Honeybee_ ago

this image is not opening for me, can you send again? https://i.sli.mg/Xy1alv.jpg

Freemasonsrus ago

I agree it's a difficult thing to expose, but there are plenty of people who have spoken out about it who I now am more open to listening to and even if it's not some hard evidence, it is interesting to listen to their claims and then compare to things we are discovering now.

Birdzeyeview ago

If Jeff koons is interested in missing kids I'm pretty sure it will be cos his own kid was kidnapped by his ex, the porn star,

"Koons's then 18-month-old son, Ludwig, was taken by his mother, Ilona Staller (aka La Cicciolina) to Italy in contravention of a New York court order. Despite a bitter and protracted legal battle, Koons was unable to regain custody of his son, who remains in Rome."

FFS people get a freakin grip. You are all bonkers IMO. jumping at shadows, seeing sinister stuff everywhere! what does this say about YOUR Own sick minds????? COS THAT'S WHERE IT ALL RESIDES. not outside of you, but inside .

OliversWilde ago

Perhaps. But why put the image of a penis entering a vagina on the instagram of a pizza place? You sound angry, that comes from the inside too. lol.

AreWeSure ago

It was not on the instagram of the pizza place. It was on the personal instagram of the owner of the pizza place. Under a username.

OliversWilde ago

A businessman of a family oriented "kid friendly" business, the 49th most influential person in Washington DC..posting photos like that, yeah I would say it would raise an eyebrow of suspicion - Now that you have sen the non pixelated version you still think it doesn't look like an underaged girl?

AreWeSure ago

just googled this and didn't find anything.

Freemasonsrus ago

I know Freemasons as well who are not "in the know". Other people claiming to be Illuminati would argue against your claims.

Freemasonsrus ago

I'm more drawn to the Moloch Maschine verbiage. German is the language of the Illuminati, just FYI. Here is a quick explanation on why Moloch Maschine is so significant. Normal people don't even know about these things, yet they seem to have many links to all of this symbology. It's just not a coincidence.


cosmicmind ago

I just noticed the # alicelouisewaters in your photo of molech. There are a few other instagrams mentioning Alice providing contacts. Do you, or anyone else know who this is?

Freemasonsrus ago

I don't know who she is or her significance. I'm sure if someone digs it'll be another strange tie in. Occam's razor at this point.

AreWeSure ago

She's a famous chef. She helped revolutionize American cooking.

OliversWilde ago

Wow thank you very much for this link- its the first in depth explanation I have seen on the topic. How fitting the video is to the current state of things, and I thought it was interesting how some people were dragged kicking and screaming to the mouth of moloch whereas others willingly and blindly submitted themselves...Very fitting indeed...I will be kicking and screaming, lol.

And yes I have heard that the language of the Illuminati is German also- I heard that from this fascinating interview of Svali that is somewhat off topic and yet very relevant at the same time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sy_pvffqchk&t=1220s

Freemasonsrus ago

Yes, Svali is interesting it's very clear she is speaking from memory. Truth has so many benign details, whereas lies are much simpler and certainly more difficult to mask for a two hour interview.

Kastonomy ago

I've never seen that instagram photo before. Is this new?

OliversWilde ago

someone posted the unedited version below...

OliversWilde ago

Nope, it has been there all along and yet everyone is only speaking about the girl with her arms taped, which I can't understand...However, I have to admit it was much more visible early on before the censorship, and has always been available from the original post on pizzagate (moved to voat from reddit but has been archived here: http://archive.is/4Uzg8 ). It may be censored here as well.

wellington33 ago

http://i.imgur.com/5mCA1nl.jpg <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<PIC RELATED.

OliversWilde ago

Thats the one, I still find it hard to believe that is anyone's wife! Just a pizza place, my ass...

cosmicmind ago

People like this must have other pictures of the wife naked during that same timeframe, in which case a photo analyst could inspect and compare to see if a match could be authenticated. Like you, I find it hard to believe that pic isn't a youth, nevertheless the comment # sleeping questions the reference of pedo sedation during sex. It's completely understandable to request an investigation based on the comment # sleeping, # jeff koons and his relation to children agencies regardless of whether or not that is an actual adult. Why would an adult woman be sleeping during intercourse while appearing to be leaning to the right? I've heard that some people sleep through sex, but it's doubtful they 'd be sleeping during a photo session for an art museum; depending on whether the pic was pre-planned or taken and supplied to the gallery as an after-thought. How old was this wife during the photo?

