savethekids ago

If he is truly involved in helping trafficked kids, he would be jumping on the pizzagate bandwagon with the rest of us. Since he has not, I'm suspicious. If Ashton Kutcher is saving kids from sexual predators on the internet, why isn't he getting the pedos off Twitter, like this one (who we have reported, but he continues to prey on children). @dadisbackboy "58 yrs old. Pervy, bisex, horny daddy for young boys/girls who love pervert old men."

Stosh21 ago

atheist4thecause ago

Most of Hollywood supports any Democrat. For an actor to go Republican can actually hurt their career. The thing is that you don't actually have any connection. You weren't brought to this organization by any sort of evidence. What I would say is take some of the leads out there and develop them, and if some of them develop into connection with this organization or Ashton Kutcher, then you have something.

NoBS ago

Being harsh on topic Opinion is getting a little tight. Have some festive cheer and an up vote if you loosen up a bit. or not... Cheers netizen.

Stellarjay ago

At this point, because of the overwhelming silence from people like Ashton, I wouldn't trust him for a second. Look at all the false charities that have been uncovered. Great front for supplying killary

lilwagon ago

Knowing what we know about child actors in PedoWood, after watching Open Secret, nothing is ruled out.

dontletithappen ago

He is behind a company that developed a software program that involves missing kids..... The best way to control opposition is to lead it.....Like the managers of the Amber Alert warning system we all know of. This system is managed by a group implicated in ChildTrafficking. Kutcher needs to be investigated IMO

Stosh21 ago

Someone I know suggested the same thing. We do know many people involved in child protection and such are actually the perps. I'm hoping this is not the case here BUT this does seem to be the norm.