crazimal ago

organs are not frozen for transplant. Read up on it. Anyone who figures out how to do that successfully could make many millions legally instead of this cloak and dagger bs you allege. The original HI connection poster may not have known a whole lot about wifi, sketchy local businesses, distilling, etc, but at least he was actually there. You could learn about subjects more before posting perhaps? Little details are very important, like the difference between cooling something, and freezing it. By the way I am not a total skeptic I do believe there is plenty rotten about the nexus of CF connections, podestas, JA and others. And the BE trust is notoriously corrupt. But we need accuracy.

Don-Keyhote ago

Lol is that a fact

isthisreality ago

...just when you thought this shit couldn't possibly get any darker..

isthisreality ago

oh jesus

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Did you see this? Infowars just posted this video about China selling organs!

pizzaphish ago

Also based on your assumption is that the would they would need sources from other countries with access to Hawaii to get enough bodies, Colombia has an article about a child being sold to organ traffickers in 2014 Also we know that the Clinton Foundation was there as well: They had programs where they worked with fisherman (boat transportation) and small shop owners (spread the word) "She pulled out a smart phone and showed us pictures of the 2013 launch party for the “Acceso Oferta Local” program, a foundation effort directly supported by Canadian financier Giustra to match poor entrepreneurs — farmers, fishermen, candy-makers, flower vendors and others — with big buyers, like multinational hotels." Multinational hotels sounds scary, because they could be use to hold kids, candy-makers could be used to make drugs for kids, etc. ,etc

Don-Keyhote ago

I mean cirrhosis of the liver sure, can't take his liver or maybe kidneys but if I have ten bucks in my pocket I'll still pick a dime up off the ground. Women smoke meth to lose weight, I dunno how much it destroys your insides. Chinese mafia do the gambling there, gamblings like the national sport of China I hear, maybe its a gladiator type situation xD

Narcissism ago

The perps don't like sharing power - no way they would involve China in anything that could be used against them.

NewFormerFirst ago

Blood, bone marrow and thymus:

The thymus is a specialized primary lymphoid organ of the immune system. Within the thymus, T cells or T lymphocytes mature. T cells are critical to the adaptive immune system, where the body adapts specifically to foreign invaders.

The thymus is largest and most active during the neonatal and pre-adolescent periods. By the early teens, the thymus begins to atrophy and thymic stroma is mostly replaced by adipose (fat) tissue. Nevertheless, residual T lymphopoiesis continues throughout adult life.

TrotskyTrotsky ago

There is a problem with the logistics of this. Organs harvested for transplant must remain alive and in good condition. They have a certain window of time that they can be kept alive outside of the body, this is usually an average of about 6 hours.

Hawaii is not an ideal place for organ harvesting because it is an island in the middle of nowhere and organs must be flown to their destinations for transplant in major hospitals.

The increased distance unnecessarily prolongs the transport time which decreases organ quality.

private-i ago

The .jpg attachments won't open for me, but this is translation of Podesta email dated 11-25-08 (referenced above) which is in Chinese: "Shameless and Su Zhenchang  A lawyer and a politician Well aware of the legal provisions. Zhenbian corrupt corrupt,     Search the national treasury. Meng Xiu money laundering, the World Bank cover.     Aimeng Cha Rui Liang case, the world's Tan Tan! Cheat Cheong Cheong disregard,     Deaf do dumb idiot epilepsy. Sophistry down to the law of the strict, shield cover hard hard words.     Help Zhou for the disaster victims disabled, unruly demon Yan. Claws Zhangya walking like a dog,     I do not know shame slaves slaves. Outraged voters, unscrupulous seek title.     Fearless reincarnation cause and effect, against the sky against the rampant noise. What day of extension of the show?     Eliminate the devil net world.     Note: The Democratic Progressive Party of protecting the flat, Su Chun-chang site called the judiciary should not be investigated Bianzhen. No Zen question"

Queen_Puabi ago

Me too. I had to go to YouTube and FF to the spot

pizzaphish ago

So on this organ harvesting note, they would have to keep the children alive until they needed their organs. At least this is how it seems to work in China.

However, I think that in Peru there is a report going around that someone is spreading "fake news," about someone who takes children's eyes. Apparently it is easy to take their corneas, and the younger the person the better. See This place in Peru is mentioned in Clinton Foundation project

mixelplfft ago

has anyone translated those podesta emails yet? and if so, what do they say? if not, might be worth looking into.

