LD30 ago

I don't know wether or not this is relevant but did anyone of you read the feedbacks of Cheesybay. There are two identical reviews: "‹(•¿•)› Great communication. ‹(•¿•)› A pleasure to do business with." Dec 01, 2016 " ‹(•¿•)› Great communication. ‹(•¿•)› A pleasure to do business with. ‹(•¿•)›" Nov 30, 2016

I don't know if it's just me or given the topic we are discussing but... doens't this ‹(•¿•)› look like a... baby face?

apparatchik1488 ago

Well, since reddit has been gay I've been here more, but I'm always around.

I don't have anything damning or documented to drop and if i did it wouldn't be on this account. But I'll answer whatever. I could speculate for 10k words with local legends. But they're largely local legends or just the anecdotes that only a local would know.

You guys are sprawling and it's great, but then there's just more and more that i could tangentially connect.

From what i said last time, Sen Inouye might be a decent shot in the dark connection. He was immensely powerful for decades. If this pizzagate shit was happening he's a likely connection. And the dncleaks are already sniffing at his door. His last scandal was trying to get the local bank he founded to be first in line for TARP while he was the most senior Dem. It was Central Pacific Bank. It's in the leaks but no worse than any of the bigger banks.

Now the story of why there are local banks here instead of BofA and Citi, that's one I'd like to know myself. Something real fucking shady has to happen to keep those big banks out.

And if you're a birther, i guess check out the Abercrombies and their history with Obama. I got nothing there, i just know Obama was running in a crowd of older stoner hippies and Neil Abercrombie was one of them. He ended up being the really socialist Governor who fucked up a lot of stuff.

The kaiser stuff is meaningless to me. The school is a shit public school. The healthcare group is what it is. They're huge public institutions removed from any shadiness as far as i know. But the DC links are rather interesting. If KF is some old school CF, so be it.

The big money criminals are absolutely Bishop Estate and Office of Hawaiian Affairs. That's just how it is. And if one of those groups found a kidfucking and trafficking operation that they weren't running themselves, they'd probably murder everyone involved and never mention it again.

Hawaii is Chicago level corrupt.


apparatchik1488 ago

this example in particular is strange. It looks like a joke site honestly. But in general, yes, money laundering could be about a lot of things, most likely cleaning up money from illegal activities.

Poncho567 ago

Since 2003 Tanaka Properties Inc. from Baltimore, Maryland has owned the warehouse where Island Distillers Inc. was from ? until 2014. When Island Distillers Inc. first registered in 2008 it had a p.o. box for the street address of the corporation, not even a real address for a distillery location so I'm not sure when they started at the warehouse. The Stone Factory was at the warehouse from 2008 until 2012. http://www.propertyshark.com/mason/Property-Report/?propkey=87578392 . Tanaka Properties Inc. is registered as a domestic LLC in Baltimore and and a foreign LLC Honolulu. The warehouse was sold for $68,422,900 in 2003. That's a lot of money for a warehouse. It appears that Tanaka is a common name in Hawaii. There are a lot of Tanaka LLCs such as Tanaka Capital Management, distributors, enterprise (trucking & hauling), Farm, etc. (so why does Tanaka Properties Inc. from Baltimore own the warehouse?). I can't find much information about Tanaka Properties Inc. from Baltimore except the address 255 Washington St. #230 Newton, MA 02458. I'm not sure if this if helpful or not. I'm just wondering if the warehouse is still used for anything happening at the Pakala distillery or not, if Tanaka Properties Inc. is somehow involved or not.

apparatchik1488 ago

Seems like there is a lot of Japanese involvement in Hawaii too. Strange that a Baltimore company is in Massachusetts.

Caratacus ago

I saw this yesterday, https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1464593

Then this link: https://panjiva.com/The-Stone-Factory/2612015

Specifically, this picture of the shipments: https://sli.mg/0SEha9

If you look at the shipment records, it looks like it has a shipment of clothing for "infant girls."

Poncho567 ago

You're right, I didn't notice that. Maybe there is still something suspicious about The Stone Factory. How do we get U.S. customs information (without paying panjiva?)

Caratacus ago

Honestly don't think there is anything we can do. It's way too expensive on there for membership.

EDIT: it seems that there was a purchase from Adidas and Uniqlo USA LLC. Why are they purchasing clothing?

EDIT 2: The bill (at end of panjiva page) for 8000 kgs of 2 sinks and a handle?

Poncho567 ago

Maybe I shouldn't have deleted my post. I was afraid I falsely posted about Mr. Chang. Thanks for re-posting the panjiva link.

Caratacus ago

Make a new post sometime and feel free to copy what I posted.