OliversWilde ago

THAT is a very good question because I had the same thought and just looked it up- 40?! (born in1951).. I am about to re-edit my edited post again because the more I look at it the less I think that is his wife.. very hard to believe.

cosmicmind ago

A photo analyst could check if that's the 40 yr old picture of a woman (if that was the age of the wife during the time-frame of the photographs) I think an analysts skillset is refined specifically for body/age dating and matching. Even so, why would she be sleeping in a photo session in bright light? Like you said, this is the most serious pic of all in my opinion.

cosmicmind ago

Edited to add: his photo shows thin legs and a slim-ish build (he's not fat/heavy weight). What's the professional photo analysts proportion evaluation in relation to the female and in relation to a picture of his wife from that time period.
It shouldn't be too hard to do a digital comparison because proportionate to his body the female looks small. It's not uncommon for a female to be small, however I'm not sure if his wife was that small during that time frame.

wtf_is_happening ago

I liked Koons' "Puppy".

Don-Keyhote ago

Lol 20th anniversary of the work XD pretentious fuckin twats

ShockDoctrine101 ago

This is an important lead.

Have a look at my post from a few days ago


There are connections to Dutroux, Clinton and more

OliversWilde ago

This is unbelievable- Hillary Clinton at the launch?! A seemingly innocent photo is now a punch in the stomach... I am so digusted with all of this. We need some more cold hard facts to blow this thing EYES WIDE OPEN

pizzathrowaway ago

The female was not underage.

In 1989 the Whitney Museum and its guest curator Marvin Heiferman asked Koons to make an artwork about the media on a billboard[8] for the show "Image World: Art and Media Culture". Koons employed his then wife Ilona Staller ("Cicciolina") as a model in the shoot that formed the basis of the resulting work for the Whitney, Made in Heaven (1990–91).[34] Including works with such titles as Dirty Ejaculation and Ilonaʼs Asshole, the series of enormous grainy[35] photographs printed on canvas, glassworks, and sculptures portrayed Koons and Staller in highly explicit sexual positions and created considerable controversy. The paintings of the series reference art from the Baroque and Rococo periods—among others, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Jean-Honoré Fragonard and François Boucher—and also draw upon the breakthroughs of early modern painters as Gustave Courbet and Édouard Manet.[36]

The series was first shown at the 1990 Venice Biennale.[37] Koons reportedly destroyed much of the work when Staller took their son Ludwig with her to Italy.[38] In celebration of Made in Heaven's 20th anniversary, Luxembourg & Dayan chose to present a redux edition of the series.[36][39][40] The Whitney Museum also exhibited several of the photographs on canvas in their 2014 retrospective.

So, it's just a dude having sex with his (then) wife. I think it's shitty art though.

OliversWilde ago

Whoa, that is seriously wrong to call that art. Also the fact that it is on the JimmyComet Instagram is still very suspicious, because there is no way that image does not look like sex with a pre-pubescent girl.. I was convinced of this and now I stand corrected but damn it is sooo wrong.

....I just looked up Cicciolina and she could have been one of Jeff Epstein girls -.. She "Admitted to being a spy for the Hungarian Communist Party while waitressing at a major international hotel in Budapest at the age of 19" lol. That is exactly what he has his girls doing.. getting the dirt on everyone.

AreWeSure ago

It's not suspicious, you're just incorrect. I don't see why you see a prepubescent girl in that photo. The pixelation covers so much that it's hard at first glance to tell what the heck it is. If Alefantis knows who Jeff Koons is, he would know who Ciccolina is.
Koons made a lot of terrbile art.

I did like his giant puppy sculpture though. http://puppymuseum.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Bilbao49.jpg

OliversWilde ago

I supplied the edited version so I wouldn't get banned, but was referring to the UNEDITED VERSION that was posted below by Wellington33- Look again. The pixelated version is unidentifiable.

AreWeSure ago

I just checked to see how old she was in the photo.

She married Jeff Koons in 1991. She was born in 1951. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ilona_Staller

Stayvigilant ago

This is sensationalist. Also marina ambromovich is not a satanist practitioner she is an artist that has been around for decades and she is primarily a performance artist. Also not all of her work is satanist. She was an artist that was talked about a lot in the art classes I took in college because she stood naked I. A doorway with her bf and made people pass between them.

