nmtd1005 ago

7th floor is also where top CIA meet at langley according to O'Brian

520patriot ago

I have read 7fg is a reference to george soros osf. It's the address of his headquarters. 7th floor millbank tower. And fbi anon has said he instructs every layer of gov down to the tax code. Shadow government.

MAGABoomer ago

So...how did they shut him down in time for the election. One thing I've noted in both videos in this thread is that 1. Petrayus had over 1k emails between he and Hillary disappear. 2. Rudy Guliani had something to do with the CF/OIL/GUNS thing but the video didn't make that clear.

So, Trump has already "interviewed" a few key players..makes me wonder if there may have been some "tell me what you know" conversations for a reason other than hiring them.


samhara ago

7th floor was referred to publicly for the first time a few weeks ago as "the secret government" A Kennedy is in there.

hedy ago

The media cartel wants so badly for the public to view these leaks as anti-Dem. If the public only knew... I think we'll find the whitest, purest, most Christian of soldiers chin-deep in this shit.

hedy ago

Don't know about 4chan but 8ch is but it's mainly a mess. However, I do think that there are some /pol/ amongst the wayward who are doing serious research.

Orange_Circle ago

Wow, great find! Kennedy is as slimy as they come and Mills is probably just as bad. They are so completely evil.

hedy ago

Sharing these excerpts because after reading through these threads for the past couple of weeks I'm convinced most of you have never even read the "FBIanon" conversations...

REMINDER of his/her main message, which was to focus on the Clinton Foundation - I don't know how much clearer that could be but most posts on voat are a bunch of fuckery w/ pizzaporn, basements, cameras and the like. C'mon people! FOCUS:


"My message to you an everyone on this board is do not get distracted by Clinton's e-mails (PIZZAGATE!!!) Focus on the Foundation. All of the nightmarish truth is there. The e-mails will pale in comparison.

"Focus on the Foundation. Do not let her e-mail server be the sole focus of media attention. Follow the Foundation. Her e-mails are a small bite compared to the CF."

"If you dig hard into the Foundation and make it the sole point of your focus, you will remember this thread when the truth is revealed."

"I am getting tired but I want to drive home my point about the CF. I may start another thread."

"Keep pressing for more info on the CF."

"...pedophilia is primarily in British parliament & Saudi Arabia, and that's why HRC and BC love foreign donors so much. They get paid in children as well as money. Dig deep and you can find it. It will sicken you."

(answer to question about why 'they' don't just go ahead and indict HRC): "Total chaos. The government would be exposed at every layer, who pays who, who buys what, and no one has yet asked about the human trafficking bits I have been laying out." also "FBI is facing the entire Federal government in this case. It is why we are so quiet."

"Most of us want to do good but political turmoil at the top prevents us. Remember, this scandal is massive enough to send foreign governments into conflict with us. We cannot simply turn over everything and hope for the best. With intel as high as this, many people have turn away even if they have an inkling of what the details are. Gary Byrne's new book details this as well when he discusses his Clinton deposition."

*(question as to what would happen if 'FBIanon' leaked all docs to the darkweb or other outlet): *"Some places are trying to leak but we sensor them too fast."

"I'm getting tired af...if there is anything to gain from this, it is FOCUS ON THE CLINTON FOUNDATION...do not let the questions or demands die...Follow the foundation."

"My point with the last two threads was to focus on making sure everyone knew the current scheme going forward (HRC, election, e-mails). The e-mails will be made to look like the only scandal and therefore Hillary will only be guilty or acquitted of one crime. The real dirt is in the Foundation."

"Anyone with the CF is a target."

"Who donates to the CF? What people work within the organization? What kids of people move from geographic location to another after a donation is made? Who has died after money has changed hands? Ask many questions and connect as many dots. A bigger hint is to follow the money and the people. Pretend human beings are currency and see where they go." also "Did anyone mysteriously disappear in surrounding locations, never to be heard from again? Were any of them attractive, young females? People are currency."

"Donors, participants, people moving from place to place, events occurring after donations."

(also answered yes in the form of a question): "happenings, business transactions, stock market changes."

"...HRC can go to jail for the emails alone. But, the problem is with the CF. Many more than her are involved in the CF and the media is trying to bury that story under the rug."

(question as to whether or not we should document the date of CF donations, where HRC and Bill were, what decisions were before the state dept. and what the results were): "All of your questions are relevant."

"What plane does HRC, BC, CC, the CF and others use? how much does it fly? Where does it fly to? How much gas does it use per trip?"

"The reason this is so big is because we discovered from the servers that the Foundation is involved, and when we combed through Foundation records we found much more damning evidence."

