TruthTrumps ago

I was really glad to read your original post here...but was very disappointed to come across this article today. It says that Tillerson led the charge to open the Boy Scouts to gay troop leaders and his company contributes to planned parenthood.

Vindicator ago

Interesting. Thanks for sharing that. There was not much 'evidence' presented in that article so I did a bit more poking around. I Apparently, Planned Parenthood isn't exactly fond of him:

Also, it may be that he felt boys struggling with same-sex attraction were perhaps MOST in need of the discipline and moral fortitude taught in Scouts. Check out this article:

I think we need to keep a gimlet eye on all of our elected and appointed officials, but I am also wary of the demonizing, throw-the-baby-out-with-the-bathwater politics both the Left and the Right are prone to. Politically speaking, both of these concerns will make it hard for liberals to block his confirmation, which is frankly brilliant.

My gut tells me both Trump and Tillerson are good men who are practiced in virtue and know how to inspire others to accept its rigors. This is what we desperately need, as a country and as individuals. Time will tell.

Littlebird1 ago

Seriously, I'm at the point now where as long as you're not messing with kids you're fine for the job! It seems there's waaay too many pedos in positions of power.

Right about now you could pretty much make as many shitty business deals as you like - as long as you've got a conscience and you are not a rapist or pedophile you're fine by me.

Let's get the pedo's out of power and deal with other possible business corruption some other time. This post gives me hope!

Vindicator ago

I think he was just randomly called up on jury duty like any citizen.

cosmicmind ago

That explains why the rats are all going crazy in the rathole.

Between him and Jeff Sessions and Senator Grassley there's just too many to bump off and blame it on suicide or lung or heart failure.

There are millions of people who are qualified to take the positions of the swamp gators, so it's not like the country is void of good leadership to take over.
But, what will they do without their multi $$$ pedo-trafficking income and fun? Is that why they think the global economy will crash?

stickittotheman ago

Thanks for the story!

Vindicator ago


truthteller111 ago

Great development! Go get those bad guys. I suddenly trust the government. Trump is a good man who will make america great again. Those leftists will get what they asked for. Lets take a minute to forget completely how corrupt the system is.


Commonwombat ago

I'm heartened by this. Surely not every person that holds a powerful position is an evil paedophile? We can only hope.

alliecapone ago

I got good goosebumps for once when loading the page here, yay! I like especially how the author here pretty much went outta his way to describe how humble he is. If only the other side were so humble, nobody would've thought twice about this. The people we look at can't handle accountability, they'll take everything but that!



JeremiahSinclair ago

Apparently he was recommended by Robert Gates and Condoleeza Rice, a clear cult member (CFR, Alfalfa Club, RAND Corporation etc), so I have some major reservations.

sheer-con ago

You sound like a nut case. Good luck with that.

Nana66 ago

When I saw he was highly involved with boy scouts and also allowing gays in....I immediately thought the opposite of him. I also wonder if he is involved and Trump is pulling these people into his administration for some master plan I'm not sure of. For instance Mitch McConnells wife's family could be in trafficking and she's going to be transportation secretary.

angryindividual ago


sheer-con ago

Sorry dorks, Trump works for the bad guys. Can't you look past your hope to see reality? You will be devastatingly disappointed in Trump. He's merely the flip side of the Obama coin. Obama fooled half of us the first election with his hope and change, and now Trump is fooling the other half with his hope and change. Stop being idiots slavering about Trump's every move and LOOK AT WHO HE SURROUNDS HIMSELF WITH. Just because once upon a time, one of his cabinet picks was on a jury and helped convict a pedophile and you want to get all hopey and changey about it like he's some PEDO-BUSTER? LMFAO. Come on. Rhetoric flows both ways.

Trump will usher in an era of statism, censorship, and oppressive government, in the guise of "making america great again" and you will all eat it up until you find yourself waking up in a totalitarian state. You deserve it. Good night morons.

