kestrel9 ago

See also: Hillary's officials cut criticisms out of State Dept. reports By Sarah Westwood 6/9/15 I just posted about it here:

ben_matlock ago

Ha, thanks! Was just in the middle of reading your post.

AllPlayedOut ago

I read the thread,, in the Catherin Agnew thread, a couple of those crazy all Cap,, emails mentions the 7th floor,, in Nemesis tones

DarkMath ago

"not whining now".........Didn't you get the memo rulekeeper? After someone posts the same David Seaman hit piece 10 TIMES rule 4 no longer applies.

Sorry, I don't make the rules.

Meanwhile do you mind explaining to me why you're shilling for people who enjoy gang raping poor, black, destitute Haitian throwaway children. Could you do that for me? That'd be greeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaat.

Oh and I almost forgot. Add in an explanation of why you're shilling for people who got caught harvesting the organs of poor, destitute, black people from Haiti.


thebabyseagull ago

This a major blow for them.

Massive news.

Great news.

EQJ ago

This is FUCKing HUGE! FBI anon called this yesterday! No way this is a coincidence!

gt8h65fg ago

So we have to call cbs conspiracy theorist, right?

bopper ago

Trump will take it all the way that I can tell you. (His eye is on Mt. Rushmore :)

DarkMath ago


And just so everyone remembers to keep their sense of humor as we bring this fucker down:


leahxpearl ago

Catherine Agnew talks about 7th Floor in her tweets.

j2436 ago

I don't think it's that easy to drain the swamp.

ben_matlock ago

no, but it's a damn good start

joeysaperv ago

Reference to the 7th floor shadow government is on page 56 of this FBI report

It had essentially become Clinton election headquarters. This was a just action. The people did not elect Clinton, her office set up to shield her from scrutiny was fumigated.

emcee9 ago

I wouldn't get too excited. This could be all for show to make us think there is progress. We all know the MSM is fake news. They put out what they want us to see.

The_Invincible_Moose ago

^^^ This, seriously. I'd be shocked if it were that easy.

gangpressorliber ago

and deport dual citizen Israelis

Mad_As_Hell ago

“It is irresponsible to let qualified, nonpartisan, experienced people go before you have any idea of their replacement. You can’t do foreign policy by sitting in the White House, just out of your back pocket,” explains Tom Countryman, Former Assistant Secetary for Non-Proliferation who was let go earlier this month.

I looked up Countryman in Wikileaks, there are a series of e-mails in HRC files from him re Kosovo, Serbia and Greece. They all talk about expecting a phone call from 'S', who appears to be a very influential figure. Could it be Soros?

aleister ago

Good linking. More names for the cross reference list.

JoJoVoat ago


isthisreality ago

Thank god!!! Amazing news.

Beaucephus ago

*SWOOSH!!! That's the flushing of the swamp.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Except there's still a bunch of them in the CIA, and probably NSA and FBI, too.

Vindicator ago

That is the most BEAUTIFUL thing I've heard since the Florida vote came in. Tillerson has shut down pedos before.

The 7th Floor has popped up in this investigation before:

Also, David Steele just told Alex Jones that Flynn was fired because he thought he could tell Tillerson what he could do and not do.

DarkMath ago

And just so everyone remembers to keep their sense of humor as we bring this fucker down:


ben_matlock ago

agreed, amazing news. completely hit us (and possibly/hopefully those on the 7th) by surprise. we now need to be on the lookout for 'desperate measures' in the next couple days. these bastards aren't going to go down easily.

nomorepepperoni ago

Ruh roh...