"Do not lose sight of the SAP's (Special Access Programs - "need to know"/higher level clearance required than Top Secret requirements) on HRC's server."

"Financial tax havens are always of interest."

"CF is involved (in weather manipulation)."

(question if CF links drug and human trafficking profits or activities to black ops findings): "Both"

"Do not let go of the Foundation or the emails."

"CF leaks prove fraud of many kinds, they are more domestic in nature though."

(question if Rolling Stone reporter Michael Hasting's death was associated w/ CF): "YES"

(question as to who to expose on Social Media): "HRC, Soros (hammer him as hard as you can), Jessie Williams, Tim Wise, Sidney Blumenthal, Huma Abedin, George Stephanopolaus, any high level Saudi official."


(question - who is trustworthy): "No one is trustworthy; not even Trump."

"Chelsea is as bad as her parents. Clintons are not in bed w/ Bushes but Bushes are just as bad...I say Trump isn't trustworthy because no one truly is. That's standard intel mindset."

juhos ago

Well, at least somebody is focusing on the Clinton Foundation.


hedy ago

woooah---holy shit. That's FBIanon! He just said "fuck it, I'll do it myself!" THAT is how you break it down, anons (love his low-tech graphics).

juhos ago

Well if that is true, I'm pretty scared because he said that they are moving stingers to Mexico and maybe planning false flag for Trump's early days. This was based on i.e Russian intelligence. I hope he's wrong.

hedy ago

I read somewhere else that there would be a FF in Mexico. Can't remember the source. I hope he's wrong, too. Mexico is such a mess - can't imagine that ending well.

GoldMoose16 ago

Back when podesta emails were coming out and the posting was mainly done at The Donald, there was a really good thread right after the spirit cooking broke. A few people were actually on to a valid money trail. Then someone yelled "Pizza!" and of course everyone was back on the porn road again. I have tried to revive this money trail again, have even asked for help in getting an illegal charity shut down, To no avail. It's always back on the porn road.

I will add one more suggestion to your "Foundation - Follow the Money" direction as prescribed by FBIAnon --- it's not just the Clinton Foundation --- there are others involved, and not all in the USA. It is this interaction between and amongst Foundations that may provide valuable keys.

FBIAnon mentioned The London Connection - Hillary had at least 3 fundraisers on foreign soil that I know of. Two in London, one in Paris. One in London was under the guise of Women's Rights. I am not sure if it's even legal to solicit campaign donations on foreign soil even from ex=pats, but you can sure as shit guarantee that Clinton Fdn was picking up cash.

Another key s Frank Guistra. Frank runs sort of a satellite arm of the Clinton Foundation in Canada. The important thing here --- laws different in Canada regarding private donor disclosures. There is no law saying they must disclose. Guistra's operation became a clearinghouse for foreign money.

Another tidbit --- there were a few cryptic emails where it looked like Clinton Fdn was looking to set up "parachutes" for employees if the Fdn was forced to close (meaning Clinton in ofc). But they were looking to use OTHER PEOPLES' MONEY to do it via a brand new money conduit.

Another key may be the Bonner Group. Many emails are either from them or where they are mentioned. This is Brock's money laundering outfit. Every time cash transacts Bonner Group gets a cut. I think it is a 12.5% cut.

One area of investigation that no one EVER mentions is WJC LLC. This is a pass thru corp for Bill Clinton. It has no assets. It's just money in, money out I looked into it briefly but had to go out of town and had to drop it. I found at least 5 shell companies, one of them tied to Haiti. BTW, when you get into WJC LLC, you need to keep Doug Band in mind.

We need to stop prancing willy nlly down the same old roads folks. The money and the way these people pass it around is key.

So does anyone want to tackle a subject? Bonner? WJC LLC? Wyss Foundation? Foreign Fundraisers? Anyone?

hedy ago

Excellent post. But it belongs in its own thread - you should re-post it to get more visibility and perhaps try to organize offshoots of those subtopics and help people "sign up" for them---just to get people started. Let them organize themselves from that point. I had wondered why there was no more discussion about the money trail. You always follow the money --and in this case, you follow the children since they are also currency.

GoldMoose16 ago

Going to think on that separate post. Someone sent me a new source today that I need to look into. It's not necessarily PGate related, but it may explain how some pieces fit. While a lot here think that hashtags et al will somehow save things, I think Big Picture.

hedy ago

Will be looking forward to that. You are definitely going to make some progress with a 'big picture' view.

GoldMoose16 ago

Well I think I am done here. Here are the kinds of comments I get when I post

Let the real investigators do their work and kick back if you're not one of them. Just sayin.

hedy ago

Do your own thing. This is a tense environment at times but there are a variety of different ways of investigating and most everything is a contribution. I'm surprised at that response, given the crap that is posted here.