Pizzagatethroaway499 ago

Good info! Please don't forget these people and organizations I posted awhile back! I probably didn't scrape the surface but cloning, medical office that caters to the wealthy...

PepperoniBoni ago

PLOT TWIST: They're actually saving multiple lives with each human organ harvest. Imagine the lack of donors when this operation goes down. Unintended conciquences, but this is for the kids. This is for the kids.

YouaremeandIamyou ago

Also of note, is that there was a bust, of a governement official, in the same doj as Arun Rao, who was caught transporting hard drives, full of CP. I'll find it... I could not find it yet, but this is the list it was on. This list has a whole host of governement officials, caught for variou things. As it is Arun Rao's workplace, I am not surprised to see that most of the busts are ones that fell into their lap, and few of them have involved much trying.

Investigate1999 ago

Hi. Good work.

While I don't doubt your hypotheses, I think that they need to be tempered with more information.

TL;DR: the Chinese government is harvesting organs from political prisoners, for profit. According to 1 of the characters in the movie, ordinary customers can have organ replacements in as little as 2 weeks. According to the story, a lead character got a replacement right away, since a powerful leader made a phone call.

Consider this movie, which was based on a collection of testimonies about organ harvesting. In other words, the characters themselves were not real people, nor were they inspired from only 1 counter part per character. Rather, they were inspired from a collection of counter parts. During the closing credits, you can hear a couple of people share their stories of what they encountered.

The story shows the Falun Gong being persecuted and harvested, but the director-writer said that other people groups are being persecuted, too [i.e.: Christians are 1 of the groups that he listed].

I'm no expert, but I think that children's organs are not mature enough to donate to adults. I need a professional to confirm or deny this.

The_Awakened_One ago

All of down town china town is connected underground. Check out my thread:

Chinatown is also directly connected to the docks, as well as the F*D building, state Crthouse and Capital.

Heffter ago

There is like 15 K US military bases around the globe with good facilities and mobility. Plus all the secret operations units we have no idea about..

Navy is active on the Pacific, there are submarines, all have deep freeze utilities... not saying it is so but could be if the very top is corrupted anyhow.. Would make logistics way easier..

Japanese experimented with humans with nazis and USA got all the paperworks, that's a proven fact. The nazi scientists were taken onboard us military ops after war why not the Japanese human experimenters too? Just a thought.

seanhurray ago

thank very much. God bless you for all work you and the rest are doing.

CandyPanda ago

I know people freak out and scream conspiracy, but what if that's where this acceleration in DNA research is coming from to begin with? Are they just testing on animals? I mean, they've always argued for the stem cell research that comes from abortions, no? Here's a REAL link about just one thing coming out of the medical industry.

And what's the name of that super genetic research they are doing? The designer one? And it makes me think that maybe AI hosting isn't being designed for just mechanical bodies, but more for biological enhancements (see way too many articles like "managers that think like computers" and the like.

This is not science fiction stuff - this is real life. Do they just view us all now as cattle for slaughter and pleasure?

cosmicmind ago

Good job! Now if we can get a fucking legal force to investigate and actually go through the due process of law.
Do you by any chance have the link to GrimReaders Hawaii connection thread? I'd be interested in re-reading it again since your info's been out, and I checked on search... nothing showing up. Thanks.

mergen ago

Organ trafficking is a big problem in the Philippines

There are thousands of women and children who fell into human trafficking during the super storm Haiyan. **USAID ** happens to have haiyan anti trafficking operations.

Probably one of the reasons Mr. Duterte hates Obammer

And why he wants to cut dependency to the US..




Page Last updated: November 28, 2016



Last updated: December 06, 2016

mergen ago

Im freaking out

Did they know I was monitoring the page or something, as soon as I posted the comment above, the page was altered

You can see the last update date if you scroll down

Srry, I was not able to archive. I have no access to archiving sites.

Heffter ago

The thing is so huge globally that pattern recognition skills are valuable. Great read, LegionWill !

CosmicSponge ago

Don't know what to tell you. Just search for a free version of the movie on Veoh and watch starting at 49 minutes bro

anonentity ago

Surely deep freezing would damage the tissue? It would have to have the moisture removed or something like that.

jangles ago

Can anyone use any of the identification techniques in this video for the PPT files with images or others?

crazimal ago

This is pretty weak posting and should be edited or downvoted. There are multiple fallacies.