Poncho567 ago

220 Puuhale Rd 96819 is a big warehouse owned by Tanaka Properties LLC. David Flintstone's Island Distillers Incorporated had this address (unit B3) until 6/18/2015 (changed at that time to the 577 Pakala St. address). The Stone Factory address was the same 220 Puuhale Rd. except unit B1. So there is no connection except David Flintstone and David S. Chang both used the same warehouse (and both have David & stone in personal or business names). Sorry for the false lead. It is weird that there is an Island Distillers Foundation for charitable giving and they have zero income, zero assets, zero revenue. http://www.nonprofitfacts.com/HI/Island-Distillers-Foundation.html Why do they exist?

apparatchik1488 ago

New theory about chinese connection: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1466849

Poncho567 ago

My theory about David Flint Stone/Flintstone being David S. Chang can't be correct because someone found there is a company Mr. Stones Inc that David Flintstone owned starting in 1993 and David S. Chang was only 13 years old at that time. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1464513 But there is still a connection between David Flintstone and David S. Chang since their names are both connected with The Stone Factory LLC... some kind of business connection? On MyLife website it says David Flintstone/Flint Stone is 55 years old, DOB 2/19/1965 and has a sister named Maileann Stone. I did find a FaceBook page for Maileann Stone but not much other information. So maybe David Flint Stone is his real name?

apparatchik1488 ago

I think we need to get a lexisnexis account or something similar to continue down that path, and also for future use. Free sites are not reliable enough. Thoughts?

Poncho567 ago

Yes, that would be helpful to have access to more legal documents.

spez_dispenser ago

Another example:

(copy/paste and add www. in front of the links)

drpong.net/linken.php << Go to goodandplenty.de

goodandplenty.de/ << Click on antishop in the menu

goodandplenty.de/antishop/antishop.html << Click on an item in the store

goodandplenty.de/antishop/elektronik/elektronik.html << Prices are insanely high for total junk (like 650 Euros for old electronics)

It doesn't seem to be a functioning store front, but imagine what they are really selling.

apparatchik1488 ago

Good find man.

spez_dispenser ago

This is all very compelling, definitely a bit chilling. So honestly I was debating for a while if I even wanted to share this because I don't know if it is relevant, but here goes. My friend was talking to me about these "blueray cordless headphones" he bought from a random seller on eBay a few days ago and when he got the package it was pretty sketchy looking (but thats besides that point) I guess he found out through his own ways that they obviously had other accounts selling items for insanely high prices. But he would basically sell a tablet for a quarter to a certain buyer (I'm assuming?) then the buyer would put the tablet back up for so much money and the guy buys it back. He sent me a link to the price of one of the pricey tablets (approx 3,000 USD) If you go to the seller's store EVERYTHING is like 2,000-3,000 USD; even baby toys! Could this possibly have something to do with this? Or maybe this is money laundering?

Yes. It's common in the art world as well. For larger transaction values, you need an art gallery, or perhaps a foundation.

So the reasonable deduction from all of this rampant and unfounded hypothesizing I found myself engaging in was this: people are using this "art" to evade the tax man. It's simple: I sell you this bag of dog waste that Damien Koons scooped up from the gutter in the Bowery which is so relevant and your insurance agent assesses it at $1,000,000 and you have an instant non-taxable commodity. Okay - maybe it's taxable - but it's "art" so it falls through all kinds of loop holes. Then you turn around two years later and pass it onto your "friend" who happens to have an apartment in TriBeCa you want to buy. You two strike a deal in which you transfer the now famous bag of dog excrement to your friend for three million dollars and he sells you the apartment at a steep discount for one million. He saves on capital gains, you get a $4,000,000 apartment for $1,000,000; he owns the perceived value of the dogshit container, and your apartment is still worth four million on the books.


Poncho567 ago

I looked up David Flint Stone in Hawaii: https://www.mylife.com/dave-flintstone/dave-flintstone. His last address is listed as 220 Puuhale Rd. STE B3 Honolulu 96819. I looked up this address, it is The Stone Factory, LLC. The business started Oct 2, 2008; file #64978. The LLC business license is terminated, was registered to David S. Chang https://hbe.ehawaii.gov/documents/business.pdf?fileNumber=64978C5. A "Zombie" trademark application for a distillery at the same address was abandoned : https://www.bizapedia.com/trademarks/zombie-85743289.html (and here) https://tsdr.uspto.gov/#caseNumber=85743289&caseType=SERIAL_NO&searchType=documentSearch However, this application for "Zombie" trademark for a distillery at the same address occurred in 2012, which was before The Stone Factory license termination : https://www.bizapedia.com/trademarks/zombie-85743289.html The Articles of termination for The Stone Factory LLC was May 2, 2013 https://hbe.ehawaii.gov/documents/business.html?fileNumber=64978C5&view=transactions Here is a Google maps view of The Stone Factory https://www.google.com/maps/place/220+Puuhale+Rd/@21.3249201,-157.8874467,3a,90y,281.07h,78.88t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sMgUzmLBUg7I46PXuDmhvqA!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo0.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DMgUzmLBUg7I46PXuDmhvqA%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D332.94458%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656!4m6!3m5!1s0x7c006e5b9a4ebf85:0x6e24e4be036d1a45!4b1!8m2!3d21.3251556!4d-157.8877251