Investigate1999 ago

I'm a bit lost here. Why should we care about them getting more money? It's evil and wrong, but it feels arbitrary. Human trafficking feels tangible. I know that we should always follow the money, and I know that this money movement is a illegal, but...is this just about following the money trail to see where it leads?

GoldMoose16 ago

Because children sometimes used as currency. You just have to find the correct clearinghouse. It is likely that there are several. One Hint: Art world has long been known for money laundering. Why? Because values are perceived. It's not like pricing gold or silver. There are no "market rates" in higher end art circles. I can see a Picasso selling for a few million, but what justifies the price of a photo print of a living photographer at $4M? There is no scarcity - other prints can be made. While some here are still chasing spicy instagram accounts I've been hunting down guest lists for Art Basel.

hedy ago

Following the money leads directly to the players, the process, the motives, the benefits, and usually also provides documented evidence. In the case of trafficking, following the people being trafficked also provides a trail.

ababcb ago

Following the money will lead you to the trafficking. The two are inseparable.

VieBleu ago

I'm not sure leaving this up to amateurs was his best move. he needs to do a Snowdon, dump the material, and prepare to live abroad. IF I HAD THE EVIDENCE, I would, and most of us here would too the moment we are faced with screaming terrorized brutalized children, children in cages, etc. I'm sorry but I'm a little fatigued with law enforcment passing the buck and asking individual upaid citizens to take on the increasing risks of doing their paid work. Mild rant over.

Edit: The rant continued on my part where it can't be seen, so I want to add this here because I welcome other's opinions - FBIAnon is well paid, intelligent, can plan an exit strategy, can plan to take their family and drop the hard evidence. It doesn't have to be total abandonment of everything good, but yes it may be leaving US borders. for what - because knowing every single night small children have the full brunt of sexualized lives forced into their consciouness? Are traded like meat? IT'S NOT TO MUCH TO ASK ACTUALLY. Sorry for shouting.

And then to give out bits and pieces, and expose a bunch of concerned citizens to who knows what kind of harrassment and consequences. I'm not impressed with FBI Anon at this moment. I agree that maybe I don't get the whole picture, but sometimes its starting to feel like being shown a glimpse of hell on earth that has been done just enough to outrage people who can do little about it, and are then shamed for even wanting to.

With Eric Prince weighing in, I hve to say, a thought flickered - is the the "Christian Illuminati" simply waging war on the "Satanic Illuminati" group? And we are the pawns? Prince's family has had a controlling seat for a long time on the CFR and all the sudden he's grown a conscience about kids lives? after waging murder and death across continents? The "good" side of the FBI has long been known to be Christian/Mormons who would love to see their old enemy the Satanist CIA buried.

Well I went on longer than I expected to there, that apparently needed to get out.

Investigate1999 ago

With Eric Prince weighing in, I hve to say, a thought flickered - is the the "Christian Illuminati" simply waging war on the "Satanic Illuminati" group? And we are the pawns? Prince's family has had a controlling seat for a long time on the CFR and all the sudden he's grown a conscience about kids lives? after waging murder and death across continents? The "good" side of the FBI has long been known to be Christian/Mormons who would love to see their old enemy the Satanist CIA buried.

I think that there are 2 warring factions. When the idea popped in my head, it was such a revelatory idea. It dawned on me, when news popped up of Hillary throwing a tantrum due to losing the election. She didn't seem like a collaborator with Trump.

KingKongisCTR ago

Except Snowden was prior CIA and outed NSA for looking into PizzaGate.

VieBleu ago

its an analogy: it holds.

hedy ago

One more thought -

I can understand the strategy of dropping snacks on the chans with the expectations that a buncha autists would be able to crank and dig. But obviously the ama/imma/teur show really took some fatal turns. In fact, not too far into the chaos I was starting to really suspect that it was done intentionally to fuck the whole email leaks up. If only someone had taken charge and built a team and organized a process and engaged some intel rules. Instead, it was a free-for-all that developed a few good things but fell way short. Also, it provided the plausible deniability he/she repeated was needed.

NakatomiBaby ago

Can anyone find any info on State Department's "airforce" flight itinerary or manifestos? And, if so, can/could we get info on ground/flight crew?

