PizzaThis ago

Thorn roots out pedos in the darkwebs and goes after them with Armed Forces who work with local governments to rescue trafficking victims and followup to ensure all legal processes are followed to prosecute perps. You can apply to assist them as a volunteer researcher, etc I think Thorn is doing good work.

contrarianism ago

The perps also partner with the tech industry, ngos, etc

Blargagg ago

Wait, didn't someone find connections to Thorn regarding Haiti and HRC? I think i remember something about this early in the investigation. Maybe November?

cantsleepawink ago

Lot's of connections. All these Hollywood fronted foundations are suspect. Guess I need to do a separate post on Trevor Neilson (thought I had). Check out my comments in this thread

cantsleepawink ago

what's your point ?

vacvape ago

He was also DARPA's face for Twitter early on. Suppose they couldn't afford a nigger.