Vindicator ago

Pretty sure we've maxed out the totalitarian oppression Americans will tolerate already.

chaos16 ago

Hillary will usher in an era of statism, censorship, and oppressive government,

There I fixed it for you. I am so glad Trump was elected. Thanks for making OUR point.

sheer-con ago

You will see.

chaos16 ago

What I see is a cabinet that looks like it's going to kick ass... that's what I see. And if you are afraid of that... then what do you have in your closet?

sheer-con ago

Then you are a shill for the NWO. Hope you enjoy that job.

chaos16 ago

You are funny. :)

sheer-con ago

You're not.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

This story seems too good to be true. I have no idea though. Just gut reaction. Hopefully I'm wrong.

snoopy_hangon ago

Is he really a pedo-buster if he was on a jury that happened to be trying a sex offender case?

Vindicator ago

Well, he took extra time and effort and got one put away, and afterward gave $ to the victim support organization that helped the little girl. Seems above and beyond to me, when he could have just gotten himself thrown out of the jury pool in void dir like most people do.

smokratez ago

Did breitbart do a story about pedogate yet?

joeysaperv ago


Election 2016: Hillary Clinton Demands Probe of Exxon After Oil Giant Stops Funding Clinton Foundation BY DAVID SIROTA @DAVIDSIROTA AND ANDREW PEREZ @ANDREWPEREZDC ON 10/30/15 AT 1:12 PM

Hillary Clinton is now supporting a federal investigation of ExxonMobil following the latest disclosures that the giant oil company worked to hide the effects of climate change. Her call for an investigation comes only months after the company decided to stop sponsoring her family’s foundation.

The Clinton Foundation has accepted at least $1 million from ExxonMobil, despite the company’s history of financing challenges to climate science. And Clinton's State Department touted ExxonMobil as an example of how America should look at Iraq as “a business opportunity.”

Clinton’s new call for a Justice Department investigation into ExxonMobil follows a similar call made by her Democratic presidential rivals Martin O’Malley and Bernie Sanders. She declared in New Hampshire Thursday that a probe was now justified because “there’s a lot of evidence that they misled” the public on the effects of climate change. There has long been ample evidence of ExxonMobil's role in promoting "skeptics" who challenge widely accepted climate science.

A 2013 Drexel University study noted that the company was “heavily involved” in financing the “climate change counter-movement.” Journalist Steve Coll documented the extent of its efforts, saying “multimillions of dollars were spent on this,” and environmental groups estimate that ExxonMobil spent between $16 million and $30 million on such efforts.

ExxonMobil publicly pledged to stop funding groups questioning climate change science in 2008, but Mother Jones reported that years after that vow, the “oil giant was still forking over cash to climate skeptics.” The Guardian reported in August that “ExxonMobil gave more than $2.3 million to members of Congress and a corporate lobbying group that deny climate change and block efforts to fight climate change.”

Though ExxonMobil has stopped sponsoring the Clinton Foundation, ties between the company and the Clintons remain. Clinton’s campaign listed an ExxonMobil lobbyist as one of its top fundraisers, and the company’s employees have donated $8,900 to her 2016 campaign, according to Federal Election Commission records. Tony Podesta, the brother of Clinton’s campaign chair, has lobbied for Golden Pass Products LLC, a company part-owned by ExxonMobil. Podesta has raised $130,000 for her campaign.

The Clinton Foundation featured two ExxonMobil board members at its conference this year. The foundation has also accepted donations from other major oil firms that have a financial interest in fighting climate change legislation. Data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics shows that her presidential campaign has accepted more than $159,000 from donors in the oil and gas industry, making her one of the top five recipients of the industry’s campaign money.

(go to original source for videos n such)

Vindicator ago

Clinton climate shakedown is nothing more than an extortion racket. This just burns me up. SO GLAD we beat that evil bitch.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Nice find. CF, Tony Podesta, HRC, ExxonMobil all in one story!

TippyHome ago

Boy, the shills are strong on this thread. Must be getting a little too close for comfort for the evil ones. When someone from UK posts, you know you have more shills than people who are red-pilled.

MrGodspeed ago

I think you might be right, TippyHome.