I'm a Super-ludite so I got no real computer skills, but I know how to dig for info and I can't find this stuff anywhere. I mean some of it should be public, right?

hedy ago

This suggestion is gonna sound way out there but what the hell: There is a savvy "investigator" called Woodybox who divulged really good stuff about 9/11 flight logs. You might try contacting him - he may not respond, given the controversial subject matter but then again, he might: http://911woodybox.blogspot.com

Artoo ago

It seems like there is a lot of opposition to the investigation internally, as you could probably imagine. Asking someone to abandon their family and friends and employment to disappear into a very uncertain future for the sake of something which doesn't personally affect them is a lot to ask. That's why they are doing the next best thing they can. It's harder to kill/silence 1000 than it is 1.

VieBleu ago

I don't see it exactly that extreme. FBIAnon is well paid, intelligent, can plan an exit strategy, can plan to take their family. It doesn't have to be total abandonment, but yes it may be leaving US borders. for what - because knowing every single night small children have the full brunt of sexualized lives forced into their consciouness? Are traded like meat? IT'S NOT TO MUCH TO ASK ACTUALLY. Sorry for shouting.

And then to give out bits and pieces, and expose a bunch of concerned citizens to who knows what kind of harrassment and consequences. I'm not impressed with FBI Anon at this moment. I agree that maybe I don't get the whole picture, but sometimes its starting to feel like being shown a glimpse of hell on earth that has been done just enough to outrage people who can do little about it, and are then shamed for even wanting to.

With Eric Prince weighing in, I hve to say, a thought flickered - is the the "Christian Illuminati" simply waging war on the "Satanic Illuminati" group? And we are the pawns? Prince's family has had a controlling seat for a long time on the CFR and all the sudden he's grown a conscience about kids lives? after waging murder and death across continents? The "good" side of the FBI has long been known to be Christian/Mormons who would love to see their old enemy the Satanist CIA buried.

Well I went on longer than I expected to there, that apparently needed to get out.

hedy ago

Couldn't agree with you more. In fact, it's because he/she chose a notorious fringe community to "bait" that I'm not entirely convinced FBIanon was actually FBI. However, I think most of the info is more important than the messenger's quals so it was still an informative exchange.

But like you, if the intel is as bad as was suggested, I'd find a way to get it published. OTOH, I am totally convinced that if the proof and the breadth of the crimes ever get out there, this entire country will have a meltdown and there is entirely a risk of national security. While full disclosure is the right approach, it will ALWAYS be avoided. No different than the economic destruction back in '08 - no way was .gov going to let the global economy reset. Instead we bailed everyone out, bargaining future generations of immeasurable impact. So, the strategy to keep the cartel(s) managed rather than eliminated seems to be the standard. But also, the U.S. government isn't in control. Neither is Soros. This is the true red pill.

VieBleu ago

good comment

VieBleu ago

Source code mentions a couple of unfamiliar names - Under Secretary for Management PATRICK KENNEDY: I wouldn't be surprised if FBI Anon didn't run afoul of or was afraid of this guy, who is the real long term State Dept head for 40 years, and routinely shuts down investigations. Controls Ambassadorships, which they very well may put pedos in to control them absolutely and force unpleasant American policy and operations even trafficking in countries worldwide:

Patrick Kennedy, U.S. State Department's Under Secretary of State for Management, apparently pressured officials to change a "classified" Hillary Clinton email to "unclassified," according FBI documents released Monday, which included the account told by an official in the FBI records department. http://www.ibtimes.com/who-patrick-kennedy-hillary-clinton-email-investigation-reveals-quid-pro-quo-deal-2432747

A memo from the department’s inspector general said an investigator learned that (Ambassador) Gutman “routinely ditched his protective security detail in order to solicit sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children.” It also said that plans to surveil Gutman in order to confirm the allegations were nixed by Kennedy who instructed the investigator to “return to Washington.”

“Pat Kennedy is one of the main gateways to getting an ambassadorship,” said a career foreign service officer. “He comes to people’s aid or demise depending on what they’ve done for him.” “When anything happens in the world, someone at the White House is going to call Pat first,” said Beth Jones, the former acting assistant secretary of state for Near East Affairs.

His authority over the Bureau of Human Resources and the Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS) gives him a bird’s eye view into the allegations and watercooler gossip surrounding powerful diplomats stationed across the globe. As Jones, a longtime Kennedy ally, volunteered during an interview: He knows “where all the bodies are buried.”


Blacksmith21 ago

I can absolutely attest to this. He runs the "cleanup crew" inside DS. Think Dyncorp, Sullivan, bachu bazi (sp), INL, etc.

VieBleu ago

"The seventh floor is the location of the secretary of state’s office, as well as the offices of the deputy secretary and the undersecretaries, according to the State Department’s website."

This is a smoking hot post.

And I can say, the password isn't justiceforpedos

MAGABoomer ago

What website is that from? Is Higbie the FBIAnon?

