE SHIT. WHY? screw Gowdy Doody. he is a bad actor.

srayzie ago

I am so disappointed. I thought Gowdy was awesome. I loved hearing him speak. He seemed so honest like he was one of the good ones. My gut feelings are usually right, but I never expected Gowdy to sway in Comey's direction. I highly doubt that Gowdy is a pedophile, but it looks like he's not on Trump's side and I thought he was.

awarenessadventurer ago

POLY-TICKS many bloodsucking insects. Do not put your faith in ANY politician or government. We know too much now. It is up to WE THE PEOPLE and as far as I am concerned if you reach a high level of political power you have dirt in your closet. Period. That is how the system works. He worked for the FBI. As much as we would like to think the FBI is on our side (or at least some of them) the web is to big. Just not plausable. They are bad actors and they use contraries to propagandize just about everything. We know this now... study patterns. It is undeniable. We are many, they are few. We need to steamroll these fuckers until its out. They should be more afraid of us than each other... truth be told.

awarenessadventurer ago


email address SUBMIT PELLA, IOWA – Rep. Trey Gowdy says he trusts Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director James Comey to conduct a thorough investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email scandal. Speaking at the Pella Golf and Country Club alongside his presidential pick Sen. Marco Rubio, Gowdy placed his confidence in Comey, calling him an “honorable” and “apolitical” public servant, “which is exactly what you want in law enforcement.”

Gowdy introduced Rubio and then took a question about Clinton’s email scandal.

“I’m going to let them do their work,” Gowdy said. “I confess my bias upfront. I used to work with him [Comey]. I think Comey is doing exactly what you want, he’s doing a serious investigation behind closed doors, away from the media’s attention, and I’m going to trust him until I see any reason not to.”

awarenessadventurer ago

Is anything that hard to believe anymore? just for fun... do a search on Trey Gowdy Howdy Doody. Just do it...

this stuff has been trickled out for YEARS in very interesting ways. People know. Believe me.... Gowdy is in on it. Do some reading on how he dealt with Comey. Its a game. He is Comey's little Howdy Doody fuckboy. He used to work for the FBI. He is an actor.

SuperJohnWayne ago

I tend to agree with Truthseeker, although I'm still on the fence, as Truthseeker might also be. First of all, I admired Gowdy's no-nonsense letter-of-the-law approach. As a thinker in this arena, however, I began thinking that perhaps this, combined with his overly stringent. legalistic attitude, seemingly divorced from the context of concepts like tit-for-tat, disinformation, espionage, and the power-play, blackmail environment of DC should make me question his competence and reasoning. Also, he supported Marco Rubio in the primaries and only passively, unenthusiastically endorsed Trump late in the game.

Truthseeker101 ago

Lindsey Graham also supported him for Supreme Court...And we all know LG is a POS.

srayzie ago

I hope not. He's one of my favorites 😒

SuperJohnWayne ago

Yeah, I know, me too for awhile. I'm on the fence but leaning toward him being part of the establishment mentality

SuperJohnWayne ago

I just looked it up. Yeppa, you're right on the money. I did not know this, but as you said, LG supported Gowdy for justice on the high bench. I read that Trump had Gowdy on his short list for AG, but it may not be true. Regardless, Trump chose Sessions, who is more honorable. But LG endorsing him for SC justice is very interesting...

Truthseeker101 ago

I always thought he was a bad ass and legit. BUT watch this interview. Not only does he NOT get Trumps back at ALL on the wiretap issue, he implies that the Obama administration has no influence anymore and the Deep state does not exist in the DOJ or FBI. Fucking bull shit Trey!!!! What the hell HOWDY DOODY!

SuperJohnWayne ago

I see your point man. I'm sure we would be in the minority conservative opinion for rocking the boat in regard to Gowdy.

