popezandy ago

Grim, can you just tell me when you post shit from now on so I can read it always? Goddamnit this is a good post.

DefNotMyName ago

Ok, thank you. I wasn't sure where the image came from. Everything else seemed well-sourced, but I couldn't see where that one was from.

ronnyCPI ago

Two people mentioned in this prior posting, with connections to Anita (Sasha) Lord and possibly John Podesta, are two Dave Stones. The first David Stone was a former TSA official who recently died at age 57. The second Dave Stone is a priest of the Catholic church, charged with child abuse (twice). The first alleged offense was in Alabama. The second alleged offense, detailed here,[http://www.sacerdotus.com/2015/03/former-ewtn-priest-dave-francis-mary.html]. Father Francis Mary Stone aka David L. Stone worked for EWTN (Eternal World Television Network) in Alabama, and was charged with child abuse in his role as priest. But he was found not guilty as detailed here by SNAP Network, [http://www.snapnetwork.org/al_accused_abusive_priest_is_found_not_guilty_victims_respond]. He fathered a child in 2008 and then was arrested for sexually abusing his own child, but he again escaped conviction. He was cleared as of 6-1-2016. He "cannot present himself publicly as a priest," although he has not yet been defrocked by the Vatican. He remains "at large." however. Is this the man in the email of Sasha (Anita) Lord? The man Podesta may have referred to as setting up a hot dog stand in Hawaii?

SsupGuys ago

Seriously? You could've just continued to read on and find out it's from a satirical hoax website...

DefNotMyName ago

I follow everything except one thing. Who is the guy in the bottom right corner of this picture, in front of the boxes? Where did that picture come from? http://i.imgur.com/TKW5GN7.png

TheGrimReader ago

the distillery's instagram

angular_planes ago

18,648 kilograms of Stoneware Crocks? What?

michelonwheels ago

I apologize if this is redundant or irrelevant--it's hard to keep up with so many rapidly moving parts. The Island Distillers is owned by a Flintstone (ya right) whose name has come up throughout pgate discussions.

KanyeMKULTRA ago

I've never heard of any of these companies she owns. FISHY.

RightThisWay ago

Weird, that second link says Malia Obama owns a chain of burger restaurants called Fat Obama Burger. I googled the name and there's literally nothing about the restaurants, no site, no fb, no photos or reviews. Just articles repeating that one sentence about her owning it.

Not sure what that means.

EndThePizza ago

Regarding the White House hot dogs, I just want to say I find it more likely that Obama simply broke the "no outside food" rules. He's the president - if he wants to skirt the rules occasionally, I'm sure nobody is going to stop him.

Freemasonsrus ago

Do the math on that one. 65k dollars worth of hotdogs and pizza. Was there a party for 2,000 people? If you give everyone a pie at $20 and a very generous hotdog at $15, that's 1,857 people.

EndThePizza ago

If they're flying in specialty hotdogs, I'd expect them to be more than $15, plus there's the shipping costs. And the government isn't known for being responsible with spending.

I doubt they would fly in hot dogs for a small event, so yes, I would expect that it was a big event.

Freemasonsrus ago

I'm all for arguing against a possible lead because I think like a lawyer. I.e.: What would the defense argue against it? I'd love to see itemization on that order and also an explanation for the "waitresses" that makes logical sense.

EndThePizza ago

I do think "waitresses" at least must've meant prostitutes

Freemasonsrus ago

Very possible.

LionParty ago

Supposed FBIAnon on 4chan once suggested that they keep children inside of Koko head. The entrance to Koko head is at 577 Pakala street and their are known systems of tunnels that go through it. Go to Google images and search Koko head, then search 577 Pakala street and go to street view.

apparatchik1488 ago

Do you know where the actual building and concrete structure is though?

also: http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/30796951/president-and-first-lady-hike-koko-crater-railway-trail

the president, who was wearing a black t-shirt, track pants and a black ball cap,

Also black glasses. Weird AF

TheGrimReader ago

Right now our concern needs to be finding the original email files from dave stone, we have the screenshots but we need the originals. The original 4chan posts are now deleted, I'm not sure if there are archived versions,

Together we can find them.

let's get to it.

