Don-Keyhote ago

Also grew up there, can confirm that historic (early 1900s) Honolulu is celebrated all over in photographs (the Royal palace being electrified before the white house is a common factoid for ex) but I never heard of tunnels

We_The_People ago

Don't post without a source.

The_Awakened_One ago

Is this some kind of bad joke or do you think every source of information has to come from a website or blog?

CJJacobs ago

He is the source (it was his friend). :)

MeatballPizza ago

Obama connection to the Hawaii part of this story?

The_Awakened_One ago

Obama went to Kamehameha school, the front of the corrupt Bishop Estate Trust you've heard about elsewhere.

carmencita ago

Oh my, he might have been raped by that psychiatrist that raped and abused for 27 years. It is a terrible story. This whole mess has so many turns and corners and the story never ends. There is always another chapter. Also is this John Podesta's dream "hot dog" stand?