Forgetmenot ago

At this point it is safe to say that the police are playing both sides of the fence. The guys on the ground say it is upper management without holding even one person accountable. At some point if you have evidence and continue to hide it is considered collaborating. Actions speak louder than words

SchlangeHatRecht ago

I have been tweeting true pundit to pester them as they have claimed NYPD would release in 1 week, strow is coming, yada yada yada

Nothing, no response. I am tired of the "its coming folk!" and nothing happens.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Yeah, lots of people are asking True Pundit. I think they just read it on an "it's coming" web site like "Your News Wire" but pretend that they have some inside source. E.T. Williams' source needs to find a secure location and leak some information to the general public. It's pointless leaking to authorities or even WikiLeaks on the off chance they are compromised. This is a tenuous link but it's the best chance I can see at the moment. The NYPD clearly doesn't have the stones to release any info despite their reported threats.

duhiki ago

They don't have the stones because they get federal funding. If NYPD goes forward with the release, they're cutting off their own funding and they know it. Maybe there should be a gofundme for the NYPD.

Forgetmenot ago

Oh please federal funding should be the least of their concerns. They are working for pedofiles and choose to clock in every day and get their pay checks, it is defrauding the American public to collect those pay checks and collaborate with pedofiles.

dreamdigital ago

Can we flood the NYPD with tweets to maybe pressure storm them into releasing or at least making some kind of move?

carmencita ago

This is the best idea up till now. I have suggested this as well. Either a call in day or a tweet day. #NYPD#ExposeTheWiener.

cantsleepawink ago

Why doesn't the NYPD release the stuff already. It's time to end this madness.

awarenessadventurer ago

who is in on a big collective push to NYPD? Lets make efforts en masse.....

equineluvr ago

Yes, that BS dates back to November.

They are just stringing us along.

Truthseeker101 ago

I'm beginning to realize, all hope relies on Wikileaks. Our system is compromised at all levels. The FBI, CIA, NYPD, or whoever will end up NEVER sharing the entire contents of wieners laptop. Wikileaks is our only chance

cantsleepawink ago

Well, I think Wikileaks is compromised too. WE are our only chance,

Truthseeker101 ago

How is Wikileaks compromised??? They did just drop vault 7, right?

cantsleepawink ago

I'm inclined to agree with the sentiments of this article : WikiLeaks Vault 7 CIA Dump Offers Nothing But Old News

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

This article doesn't mention the Umbrage (sp?) program which allows them to leave fingerprints of hackers to make it look like Russia hacked a server - like the DNC server. I think that's what Wikileaks was telling us with this last drop.

cantsleepawink ago

Well, thanks for pointing that out.

chelseaclinton ago

I've watched his videos he seems credible to me for whatever that's worth. Comey being a child molester would explain a lot of things.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I've always said that there is no way that a supposed Republican would be appointed as the head of the FBI by Obama, unless there was some HUGE blackmail material Obama could hold over his head.

Joe10jo ago

@pizzaequalspedo, at first glance I thought you said that there's no way a republican would do it with a democrat. lol! True dat!

equineluvr ago

In July 2016 Comey proclaimed that he was no longer a registered Republican:

"But in July, Comey said he was no longer a Republican. “I have been a registered Republican for most of my adult life, not registered any longer,” he reportedly told Congress. The 55-year-old has donated money to the campaigns of John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romney in 2012.

However, he didn’t clarify if he was still a Republican, just not registered as one, or if he had changed his political affiliation,,,"


Comey's looooong history with the Clintons is food for thought as to WHY Trump kept him around.

Sharipie ago

Having a "Republican" in there that he could control was the perfect way for obama to say "see, we are not doing anything wrong, because if we were this Republican would go after us, right."

GeorgeT ago

If he made it this far he had to be!

DeathToMasons ago

He made it this far suggest he was put there like every other POTUS after Kennedy. They knew they couldn't control the narrative anymore so they needed to give us a false savior, who is working for them while appeasing us. Eventually, the lack of arrest will wake some of you up. The rest will say he is ready to strike in his second term. No really, you will.

nomorepepperoni ago

I don't get the sense he is, but I could be wrong. Did Trump not know this when he chose to keep him aboard?

If Comey were, though, I agree it would explain things. It would also make sense if he was going to out other abusers and was blackmailed by DOJ.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

How else would Comey get the top job and be controlled?

nomorepepperoni ago

Money could get you the control. Getting him into power means controlling others as well.

If Comey was chosen for the role, then they have dirt on him. Or should I say, pizza dust on him?

