PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Not too much on Jeff Flake. He's a Republican Senator from Arizona, a Mormon, anti-Trump, Gang of Eight. one wife, five children. M.A. Brigham Young University. Evidently keeps a fairly low profile.

slickleg64 ago

You can order children off of a menu at some Saudi-owned restaurants. Literally.

You missed the best part .

With basements.. IN WASHINGTON DC

Time to find all the saudi owned restaurants in DC

private-i ago

A google search for Mike Pence's best friend turned up this. "Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., one of Mike Pence's closest friends, became, arguably, the most outspoken critic of GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump among elected Republicans.

Blondmyth ago

Robert David Steele is full of shit. In a previous interview he's singing the praises of the wonderful Lynn Forester de Rothschild and how she's against the establishment, a new type of billionaire. Yeah right, this is a woman who's best buds with Clinton, Brock and the rest of that stinkingly repulsive group. Notice how this guy brings up pedophilia, but says that Podesta is a pedophile "LITE", Lite! then diverts onto the Republicans and how they're the real problem. The guy is total disinformation. Anyone who is CIA connected is cancer at this point. AVOID.

PizzaStreamerLive ago

In all of pizzagate's time. This is the only actual thing that I think is a real coincedence... I mean with Pence's history ... But who knows. It's sad non the less.

stellarcorpse ago

I would soooo love it if it was Paul Ryan. Pence and he are good friends.

bopper ago

"It’s Difficult to Make Predictions, Especially About the Future."

bopper ago

Supposedly Preibus is set to be sacked but not Pence. It is extremely doubtful that Pence is a pedo or compromised. I think it's nonsense. Would make Trump look like a complete idiot after all the investment in the guy. He's a family man like Trump.

Why isn't anybody mentioning the interview AJ had w/ Dr. Steve P.?

kestrel9 ago

New to join but not new to following PG shortly before the Reddit exodus to Voat. Anyway, I still have confidence in Pence. Early anti-Trump groundwork by GOP titled. "Milbank: Mike Pence and his best friend go separate ways on Trump" by Dana Milbank (WP columnist). Regarding Sen Jeff Flake, R-AZ: "For all the ominous political developments, it's worth pausing to remember that there are still good and courageous leaders — none more so in recent weeks than the self-effacing Mormon from Arizona." (suppress gag reflex) This BS MSM propaganda article lends some credence (IMHO) that Pence isn't part of the DCpedoCartel. The op-ed is a glowing tribute to Flake's early "instincts" to be anti Trump, claiming that ""The Republicans belatedly heading for the exits vindicate Flake's long and lonely stand against Trump. The senator has no interest in gloating, but he welcomes the company." In other words, the NeverTrump, pro Hillary GOP hacks migrating to Flake's side was a vindication of his lonely warnings, yet we know the Neocons never supported him and never believed he would win.

"Flake refused to attend the Republican convention, saying, "I've got to mow my lawn." During the convention, he took to Twitter to object to the Republicans' "lock her up" attack on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton."

"When Trump proposed his ban on Muslims (eyeroll), entering the country, Flake visited a mosque to highlight the contributions of Muslim Americans. ... Flake hailed McCain's statement saying that Trump doesn't have an "unfettered license to defame those who are the best among us."

bopper ago

"Flynn pissed off VP Pence since his call included a list of high profile pedophiles, one of whom is Pence's best friend, and Flynn didn't tell him." According to OP's posted Alex Jones interview. He's going out on quite a limb almost calling Pence a pedo.

These intel insiders need to get their stories straight. Another Alex Jones interview w/ Steve Pieczenik (intel guy) gives a completely different reason for the 'sacking' of Flynn. Zero Hedge ran an article positing the same thing. (Flynn was used as part of a sting operation to snag the leaking spooks, and Flynn knew he was being listened to, and knew he'd be asked to resign.)

So I don't really know what exactly happened w/ Flynn.

But Trump has invested quite a bit in Pence, too much, even giving him an 'air-kiss' at a rally, attending church w/ him, etc. He certainly hasn't done that with anyone else. If Pence is no good then Trump screwed up big-time, as he'll have to throw him under the bus, as he likely will do with Priebus. Trump has become religious lately and that's part of the relationship between the two (besides needing the evangelical vote).

