hedy ago

I don't know exactly which legislation she was referring to (she was murdered in 2014) but the late hero Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer warned of increased funding toward children's services that Congress was considering. She was very outspoken about unbelievable corruption in Child Protection Services/Foster Care and was nearing completion of a documentary when she and Husband were "murder-suicided" (allegedly over financial woes although they were fairly wealthy with well-off children) weeks before she was to complete a documentary on her exposure of pedophilia in Child Protective Services and coverups at all levels of  state and local governments. 

The Great Deception

Senator Schaefer Exposes Child Protective Services

The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services

Schaefer is Killed

Sen. Schaefer was working with William Fain on a documentary about her findings, which was never released. Fain, owner of NASCAR teams/family's rights advocate and "movie maker," tells Alex Jones in an interview (linked below,) he felt certain she was unknowingly killed by her husband, who then shot himself (I've read he was shot in the back of the head) due to the horrific circumstances of living a life investigating pedophilia, etc., that her husband felt it best to end it all, particularly since they were burdened financially. Not only is this unreasonable but of all people, he should realize the suspicious nature of events and history of foul play in any investigation of pedophilia rings.  A.J. Interview w/ Fain

Sheilaaliens ago

Looks like all of the states are listed there what more did you need? On a disturbing note: statistics on missing children dot-com said that 74% of all missing children went missing while in the care of the child protection services

paulf ago

Although kudos to the last CEO of NCMEC who got those laws enacted.

I hate to break it to you but the NCMEC is a pedo front organisation. It has direct connections to Comet Ping Pong in fact.

Doa11 ago

Secret DC tunnel system: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRcXOSh3S1E

Published on Dec 13, 2016 Author Richard Sauder returns to SGT Report to discuss deep underground bases in around Washington DC, and across the country.

Sheilaaliens ago

In case anyone missed it here's the source PDF

Sheilaaliens ago

But do they have to report them when they find (buy/kidnap them again) ?! -_- The language used is sculpted in favor of the bad guys

safetythrowaway1234 ago

please use sli.mg for future screenshots.

your ss

edit: Could you also link the original source?

Sheilaaliens ago

OMG I totally forgot about the sli.mg thing. Sorry!!

Is the State Child Welfare Agency Required to Report to Law Enforcement when a Child in its Care goes Missing? NO.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

no worries, it's just easier to view and isn't broken when ppl try to view it. thanks for the pdf.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Funny only 3 states on that list require child welfare services to report, they should all be required to report.

Sheilaaliens ago

It's such a disgusting loophole obviously made by the pedos doing most of the child trafficking in Virginia/Maryland area >:(!!

ThorTheWonderful ago

Yup, they have have doing this for as long as I've been around. In the UK they tried to lower the age of sexual consent to 6 or some thing absurd like that, and in Canada, they tried to lower to 12, various states have tried to lower it.

I'm sure we could tie these to all those who made it law that state child agencies do not have to report.

ProbablyHoly ago

In the UK CAFCASS are legally forbidden to operate directly in conjunction with CORAM, however FOI requests have revealed they do indeed work in collusion. This of course is under the umbrella of TAVISTOCK, whom employ their psychiatrists in order to A) Interfere in court cases relating to possession of children B) Promulgate bizarre gender agenda's and lowering the age of consent C) Intervene and assist in child snatching with social services.

Cases of children being taken at birth, are present. It is an ugly ugly system, run by ugly ill hearted fiends. The court system is a complete and utter farce. Secret courts? Have secret courts ever been helpful to a citizenry? I think not. In fact, come to think of it. When has the populace ever not been under the rule of sadistic, ill-bred psychopaths? You know what, quite frankly I am sick of it. I do not believe violence is the solution, for violence begets violence and shall forever feed the damned demons we wish to rid the earth of. How might we remove violence as much as possible from society? One factor would be an individual commitment to no longer participate in violence. The law of the land must make a commitment towards justice and if it cannot, then it does not serve the people and therefore is defunct by definition.

ThorTheWonderful ago

There is a deference between violence and war. Violence is like when after WW2 the allied forces collaborated to exterminate the Nazi's. AFTER THE WAR WAS OVER!! But during the war was a fight for freedom, not sure who side was the good side any more after 70 years of unabated propaganda.

But now we are faced with war once again, our freedoms, the future couldn't be any darker than it is now. This is the GLOBAL version of the Bolshevik revolution. If a the Bolsheviks murdered a 130 million people and enslaved just as many in Russia, imagine what they would do on a global scale...

ProbablyHoly ago

I certainly see you you are saying with regards to the systematic killing of millions. It appears to be happening now, through the means I mentioned, as well as through fake news, fake medicine, if you want to term them that. Chemical bombardment... Which renders us somewhat docile and dimwitted, or at least it is hoped.

My examinations would say the left and the right at their extremities are as the ouroboros eating itself. Despotism seeks to control and harm, whatever it's political suit.

ThorTheWonderful ago

As you mention all the "weapons" they use, I am reminded of their worst weapon, feminism annihilates the families structures that make nations strong! It was intended to bring equality but rather division.

ProbablyHoly ago

Yes I agree, although I believe not all women are destined for the sacred role of motherhood. Look at Joan of Arc or indeed Judy Wood.

The annihilation of the family structure surely has Alfred Kinsey to blame, in cultivating a culture of throw away relationships and stripping the sanctity of institutions such as marriage. The many Tavistockian bands and drugs being pushed forth to socially engineer by the CIA soon collapsed in the darkness the masquerading light sprung from.

ThorTheWonderful ago

The roles are just choices, my grandmother wasted no effort to become a lawyer over a hundred years ago. She said feminist had a secret agenda to destroy our civilization. The argument that women were not allowed in such fields she said was absurd. The challenges they face are no different than that of a man but with different ammo. You have to challenge the fire, thats what makes for success! Men go through the same rigors.

It was just a simple fact that most women didn't want to live in a mans shoes because doing so was no easy or pleasurable task, men are basically slaves whether they hold high office or down in the coal mines, they answered to their women at the end of the day.

My grandmother chose both, she went on to have a very large family. Law was the order of the day! My grandfather was a sheriff too... Law and order runs in the family!

But feminist do have an agenda to break up and destroy families, I have even seen cases of them befriending women and then making false allegations that their husbands were cheating on them. But in my field of investigations they often seemed to be the first line of attack by breaking families, and then using CPS to take kids away and ultimately those kids would vanish or report abuse or end up dead. 74% of child abductions occur in the care of CPS. And I would say that number roughly correlates to the number of families who are broken by feminists organizations. These feminist seem to be in all sorts of institution from education to CPS its self as well as counseling and family law.

There is definitely some thing not right with them, it seems to support their "rape culture" narrative, they have to support actual rape culture like Islam. They are so messed up or they have a known plan with their ranks.