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Of course. That is what I meant.

educate_yourself ago

ive tried writing this nicely but it doesnt suit me. your comment is dumb as fuck. on top of that my overall simmering anger and frustration and resentment towards certain people is bubbling up, and your comment is the first obviously fucking stupid one but also your hypothesis about politics doesnt deserve my reaction but im angry that you and so many others still think some of these people arent evil twisted deserve to die daughterfuckers........... what do you have spedoy senses or smthin? then why havent you called out basically all of hollywood and all organized, western govts? easily more than 1/3 of all politics are kid fuckers, more! get your boner for politics removed so you can see the false dichotomy completely fake pretend THEATER that is so-called "politics". you think trump is ANY different? the powers that be will never give us the chance to actually choose anything, that would be too dangerous. we create real uncontrollable emotions which is the complete opposite of everything in life nowadays. they all play for the same team and we arent on it. he is an oppressor and we are oppressed. Its also pretty retarded to think that Comey would touch or go near another abuser if hed been to Epsteins island, like oh yeah just lemme open this can of worms that i have nothing to do with.......... not only that but these are sick twisted evil evil fucking things calling themselves human. how can you possibly think he acts in anyting other than self interest and personal gain and israel if i (recall) sorry for the rant but yeah these elites are all involved in secret societies that control and run the world and keep real and important and sacred history and knowledge and vast unimaginable global overnight improvements and fixes out of our hands for whatever the reason. trump is part of this so is comey so are all the elite scumbag cucks

DeathToMasons ago

At least you aren't buying the good guys vs bad guys cartoon.

educate_yourself ago

of course not but then again im not dumb or ignorant so ive got a headstart. also ive been researching heavily the conspiracy that we live in for 3 years and a huge core subject is satanism so ive been aware that the elite are doing this for a while now. as much as trump talked a good game pre election (from the highlights i saw) i hate his guts for the way he wants to rape the american and muslim people of the planet in mid east and usa, and also africa i think now. idk im so sick of how fucking ignorant people are on here and unwilling to do the research themselves instead of like yah murica yah trump. idk the leader of my country was fucked by his dad and his dads friends from a young age and is now continuing the cycle so im kinda not doin too great leader-wise, either

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Get your head out of your ass idiot! Trump is not a pedo! You are another Soros pd whore! Go back to sucking his wrinkled Satan dick.

educate_yourself ago

dont be a tool dont get so butthurt over my opinion. they are all pedos he couldnt have stepped in the ring with big bad hillary if he didnt at least fuck some underage pussy or dick. thats just how that world works so get over it. and dont talk to me about satanism ive fucked around with shit and personally know who and what i am and its not that. i hate soros pd whore wats that mean? idk im not huge into reddit n shit. ive justt been researching this SRA as it related to all of my other clearly related conspiracy stuff and a portion of the SRA is now called pizzagate. i promise you im not a shill dont fuckin talk shit at me bc ive been doing homework on this stuff for years now not months. u cunt

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Roflmao! You really are a FuckTard!

educate_yourself ago

yeah, im stupid..............

DeathToMasons ago

That is not an argument. A series of insults.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I don't need to argue my point! Trump has proven that he has nothing to hide! This fucktard, deserves to be insulted! Lying is a cowards way out!

nomorepepperoni ago

Hey now, I admit I could be wrong. I don't have any more of a "spidey sense" than anyone else in the matter. At the end of the day, I can only hope, if futilely, that SOMEONE in the ranks is on our side.

I hope you're wrong, but you may not be. So what do we do about this shit? Perhaps this mentality is naive of me, but I refuse to believe we can't push these people to out each other and start bringing this down.