I just can't imagine how he would or could disown Pence publicly and maintain credibility. I'll wait and see.

kestrel9 ago

Piezcenik mentions the "Triumverate" including Mattis, Pompeo as part of the enduring inner group, whereas Flynn was not necessarily (according to Dr. P) intended to be long term. It's hard to believe that Flynn's job was planned to be THAT short lived, and Trump's statement in the press conference regarding his reasons for not keeping Flynn is consistent with his management style. Flynn's saying "I don't remember", (my dog ate the homework), was enough for Trump to cut him loose, especially when he perhaps had Ret. Vice Adm. Harward as a potential pick waiting in the wings. Piezcenik's "it was all according to plan" is a stretch for me, but the outcome may have achieved the goal nonetheless, i.e., now there is a justified public reason to tear up the floorboards and expose the leakers of the NSA, CIA etc. and whoever else needs to be exposed. Because so many are trying to isolate Trump, and because I believe Pence definitely helped Trump win via the VP debate performance, it's hard for me to doubt Pence's integrity at this point in time. If Pence was a Neocon plant, why not just sabotage Trump during before the election? Instead, Pence was a great asset to Trump's campaign, even to the point of alienating his former "best friend" Flake. GOP was blindsided by Trump's win, whatever their expectations of Pence may have been, winning the election doesn't appear to be one of them.

bopper ago

Thanks. I wish you would post this comment over here.

MakeAmericaDankAgain ago

People and supposed "insiders" have been constantly saying shit like "a roundup of high profile pedophiles should begin within a week" since before the election. I'll believe it when I see it.

srayzie ago

Dave Hodges from The Common Sense Show does not trust Mike Pence at all. He thinks he's setting Trump up for impeachment. He said the rumors surrounding his personal life parallel some of the things we hear about the Clinton's. I'm bummed. I really like Pence and hope he's on Trump's side.

Here is the podcast where Dave Hodges talks about his views of Mike Pence...

Z11Mama ago

Jeff Flake. U.S. Senate Arizona. Did I hear that right? Doesn't just 'Arizona' set off all kinds of warning bells? To start with, their foster care system is over the top insane. Just through this supposedly legal entity they are torturing children and families starting with medical abuse.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Ok. I see Jeff Flake listed as one of his closest friends. Anyone have any pertinent info on Jeff Flake? I didn't know they were that close.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Does any know for sure who Pence's best friend is?

These are the letters sent in support of Hastert. Didn't see Pence in them,

squirreltruth ago

oh my, alex really goes full tilt here...

Bunkie ago

The youtuber was named Tory Smith. He claimed to be a childhood victim of high-level politicians in Indiana but he was too old to be one of Pence's victims. (If indeed Pence is a pedo as this Tory guy claimed.) He was quite removed from reality, which is understandable if he was telling the truth about his experiences. Or he could have just been schizo, hard to tell. Nice how the two symptoms dovetail like that. Convenient for abusers and perhaps by design of the sick effs who came up with these sadistic, sinister programs. Jesus.

Anyway, this Tory guy had a whole lot of persecution sentiments, founded or not. He might even have accused Pence, thus detracting from his veracity. But he died last summer even before any of the more pointed and damning Wikileaks ever came to light and even before Pence was announced as VP I think! So I think it's really interesting to listen to these vids now. He alleges that he was poisoned or otherwise inflicted with cancer, I think. Very sad either way. But look him up, he had his own channel Tory Smith.

quantokitty ago

In case anyone doesn't know, Steele is a shill disinformationist. Jones having him on his show is troubling. Pizzagaters believing anything he has to say is equally disturbing.

Rhino7682 ago


User890020 ago

You people should post this on Reddit, it's currently not gaining traction

smonkey ago

Also, notice how Alex started freaking out about what he was bringing up ? not in Alex's usual ADD / interrupting way, but freaking. Then Steele gives him a pass (accepts full resp for what he is bringing it up "its on me, not you")

Alex was prob freaking, cause Alex knows but is not supposed to disclose what Steele was disclosing.. IMO

nomorepepperoni ago

Yup, and you notice when he interrupts him? When Steele suggests that Assange is going to wreck the Republicans and Preibus in particular. Did Steele let the Embassy Cat out of the bag on Vault 7?

Start stocking up on popcorn because we're in for a show.

RedGreenAlliance ago

yes, my interpretation. I noticed that. He's scared of someone and likely knows this and more and has been told to sit on his hands.

