Dressage2 ago

Remember FBIAnon tip about Cheryl Mills' prior job. I did some research and it was with NYU. Mills played a central role in helping build a campus in Abu Dhabi in UAE. NYT wrote article about labor abuses, etc. Of course, NYU donating $$$ to Clinton Foundation. In addition, Mills also involved with NYU building campus in Shanghai with the same charges, of labor abuse, slavery, etc. again, donating to Clinton. I think needs more investigation.

CandyPanda ago

So on the Facebook of the Human Trafficking Center, where Monica worked, there was a memorial post about how she had worked there. Interestingly enough, there was a notice that the site itself (12/3) was down for maintenance (it's still down). Then I tried looking for cached sources and I found this with an article linking the HTC as the source:



Millennial_Falcon ago

No idea. I'm not an expert on search engines.

YingYangMom ago

Here are two FB messages concerning her professional activities.



SomeD ago

I've searched their site source code. IMO the align of picture is a bit weird, because when you type code to align "/Div", you dont need to match the size of above "/div", just put a "align left" is enough.

But someone can maybe explain it better than me ? http://imgur.com/a/PvrPz

billcaseyABC ago

Here's an interesting post from one of the Haiti corruption blogs that Monica Petersen linked to in this FB post: https://i.sli.mg/PsLtmj.png

"Monica Petersen, Condolezza Rice, Korbel School and the Haitian Elections: Monica Dead or US Gov Agent?" https://miningawareness.wordpress.com/2016/11/23/monica-petersen-condolezza-rice-korbel-school-and-the-haitian-elections-monica-dead-or-us-gov-agent/

Choice quotes:

"Condoleezza Rice attended an International Politics course taught by Josef Korbel… Rice later described Korbel (who is the father of Madeleine Albright, then a future U.S. Secretary of State), as a central figure in her life… In 1981, at age 26, she received her Ph.D. in political science from the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver."

"Rice was George Bush Jr’s foreign affairs tutor, before she was his National Security Advisor and Secretary of State. In fact, Condolezza Rice was National Security Advisor to George Bush Jr when he worked with Canada and France to remove Haiti’s President Aristide from power a second time in 2004. The first coup against Aristide was orchestrated when Bush Sr was president. President Clinton actually formally restored Aristide to power during the Bush interregnum (i.e. between Bush and Bush).

Haiti had elections on Sunday. An American named Monica Petersen, supposedly working in Haiti, allegedly died one week before the elections. This is one of several important points that avid conspiracy theorists have overlooked. Haiti is of geostrategic importance for shipping, so the US will always involve itself in Haiti for that reason alone."

"Everyone, including us, appear to have overlooked a key fact: She was supposedly a graduate of the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, (part of a private and probably very costly university). Students from Korbel “have interned with the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Department of Defense, the United Nations, the FBI, the OECD, and World Vision International, among others."

"We hypothesize that Monica may not be dead at all, but rather be working for the US government in relation to the Haitian elections in some undercover op. It appears unlikely that she would have gotten into Josef Korbel or graduated if she was against the “system” (US Foreign Policy, Policymakers, State Dept., etc.). It is possible, however. If she had gotten her Ph.D. it would be close to impossible.

[Update: We found this information that a Monica Petersen was teaching at an elite prep school in Port-au-Prince called Union School. It is nowhere near Caracol or Morne Bossa, which are in the north and where she was supposedly going to snoop. It doesn’t change the fact that she could have been working for the US government or pulled out of the school to work for the government during the elections. On the other hand, there are many people there who could want her killed if she said the wrong thing. And, people have been kidnapped simply because it’s an elite school. It’s hard to believe that anyone who believed in social justice would be able to stomach teaching there."


srayzie ago

Oh wow! How did you guys find out who the paid shills are and get their info?

dindonufin ago

The list was released by the fec. On mobile so I don't have the link, but you can find it on fec.org

Gorillion ago

Found the cuck who doesn't realize everyone else is getting paid to do what he does for free.

"Who's this ElusivePoster guy? Is he one of ours?"

"No, LOL, he's actually a true believer."

"WTF? They actually exist?"

"Yeah. But seriously though, I think he''s a serial killer or something."

"Yeah. Now you mention it, Creepy AF."

RexAxisMundi ago

Isn't that how they do it with the protests. Get it started then all the idiots jump and follow along. Lol.

Macdaddy5000 ago

Nobody would pay good money for his grade school insults.

charmeuse ago

I just looked at that list of CTR shills, and noticed the name Jeff Koons. In Alefantis' previously public Instagram account images, (https://sli.mg/a/gaffhM)) there is a pornographic one which is of a photograph in the Metropolitan Museum of Art by Jeff Koons. All it consists of is an extreme closeup of an adult male violating a small girl. I then wondered about this Jeff Koons so-called artist. I found out that he was, in "2002 -Appointed to the Board of Directors, International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children, Alexandria, Virginia". (From jeffkoons.com - biography and honors.) Really? Is this how he advocates for missing and exploited children? By continued exploitation? And in his spare time he shills?

AreWeSure ago

That Jeff Koons image is from the Whitney, not MOMA. The female model was his wife who was 40 years old.

Koons got involved in abducted kids after his wife abucted his son and took him to Europe during their divorce.

