Votescam ago

165 up votes and from two months ago .... and first I've seen it-- !!

druhill007 ago

no evidence... l o l... humanity does not need your shilling

druhill007 ago

Yeah I'm thinking I was 'flagged' a few weeks ago for aggressive tweets towards podesta and soros. not the right way to go about things either. we need public on our side

The_Roman_Numeral ago

And there lies the divide. How can anyone get to the bottom of this if it's CIA vs CIA whitehats vs FBI vs FBI whitehats. Broken all the way down. There needs to be a crushing majority that gets together to complete their human duty and responsibility. It is imperative. Why? because the world has never been closer to revealing the devil. It doesn't matter whether you believe in it or not. IF they believe it? that's what counts.

NotTooLate ago

What if independent journalists investigated and targeted the hotels and secret rooms being used?


10000000000000000000000 up votes.

anon401 ago

5:55 Sibel Edmonds mentions the Ciragan Palace in Istanbul for VIP guests.

I'm reminded of this meeting.

August 25, 2013 A Veteran Saudi Power Player Works To Build Support to Topple Assad

Prince Bandar has largely stayed out of Washington but held meetings with U.S. officials in the region. One was in September 2012. Sens. McCain and Graham, who were in Istanbul, went to a meeting at an opulent hotel suite on the banks of the Bosporus.

pig_lifter ago

Exactly, you'd best bet that is their control hub. Cameras, female favors, prostitution, all have been used to entice their guests, but record them at the same time to have that useful blackmail file on hand.

Sharipie ago

Why should we think the FBI is a clean organization with honest, good intentions to fight crime? All the rest are corrupt and co-opted. Yet the FBI was allowed to be clean? Was the FBI ever clean?

henryleelucas ago

Nope. They have always been in bed with maniacs like Joe Barboza and James Bulger....birds of a feather I guess.

thelastcoldwarrior ago

There is a good, clean, honest organization part of the FBI, the biggest part. Thousands of agents that schlep to work every day, try to put away the bad guys, solve crimes, pay their mortgage, try to raise their kids, etc., etc.,. That is the cover for what is going on in the compartmented programs where really evil stuff is going on, they couldn't exist without them. Same thing with CIA, or the military, or the post office, or any government agency.
Except the state department, those fuckers are evil from top to bottom.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago Read this anon thread from July and see what the FBI was up against. Remember he says he puts in some stuff to throw off anyone who might try to track him down. This was put online in July of last year. Loads of stuff talked about has come true. You have to use your own intuition if you are going to believe most of it. I do.

this is a quote from the anon thread A) Turn over all of the information to the DOJ, make public a recommendation, the truth comes out, the entire world realizes how much the US is meddling in foreign affairs, and we go to war. The civilian population realizes how much foreign money influences our governent, and a civil war begins. B) You cherry-pick the data to implicate the people already in the eye of the public opinion, so the chips fall on the heads of a select few and the whole system does not crash. C) You do nothing and watch the unstable political climate to gauge how you will respond.

quantokitty ago

Upvoat for the post and Edmonds. What she says consistently rings true. She sure doesn't seem like some shill. Especially because she's begging/willing to testify.

Saibra ago

Edmonds is no shill. She's ex FBI and a whistleblower. She testified against Haskert in 2006. I'm surprised she's still alive. Thank God. Thank God for Sibel. I pray she's protected.

quantokitty ago

Me, too. She's the real deal.

pbvrocks ago

Listen..what better leverage than having a pedo tape? Also look at how they recruit..find a pedophile downloading porn, then either recruit them (jail or $$ and a better life??) or take their kids for Monarch (jail or we give you $$, a better life, but take your kiddos)...this CERTAINLY was the MO in the 80's 90's according to insiders. So, OF COURSE the CIA would have tapes on every one of these guys..from Epstein island to Hastert raping Franklin kids...and dollars to donuts all video is store in #Vault7...

Clinker ago

Rush and Sean are not globalists, they are conservatives. They see the world as right vs. left. It is pretty clear that both the right and the left are involved in this pedo shit, although they seem to be different factions. Being pro-NAFTA doesn't mean you are pro-Muslim spies in Congress. That just makes no sense at all.

flyingcuttlefish ago

Jeb Bush divorce papers - his trip to China and ladies at the hotel "gifted" to him by China gov't. - This story was in the papers but at election time were never mentioned. If China gave him women to play with one can assume they had cameras in the room.

pig_lifter ago


DarkMath ago

"China gave him women to play with"........That made me think of an old friend of mine in the armed services, I won't say which one. He had gone to China for a week, this was almost 15 years ago. He was an officer and on active duty but it may have been for vacation and not business, I can't remember.

Anyway he said the first bar he went to in Beijing had the most stunningly beautiful hookers he'd ever seen. He said you could basically take them home to your hotel room for the entire week.

At the time I chalked it up to China having so many people, Capitalism and money. But now in light of this espionage black-mail shit we're all learning about those hookers were stunning for a reason. My friends hotel room was filmed probably and the recording filed away for later use no doubt.

Nothing ever happened to my friend, he wasn't even married at the time. I got the impression he felt like he lucked out or that he was getting "serviced" on a higher pay grade than he actually had.

flyingcuttlefish ago

Plus - in the US, mafia bookmakers use hookers to get intel on players (Johns) for their betting operations. In China women could be used the same way, just to get info from servicemembers in ordinary conversation.... or boozy conversation.

DarkMath ago

"in the US"........Totally. That's one of the reasons why I'm glad I have no money. It was hard at first seeing people with lots of money. Then around 35-40 I figured it out. Money is the root of evil, they weren't lying.