Scirel ago

Yes - that was my take on it as well.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Has anyone seen Rudy Giuliani recently?

TabiCatTwo ago

Or newt?

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Nope, haven't seen him either. And they were both so outspoken during the campaign.

User890020 ago

Would these 'items' be coded on the menus??

MrrHandsome ago

You can tell just by his appearance that Pence has a clean conciounce, the Clinton's on the other hand...aged about 20 years in the space of 4 months

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Spirit Cooking woman looks 35 to 40, yet she's 70. The Clintons need their "medicine". Looks are not necessarily a good indicator.

Chimerarose ago

AS a empath who can literally look at a photo and tell you about a person based off eyes alone, I have never trusted Pence. Trump I do. I think he is a good man who wants to do the right thing. I wonder if the theory about Flynn being used as a "Sting" operation. to bring these people out of the woodwork is true or not?

Z11Mama ago

What do you see in this Steele guy and Alex Jones? I'm feeling good about them too.

Oldno7 ago

The Pence follow could be the joint account that used to be his. If you go through follows you'll see a lot of Democrats following Melania and Pence.

Singleservename ago

Be very careful with any CIA related (or relayed) info. Most of the rabbit holes we dug through start and end with CIA.

I don't believe there are ANY white hats left in that dirty rotten institution.

TrishaUK ago

WOW WOW, just watched this..........COME ON PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP.........FEMA CAMPS AWAIT! Said before - this is a WIN WIN WIN for Trump, 1) he locks up all these disgusting pedos (until the electric chair is warmed) 2) other countries do not get harmed by them being free ie Soros (they can arrest their own pedos) & 3) it creates more jobs in the Prison Services! CHERRY ON THE TOP He fulfills his campaign promises!

podestakilledmyson ago

THIS is why Trump picked Pence. If he fires his own VP, then it won't look like a coup to falsely arrest opposition for made-up pedopehelia... he wouldn't sacrifice his own VP for a false attack.... WOW >:D

huhWHAThuh ago

Uhh....correct me if i'm wrong. But vice presidents are elected. Wouldn't Pence have to be impeached? And could a vice president be impeached for having a pedo friend?

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

This makes sense. Also, the dems were completely taken by surprise when he chose pence.

MrrHandsome ago

The best possible scenario if Pence is infact a peado.

Kingrealboss ago

IDK something feels off about RDS, he feels like disinfo (he is CIA after all) and he has called out trump being deepstate controlled (we know he isnt) so the whole pence thing could be a honeypot, open to someone discussing this with me?

20Justice4All17 ago

He has been hard on Trump since before the election. Not sure what to make of it though.

roundhouse1776 ago

We'll know soon enough. RDS is also linked to the DHS Insider story. He seems to be going all-in on these predictions.

Kingrealboss ago

i feel as if isreal is in the same situation as usa ie, their intelligence agencies are totally compromised by deep state entities referring to the DHS info, i feel as if the dhs dude roasts them too much because it is clear soros is running ops to overthrow them as well

za-throwaway ago

"saudi owned restaurants" - like most of Connecticut Ave?

Scirel ago

Yeah I was thinking that too. Some of us have suspected that Alefantis' main job in the network was as a procurer, and that he had staging areas (like slave blocks) set up and scattered about. The City.

Also, to say "Pence's best friend" - well, a search of that immediately returns Jeff Flake (U.S. Senate, AZ).

Gotta love the way these guys use code.

So, time to start looking into Jeff Flake...

studio24investigator ago

Guaranteed this is maneuvering by the democrats to paint everyone with the same pedo brush. Don't believe it - the dems are the real pedos.

20Justice4All17 ago

R's are just as bad if not worse. It's a freakin' mess (and in a lot of ways it's worse for the R's because that pander to Xtians).

nm98966n ago

it makes no sense to think dems are the only ones involved in this... pedophillia isnt a partisan thing with these politicians ...if republicans had their own version of podesta emails, we in all likelihood would see something similar. that's why i think it's wrong for many of you to assume Trump will be the crusader. He will face pressure from both sides of the isle

unrealisthenewreal ago

If only WL could release a cache of a repubs email with similar "pizza" language. If that happened, we might see an influx of libs flocking to our cause as they'd understand that this pedo shit is truly non partisan.