Malignment ago

Yeah the porno art guy is a child exploitation protector. Why is it that every single person in this spider web worked with children in some capacity. Juvenile delinquent Girl Scouts, social worker in charge of guardianship recommendations, etc etc etc. here's an article on Koon's "work in child exploitation" http://hauteliving.com/2016/06/jeff-koons-on-his-passion-helping-missing-and-exploited-children/613911/

YingYangMom ago

Knowing what I know from his porno 'art', it makes me sick to my stomach to read his comments about children. And I wonder if the little girl in the porno photo is one of his current six children or if it's the one he gave up for adoption at one time. It could also be any one of the poor victims he's supposed to be helping through his Koons Family Institute.

anteracorp ago

I can't find anything from a major outlet even addressing Monica Petersen's death.

jml1201 ago

How about we get in touch with her famiy/friend and ask if she worked there?

rutkdn ago

I did, I'm waiting for answers. Although her parents seem to be like Seth Rich's - in that they immediately reject any connection to a global conspiracy.

jml1201 ago

Ah that is sad.

Freemasonsrus ago

I always found the neighbors comments about Silsby during the Haiti scandal to be the most interesting Intel on her. IIRC he said something about her not being friendly and he was surprised she'd be involved in trying to help children bc she just wasn't the type. Something to that effect. So it didn't strike him odd that she was caught trying to steal other people's children out from under their nose, he was most surprised she'd be associated w anything that actually helped kids, was my impression. I'll see if I can find the article...

jml1201 ago

Yep, the whole story is full of bright red flags

Freemasonsrus ago

I'd suggest PM'ing her family and straight up asking through FB. Or PM her friend that was posting the original info about her death. I don't have access to that info. Maybe someone here has the original thread with those links? Worth a shot.

rutkdn ago

Yes, I already reached out and waiting to hear back.

Freemasonsrus ago


anteracorp ago

So that duckduckgo listing probably shows the description for a missing member on that page.

C'mon...you don't have to be a web designer to know that something is missing from this image...hmmm?


warrior_of_light ago

Having visted that page multiple times since october, I've seen no mention of Monica Peterson on that website. Hell, I'm surprised they have Laura Silsby's picture STILL UP after all this.

I think the duck duck go search result is incorrect.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Its cached on Yandex as well.


PizzaBurner0 ago

ELI5 please because I'm not getting the archive links to work. I know who Laura Silsby and Monica Petersen are, but what was the link that connected them? Must be good because I can't get archive to open.

rutkdn ago

The search engine DuckDuckGo still shows traces of Monica Petersen being listed on AlertSense's executive team page. This is a cached result and will likely be replaced with a fresh version in a few days. The live site has no mention of Monica Petersen and possible has been scrubbed before or soon after her death.

See for yourself, go to https://duckduckgo.com/?q=site%3Aalertsense.com+monica+petersen&t=hs&ia=web

LargePepperoni ago

I tried finding another casche with other search engines, but no luck.

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Here is an investigation map I obtained from a chan board

Some arrows I think are wrong from what I can remember the user posting it in the chan board.

YingYangMom ago

Nice graphic. It seems that Jeff Koons is at the centre of this ring AKA The Middleman.

ShockDoctrine101 ago

This may be already known to many of you, but it was news to me.

Laura Silsby is now Laura Gayler.


She is listed on the AlertSense executive team


Hope this helps the dig, ya dig?

bdmthrfkr ago

It mysteriously seems that the wayback machine has only one capture on Nov 10 2016. WTF?!?!

4thDaGrymReaper ago

Archive.is has a capture on Nov. 3 2016 on the executive team page. Nothing different.

rutkdn ago

3 days before she was murdered.

Commonwombat ago

I can't find Monica's name on the website, what am I missing?

rutkdn ago

You're not missing anything, obviously they would have removed her by now to avoid people making exactly what I just did - A LINK!

DoughMallet ago

HOLY FUCK. Great job. I'm exploring a different avenue at the moment but we could use as many eyes on this as possible.

za-throwaway ago

She is not "listed on the executive team page" - its just showing you some news headlines. Dead end.

apparatchik1488 ago

Thats the point.

za-throwaway ago

the excerpt is from a news feed... man there are some dumb people in here. Really holding us back.

RexAxisMundi ago

We need everyone. Be patience with them and help them to learn.

apparatchik1488 ago

what? it's a search feed, which uses a cache to display a website description

ShockDoctrine101 ago

Laura Silsby is now Laura Gayler.

She is listed on the executive team on the AlertSense website.


za-throwaway ago

Laura Silsby is not the question here. Monica Peterson is.

ShockDoctrine101 ago

Sorry about that I didn't realize you meant Monica.

But why would anyone expect Monica to be part of the executive team?

It's more likely that she would be an intern, volunteer or in a lower ranking position.

rutkdn ago

Do you really expect her to remain on the team page of Silsby's company once her death was known and people started connecting her to the Clintons?

rutkdn ago

Gee, I wonder why. And you think they would let her stay on that page after she was murdered?

ShockDoctrine101 ago

This is a crucial link if it can be established!

rutkdn ago

I might even say this could be a true SMOKING GUN. We're getting close. The last 3 weeks I just knew Monica Petersen is the strongest link.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Why didn't you provide a link or archive link of what it goes to when you click the search result? I searched on duck and google and didn't see that link.

rutkdn ago

I did. Here's a direct search link: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=site%3Aalertsense.com+monica

Millennial_Falcon ago

I'm talking about the link IN the search result. I went to it now,and there is no mention of Monica Petersen on that page. So yeah, maybe we need to dig on the alertsense site and see why that search result came up saying "Monica Petersen was in Haiti.".

rutkdn ago

Clearly they had all the reasons in the world to remove her from that page as soon as people found out she was dead. Why would they leave her on a site that directly connects back to Hillary Clinton?