MadMonkey ago

Agreed, without sourcing these we can't really move on in this direction.

SpikyAube ago

can you remember where the posts said they had come from, who had originally accessed them/shared them?

spez_dispenser ago

Hey, great stuff. Some leads that may be helpful for you:

Kamahameha School (Founded by Bishop Estate) Dr. Robert McCormick Browne (Abuser at Kamehameha School) Bishop Estate (owner of Pakula Rd Wifi property)

Also some anon was going on about Clayton Hee and some pizza restaurant.

I found this commenter's words interesting:


Brian says: November 12, 2016, 11:18 am Damn, 10 years of responses. I have to get in on this. I google map searched this address and only see new looking homes. I remember this story being told 20 years ago at Kalani high school. There are scarier things I have been through in Kaimuki, like Clayton Hee’s death house at 4011 B Kaimuki. The local “neighborhood watch” was luring homeless men up there and trying to rape and murder them with the protection of HPD and the “Federal Police”. The property was hidden from record until 2011 or so when it was exposed and Hee had to “correct the record” and declare it as a rental. They tried to murder me, I saw other guys there who ran out naked and screaming from the local gimp trying to rape them. One of his victims broke his ribs when he tried to rape them in the bathroom. Robert Smith was wandering the property naked and wailing while this flamboyant homosexual runs out of his house crying rape. The cops just consoled him. The cops and the local “neighborhood watch” treated it like it was some sort of carnival. Sick. Paranormal stuff? Aside from human shaped shadows but with nobody there in the easement, I can only attest the feeling of dread to the people in the area being evil and having to wait for nightfall to have the neighbors come up to the windows, try to watch us in the house (especially in the toilet) and try to force open the doors or make boasting death threats from their adjacent properties while cocking or dry-firing guns (as long as they had 911 on speed dial)

grlldcheese ago

Jesus fucking Christ!!

See my post from last night.

I was discouraging goats from digging into bishop estate because it might be decades of unconnected rabbit holes because they're ancient and crooked.

Then i said if anyone was still going to dig in that direction they should check out OHA because they're locally considered MORE crooked.

Clayton Hee runs OHA.

Edit: not a post. A comment. Here's link. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1459779/7054803

spez_dispenser ago

Yeah the links between cheesybay and pizzagate are tenuous. Each investigation stands on their own. The BE might only be indirectly connected as basically a land owner. Hawaii is likely a huge human trafficking hub between US and Asia, so there's lots of potential for furthering this investigation.

grlldcheese ago


Public record. Spokeo lists a bunch of people living there so i thought it was nonsense. But the records match the crazy oha boss story.

apparatchik1488 ago

We need to get someone out there to the place from the reddit post, before it's too late. I'll throw $100 in bitcoin towards a bounty for any researchers who go there. We can put up a craigslist ad in honolulu. No problem.

Let's focus ONLY on the reddit post for now until we figure this out. This is the most concrete lead we have. Everything else can be done later.

It's near 577 pakala st, honolulu 96825 - Has anyone found the exact location yet?

KanyeMKULTRA ago

Get dog the bounty hunter on it spam him on Twitter @dogbountyhunter he lives on Oahu.

apparatchik1488 ago

OK good idea, here is a thread you can send him to: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1461318

rp5x5 ago

He's had his own reality show and made a couple guest star appearences on Hawaii 5 0.

apparatchik1488 ago

OK cool let's tweet him.

rp5x5 ago

His real twitter is @DogBountyHunter.

Headstart ago

Please specify exactly what info needs to be gathered?

apparatchik1488 ago

Depends on what they are willing to do and what the situation is. Whether they have access to the area, or if it is locked up, etc. But yeah we should write something up.

Ideally we could get a white guy to hire some sort of illegal mexicans (or whatever sort of low class people you get in hawaii) from home depot or whatever to go and drill the fuck out of it.