nm98966n ago

haha if it gives you any solace.... im a far left lib lol

User890020 ago

pedophillia isnt a partisan thing


roundhouse1776 ago

Democrats vs Republicans is obsolete thinking, and exactly what they want you to do. Like Marine Le Pen said, the new sides are Patriots vs Globalists.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

I agree. The DEMs and REPs both took down the TeaParty. I think some of the Republicans were implicated with the IRS going after the TeaParty groups.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

This is the truth.....Franklin CoverUP was Republican....Bohemian Grove is Republican......Ranch in Texas is Republican.....I think more of the middle management Pedophiles are Democrats but the top of the Republicans are dirty as shit. This is why no one did anything about it. If you think it through the only way for one Party to not use this against the other is that both sides are dirty. Why did not the Media hammer the Republicans over Franklin Coverup? I mean it was a perfect story to destroy Bush and the Republicans on the scale of WaterGate......but they passed on it. Its both parties....

But this new wave of Homosexual DC fags that are the middle management....the ones who run the pedophile rings....the ones who Instagram each other with jokes about the latest kid they fucked and ate....these seem to be Democrats.....

RedGreenAlliance ago

The way i see it is the ones who have been most batshit crazy against Trump are the ones with the most to lose, the ones most implicated.

This applies to Republicans and Democrats alike, AND the Media and Hollyweird

  • Graham, McCain, Kristol, Ryan etc - REPS
  • Podesta, Clinton, Pelosi, Biden, Obama etc - DEMS
  • All the top CNN MSNBC NBC etc anchors - all mentioned in PodestaEmails as complicit to elect Hillary
  • Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus - insane asylum - MKULTRA / MONARCH puppets
  • Amy Schumer, De Niro, Colbert - geezus might as well list all of Hollywood - PEDOWOOD

On and on. So intractable and deep, i do not see any solutions shotrt of collapse, then pitchforks and round-up - if w are lucky.

I am saying this as a Brit with our country just as bad. But your country is headed for imminent disaster. They really are going to assassinate or political-coup Trump out of there, based on phoney Russian Agent bullshit.

If a coup or assassination happens, your country is going to descend into a really bitter and messy French Revolution style chaos.

roundhouse1776 ago

The media is presenting the illusion that we are about to collapse with their "chaos" agenda. There is a war going on inside the government and I think Trump is winning bigly. The MSM is reporting the exact opposite, as usual because they're desperate to keep the house of cards from collapsing.

20Justice4All17 ago

Agree things are bad...don't agree with how you think things will unfold. I think Trump would hold the cards on the elected officials before allowing the country to fall into chaos (i.e. Take the place of their current puppet masters)...this may be why there is only a limited amount of high level busts, if any :(

Vindicator ago

Steele also says Flynn was fired because he thought he could tell Tillerson and Mattis what to do, which sounds dead on to me.

Anyone care to make a research post on the stuff Steele has said in the past and whether it has turned out to be accurate? I'd like to see that.

20Justice4All17 ago

Just before the election he said Rothschilds had $20B to bribe Trump with (to throw the election to Hillary).

FriesischShipping ago

Yes, years ago he said open citizen investigations would be the future because they will yield better results and be more cost effective than the CIA and/or FBI. The quote as best I can remember it was: "find a cause and attach yourself like a tick". This is Pizzagate and I think his prediction was accurate.

Vindicator ago

they will yield better results and be more cost effective

LOL. There's the understatement of the century. I put in 40 hours a week here for free!

EndThePizza ago

Which is why it works - youre not influenced by a source of money

FriesischShipping ago

Exactly, you can't beat free energy 🤑

gangpressorliber ago

Real Sacrifice... No medals, no future hiring priority, no retirement, just clean streets and happy children.

IlluminatiKing ago

If this is true, wonder who will be VP in the future X_X

roundhouse1776 ago

Steve Bannon, just so we can see the MSM go completely apeshit. I'd pay to see that.

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Could never be Bannon...he would have to get approved by Congress and Senate. He's too much of a lighting rod.

I think Kelly Ann Conway would be perfect. She's sharp as hell, a good speaker...and a woman, which will make it harder to deny her the position.

AreWeSure ago

She's also completely lost her credibility with the US public AND is on the outs with Trump. She clearly violated violating the ethics laws by promoting a private business as a White House official.

Also VP isn't the elected office, we will be replacing.

Disgusted-Lurker ago

Agree or disagree on Kelly Ann.

