Crunch43 ago

let's not forget about their (Facebook, google, Apple, etc.) discreet conversations with the HRC campaign! In the attachment, last paragraph

NotHereForPizza ago

I got a message from a friend.

Used to work at NCMEC, corruption starts at top, but CEO has been replaced and is just a figurehead who doesn't know shit about what actually happens in the organization. John Shehan is the Vice President of the Exploited Children Division and that is the division that houses all of the child porn ever discovered. No other organization legally has access to it so by controlling this division at NCMEC, John Shehan controls it all. He has been at NCMEC forever and so has his wife, Staca Shehan, who is the Executive Director of the Case Analysis Division, and together as a power couple they run over half of the organization.

The finances of this place have been in the gutter, probably with John Shehan to blame, but he may be a genius because he and his wife run circles around upper management so he gets to run the show with little to no real oversight as the CEO gets replaced. I'm only giving the information I have because NCMEC was brought up but please don't drag me back into this. As analysts, many of my friends and I just worked for John and did as we were told and everything had to be filtered through John. If there is something fishy going on, this guy HAS to be responsible.

Fatsack ago

Lol, I don't know if I've had any problems with janitors and waste management... lol. They take my trash away, and clean my shit. Good people.

privatepizza ago

The ICMEC website is 'made possible through the generous support of The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation' -

On this foundations website, we see that they are involved in funding education, the arts (with emphasis on contemporary art), and science.

From their site - "We invest in innovative scientific and medical research, especially human genomics and stem cell research." -

@redditsuckz @honeybee_

Honeybee_ ago

Omg, abortion harvestors

bibigirl_ ago

I was thinking the same

privatepizza ago

It looks familiar in that other stem cell research organizations we've found also have connections to children's orgs. I see Eli and Edythe Broad are the billionaire philanthropist couple who created SunAmerica, the Fortune 100 pensions company. Idk.

pbvrocks ago

This is great! And probably the epi-center of the elite's ability to control arrests and information. Honey Bee's very simple report on trying to 1) report CP and 2) get some VERY telling. Consider..

-an intern took her call and immediately forwarded the links in question to Vidme..why? Would not the first step be to report the abuse to the FBI? -Honey Bee's call to the FBI indicated no cross over and the FBI was unaware of a case opened at NCMEC -Honey Bee was then called by the the chief counsel and the director of NCEMC..again why? What happened to the intern? Should they not just be reporting the abuse to the FBI and then tracking FBI progress..getting CP down, arrests, etc?

NCMEC stinks to high heaven even without the Podesta tie in...with the Podesta tie in this has to be a front and protection organization for pedophilia/sale trade. Would guess by taking down half the internet with the info..this is critical and relevant :-)

Would also be highly suspect of THORN...the CEO of THORN fits the mold and is ex-UN big wig...just do not have time to dig him up..

neurofluxation ago

It's THE WHOLE SYSTEM. Everything is fucked. Everyone who runs the world is corrupt. We are just noticing now...

MickeyDee ago

Google is compromised - use for uncensored searches

bibigirl_ ago

Uhm, no.

Honeybee_ ago

The ties run deep... Clark, Humer and Koons

Honeybee_ ago

This is great work! We also have a person on the inside confirming this as well, so important!

Ample4th ago

Have heard about VICE /CIA links before.

remus_schmitt ago

Just caught my eye ... PIE was disbanded in 1984. Wasn't the NCMEC started in 1984?

redditsuckz ago

PIE was disbanded in 1984. Wasn't the NCMEC started in 1984?

Correct...So NCMEC took over where PIE left off.

The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) is a private, non-profit organization established in 1984 by the United States Congress.

Fatsack ago

No wonder there is open pedophile rings on Google, Youtube, Twitter, and FB

kplusk ago

THORN (started by Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore & tech companies) is also tied into NCMEC & ICMEC:

redditsuckz ago

Thanks for that link...I wish I would have seen that 3 months ago.

All the tech companies are in bed together with NCMEC...

B. Thorn's Connection to the NCMEC

Thorn doesn’t just sell products to “help” combat child trafficking though, they also facilitate a meeting of various companies’ tech advisors in what is known as the Thorn Tech Task Force. Members of the Task Force include Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, Dropbox, Yahoo, Instagram, Tumblr, Imgur and Pinterest (many of whom were caught favoring the Clintons in the recent election). Officially, Thorn merely provides this guideline for the Task Force and doesn’t take an official role.

Now I know why someone on here was on a mission to destroy @PleadingtheYiff 's reputation.

If this information spreads I think they actually might shut down the internet because these companies ARE the internet.

cantsleepawink ago

I've been trying to work out if there is a family connection between David Karp of Tumblr and Alexander Karp of Palantir.

kplusk ago

It kept getting taken down from reddit & then down voted archived it & keep re-posting...finally in 11/2016, enough ppl knew PG was legit.

redditsuckz ago

The Shills attacked this one hard where Jeff Koons porn pic that James Alefantis had on his instagram looks like its with an underage female;

They defended Jeff Koons and Marina Abromovic and John Podesta in that thread.

Jeff Koons is STILL on the board of directors of the ICMEC(International Center for Missing and Exploited Children)

Jeff Koons has naked children statues as art and Michael Jackson...

Looks like the whole Koons Family has ties to ICMEC;