Also John podesta doesn't have a band aid on his left finger in that picture? ...just trying to give a balanced view of these two points of info.

Malignment ago

Marina Abramovic is an obvious spiritist in the vein of Aleister Crowley - disputing this is intellectually dishonest http://www.esoteric.msu.edu/VolumeV/ArtofLaw.htm

Malignment ago

Someone definitely photoshopped the Podesta email to make it look like a bandaid - but look closely at the original - zoom in and around and look at his hands. There is red skin in 100% of his hands except for that section which has been mislabeled a bandaid. Just pointing that out, haven't drawn a conclusion.

AreWeSure ago

Which of her work is Satanist?

She had a big event in New York a few years ago that became a Documentary. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/marina_abramovic_the_artist_is_present_2012/

OliversWilde ago

I posted the link to give reference to the particular image I was referring to on the alefantis instagram...Someone (wellington33) has posted it here unedited on this thread for your viewing pleasure...I dont think its sensationalist to say that a picture like that is inappropriate on an instagram account for a pizza place. And to me it looks intentional (even if it is someone's wife) to give the appearance of sex with an underaged girl. Taken out of context of his art show, that is exactly what would be perceived. On your comment, Marina has said herself that when spirit cooking is done in private it takes on a different meaning. There are many puzzle pieces connecting, but the picture is not nearly fully formed yet. It does look like a band aid to me, but the link and the comments associated with it are not mine, fyi.

Stayvigilant ago

Woah woah let's pump the breaks here. I was not referencing the loons image at all lol, that shit is fucked up too. I think there is definitely something here because koons ties alefantis to HRC and ifmec (institute for missing and exploited children) which is a great lead to pay attention to.

I was solely referencing the image you chose with information that just hasn't been proven. Definitely suggest you should watch videos of MA from art21. The question of "what is art" is one of those things,man...yes suspicious but not enough to say she is irrefutably a satanist. Let's be reasonable. her comment insinuates some dark practices though yes.

OliversWilde ago

Sorry I only used that link because it was the only one I could find that had the image I was referring to.. I actually did not read the entire thing and yes its true that some of the terminology is opinion vs fact. yes i agree on that so we should be careful of what we say...

Stayvigilant ago

Exactly. Be very careful, trust no one, and find actual evidence. Whatever this is we have an outline, we just have to color it in. Someone in this ring will make a mistake, they already have, I.e MSM & key peeps lying.

Stayvigilant ago

Not defending anything though the spirit cooking shit is real fucked

pizzathrowaway ago

Maybe you should correct the post?

OliversWilde ago

done, see above. Thanks. I still don't trust it on the Instagram tho!

cantsleepawink ago

I've just come away from a reddit thread featuring Koons. Count yourself lucky that this is the most graphic Koons image you've seen. The art circles he moves in is sick and contrived. These people have been made rich, and thus status elevated in society, for a reason.

nnfx ago

and HERE...


OliversWilde ago

Chance903 ago

I had so much to reply to you with concering this, however for some reason the larger post with links and information will not go through .....FISHY

OliversWilde ago

try again? copy before you submit...

Chance903 ago

Yeah, I should have thought about that, but I was exhausted , after only 3 hours of sleep last night I had classes today. I am taking so much out of my schedule to work on this. Let me link you, you are on the right track http://www.waronwethepeople.com/child-sex-trafficking-scandal-exposes-ciafbi-justice-department-cover-crime-network/

Read it, I mean really read it I know it sounds nuts but honestly I have seen crazier @ work.

OliversWilde ago

I took a quick look and realized that it will drain me of my lifes energy to read that tonight. I already believe it and I am feeling nauseus and weak. I'll try tomorrow!

Chance903 ago

it is important to step away from this type of work occasionally...that is why you can only do a year on then off when working 290 crimes. feel better.gn

nnfx ago

But I do see no Jeff... Anyway, good find. Pretty sure we can find "Jeff".

AreWeSure ago

Read above Jeff Koons is connected to the ICMEC. This is because when he got divorced, his wife left the country with his kid. Abducted the kid from him basically.

That is a definite. What is very far from definite is that Jeff Koons knows this pizza place. Koons is very, very well known in modern art. So someone liking his work would not mean he personally knows the artist.

OliversWilde ago

He is the third one from the left!