educate_yourself ago

dude i want someone to be on our side but the truth is that satanists and illuminati bankers have successfully employed the exact same tactics to cause revolutions in at least 4 countries as well as using these tactics to steal all of the power from countries w/o revolutions, and theyve been doing this the exact same way over and over again from at least the 1600s that is incredibly easy to prove. theyvee likely been doing it for much uch much much longer but our history has been erased and eradicated and changed so idk. i wish trump was on our side but he was chosen the same way hillary was and he was chosen to beat hillary by the same people that chose her. its terrible but its true, he didnt just trip and fall into the presidency, and he certainly didnt do it himself. why do you think the news was runnig him 6x mroe than her every day? bc they chose him. and they got the poeple to vote for him by being so biased against him. a lot of ppl were convinced of pizzagate bc of how much its called fake news. the thing is im only 22 but ive been following pizzagate (its just part of the 1 conspiracy that is all conspiracies really) for 3 years now and im quite convinced that all government needs to be abolished for something better because they are ALL corrupt, every last one of them. why do you think they arent dead? seth rich.......... anyone who doesnt go along and get along is got gone. there are only 2 parties because they are both owned. red and blue represent the 2 freemason lodges. the freemasons were co opted by the bavarian illuminati that was created by adam weishaupt- a High Priest in the Luciferian Brotherhood. The men recruited in weishaupts illuminati were men with noble ideals that were basically the separation of church and state and the separation of church and science. as in science is king and we need to not be inhibited by the meddlesome church, our work is most important thing etc etc. weishaupt ordered them to infiltrate the freemasons who were at the time a good group. they did this across europe and opened the Grand Orient Lodges, starting freemason down its path to be wedded to satanism. they then used their influence in freemasonry to position themselves in important places within government and military and media like print & so on. then they pulled off the french revolution and a bunch of others followed. eventually they were led to bribe or murder every official in order to purchase the country quite literally. they did this with france, england, russia, others, and america/canada. others too i believe just cant remember off the top of my head....

all im saying i guess, is that once ANYONE gets to a certain level of power or importance or relevance or fame or wealth or notoriety or WHATEVER (i think u get the gist) then you are faced with the option of joining the team and you can say no but if so small bad things will likely happen to nudge u into a yes but its like once ur however high up in any given thing you either join them and have an externally very desirable life but if u say no you will have reached ur ceiling. doors will close for u and you will notice things becoming noticeably harder. i guess my point is theye been at the top of the food chain in every important and evne some not at all important industry or business or job or like high school teacher or uni prof. then i think about donald on the illuminati card game saying enough is enough and his dads money and him being a tv star. not good. 1 good one possibly is Cynthia Mckinney and she grilled them so hard she only lasted 1 term. but I would guess that she was controlled opposition because she is still alive! to provide the illusion of genuinity and a voice for the people. If she were a threat to them, like all the good ones in politics or entertainment are, shed be dead.

If anyone who is directly or indirectly involved with pizzagate isnt aware of pizzagate then it doesnt even matter bc they are literally retarded. something thats always brought up is they dont want people investigated to know so thats why shits under wraps. Have people thought about how ridiculous this is? do these pedophiles not have access to television or the internet or the news?! im pretty sure the pushback weve seen is hard proof that those implicated- in their entirety- are well aware of the current state of affairs.

thus it should be safe to say that nothing is actually happening by the trump whitehouse or the 3 letter agencies, and this is because they are all implicated and complicit and are either gonna do literally nothing or punish the very bare minimum, like whatever they think the public will accept as "the bottom of this". or they continue doing nothing and leaking shit and divind the country by race while demonizing donald whose in on it, to cause havoc and a kind of civil war/revolution of sorts. donald is secretly the exact same as hillary. owned and retarded liars who have no real power and do as their told, they have what they are given. pense is a child rapist and murderer and his soul was sold long ago. comey is a paid liar also likely a satanist. his career is garbage and hes not qualified for his position hes an errand boy who sucks little boys cocks. trump is abusive to his wife who is likely a sex slave he literally purchased. kinda makes sense him and ol jeffy epstein got along so well. his daughter could easily not be his daughter or could be a clone or genetically made and thats why he wants to and probaly has fucked her,or maybe he just wants to fuck his daughter.

trump is full of shit they are all full of shit just lke barack obama throwing parties on taxpayer dime almost every night in 09. walks away worth how much more than before? clearly fucks kids and joe biden and other dudes.

im so sorry for being an asshole i just want us all to be further along than we are i guess. and people may start ratting on eachother but not so long as nothings happened yet because the consequences from the illuminatiwould be swift and inescapable; why would comey just choose to rat out others after getting himself so deep in kids asses that he will still do a lot of prison time regardless and to talk before being incriminated would death by secret societies or CIA before trial most likely? its like disappear or get heart attacked or suicided, or wait it out and just pray you dont get arrested for whatever reason and if you do weigh your options then flip or llive out your days in jail but probs get killed.

