flyingcuttlefish ago

msg sent to me about this thread - - -

there is nothing in that mine - at least not gold. She wasn't even near it. Caracol isn't near it and has been studied by unions since the beginning. It pisses me off that no one, including Monica, bothered to read or really look at my blog. She was too lazy to look up the dates of the coups and of the presidencies. She was too lazy to get a decent reference for a blog post she did which we know was hers. She referred to Huff post talking about a much earlier period. That isn't Masters level.

I spent endless hours on those posts re Haiti and translated original documents. An engineer-computer expert did the overlay-cuts for me. It is a penny stock scam. Maybe they are putting waste in there too. I recall that the areas near some of the other mining areas were secured by police, however. I recall someone - maybe my fav Haitian pol Moise Jean-Baptiste - complaining about large sections of the country being cordoned off in the north. But she wasn't in the north!

She was not even near the mine. I don't even know how to compare it - Port-au-Prince is far from there and farther because of bad roads.

Caracol is not even near the mine. The main contractor is from South Korea too. There are other organizations at Caracol too - like World Bank or something. I doubt she even had a car. Those sweat-shops have been under investigation by trade unions for decades - first Port-au-Prince, then Caracol - she brought no new info.

If she found anything it was at that school. She was in the center of all that is government and maybe bad. If the gov is all bad then she was in the center. I personally think it is only partially bad. If she didn't know it at age 32 then it's natural selection I think if she were killed - meaning selecting out for stupidity. If she were early 20s I could give her a possible pass for being naive. For that matter, if she didn't know Union School was bad it's natural selection. Even going down there unless she was a nurse or doctor who could help, it's natural selection.

If she did find anything about the Clintons or US government they might have killed her simply because she was one of theirs, however. I think they are more likely to go after their own who get out of line. However, I doubt she would notice bad if it hit her. I doubt she is even dead.

It shows me too that people need a class in methods and logic. All of that might be true but there is no evidence.

spez_dispenser ago

Holy shit, that's some great digging.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Haiti is a big part of the human trafficking/Clinton Foundation aspect.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

The Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative is key, it connects everything together, this of course is our main priority. Follow the money.

Gretch ago

I agree. Expose more on the Clinton Foundation. The Rothschild's won't care. They know that group, including Giustra, are done

jimble ago

I also feel Haiti is important. The Hampstead Case connects to it through the whistleblower children's accused father:

crazyworld ago

Definitely agree! The opinion of a European rooting for you guys: I believe that this investigation needs ASAP to step up to the next level, meaning authorities investigating, widespread media coverage, and global attention. I also believe that this will only happen through either one of these ways - money or deaths - and those are the keys we need to focus on. If not, we're incurring the serious risk that in a couple of months we'll all be labeled as crazy - we've seen it with 9/11 and we've seen the endless discredit efforts of the past week - and it will become a subject that never made it out of our laptops.

Money - CF, Hawaii Connection, Develcan, Mossack Fonseca, etc Deaths - Monica Peterson, Nancy Schaefer, Max Spiers, William Colby all the way back in 1996, etc

Is Eric Braverman, former CEO of CF, a mixture of both and the key to all this? Please google him I don't see many posts talking about him.

Cheers guys stay strong!

On_the_Level ago

Is there a fact-sheet breakdown for newcomers on this connection? I'm trying to follow but feel like I need autism spectrum to get it. Please help me understand

Intoxikated ago

I'm sorry friend, there's too much here to dig it all out for you. However, the search bar works and I'll provide you with places to start looking. Search for and read threads that pertain to: FBIAnon, Laura Silsby, Monica Petersen, Hawaii, Madeline McCann's eye, Nancy Shaefer. That should give you a good starting place.

On_the_Level ago

Thanks! I brushed up late into the night. Holy crap, this is undeniably bizarre! No wonder the elites are scrambling.

DoughMallet ago

I'm going to add the Radcliffe Foundation as well as Elpida. Giustra set up a refugee camp in Greece, where 40 000 people are trafficked annually. Mostly by Albanians, Romanians and Bulgarians. Not only is Giustra directly connected to the Clintons, Elpida just so happened to have the pedo-symbol connection. I feel like this is incredibly important.

Intoxikated ago

I know someone archived the pedo-symbol and had a big post on that, could you dig that up and post the link here?

DoughMallet ago

That's their Facebook page anyway. Giustra is a powerful figure. Every time we connect a different powerful figure, especially in another country, it's potentially huge. It could give us insight as to how this ring operates.

Rigg5 ago

Laura Silsy (Gayler) Monica Peterseon and the CF ... FOLLOW THE MONEY

NakatomiBaby ago

Specifically, what were HRC's actions when she went to get Silsby out of Haiti.

We know LS told parents the kids would be taken care of stateside....then told authorities they were orphans. That's the smoking gun in my opinion. This woman needs to be questioned by FBI/DOJ about this.

Who did she get her orders from. Who does she report to. Why were Huma and Cheryl Mills keeping track of her?

rutkdn ago

I strongly believe that Monica Petersen was the trigger. HOURS after I posted the original breaking thread on Monica's suspicious death, Hillary Clinton had her improvised press conference at the Children's Defense Fund's "Beat The Odds" Gala where she showed up with no makeup in the last minute. That same day this mega thread was front page the rest of the day:

Since that day they really came down hard with the "fake news" agenda. A couple days later the NY Times came out with its "fact check" pizzagate article that everybody now cites.

Monica Petersen is the KEY.


spez_dispenser ago

Very good. In some of her fb posts, she mentioned human trafficking to mines via the Caracol industrial park. Caracol seems to have been set up by the CGI. Also, Hillary's brother got a sweet gold mining contract in Haiti up at the Morene Bossa Mine. Finally, Petersen's boss at the Human Trafficking Center worked for DynCorp, which is weird.

rutkdn ago

FRESH NEW INFO on Monica possibly tied to Silsby's AlertSense:

Noraa ago

Nancy schaefer is one of the main leads too, I know it's an old connection but revealed an important aspect that child are being taken by CPS. I found this particular information very important yet no one is bothering to notice it in plain sight.

The Adoption and the Safe Families Act, set in motion by President Bill Clinton, offered cash “bonuses” to the states for every child they adopted out of foster care

taken from:

I never saw anyone mention that, it sounds like a full fledged plan imo and god forbid if hillary have had won this election.. barely escaped ..phew

Intoxikated ago

Yes! Nancy Shaefer knew plenty, she and her husband wound up murdered. If you could dig up the voat thread about that and post it here, that'd be awesome.

Intoxikated ago

Thank you!

Noraa ago


MommyLove ago

What did FBIAnon tell us to focus on? The CLINTON FOUNDATION! Who just died in Haiti? Monica Peterson. What happened to her? Yesterday's false flag is PROOF they want to shut us up. We need to keep fighting. Read this, this is what #PizzaGate is doing!!!! They DON'T want this info out there. Keep speaking the TRUTH! The children are depending on us!

Don't let them bury the Truth. Watch this video...where do you think they are getting these kids from???

They admit it in their OWN data!!! 74% of likely sex trafficking victims were in the care of SOCIAL SERVICES or FOSTER CARE!!!

apparatchik1488 ago

So true!!! I have been saying this too. Check out this post:

Intoxikated ago

Awesome thanks for linking this