srayzie ago

Omg. That is horrible. To me it reaches a whole new level when you dismember someone too


Whats trumo gonna do? Million dollar question. If hes compromised.....thats another.

srayzie ago

What do you mean?

FoxMcCloud11 ago

Nancy Schaefer exposes the EVIL CPS

abcyouknowme ago

Snowden was protecting Pizzagate from the NSA for the CIA.

The NSA was shown to be tracking the online sexual activity of people they termed "radicalizers" in order to discredit them.[133] Following the revelation of "Black Pearl", a program targeting private networks, the NSA was accused of extending beyond its primary mission of national security. The agency's intelligence-gathering operations had targeted, among others, oil giant Petrobras, Brazil's largest company.[134] The NSA and the GCHQ were also shown to be surveilling charities including UNICEF and Médecins du Monde, as well as allies such as the EU chief and the Israeli Prime Minister.[135]

ejd4500 ago

I'm not saying this is the case in this situation, but what we've uncovered so far with Pizzagate is that these people are predators and they seek out ways to be around children. And, what I've see, is that any place or system where children can be "lost" seems to attract them like flies to you know what.

Amyamy ago

I will absolutely research how to do this.

Amyamy ago

Thank you so much for the tips. I already created the topic, but I will try the step. When I say I am new and hope I can figure out how to post, I ain't kidding... I am not computer savvy whatsoever :) I am big on privacy rights, so I do use Firefox and an add-on tool called Ghostery, but that's the extent of what I know to do. I will start using a VPN. It's sad that regular citizens who just want justice and goodness in the world have to resort to hiding ourselves online.

hookednosedjoooo ago

day of the rope when?

Amyamy ago

That's a great idea. I'm new to this board, hopefully I can figure out how to post a topic...

fiveeleven ago

Yes indeed. Check out this expose by New World Agenda on Nancy and her fight against the corrupt elements within CPS:

ejd4500 ago

So are the "wards" actual missing children or missing "cases"? I'm not familiar with the nomenclature here - I thought that "wards" might have been something else and the parent post was mistaken about those being actual kids.

charmeuse ago

Suddenly, Obama and other elites fawning over thousands of undocumented immigrant children being encouraged and allowed into this country seems very suspicious.

BuffaloTipper ago

She said that the blond and blue eyed children from poorer families have been targeted under the The Adoption and Safe Families Act (signed by Bill Clinton). Youtube: "Nancy Schaefer Exposes Corrupt Business of CPS on The Alex Jones Show 3/4" at 5:50

Adoption incentive payments are $4,000 for each adoption of a foster child above the base number, plus an additional $2,000 for a total of $6,000 per special needs adoption. For these incentive payments, $20 million is authorized for each of FYs 1999-2003

Also, another video of interest: "CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE" Aired May 3, 1994 Discovery channel. Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush

Yuser_Manuel ago

A year or so ago when I was looking at stats on missing people and human slave trade I could not easily find info on fact i read that darker skinned people were preferred. I guess deflection.

BuffaloTipper ago

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find any of her findings published. I just know that she had dedicated her time to try to expose the CPS. The manner of her death seems to be questioned by those who were close to her.

MAGABoomer ago

wethepizza was faked and written by the same fake news reporter who writes for RTN. It was a false flag.

Louisa ago

I'm having a hard time living in this new world knowing I supported a worldwide pedophilia ring that worships satan.

cameherefromreddit ago

I'm having a hard time with the other 50% of the country that seems ok with this.

srayzie ago

I did put 2010 in the body of the message. It may be before pizzagate, but I think showing a history of these sort of crimes is important. By looking at other information that she, and others, may have found could be significant in our investigation because it could help give us clues about places and people to look into.

She was concerned because some foster care parents were pedophiles. Sadly, being a foster parent, if you're a pedophile, is a pedos dream. Not only do they get a child, which many are damaged emotionally, they also get paid monthly to care for the child. (I am not putting foster care down. It's wonderful IF you are not a sicko.

carlip ago

If you dont include a date it seems like a red herring. sure it happened, but in 2010, so not directly related to the pizzagate revelations.

Spuddlebuns ago

Perhaps not directly related to the current investigation. But red herring? I doubt that. The CF has been around for more than just a few months, and some of the breadcrumbs being found go back much further than just 2016 and Wikileaks.

Do not be so quick to dismiss information that shows a pattern of coercion, secrecy, and retribution for people trying to bring DECADES of ongoing abuse to light. There is no "Best By" date on information, nor is there a #pizzagate relevancy chart. According to some, if there were, half the breadcrumbs unearthed are totally benign and have nothing to do with the situation...

carlip ago

It would just be nice if we could have a sorting method to place outliers like this into until a more solid link can be formed. Yes we need these sorts of facts, but to have undated material getting people riled up likes it happened yesterday can be damaging.

Spuddlebuns ago

Agreed. But I for one have no clue as to how such a thing could be implemented in an intelligent, non-confrontational manner. Do you? If so, please submit it to the mods. They appear to be very open-minded and interested in trying to do things "right." Best of success, it would definitely help sort wheat from chaff.

carlip ago

Just ran into this on youtube

@4:13 "Nancy Shaefer who has recently been killed was looking into CPS..."

24,363 views. now almost 25K people have the wrong idea about this. this is what im talking about.

draegspir ago

Messed up

yayyitsciara ago

I am from Illinois and we actually had a news story that circulated for a little bit about how THREE THOUSAND children from our local DCFS department were unaccounted for... so... i thought that was odd back then. And was baffled by how it didnt become a bigger deal. Now this all makes sense.

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

Please give us a source on that if you can, that would be HUGE for our cause.

Theophany ago

If you have any articles to substantiate this that would be very pertinent to our cause.

EndThePizza ago

I think this is the reason why FBI Anon wanted the public investigating this. If anyone in the FBI tried to expose this, they'd be dead, and they know it. It has to be the public that exposes it. Maybe FBI will be able to prosecute once it's no longer a secret.

Amyamy ago

Recently in Atlanta, June 2016, a prosecutor's husband was shot in the middle of the night while working as a driver. Why is it pertinent? Because she, Camila Wright, was the assistant Attorney General who was forming a case against Bill Clinton which involved Epstein and Prince Andrew.

srayzie ago

Sounds like she was given a warning

Amyamy ago

That's what I think... instead of herself being killed, her family member was taken out. That works more effectively to scare her (as a new mother, too) as well as others away from fighting the same cause.

justiceforever ago

make a mysterious deaths list.


nimblenav ago

and cross reference it with the Clintons deaths list

quantokitty ago

This is unbelievable. And nobody thought to even compile all these separate case and make sense of them. It's so disturbing to see how much influence these pedophiles have. Just like it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a network to abuse one.