David S. Chang is a very successful businessman in Honolulu. https://www.linkedin.com/in/dschang Chang Holding Company mentions The Stone Factory as one of Mr. Chang's successes. Here is the article that links the Chang Holding Company with The Stone Factory http://pacificedgeawards.com/building-relationships-is-key-2011-pacific-edge-magazine-young-professional-of-the-year-david-chang-of-chang-holding-company/ The article is also featured on the Chang Holding Company website http://changholding.com/news/2013/4/23/building-relationships-is-key.co/. The trade name application by Island Distillers Inc. for KAMEHAMEHA HAWAIIAN SPICED RUM again has a mailing address of 220 PUUHALE RD. #B3 HONOLULU, Hawaii 96819 which is the address of The Stone Factory. https://hbe.ehawaii.gov/documents/trade.html?fileNumber=224299D1&certificate=4086899 Top of Form David Flintstone makes Hawaiian moonshine, too: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/09/okolehao-hawaiis-moonshine_n_5769464.html and http://www.bizjournals.com/pacific/news/2016/08/31/island-distillers-to-open-expanded-distillery.html?ana=RSS%26s=article_search David Flintstone owns both Island Distillers Inc. and Island Distillers Foundation. https://hbe.ehawaii.gov/documents/search.html?recordType=ALL&entityType=ALL&status=ALL&beginsWith=true&query=island+distillers.

David Flint Stone/ David Flintstone is connected to The Stone Factory and Island Distillers Inc. and Island Distillers Foundation. David Flintstone is also connected to Bif Skipman the Mr. Potato head https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1459779. Bif Skipman on his last Facebook post spoke about the petition to remove the Merrie Monarch tag from the Hawaiin Moonshine of the Island Distillers Inc https://www.facebook.com/bif.skipman?lst=100003825806226%3A100000816313139%3A1481040042 Here is the actual petition to Mr. Flintstone on change.org https://www.change.org/p/dave-flintstone-remove-the-kal%C4%81kaua-neck-hanger-from-hawaiian-moonshine-bottles .

apparatchik1488 ago


apparatchik1488 ago

I don't know man. Large HD's were pretty expensive 7 or 8 years ago. We don't know what the descriptions of the items said. I don't have enough info to say anything is suspicious with that TBH. The problem is most of the items are no longer visible, we don't know what was going on.

apparatchik1488 ago

Sounds like money laundering, not sure how it is connected.

derram ago

https://archive.is/L4adP :

[Question] Why would there be 30ish wifi networks seemingly emanating from under a concrete pad? : BlackOps

This has been an automated message.