TippyHome ago

All I can say is "Wow!" Mr. Trump does know what is going on. I did not know anything about Mr. Tillerson until two weeks ago. Many times we judge people by the size of their pocketbook, not the size of their heart. It is safe to assume Mr. Tillerson derived much from the testimony of the little girl and understood the ramifications of the rest of her life. I am so glad the the jury voted to stop this pedophile in his tracks. Thank you, all, for taking a stand. I hope and pray that this story (pizzagate) we are watching comes to an effective conclusion. Please, all, do not get discouraged. This stuff must have been going on for a long time, for it to be so entrenched. The Catholic priest conclusion took years, but it did happen.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Can't wait to contrast this with Hillary 'you wanted it' Clinton

standalone ago

Unbelievable, I had already made my mind that the elite was entirely made of evil atrocious sociopathic scumbags. I'm pleased to see that a decent human being was hiding among them. Hopefully they won't destroy him once they realise that they let someone decent slip through the cracks.

srayzie ago

Trump is lining up the right people to bust ass and go after Hillary once he's in office. Her trying to overturn the election is lighting a fire within Trump. He's ready to take care of business and I cannot wait! He needs to go after the DNC. The Podesta's need to go down.

chaos16 ago

Remember this is not just the DNC. This is most of the elites.... but I agree.. the podestas and clintons and soros and anyone else on their side and level.. need to go down.

srayzie ago

Oh yeah. Definitely.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

Ugh, it gets worse everyday. The shills have taken over and are running the show.

rspix000 ago

Didn't Exxon know that the globe was warming with fossil fuels they were selling and continue to fund deniers for 34 years? Oh yeah, and he served on a criminal jury once.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Globe is not warming from fossil fuels. Wake up. "Deniers" = thinkstop word.

This climate "science" scam is one of the biggest hoaxes ever. It's 100% purely about money and population control -- turning well-intentioned people (like you, I presume) into crusading religious fanatics itching to burn the heretics.

rspix000 ago

Nothing religious about it. Ask yourself who do you suppose is funding all them denier "scientists" and something like 95% of actual scientists have come down in support of warming anyway. The evidence has led me to my position.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Why would I ask myself? I want to know, not imagine.

"Denier"... lol. Fuck that thinkstop bullshit. Read the scientists on the other side for once. The dark side is much more powerful. >:-)

rspix000 ago

Exxon funding the denier crowd because they are a producer, lol. Go ahead try a little google.

algernon4peace ago

Are you telling me, that Trump's new secretary of states prosecutes paedophiles versus Obama's secretary of state who is just a paedophile. (The Clinton Foundation Motto: What's a little human trafficking amongst friends?)

Still this is a definite improvement! Excellent news! #DraintheSwamp :)

sheer-con ago

Please...he's FILLING THE SWAMP.

jayv0 ago

I registered to downvoat this but it seems that I can't. Only a liberal would think this.

Vindicator ago

Happily, I earned enough points with this first post to do it for you!

jayv0 ago

Tolerant liberals! :D

noreturn4me ago

This doesn't mean anything. Politicians that push the hardest against gay right get busted for gay sex with prostitutes. This is a ploy to get us to not look on their side of the fence. Wake up.

joeysaperv ago

I was hoping for Rudy to be appointed SoS only since it would be better for a former prosecutor to dig into the State organization. I need to keep in mind FBIanon's comment about governmental collapse as information gets out. I know we on voat want to see something done quickly, but I pray that people are put into position with the right fortitude, finesse, and strength to bring justice.

pray_the_gay_away ago

Kill them all T Rex. Kill them all.

coincidencesmyass ago

This guy seems to be exactly who we need. It's like we shined the bat signal into the sky and Trump found us this guy. Seems to good to be true, I hope he doesn't "commit suicide" soon.

Vindicator ago

Nice image!

quantokitty ago

Awesome read. I'm sure it's another thing Trump is keeping in mind as he picks his cabinet. If he's really going to #draintheswamp he can't give any of these members of the cabal a position.

common_sense ago

Literally no proof of this.

jealoushe ago

Such a great story, cheers to the author for sharing it.

reasonedandinformed ago

Two very opposite themes here. My head is hurting from all of this. Who do we trust and what can we think? We all need to pray for more insight and help.

Orange_Circle ago

My best advice is to trust no one and pray.

QuestionEverything ago

God, make me fast and accurate..

reasonedandinformed ago

Good advice, but the prayer can help us to know what to trust.

RecycledUser ago

Wow. Thank you. No wonder they have revved up the bs in the last few days! Should be very interesting to see his confirmation hearings, and WHO protests the most... I think there really is a higher power looking out for the innocent children. This gives them HOPE.

abortionburger ago

When I initially heard his pick for SoS, I was really disappointed. I officially retract that opinion.

