MolochHunter ago

Hi there

Thanks for writing this, but can I say it eludes me a little and I'd like to help you get this information out there in a) a more coherent and succinct manner, and b) in a forum more appropriate than buried in a 2 month old post

I suggest you rewrite it and post it in a new thread, closely observing the rules set by the moderators. When you re-write it, please consider the following techniques: 1) rewrite it in the sequence of evens in which it happened - how you personally became aware of the incident/concern and your journey to seek justice 2) write it in bullet points if it helps you keep it succinct 3) refrain from conjecture about the motivations of those involved, and tell your readership in plain terms what conclusions you think we should come to 4) unless figures like Hillary/Biden/McCain have a direct link to your experience, exclude them from your story 5) provide links or screenshots of documents as evidence

MolochHunter ago

precisely. Its like heroin addiction - poor people needing money for heroin are very visible to the public because of the damage they do to society acquiring funds for their addiction. Rich people who have the money can be addicts with very little social impact. So too with paedophilia - but also by its nature of being a crime beyond the redemption of decent society, it grows as a network of people covering each others backs - and being attracted to the power of the network

peanutz ago

Major flaws in this story. Not a female Only 29 kids went missing last year. Here In fact, only 85 kids have went missing in the last 26 years combined, not including this year.

MolochHunter ago

omg, I'm not sure I understand you correctly? Are you using the 'Amber Alert' as proof that the reality calls video shows way too many missing kids?

If you are, you need to come back here and clarify wtf you mean because this Voat community knows that the Amber Alert system is run by none other than LAURA CHILDTRAFFICKER SILSBY

peanutz ago

No maybe you should read again. Downvote me because you misunderstood me? 300 kids missing this year. Last year only missing 29. State police claims we VA does things differently and that's the reason the number is so high. Did they just start something new in the last 6 months?. Where are you getting confused? ALSO I checked the years 2010-2014, EVERY SINGLE CHILD is believed to be with their biological mother. Soounds like some moms understand something isn't right and steal their children back. Something very fishy going on. I've been researching this for days and everything always leads to Fairfax County, VA. I thikn CPS is involved. I think it could have a lot to do with runaways but not totally sure. Could be coming in at the docs in Norfolk or Va Beach. Cia is almost def involved. There's been mysterious unsolved murders and disappearances in northern va for quite some time now.

MolochHunter ago

ok, great, so link here the publication that provides a more reliable data-set of missing kids than the one Reality Calls and most of this community has been discussing - and I would recommend you make that a data-set that Silsby's 'Amber Alert' has no involvement in

BethesdaDC ago

Like one other guy said....FBI colludes with state officials to ensure ambiguous reporting procedures for missing children so the public can remain unaware of the problem. It's all making sense now. That's how 800,000 kids go missing and no one seems to know about it

stickittotheman ago

Yep,... agree 100% they are not tracked and never have been , it is an integral part of the operation.

zzvoat ago

it brings integrity to the investigation for people to dig, dig some more, then update and clarify things.

stickittotheman ago

as Ted Gunderson said, missing kids is the ONLY thing that they dont actually keep track of. The system is so compartmentalized who knows which numbers are what. We know one thing it is a heck of a lot and i would guess that most actually probably do go missing around DC, NY, Virginia and LA where we know much of the criminal group is concentrated.

unbiased_researcher ago

Good to know thank you for sharing. I often said this one should be easy to answer by simply speaking to the people in charge of reporting the statistics. Bottom line is we cannot use this as evidence for pizzagate, since the outlier is easily explained by a difference of reporting.

Of course, none of this means pizzagate is false. Doesn't mean that missing children and pizzagate aren't linked -- I'm sure they are. But our evidence in this case falls short. That's why we investigate.

MolochHunter ago

well, we needn't be so conclusive. it seems to weaken this 'outlier' as use for pizzagate - but we still don't know the whole story - maybe the Virginia authorities recognised an issue with teens running away from parents who had subjected them to abuse by the parents and 'important friends' and on that basis decided to include those figures in this data set.

I would still be prepared to eat my hat if we had accurate data from all over the USA and DC area remained an outlier to some degree - maybe not as much as that data-set suggests. But just the proximity of those kids to the Saudi freaking embassy would be enough to narrow my eyes

unbiased_researcher ago

I didn't mean to sound conclusive. I have used this VA outlier as evidence to others and now it turns out it's only evidence that states report missing children differently.

We definitely shouldn't take NCMEC's word for it. And we definitely shouldn't conclude there's nothing to see here. But we can't compare apples and oranges and claim it is suspicious. That is my point.

Infopractical ago

This begs the question: why is 500,000 missing children per year not worth the time for law enforcement to keep a shared database with an easy add window, and an update history?

Sorry, I try to keep my head, but I'm beside myself. WTAF?! We can incarcerate two million people, many of whom never committed a violent crime, but we can't keep track of which kids disappeared? Even if we erase every ounce of scandal in this forum, that alone is scandalous. And if there is any motivational tie-in to the criminal trafficking of these kids, a house cleaning is in order.

yabbadoody ago

I don't buy it... missing kids, and neither family nor friends have ANY photographs whatsoever to share with law enforcement? GIVE ME A FRICKIN BREAK ALREADY!!!!!!