Cbradio ago

Lime was used to decompose orphan kids in the old Jersey island case that queen owns, Saville involved.What used to decompose now, any companies and distribution of supplies? Rich real estate there, old mansions will not give a buyer, even a price, an application must be done. So much to say about Jersey, read up on it. Homes known to have satanic statues. Pedo laws, different, there. In USA, pedos can go to private biz, not live by various public land. A smoking gun on comet is make cps in DC find the girl taped, infant and their parents, and fully physical medical, psych access their well-being. Testing runoff water, sewage, creeks for blood, DNA, lime, bleach, hydrogen peroxide, other decompose chemicals. Read my posts, 3, details before you call. FL FBI is investigating Providence Corp, owner lives near Epstein. Shell Corp to Brazil and island right next to Jersey island, starts with a G! That FL Providence guy under FL FBI investigation is on board Providence health, a director also lives in West Palm, and on united hmo board. Who owns nursing homes, institutions and just won governor again even though illegal touched ballots? Obama recently retreated four year billions contract to logistiscare. Who owns logo, Providence! Providence also own igeus, a prison industrial, social welfare ww. For eight years, disabled and Medicaid kids Maas grievances destroyed by Corp to govt as their medical rides in the bush, privatized fed bent program is failing to give med rides, stranding, no show, abusing recipients for hours, NOONE foxes, media suppresses. Yet, Obama just retreated the contract by oig at his, even oig random report of logistiscare and NJ state failed, and no investigation. Look at how many kids taken, as refused their med rides and cheap home Ned supplies. Some mons have cases you can find on web, fighting this. Wisconsin voice, dialysis man dies from multi no rides to dialysis, last words, they trying to kill me. Public health law and the govt oig Corp contracts are very strict of no harm to any recipient, mandate report, fix any harm. Logistiscare reported on bb by parents who disabled kids go missing for hrs, Flint Michigan parents told pay premiums for Obamacare or kids taken, Seattle times did article of 65 years and up die, assets and home seized. Yes, ALOT, sorry, can't post daily. Anon fed guybon four chan kept saying, human trafficking, check foundation. What I wrote connects Obamacare in, connect to us aid, and the two islands I mentioned. Save this. Maybe I'm just doing art. Read between lines. You do realize that medical necessity cut off, kills ones, worsens condition, is crimes ag humanity. As ones worsen, taken to hospital, instititions, nurse homes, state added, etc!!! With orphans, state wards, third world disaster kids, WHY elite need more people to human traffic? How connect to sub Africa plains, Monsanto, GMOs, ? Are we being fed body parts to mutate us to cannabilism? Idk, but ALOT teens getting into dark side, post all over, cutting, and more. Smithsonian 2014 article on how delectable human flesh is. Kanye can't be a artist ranting at his own show, but other celebs have and walked off, and gaga can do bloodbaths and not be called mental. Keep having dream about bouillon cubes, don't know why. Forgive typos or whatever, read the message. And dang, call DC cps and demand taped girl, infant found. Alefititusrinositus is one who chose to take pic and post online, not us, and cps must by law find that child. Again, read my three posts on how to fort call DC cps, before u do..it cps done their job, those kids, supposed walked out of comet vomit Should have been stopped by cps. The warehouse fire in Cali. Idk but a warehouse near me, plays satanic music, club to rap, and events go on sporadically on any night till 5 am, sometime in day. Warehouses were always used in club to punk rock. Someone looked, crowd all dresses like vampires. A ny times reporter and a bunch more at once, bullied one on twitter for posting call cps, demand taped child found, and how media and others by law must mandate any child abuse suspicions and failed to, even with a tape child. Someone on Instagram posted about a supposed boasting serial killers blog, Obamacare, comet and even though on.provate on, received on from one connected to gate, I see you see me. More cane from that, was screenshotted, but no way going to endanger this person. Read blog by survivor and how he warns how cases always ended up hurting victims and onrs investigating. Strategies, new, needed, and not publicly. So is code, in art form. And unity ww. A huge class action case on public trust violation is a strategy. Bullying concerned about child abuse is a felony, esp by media or elite on citizens. Animal abuse in rituals is another backdoor legal, as many do get involved to stop. Check out hauser, carolinabiologicalsupplies, gas chambers. Dead sells higher than alive to labs, fertilizer, pet food. Sure human trafficking some parallels, yet, on four chan he said, how such high numbers human traffic, and if knew all they were doing, would cause world people to rise up. So what do they need so many more humans for than their typical poor kids they get, and what are they doing to all. All can't be for sex or food, has to be more. Are they using human fetus and chemicals to create some zombie army? Idk, but ALOT has to be right in our face and outside the box of anything we can stomach and would have huge natural aversions, to. Was the dosing of so many kids, worldwide on psychotropics a tool to shift ones to dark ways?? Look how common beasrisliry is in Mexico bats. Saudis- big lead.Call cps in DC, and ny for Huma..dang, even schools at all levels have hired ones in bands that violate schools receiving federal funding, hiring unsafe teachers and professors. Gotta go

Cbradio ago

Oh, look up 1980s horror film, comet something..plays at Alamo franchise..their website odd. Ones must have three million and be tax write off. Also #& & pizza in Philly, opening and owner did Instagram comment with comet ...also abromovitch since 2013comnent to follow this just turning 16 year old girl, over fifty times, so since age 12,13 on twitter. Girls twit now on private. Abromovitch gas tweet with gaga about going to island x and the teen girl is included in that tweet. Why is such a old hag, repeat posting for years, saying some gal this great artist, follow her follow her,..very weird.

Cbradio ago

Oh fuck just had epitome..think it's two things, zombie army slaves for work plus using humans to manufacture food so can be their own groceries of products..and subsaharan areas already child soldiers is nothing new ...and Bosnia ...introducing world to their chosen type of human prototype, the cannibal deviance..utter moral dilemma cay..they want convenience, even for their supply of cannabilism products..perhaps their aids med and more either depopulate, make zombie aggro and easy to control, or kill off things do they can cannibal eat...blood tests would show various results by eating humans, look it up..beta blood lab or DNA could be made to prove cannibals. Def need attorneys, scientists to help the good..like where the fuck are they in all this, so glaringly absent!!!!

Cbradio ago

Googled human in food, Corp ingredients came up..says if u go on site they cookie u, biomaterial listed on that front page. In Africa, all over..

Cbradio ago

Called ingredion is a wwcorp√√√√

Cbradio ago

Google biomateials, sustainable development, 2009 conference in others in africa..biomaterials is the word for any what is life, made into a food product