Money attracts all sorts of problems. I have a friend from high school with loads of money. He bought a house on the water. He even has a dock but he won't buy a boat to put there. In fact he basically never leaves his house. You have to wonder if you get to a certain level of wealth and you get a whole new set of problems. You get a big old target on your back.

Poverty means peace.

flyingcuttlefish ago

yeah ... those ultra-rich all have hide away closets in case of a break in.

GeorgeT ago

Any links to full video? This is really good.

spezSentMe ago

Great video. I say It's funny how this actually has become mainstream. In that, I mean, more people are investigating this than the number watching old school msm's bullshit. Fuck the so called mainstream media. Their doom is imminent. Now let's all get a coat and watch them burn.

Gbuggers ago

Mainstream media calling pizzagate fake news or aiding in covering up these horrific crimes against children are as guilty as the evil elites that commit the crimes . MSM is helping the Satanic paedophiles contunue their sick crimes.

Piscina ago

What I can't believe is that the media doesn't run with this story. Seems there is NOT one investigative journalist with integrity.

Gbuggers ago

That makes then as guilty as the pedos themeselves because they are helping to bury pizzagate by doing this they are allowing it to continue. Lock them up too if they know and do nothing about it.

Clinker ago

Some are staying silent because they are being told by their pedo bosses to remain silent. Others are staying silent because Trump & co want to use the revelation to be come out in a coherent, orchestrated way. Do you really think the Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity would be silent on the Awan bros - the Muslim brothers that stole House Intelligence info for years now that it has been revealed on Politico, Washington Caller, etc? They've been asked to hold back.

2impendingdoom ago

Some are staying silent because they are being told by their pedo bosses to remain silent. Others are staying silent because Trump & co want to use the revelation to be come out in a coherent, orchestrated way.

Do you know this as fact or is it your speculation?

Clinker ago

Lol, what, do you think I have documents proving this? I wasn't sure until I saw the Daily Caller and Political stories about the Awan brothers. Rush and Sean should be screaming about this at the top of their lungs. It is already out there, it isn't a rumor. Yet.... silence. There is no other explanation except that they have been asked to hold back. No matter what else you think about these two guys, they have both made it clear how they feel about elites, going way way back before Pizzagate.

bopper ago

Hannity and Limbaugh are useful, they help the sheeple get a foot in the door, lots of people listen as they drive. They've become a bit more emboldened since Trump won, but of course don't expect too much from these guys.

2impendingdoom ago

Okay, your comment seemed so specific as if you had insider knowledge other than what we can all surmise, anyway, thanks for responding. :)

pig_lifter ago

It's not that, the media outlets won't allow those investigative journalists to get a proper platform.

sponiatowski ago

This is important because it shows how the pedo-ring works within the government. All the claims that Sessions is being attacked because he will out Washington DC pedophiles is lent new credence. Thank you for this.

druhill007 ago

I've been tweeting like a madman about this and nobody is responding. Either I've been shadow banned or nobody has argument against human trafficking hehe

EDIT: tweeting at people calling for sessions head lol. Really surprised at lack of response. Gotta be shadow banned lol

ObamaFAG1 ago

YOU are correct! I am on my 5th twitter account in 3 months.

druhill007 ago

jeez. i like my main account lol. I made a political one so I don't bombard friends and family with heavy issues. also not being so aggressive towards people. trying to enlighten

sponiatowski ago

I've been watching on You Tube the past couple of days and Honeybee had some of her videos removed, her best ones. You're being shadow banned, alright, but by whom. Don't give in. Post something, tweet something, say something somewhere, anywhere and the issue won't die.

druhill007 ago

Oh yeah. It's too late for them. The threshold of truth has already been hit. They can damage control and suppress all they want but it's reached too high of a percentage. They'll never be able to get back to previous levels of deception

sponiatowski ago

Like getting toothpaste back in the tube!!!LOL!!!! eff em!

pig_lifter ago

Certainly. I love how Sessions always responds to those allegations with a smirk. He knows.

sponiatowski ago

Well, if he is recused from that Russia nonsense, he has more time to spend on pedo-gate. I'd be smirking too. It is hysterically funny watching people willingly, tauntingly forcing you to dig their graves for them. It would be diabolic but they seem to be doing it to themselves! I'm smirking too.

HashTagFU ago

Dems/Repubs = false dichotomy. There are plenty of skeletons on both sides. As much as I hope Sessions drains the swamp, I have my doubts. These are the actors, not the script writers.

sponiatowski ago

I agree with you completely. If Sessions rounds up McCain and Graham and some other Republican then we have to admit our new President is creating a whole new animal and politics as we know it will completely change....and good riddance to the old.

usuck911 ago

hmm.. the thing is Democrats will use the "Russia nonsense" to launch impeachment of Trump. Now that Sessions is not going to take part Democrats will be confident of successful outcome. Ofcourse the rougues CIA/FBI agents will fabricate the evidence. If Trump is impeached all his cabinet will go and you get a new administration that will ignore PedoGate. So its not looking good.

I hope someone can shout out to Trump team the recent conclusive investigation that "Guccifer 2.0 hacker" is infact a ghost hacker fabricated by the Democrats.

sponiatowski ago

Don't be so negative. The Russian Impeachment will quickly die if the accusers are all being investigated for connections to the Lolita Express which implicates Schumer. Did you see Trump's tweet about Trump Tower being bugged by Obama? That will keep them too busy too. Tit for tat. And don't be so negative. You may see a potential for Trump to be deposed, but I see the death throws of an old, elitist, pedophile Establishment. That's a good thing.