So in the day and age where: 1. Every kid has a phone 2. Every phone has a camera 3. Every KID has social media

They cannot find a SINGLE photograph to leave with law enforcement? Total bullshit whitewash.

stickittotheman ago

you have a good nose for bullshit.... this guy might as well have called Hillary and asked her outright if she was running a pedo ring.

oresd ago

Very useful. The reality calls girl is a great asset. Cute too.

Virginia reports everything. Many states do not. This partially explains the anomaly. It's not exactly a wrong turn, but it does indicate that other states are (perhaps) suppressive in their reporting. Especially runaways.

So we don't have data that is uniform state to state.

Runaways are probably not always runaways. Some are probably trafficked, but we probably don't have anything like the level of anomaly in Virginia that was originally thought.

This is positive! Facts are replacing this stupid talk of underground tunnels and Soros.

stickittotheman ago

Go watch some vids of Ted Gunderson ex head of the FBI, he openly stated that disappeared kids are NOT kept track of deliberately! This is the way it has always been. Just because the guy in vid has a degree dont mean anything. He is also most likely being lied to by someone he trusts. If you were running a global pedo ring would you put some 10 buck an hour schmuck in charge of enquiries of missing kids??? She most likely is told what to say and has answered that question a thousand times already.

Freemasonsrus ago

Soooo, out of 50 states Virginia is the ONLY state that has a heart and wants to report every kid as missing to the NCMEC? And yes, the number is 700k "reported" missing. 24k never recovered. These aren't numbers pulled out of hats. These are numbers put up by these same missing children organizations.

redditsuckz ago

I doubt the police have statistics for millions of babies that come from the "Farm" Alefantis mentions in his instagram while holding a baby....

zzvoat ago

in luciferianism, many women are "breeders". They have no prenatal care, have their babies at home, then give them up to be abused, sacrified, eaten.

That was what came to my mind when Majestic Ape at Comet ping pong said or joked about Sasha carrying his baby and that the baby made too much noise and so, you know, euthanasia.

sinclair ago

sounds like the plot of "Rosemary's Baby".

pizzaequalspedo ago

It's good to hear when things are disproven. I figured some of it could be explained by different states having different reporting guidelines.

NeedPolyGF ago

I figured the high count of missing kids in Virginia had very possibly a trivial explanation.

What I don't understand is how former FBI agent Ted Gunderson could claim that 700,000 kids go missing every year. I assumed he meant in the U.S., but could he have meant worldwide? It looks like there can't be over one- or two-thousand kids missing in the U.S. each year.

stickittotheman ago

He meant what he said. Go rewatch the Gunderson vids. He states that missing kid statistics is the only thing they do not track and he was pissed off about that. They dont track them for a reason. I like reality calls but the video proves nothing and i sensed she didnt want to disagree with the guy. Just because he has a degree and made a phone call doesnt prove anything. This so called trustworthy woman on the phone has probably repeated her script line to thousands of enquiries already.

NeedPolyGF ago

Was Gunderson talking about 700,000 missing kids in the U.S. every year? or in the whole world? or what? And do you know what his evidence was for that? Is it from police reports? - It should be fairly simple for some nonprofit to take a phone survey of the U.S. to determine how many kids are missing now from this year and last year.

stickittotheman ago

He never said but i believe he was implying the USA. I need to go rewatch them myself and reanalyze his words because this man knew way more about this rabbit hole than any of us on voat. The one about the satanists that killed the family really shocked the hell out of me, wouldnt be surprised if they were friends of alefantis.

unbiased_researcher ago

less than 1% of those kids stay missing for an extended period of time. so he is just saying that's the total number of reports filed in the US annually. but 99+% of the time they are found within a few days. so it's a misleading fact.

yabbadoody ago

reports, depending on agency, claim between 400,000 and 800,000 PER YEAR, in the US only.

Depends on who you listen to, but that number adds up very quickly over time.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

I think there are around that many who at some point are reported missing, but the majority return later. It's annoying, but people don't always clarify their information sufficiently, and misimpressions result.

MolochHunter ago

Hi guys, I'm sure many of us are aware of the excellent calibre of work by English youtube blogger Reality Calls and the moderation with which she treats evidence.

she's just put up an addendum to her previous vid about the statistical outlier of missing kids in Virginia. Her guest statistician suggests that after calls to the (woefully under resourced) Virg. State Police that they seem far more comprehensive in reporting kids - and different types of 'missing kids' - like 15 year olds who run away from home - than do other American States. Indeed some states dont even seem to submit to this data set at all. (still - many 15 yr old kids might be running away from home to escape abuse) Anyway, it seems to be info by which we should be more moderate in asserting Virginia missing kids as yet another signifyer of pizzagate activities

After all, criminals often know not to 'shit where they eat', so to speak