But in event of VP killed or otherwise removed from office, the standing president appoints a new one, subject to approval from Senate and Congress (25th amendment).

reasonedandinformed ago

You are replying to a known CTR troll, FYI.

roundhouse1776 ago

I was joking, because he'd never selected someone without a decorated political/military career. I just think it would be hilarious if it was Bannon because of all those stupid stories they ran about how Bannon is Trump's puppetmaster.

I think Kelly Anne is a liability at this point. She did a great job in the campaign, but it's over now. And she sticks her foot in her mouth too often in interviews. Time to cut her loose.

Vindicator ago

Me, too. Roundhouse, think ya might be willing to do a post similar to your Seaman critique on Steele? I'd love to get a detailed view of his track record. I bet others would, too.

roundhouse1776 ago

I don't think it's necessary. Robert David Steele seems to be going all-in on these predictions. I just got done watching this video from the "DHS Insider" thread and RDS was used to corroborate the insiders story. So we'll know soon, either Robert David Steele will be a legend or his credibility will be ruined.

iamthepizzanow ago

How credible is Robert Steele? Anyone have a TL;DR about him for the ones that don't know him, thanks.

surgeson ago

Always interested to hear what he has to say. Bit weary of a new prediction but we'll see.

NonexistentNihilist ago

Very informative, thank you.

nomorepepperoni ago

I'll believe these high-profile roundup claims when I actually see it happen.

Yates ago

Yep, mugshots and all names need to be made public before I celebrate.

20Justice4All17 ago


TabiCatTwo ago

If this ever happens there must be a get together for the Podestrians that have been waiting on this since the wikileaks revelations (and all those before). James Woods, Rosanne Barr and all those putting their careers and credibility and life on the line speaking out. All those who laughed and scoffed still be shunned.

Mtnchan ago

Ha, they bring this thing down and I will out myself, have personal interests to protect

roundhouse1776 ago

Yep, not giving my hopes up. I've seen this routine before.

Poot_McGarvey ago

Don't stop spreading, researching, discussing, making info-graphics, setting up interviews etc. etc. There is so much to comb through on the internet and they have been flaunting it. This has been effective.

Beaucephus ago

This is the most powerful Alex Jones interview I've ever heard. Wow.

Antonius ago

If Pence is proven to be a ped...OFF WITH HIS FUCKING HEAD!

Phenomenonanon ago

Other than his expression I wouldn't say Pence is a bad dude. But who the heck even knows anymore

Lorent ago


Oldno7 ago

I wouldn't be surprised at all if ultra religious homophobe Mike Pence were a pedophile too. I pray he isn't but it wouldn't surprise me.

2BuckChuck ago

Naaaaaah. Religious types CANT be pedophiles! They're like PRIESTS for chrissake..... ....oh shit.

Phenomenonanon ago

That would piss me off

GlobalGuardian2001 ago

Trump needs to remove these moles embedded in his cabinet as soon as possible.

FriesischShipping ago

Pence definitely feels like an establishment mole, just like LBJ to JFK.

bopper ago

Ah, then Trump is a complete idiot?

FriesischShipping ago


jbooba ago

Im not American so Trump isnt my president. But in this case i trust him. By now you should see he definitly isnt stupid. He knows people. He loves his family. Hes a good father. Most likely that was his motivation, he couldnt stand the sickness spreading around him. Like many others (within the FBI). Let´s wait and see.

I also doubt Flynn is really gone.

bopper ago

Exactly. The Flynn thing was a set-up to nab the spooks who were leaking Flynn's calls, Flynn knew he was being spied on. Edit: And knew he would be 'going.'

jbooba ago

40 years in the army, highly decorated, and he doesnt know phone calls etc are being monitored. yeah sure :-). if that´s true i lean more towards the pedofriend of Pence story.

AreWeSure ago

Trump actually used to smack Donald Jr around in front of people.

stellarcorpse ago

Whose delusional now? Our are you outing a fantasy??

2impendingdoom ago

do you have a source for that?