Harvesting organs requires medical facilities, recipients need major follow-up. Transporting organs is usually done by helicopter and jet if the donor and recipient are not in the same town. Logistical/cost problems to send organs across the Pacific would be huge. Maintaining organ viability could be difficult and far more expensive than what is normal practice, even assuming a developed, infrastructure, expedited across the globe and no stops for fuel, customs, etc.

The US is expensive for doing business compared to Asia, where organs are probably much easier to obtain. If they were operating an illegal clinic in hawaii, what would they do if complications arose anyway? Go to a real hospital, where the story would unravel ending the whole scheme? Let the patient die and lose credibility among potential clients? Would they instead build a secret hospital that could take care of organ rejection, critical care issues, etc., as well as change out kidneys and livers like spare tires? It would take a whole lot of time (=risk exposure) to earn that investment back. Fly under the radar at normal hospitals? No. Transplants are not an everyday thing even at many major hospitals. Many staff are involved and ICU beds are a precious commodity. UNOS and several other oversight levels are involved. It just makes no sense.

Sorry, but this discussion is off course, the criminals, if wealthy and connected, are not stupid, they probably wouldn't do this even if feasible. There are plenty of other ways to be bad.

And another stupid thing, about that island distilling site, the wifi activity described is likely only a telecom/cable utility hotspot, serving spread out addresses to save running wires all over the countryside... I am highly skeptical of all the information that was added into the original chan thread after the OP. There is just too much that does not connect here.

BE, CF, the DC people, many persons named and connected by autists may be really bad (i would say 99% certainty of that) and many in fact connected, but this narrative seems way off the mark. Sorry to be negative. Instead of fantasizing, follow the money.

anonentity ago

I don't know about that, it would require a massive tissue typing operation, then the goods would have to be flown to a destination for immediate transplant, the organs don't last long. So if true, transplants would have to done in a facility in Hawaii , Transplants are a pain because you have to stay on rejection drugs which stuff the immune system. Mabey its just an underground mary jane operation.

spacemanspliph ago

Saw this Anon video two days ago interesting they seemed to have come to the same conclusion Clinton Foundation organ

MrNagasaki ago

Those of you familiar with the background know that the person who originally photographed the facility in Hawaii was being followed and is now missing.

I think I went through the original (reddit?) thread about him taking pictures of that place, but I haven't heard about him disappearing. Is there a thread about it?

OccamsTaser ago

Really good work. Thank you.

We_The_People ago

Yeah, I have seen it.

RexAxisMundi ago

Thank you!

RexAxisMundi ago

Upload the image yo!

Don-Keyhote ago

Can you link me to whatever happened after his original post ending with the drilling etc. I missed the whole saga of being followed and dropping off the map and I been curious why he didn't post again

RexAxisMundi ago

Yes, im on the dog fix page as well.

seanhurray ago

is there a way to hack such images?

thicktail1730947 ago

Well, the background kind of looks like a chain link fence, is that it?

apparatchik1488 ago

Yeah that looks promising

grlldcheese ago

As a Honolulu anon I'm not sure how i feel about all this development. I thought you guys were distracting yourself.

But, given that i fully believe it's a global conspiracy, maybe you're onto something. Good work.

Don't forget OHA. if BE is wrapped up, OHA is too. The shipping will be old Hawaiian mob tied to the stevedores, think wire season 2. I'm not going to doxx local mob but you'll find it.

Also on an entirely anecdotal note, as per your Chinese theory. I take no responsibility for this. It's derailing in my opinion. But here goes:

Old man Kaiser, the developer that all this stuff is named after. When he died, his estate was unfinished. It has become an abandoned estate and his private dock turned into a local fishing spot for decades. Fishing access has been a point of concern recently because the 80mil estate was recently purchased. By a Chinese guy. Think i heard silicon valley Chinese but I'm not sure.

Google "Kaiser Estate" and the recent stories should be about the purchase. I'm not sure about the address, but the beach access comes from kokee beach park and its the only private dock around there.

grlldcheese ago

Oh on the topic of access by water, the plan was absolutely to have boat access but even that's decades past until they repair everything and set up winches. The big building next to the dock is the boathouse but it's high off the water. Not sure what the planned logistics were.