Bratton912 ago

I thought something similar, but then I realized, as CEO of Exxon, he may actually be "stepping down" into a less influential position when he becomes S.O.S.. So many of these international relationships are centered around oil, anyways.

He is like Trump, in that he fears no man. He is not intimidated, and can not be bought. It also seems as if he is accustomed to being under threat, so that won't be new, either.

I think Trump is putting together his team of untouchables, just like Eliot Ness.

Vindicator ago

Well said! Someone should meme that!

jc2017 ago

I agree about the untouchables, although how many were shot?

rodeo13 ago

I really love this idea and I hope it's true. Now, if we can just get past Jan. 20th without any shenanigans from the outgoing administration.

We_The_People ago

Welcome to the front row seating to the greatest story of our lifetimes. Let's get justice for all the victims involved. Justice for the world.

CrackerJacks ago

Jim Stone got this message this morning

KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR ELECTORS I just got the message this morning that the death threats against them are going to be upheld.>

bopper ago

I'm hearing the electors are potentially in violation of the Hatch Act (interfering with an election), same thing the dems said about Comey when he re-opened the email investigation (before shutting it back down), so they won't get anywhere.

CrackerJacks ago

By KYLE CHENEY 12/13/16 05:03 AM EST

The Republican National Committee is overseeing an expansive whip operation designed to lock down Donald Trump’s Electoral College majority and ensure that the 306 Republican electors cast their votes for the president-elect.

Two RNC sources familiar with the effort said the committee - with the assistance of state Republican parties and the Trump campaign - have been in touch with most of the GOP electors multiple times, and has concluded that only one is a risk to cast a vote against Trump on Dec. 19, when the Electoral College meets.

The RNC's elector head count, the sources emphasized, is standard practice in presidential election years. But this year it also serves as an early-warning system for potentially wayward GOP electors amid an intense push by Democratic electors to convince 37 of their Republican counterparts to jump ship. The Democrats are hoping that dozens of GOP electors - many of whom were picked at local conventions and party meetings dominated by Trump’s opponents - are already primed to resist Trump.

"The state Republican parties in the states that went for Trump are heavily invested in this process, " said one of the RNC sources. "It's a matter of personal pride for a state party chairman and a state party to ensure that all the electors that their people elected vote, and vote in the manner in which they're supposed to."

State party leaders, the RNC sources said, are in frequent communication with electors through phone calls and letters. They have identified multiple points of contact for the GOP electors and also monitor their social media, all to guard against the prospect of electors voting for someone other than Trump. Arizona GOP Chairman Robert Graham confirmed that, along with RNC and Trump campaign officials, he's been in contact with the state's 11 Republican electors and is confident that all will back Trump. That kind of due diligence is critical, he said, as Democrats lobby Republican electors to bail on Trump. "I think it's a smart thing for the RNC and Trump campaign to do just to get a feel for it, " he said. "It's good strategic cooperation. I think right now, they're getting a pretty consistent message back from the states that everything's good."

Several Republican electors contacted by POLITICO reported receiving calls or letters from their state parties reminding them of their duties, as well as outreach from Trump campaign officials intended to ensure they understood their logistical responsibilities.

Jim Rhoades, a Michigan Republican elector, said he called the state party himself - no outreach was necessary because he’s a solidly pro-Trump vote. "I wouldn't expect them to [call], " he said. "?They know where I stand, I don't think that they're going to concern themselves with me."

Many electors, including Rhoades, have reported receiving thousands of emails a day from people attempting to convince them to reject Trump.

To date, just one Republican - Chris Suprun of Texas - has publicly revealed an intention to cast a vote for someone other than Trump.

I don't have the link to the article, I just seen this posted elsewhere....I'll look for it though.

bopper ago

Thanks. They've got a good game plan going on. I saw this article elsewhere (Zero Hedge?) and skimmed it but read it more thoroughly just now.

CrackerJacks ago

Erm, I can't remember, I have read Zero Hedge in the past day or so....Maybe..

RecycledUser ago

The longest wait for an inauguration I've ever seen.

Vindicator ago

You are not kidding.

jbooba ago

Wow didn't expect that. Let's hope.

Insubordinate ago

No doubt, Mr. Tillerson will be vilified by the mainstream media.

The_Periodic_Fable ago

Excellent find!