"what do we do about this shit" thats the big question. the problem is that it exists on every continent and always in lofty positions. of course there are greasy low level pedos but those ones can be used for collection of children for sra and lots of sex then murder which im sure you know. my point is we can get rid of the networks in dc and hollywood but those are only tiny parts we need to get them all to end it but in order to see the bigger picture people need to do broaden their horizons in terms of conspiracies so that we can recognise the actual size of pizzagate relative to the overall conspiracy gripping our rather rapidly devolving modern, civilized world. we need to start getting access to the tech theyve been hiding because science will change drasticaly and potentially could help fix pedos for real but we could fix the planet and solve hunger and all thes things.

its gonna take long to get rid of satanism from this planet bc we cant relly understand it to fight it bc it isn t human in a lot of ways and these awful elite are really just being used as pawns in a much larger plan. and if more and more people find out and still nothing happens they couldwind up taking to the streets and if that happens we will be getting led by paid controlled opposition scumbags bc thats what always happens now. that fucking loser mike cernovich and britt pettibone and david seaman and honeybee and some others like milo are trying to hijack movments and make it about thenm bc they are on the other team. we somehow needa dismantle modern government while gaining access to all of the insane tech our govt and secret rulers have that humanity has a right to.... and we need lke an off planet or underwater prison

Honeybee_ ago

@educate_yourself Wtf? How am I hijacking this movement? I honestly was really digging your comment and reading it out loud to my BF, and I almost fell out if my chair after reading your bullshit theory that I'm some kind of troll working for the enemy, f*ck off bro, I thought you knew what you were talking about, but you're an angry pseudo intellectual flap jawwing fool. If you got something specifically you want to say to me, providing details of your actual "crock pot conspiracy", nows your chance kiddo.

50hurtz ago

Thank you for actually understanding, I was getting sick of people that litterally believe government is anyhting but a shit show. Stick around mate, we need alot more like you. This is all damage control. People need to start being level headed and logical. Fuck those who downvoted you because they have their rectum stretched over their head still, I'm sorry but its true. Everyone needs to know that no one ever is allowed to the top without you being complicit with their rules one way or another. Amazing post.

redditsuckz ago

im quite convinced that all government needs to be abolished for something better because they are ALL corrupt, every last one of them.

After being on v/pizzgate for over 3 months I am glad to see at least ONE person get it...

Are people not mature enough to govern themselves without the need for another "daddy/nanny"?

The Tiny Dot

If You Were King

Gbuggers ago

For obvious reasons self government would not work. These evil elites have been doing just that and using our government to hide and carry out there atrocities. The Unites States Constitution is not corupt it is the evil people that are corupt and we the people need no have to bring them to justice. I think they should completly start over with new fbi new cia etc. And burn down the old corupt buildings but not before we the people of the united states look at every last blackmail tape and aresst every god damn one of them. They would lose the power they have over each other and their positions and power in our government.

educate_yourself ago

im glad someone else gets it also. supposedly our geneticshave been messed with over the millennia and theyve given us a trait common in most that is need for a godhead or leader or whatever. it makes sense to me, even my best friends who i convinced that pedos were raping and murdering and eating and killing (well they didnt believe eating at first) from dc and vatican and london and such think we need government and structure and somehow things will either change or wont but they dont have an issue with govt. they vote, i dont get it tbh by voting them in we are giving them the right or power to do these things in many ways

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Maybe it was a case of keeping your friends close and enemies closer? He could have played fool to it and told Comey things he wanted leaked back to the peados.

stellarcorpse ago

A lot of pedos don't give off the sense that they are pedos. They don't always wear it on their sleeves. Many are good con men. Would not surprise me one bit.

edblings ago

comey gives me the willys

stellarcorpse ago

I agree, I always thought there is something off about him.

nomorepepperoni ago

And hence why I say I could be wrong. These scumbags are good at masking their pizza-eating ways. Question is, who haven't these fuckers tainted or propped with their "pizza"? :/