The channel is pretty deep but not that deep. 15ft ish and narrow. Just navigating the bay channel to get to the private dock entrance channel would be damn hard to pull off. Not impossible, but damn hard.

apparatchik1488 ago

What are the parameters of this discourse? Can I ask you unlimited questions? How long are you sticking around? If you seem willing to respond to questions, why not just volunteer all the information you are willing to, and then go?

I don't live in Hawaii and I don't know what questions to ask.

grlldcheese ago

Well, since reddit has been gay I've been here more, but I'm always around.

I don't have anything damning or documented to drop and if i did it wouldn't be on this account. But I'll answer whatever. I could speculate for 10k words with local legends. But they're largely local legends or just the anecdotes that only a local would know.

You guys are sprawling and it's great, but then there's just more and more that i could tangentially connect.

From what i said last time, Sen Inouye might be a decent shot in the dark connection. He was immensely powerful for decades. If this pizzagate shit was happening he's a likely connection. And the dncleaks are already sniffing at his door. His last scandal was trying to get the local bank he founded to be first in line for TARP while he was the most senior Dem. It was Central Pacific Bank. It's in the leaks but no worse than any of the bigger banks.

Now the story of why there are local banks here instead of BofA and Citi, that's one I'd like to know myself. Something real fucking shady has to happen to keep those big banks out.

And if you're a birther, i guess check out the Abercrombies and their history with Obama. I got nothing there, i just know Obama was running in a crowd of older stoner hippies and Neil Abercrombie was one of them. He ended up being the really socialist Governor who fucked up a lot of stuff.

The kaiser stuff is meaningless to me. The school is a shit public school. The healthcare group is what it is. They're huge public institutions removed from any shadiness as far as i know. But the DC links are rather interesting. If KF is some old school CF, so be it.

The big money criminals are absolutely Bishop Estate and Office of Hawaiian Affairs. That's just how it is. And if one of those groups found a kidfucking and trafficking operation that they weren't running themselves, they'd probably murder everyone involved and never mention it again.

Hawaii is Chicago level corrupt.

apparatchik1488 ago

Tell me about the jews. Who are the slimiest, greasiest big jews likely to be involved?

grlldcheese ago

Lmfao. You shill piece of shit.

Weinbergs i guess. They're not shady at all but they're the only Jews i can think of. And they just donate money to things like Obama's school.

This is paradise, Motherfucker.

apparatchik1488 ago

What's your theory about keeping the banks out?

grlldcheese ago

Honestly i don't have one. Been meaning to ask this old attorney. Wondering how much of this madness i should mention.

He's pretty redpilled.

I guess my theory would basically be that thugs chased away any bank reps that showed up.

apparatchik1488 ago

OK. I'll do some research and get back...

grlldcheese ago

My angle is to benefit wherever this goes. The Hawaii dirt intrigues me but I'm still not convinced It's connected. The Kaiser Foundation thing is interesting. If it runs parallel to the CF, that's enough for me to help you in this direction.

But it's a crazy fucking direction. It goes back decades. Go to the 90s and you'll start seeing Yakuza money swirling around it. Go back to ww2 and you'll see how the local Japanese rose to power as democrats. Led by sen Dan Inouye who had at least one sexual assault scandal and was just behind Pelosi in the dnc machine until he died a few years ago.

It's plausible to connect that deeply. But it's a crazy deep branch from Podestas emails.

amCassandraAMA ago

Its not like the podesta emails are our only lead anymore. They were just the start.

Things like sheer number of conficted sex offenders in the CF are just circumstantial for example

stay safe dude, dont investigate that area physically alone

grlldcheese ago

Lol. I'm not going anywhere near that shit.


amCassandraAMA ago

if we only could have a group of 10-20 people going there :/

grlldcheese ago

Ain't a secret here. I'm telling you what everyone in this state knows.

You dig deep enough you might connect this back to my family 50years ago. I'm not opposed to that. But I'm not going to do it myself on the internet.

And finding out who runs the stevedores union here should be easy enough. Who the fuck besides them can ship all the contraband.

apparatchik1488 ago

OK fair enough. can you post whatever you are willing to share in:

connornm777 ago

I admire your enthusiasm, but you're drawing a lot of conclusions based on very little. You said you didn't have proof, so I'd recommend first finding some proof then posting.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Has anyone been able to extract the hidden files from the jpegs? Seems like it shouldn't be that hard if john podesta is doing it.