Last week I learned that RT comes from a working class background and was heavily involved in the boy scouts growing up. When I saw boy scouts I thought "this could be very good or very bad." I'm now inclined to think very good. Thanks for the post.

reasonedandinformed ago

This story makes me feel good that the corruption is not everywhere at the top.

Vindicator ago

It is definitely not. I have church friends who are close friends with Steve Ballmer and they are a amazing, good people. Also, my husband worked for years under Alan Mullally, who was another of Trump's SOS candidates and a great human being. I actually think the corruption is more in 'pockets'.

hashtaggery ago


madhatter67 ago

Hope and change.... I'm sure I heard that before.... Mebbe this time it's not bullshit

beepinboopin ago

Interesting...and encouraging!

QuestionEverything ago


They just narrated a story where a PEDO was going to get let off by a hung jury and our new Sect of State, stood up, made his case, and secured the conviction..

-Just another coincidence.

At this point plausible deniability is lol.

onesaltymotherfucker ago

i hope this is true. i found his appointment to be mildly puzzling and of course everyone is skeptical of a big oil person as SoS. i just want to see these fucking pederasts beaten in the streets, is that so much to ask?

lurker2929 ago

I find it strange people's bash oil companies and executes, and yet are most oftentimes consumers of the oil products they despise. Between oil pulled out of the ground by Saudi's or Americans, why not choose American?

QuestionEverything ago

Theres no AMERICAn oil companie looking for our best interests. We don't get a better price making it here. They all sell to the central market which dictates price through demand and availability.

onesaltymotherfucker ago

i believe its appropriate to hold a healthy amount of skepticism towards these people because we are an oligarchy/oiligarchy. that being said you make a legitimate point, i would much rather see the saudis bankrupt beyond reprisal.

defector ago

The other reason he likely picked him is because Trump has said all campaign he wants to end U.S. dependence with foreign oil and to bring more oil production home to the U.S.. This pick would make sense to get that done efficiently.

Vindicator ago

He's an Eagle Scout. I think we may be pleasantly amazed.

Vindicator ago

Me too! I am concerned about so many folks on this board who are struggling with the hideous reality of evil. Demoralization and despair are a key way the darkness spreads. That must not be allowed.

tamaman ago

they still prosecute the ones that act on their own. so they can say that they do convict them.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

This could be good. Even convicts have morals when it comes to this so you would think it would be possible for the CEO of a major corporation to. Some of these people actually probably did get where they are by being smart, and not just the pedo ring connections.

ProbablyHoly ago


totesgoats908234 ago

What else would you expect from a billionaire CEO groomed for such a position.

Smooth talking and deal making is what they do, he is a "master of the universe" as they would say. I would need to hear the facts of the case as they were presented to be able to make any discernment if I thought he helped convince them of the right choice.

Vindicator ago

The woman who served on the jury certainly seemed to think he did. Having sat on several juries, I know it can be a real issue getting the last couple of holdouts to come to the consensus. It would be interesting to look up the case. However, with it involving a minor, it's probably sealed.

bdmthrfkr ago

Hardly coincidental either.

blind_sypher ago

democratic panic intensifies

Vindicator ago

My hair stood on end when I read that. Tillerson is already one of the most powerful men in the world, well acquainted with the evils of backward Middle-Eastern societies and how to get an edge to deal effectively with them. Yet here he is pulling a jury together to convict a pedophile. And Trump picks this guy. This is the most exciting development I've seen yet.

SpikyAube ago

That doesn't mean he's not one of them. They manage to get people accused and convicted as paedophiles when they become a threat or know too much. If anything, I think this story makes him suspect - who was the guy being put away? It would bet interesting to know.

AllianceFan ago

That's my fear too, it seems that a lot of the organisations involved in this are designed to do the opposite, I rule nothing out at this stage.

pizzahthrowaway ago

Upvotes for great posts.

Vindicator ago

Thanks! They're really hard to come by around here.

ProbablyHoly ago

I think it's a great development. It really made me sit up straight when I heard Trump mentioning Hillary "taking a number of them" in reference to Haitian villages. I thought it was a well executed move, in line with his highlighting of Wikileaks within the same speech.

Vindicator ago

Agree! His whole handling of that crowd was remarkable. He was very passed about something that is for sure.

pontagon ago

interesting development