AreWeSure ago

Source is a college classmate of Donald Jr.

reasonedandinformed ago

Source? David Brock's CTR talking points. This guy is an exposed CTR troll. He cautions on ANYTHING that looks legit/promising and attacks Trump with ZERO support. This is actually some of the best evidence that Trump is clean on this issue and actively wants to take these sick pedos down.

stellarcorpse ago

He also defends James Alefantis like there is no tomorrow,

reasonedandinformed ago

Yes. We have massive evidence against JA, and he defends...yet he readily attacks Trump as a pedo with zero evidence. He makes it too obvious.

stellarcorpse ago

the other shillI outed Birdzeyeview perhaps you recall? joined voat same day as AreWeSure. Now that could of course be a coincidence.

reasonedandinformed ago

You are correct. I have called him out as a CTR troll before due to similar patterns, but I did not know their timelines matched. I think aggressive CTR trolls must be aggressively identified as many who are on this platform don't necessarily recognize what they encountering with CTR and can become discouraged or dissuaded from our efforts. The key to discerning CTR trolls from ignorant/misdirected people is to look at their histories and logical inconsistencies.

apostle_s ago

My money is on Flynn taking up an "advisory" role.

Mtnchan ago

I thought the same thing, imagined trump saying I've got something more important for you and here let me take those cuffs off

Mad_As_Hell ago

He was one of the few people to defend Dennis Hastert. Damn, I much preferred time traveller Mike Pence to pedo Pence :(

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

These are the letters sent in support of Hastert. Didn't see Pence in them,

Do you have a link for Pence supporting Hastert?

nomorepepperoni ago

Oooh, that looks like a nice list of people to dig into. Should make a new thread if you can make a strong enough case for it as PG-related enough.

TrishaUK ago

I have to believe you are wrong about Mike Pence!!! I trust him. I guess we all could have pedo friends and not know it. Terrible thought. Its my mind hoping for the best. Please Lord let him be 'clean' Trump has to have a close friend who not a pedo!!

ImNotARussianSpy ago

I could see Mike Pence knowing and honestly thinking that they could pray the pedo away. He really believes that you can pray the gay away so why not the pedo. I can see him not abandoning someone like that because he wants to help them.

Yates ago

Bannon seems solid.

Atatarkus ago

If ive learned anything from this it's that no one can be trusted and everyone is compromised in some way

bopper ago

Somebody's doing some thinking.

acme2011 ago

There had got to be a reason Flynn lied to Pence. He wasn't comfortable with Pence!?

TrishaUK ago

or that Mike might confront his friend and compromise a take down?

heywhatsgoingon ago

There's this semi-crazy youtuber who claimed for years that Pence was a pedo and child murderer... OMG...

bopper ago

Does he offer any proof? Or just talks?

ImNotARussianSpy ago

no proof that I'm aware of.

bopper ago


gangpressorliber ago

Ben Fulford??? lol

TrishaUK ago

I saw that but dismissed it in HOPE!

DrumpfBTFO ago

He claimed alot of stuff about alot of politicians. And hes method for calling it out seemed to be "reading from their DNA(?)", if were talking about the same guy. So i wouldn't put any trust into what he's saying.

What would happen if Vice President gets impeached?. Does the next one in the list get promoted to VP?

heywhatsgoingon ago

I wonder though if the reason for his having the mental illness in the first place was from knowing these things, or being subjected to torture by the alleged criminals.

TrishaUK ago

Could be abuse, my brother, don't think sexual, but def. mental and physical abuse by my dad seems to be the cause of his schizophrenia for the past 40 years. He sounds as crazy as that man. You were afraid to be in the room with him as he'd accuse you of saying/doing something you blatantly did not do. No amount of denying it to him would change his mind, even though you knew you had not done anything. Sad what trauma can do.

surgeson ago

I remember that guy. Didn't he pass away recently?

MolochHunter ago

Tory Smith. He did die after about 200 youtube vids fingering all the establishment as pedos. Mike Pence was indeed a common target.

The guy was batshit crazy / very damaged individual. But I wouldnt be surprised if he was channelling some truth in amongst it all

TrishaUK ago

I am hoping that it was just the demons talking and mad and trying to point to Mike Pence for not 'joining in.' I will be the first to say I was wrong if it ever was proven, but I honestly feel Pence is legit. Well time will tell.

Poot_McGarvey ago

They intentionally fuck with peoples lives who get to close to sensitive shit.

He could have been "made crazy" after he started figuring shit out.

heywhatsgoingon ago

Yes, that's the guy. He'd speak nonsensical sounding things like projecting his mind into the astral plane and stuff like that...

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago


jordankelly ago

What is the astral plane?

roundhouse1776 ago

I bet he was a time-traveling Alex Jones who came from the future.