TheSpeaker2 ago

I did this but I don't notice anything. What am I looking for?

thelastaelor ago

oh so more speculation?

peteczar ago

That Johnson Lo guy also emailed a powerpoint presentation called "Moscow-Russia-_Christine.pps" I opened it and its just got pictures of russian buildings, with the name Christine at the end. If he is using steganography, he has named the girl and her location in the file, and presumably her picture or more details are concealed?

Lockeye ago

What is this supposed to get?

thatglimmer ago

This. This is why David Rockefeller's on his 11th? Heart transplant.

eiggaMAD ago

7 transplants as of August, at 101 years old. Still the most ever received tho.

thatglimmer ago

Damn that feels like a real Bernstein moment, it certainly is 7, thankyou

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Yea, agreed, but there is a huuuuge supply of organs in Chinese, North Korean gulags, other authoritarian states, the rich Arab states have millions of immigrants who live as slaves without passports. There ten's of millions of organs, much cheaper than American organs.

spez_dispenser ago

Do the Chinese organ harvesters use "mr potato head" as code for harvesting the organs of small children?

"Trudeau, well-known around the world for his use of social media, has been given the nickname “xiao tudou,” or “little potato,” as the name Trudeau sounds similar to the Mandarin word for potato."

CosmicSponge ago

FUCK. I HAVE SAID THIS SO MANY TIMES!! there is a direct fucking reference to a hot dog stand in hawaii in the movie "An Open Secret" about pedophilia in hollywood.

Please fucking watch for fuck sake. It takes 2 minutes starting at 49 minutes in.

murraryrothbard ago

Watch at about 53-54mins, it really hits home when she says, "This is just the tip of the iceberg."

Queen_Puabi ago

That is creepy. Reminded me also of Podesta emails of the pool party saying 3 children would be driven there for entertainment.

Caratacus ago

Link works and yes, there is a hot-dog stand, on a beach, in the film. Good call.

peteczar ago

tried it, can't see anything. Wasting our time?

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

This is all speculation lads, its not a breakthru. Clearly this spot in Hawaii, something is going on there. There is no evidence, or even likelihood that its a mass organ harvesting plant for China.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Here is speculation free, fact based post. In fact I got yelled at for not speculating, even though the speculation is what I thought to be , very obvious

It is is my post on hawaii

  • New Davvid FLintson info and
  • clinton foundation and Bethlehem steel fires
  • More Hawaii Facts
  • Frank Guistria facts,
  • lisa jackson, Clinton dream team,

Zero speculation. Just facts.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Its great info, great investigation. I'm certain now with all we know that Hawaii is an enclave of democratic corruption and criminal activity, certainly sex abuse, and maybe ritual murder, and body disposal. Maybe they take some organs. But it makes no sense that they bud do this on a large scale in Hawaii, which simply can't compete on cost or quantity with the eastern world. I could see some elites wanting white organs or blood tho. Maybe abduct a few people a year for a select circle of elites?

pepe16 ago

Regarding China, it seems to me that the activity is more or less safe to do in China, because it's approved by the government. And I don't think it would be profitable for the Chinese to operate in Hawaii.

madmanpg ago

"The Kamehameha school is notorious for molestation and kidnapping children: The whole damn school appears to be a front -- a bastion to collect children. "

While the one guy was a child molestor, that doesn't prove the school is "notorious" for it. In addition, nothing in that article says anything about kidnapping. If you're going to make those claims you need evidence to back them up.

grlldcheese ago

Lol. Yes op is making leaps. And he should be careful.

But in Hawaii, it kind of is notorious for abuse. It's like the Catholic church. Also Hula Halaus in general. It's not like we think every kids getting diddled. But nobody's surprised.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Now the refugee influx, that I think is a certainty that they take people from poor vulnerable backgrounds and use them in slaery and for their organs, that is definitely happening. American citizens, it doesn't make sense, too expensive and risky if organs is the motive.

Don-Keyhote ago

Let's not forget the refugee influx is Hillary's doing by as assange made sure to point out uncorking Africa by overthrowing qaddafi

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Yea I've been thinking about that, she knew this was going to happen...clearly Soros has this well planned and will be profiting and increasing his power. Hillarys line during the campaign, 'don't worry lads, you don't hafta worry bout the refugees I created coming here, we're going to have an intelligence surge.' Fuck excuse to ramp up the surveillance, propaganda police state further...terrifying shit, that they will go to these lengths and have this little care for millions of human lives, and the freedom of her own fucking people. Shocking.

