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grlldcheese ago

As a Honolulu anon I'm not sure how i feel about all this development. I thought you guys were distracting yourself.

But, given that i fully believe it's a global conspiracy, maybe you're onto something. Good work.

Don't forget OHA. if BE is wrapped up, OHA is too. The shipping will be old Hawaiian mob tied to the stevedores, think wire season 2. I'm not going to doxx local mob but you'll find it.

Also on an entirely anecdotal note, as per your Chinese theory. I take no responsibility for this. It's derailing in my opinion. But here goes:

Old man Kaiser, the developer that all this stuff is named after. When he died, his estate was unfinished. It has become an abandoned estate and his private dock turned into a local fishing spot for decades. Fishing access has been a point of concern recently because the 80mil estate was recently purchased. By a Chinese guy. Think i heard silicon valley Chinese but I'm not sure.

Google "Kaiser Estate" and the recent stories should be about the purchase. I'm not sure about the address, but the beach access comes from kokee beach park and its the only private dock around there.

grlldcheese ago

Oh on the topic of access by water, the plan was absolutely to have boat access but even that's decades past until they repair everything and set up winches. The big building next to the dock is the boathouse but it's high off the water. Not sure what the planned logistics were.

The channel is pretty deep but not that deep. 15ft ish and narrow. Just navigating the bay channel to get to the private dock entrance channel would be damn hard to pull off. Not impossible, but damn hard.

apparatchik1488 ago

What are the parameters of this discourse? Can I ask you unlimited questions? How long are you sticking around? If you seem willing to respond to questions, why not just volunteer all the information you are willing to, and then go?

I don't live in Hawaii and I don't know what questions to ask.

grlldcheese ago

Well, since reddit has been gay I've been here more, but I'm always around.

I don't have anything damning or documented to drop and if i did it wouldn't be on this account. But I'll answer whatever. I could speculate for 10k words with local legends. But they're largely local legends or just the anecdotes that only a local would know.

You guys are sprawling and it's great, but then there's just more and more that i could tangentially connect.

From what i said last time, Sen Inouye might be a decent shot in the dark connection. He was immensely powerful for decades. If this pizzagate shit was happening he's a likely connection. And the dncleaks are already sniffing at his door. His last scandal was trying to get the local bank he founded to be first in line for TARP while he was the most senior Dem. It was Central Pacific Bank. It's in the leaks but no worse than any of the bigger banks.

Now the story of why there are local banks here instead of BofA and Citi, that's one I'd like to know myself. Something real fucking shady has to happen to keep those big banks out.

And if you're a birther, i guess check out the Abercrombies and their history with Obama. I got nothing there, i just know Obama was running in a crowd of older stoner hippies and Neil Abercrombie was one of them. He ended up being the really socialist Governor who fucked up a lot of stuff.

The kaiser stuff is meaningless to me. The school is a shit public school. The healthcare group is what it is. They're huge public institutions removed from any shadiness as far as i know. But the DC links are rather interesting. If KF is some old school CF, so be it.

The big money criminals are absolutely Bishop Estate and Office of Hawaiian Affairs. That's just how it is. And if one of those groups found a kidfucking and trafficking operation that they weren't running themselves, they'd probably murder everyone involved and never mention it again.

Hawaii is Chicago level corrupt.

apparatchik1488 ago

Tell me about the jews. Who are the slimiest, greasiest big jews likely to be involved?

grlldcheese ago

Lmfao. You shill piece of shit.

Weinbergs i guess. They're not shady at all but they're the only Jews i can think of. And they just donate money to things like Obama's school.

This is paradise, Motherfucker.

apparatchik1488 ago

What's your theory about keeping the banks out?

grlldcheese ago

Honestly i don't have one. Been meaning to ask this old attorney. Wondering how much of this madness i should mention.

He's pretty redpilled.

I guess my theory would basically be that thugs chased away any bank reps that showed up.

apparatchik1488 ago

OK. I'll do some research and get back...