Don-Keyhote ago

Its all pluses for them: destabilize Europe to justify govt actions, introduce more multiculturalism, steal some organs, look tough for toppling a legendary dictator (whom George bush had fully castrated and flipped to our side)

This is where politics does matter: u might think oh they're just stupid but look at obamacare, another unmitigated disaster that not one Republican voted for, a clear trojan horse for socialism

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Stop, I know... This has been the worst sinking feeling over the last year or two, its funny after so many years thinking how lucky you are that ur not living 1910-1950, then you realise that the 'good guys' are just more subtle.

Don-Keyhote ago

I fail to see what difference citizenship makes. Its no more expensive to abduct a homeless/otherwise vulnerable American than a Bangladeshi. It aso serves the dual purpose of reducing their numbers. On Oahu they have to periodically raze tent cities both in the boonies and city sidewalks. The convenience of concealing transport due to oahu being between china and the west coast is what I thought significant

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

You just kill them? That's very easy, employ some1 who knows the streets and provide money to supply drugs to killers. Thats what I'd imagine they did with Seth Rich.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

It is of course, aside from the fact they have hundreds of thousands in gulags and no1 is able to get the word out, in China, and that they specifically target large 'subversive' groups for labour and organs, and aside from the fact that the middle east also has an endless supply of unprotected slave migrant labour with no recourse to protection, the main point is homeless organs are worthless, unless ur scamming some1. Why wud they do it. I'm sure maybe in Hawaii after they are finished their abuse, they probably harvest the organs, i dunno...but if they are I'd say its relatively small scale, for a very small, select circle of billionaires and power brokers.

apparatchik1488 ago


You need to check out the David Chang connection, he is apparently a partner of Stone (and chinese)


We_The_People ago

It makes sense. You have elites like Rockefeller who have had 6 heart transplants. They want life. Good job OP.

KittyTigerlily ago

Oh, my goodness, never realized this.

We_The_People ago

Remains disposal - They are on a fucking island. They could drop them in the ocean 100 miles off shore.

apparatchik1488 ago

Moving bodies around outside a lot is not a good idea and would take a lot more effort..

apparatchik1488 ago

My god man. You blew it open. I think you cracked it. Hats off to you, great work.

apparatchik1488 ago

Now, next step: Where are the jews? I cannot believe there is organ harvesting without Jewish doctors leading the effort and making the shekels.

apparatchik1488 ago

Dude, another big lead is that a guy in the thread here


Has been connecting David Flintsone to a David Chang

Poncho567 ago

I've disproven the Chang connection. I think David Flinstone & David Chang both used the same warehouse so had the same address at the same time but used different units (B3 for the distillery and B1 for The Stone Factory). Sorry for the false lead!

apparatchik1488 ago

Hmm... why would chang have a "stone factory"?

Baluga ago

Stone had a Stone factory?

Poncho567 ago

Maybe there is still a connection?? I'm not sure. It would be helpful if someone in Hawaii could check out the warehouse. I couldn't find if there is a business now at the address 220 Puuhale Rd. besides Tanaka Properties LLC who has owned the warehouse since 1993 (maybe using it themselves?)

jealoushe ago

Those emails are certainly damning. How can we get to the original image?

apparatchik1488 ago

Everyone, upvote this. We cannot have this stupid shit at the front page while good research gets lost.

derram ago :

Hikers Flip Out As Obama Climbs Up Grueling Hawaii Trail | The Huffington Post

This has been an automated message.

Kayzza ago

This, I believe, needs more people investigating. It's a promising lead.

Don-Keyhote ago

You're the best player on our team

Honolulu is known for the huge number of homeless people either insane or methheads. And immigrants. And Chinese mafia.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Here is my post on hawaii New Davvid FLintson info and clinton foundation and ware houses and fires More Hawaii Facts, NEW David flintstone facts, CLinton foundation facts, Frank Guistria facts, lisa jackson, Clinton dream team, plus NEW FUCKING AVENUES TO POTENTIALLY LOOK INTO POST HERE,

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

I'd imagine if good money was being paid for said organs, they'd want to make sure its not coming from a homeless, alcoholic methhead. The Chinese can get organs from anywhere in the world, much cheaper than America. If organs are being harvested its a secondary operation.