Ok googling FBI Higbie gave me

Richard P. Higbie


Investigate1999 ago

Are you trying to identify an anonymous whistle blower?

MAGABoomer ago

Ah, dude, please see last three lines of OP. TIA.

Shepyd ago

Dude I think Richard Higbie is FBIanon too....

MAGABoomer ago

The only thing is...it looks like RH is out of the game so to speak, and FBIAnon seemed pretty up to date/current. But it could be...

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

dude holy shit

KittyTigerlily ago

The Pedo Code, maybe or something like that.

KittyTigerlily ago

I hate to say this, but can you change the term "pizzagate" into something else, then go back and forth with it? I know that it might sound weird, but you have to fight them at their own game, so so speak. If you use something else "AT TIMES" and then change it again, keep them guessing.

Odaat ago

Hot dang, thank you!

anolegion ago

FBI Anon mentioned CARD too. Not the retarded /v/cards or playing cards. CARD.

The FBI child abduction team.

wecanhelp ago

He says cards, plural, mentioning it as the one phrase to look for in the emails.

MAGABoomer ago

Has anyone done that search as yet (that you know of?) and which set of emails?

wecanhelp ago

No research has been done on this so far that I know of.

Freemasonsrus ago

It's Podesta emails and I've done that search and it comes up with a ton. I haven't had time to go through them.

MAGABoomer ago

I started last night, but it's too many for my time to be effective. I need a bit more of a "qualifier" to narrow the search. I'm happy to do it if I can be given a bit more "direction".

pepe16 ago

But, but... there were only two AMAs, and they mentioned pedophilia. Watch out for disinfo shilling.

lawfag123 ago


herbertbakunin ago

Drugs ago

Does anyone have a link to the recent FBI anon posts?

We_The_People ago

Can we brute force it or will it timeout?

MAGABoomer ago

Not sure if this info will help but here's the scripts from the home page


n0etics ago

I'm betting it will timeout but there's only one way to be sure...

RedGreenAlliance ago

7th floor is code for the shadow government. 1600 is the code for the address of the White House eg the State (ie its 1600 Pennsylvania Ave)

the Podesta Email - "...Between 7th and 1600, no fun" https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/59q0jd/todd_d_stern_dreams_about_john_podestas_hotdog/

the 7th floor comes from the FBI data dump just before the election. No coincidences folks https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/57yrc0/clintons_fbi_files_literally_mention_the_shadow/

Koched_Up404 ago

7th Floor shadow government mentioned in Clinton emails about Haiti.

Email ID #: 752


Importance: High

7th floor colleagues: Please advise whether Sunday at 1300 would work for S; Canadian-led conference call with Friends of Haiti.

Many thanks. Roberta

InfiltratingAuditing ago

7th Floor references the actual 7th floor at Mahogany Row, State Department address.

Anyone see the email about the two dead contractors on the 8th floor?

Baluga ago

Full explanation: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/7th_floor_group

For myself, I'm not convinced this group is literally "the shadow government", just they were called that sarcastically. More likely they just a group in the State Department who are somewhat secretive for no-good reasons.

pizzagate2 ago

Group in the state department you say? I wonder who ran the state department. Oh, huh. Hillary. HMm.... Not suspicious at all, nothing to see hear

GoldMoose16 ago

Except for the 7th Floor fire that occurred Thanksgiving weekend 2012.

VieBleu ago

or the State Department that became specifically the nexus of the global child and organ trafficking enterprise. Could arguably be called shadow gov, but being more specific is better.

MAGABoomer ago

I tend to think it's a bit more than that. WHO are they? In the emails between Colin Powell and Hill I believe there was mention of the "7th" being upset...who are they?

VieBleu ago

HRC and her closest operators. "The seventh floor is the location of the secretary of state’s office, as well as the offices of the deputy secretary and the undersecretaries, according to the State Department’s website."

MAGABoomer ago

7th floor...but they never say what building do they? And if HRC was part of the 7th why would Powell be warning her they were pissed. The FBI vault dump referred to the 7th floor as the shadow government...(unseen) and Hill is hardly unseen. There's more to this...

pizza4owls ago

From your link: "Termed by the FBI a "shadow government""

I don't think the FBI was being sarcastic when referring to these individuals as a shadow government, friend. They meet privately, off the record, weekly..

Also since no one has mentioned this, originally the "7th floor" aspect comes from CIA headquarters, where the 7th floor is where the directors and leaders reside. So the 7th floor of the CIA is in coordination with the so called "shadow government."

setter ago

FBI Anon, in case anyone doesn't know: http://pastebin.com/hgW5q5Kx

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago

im honestly curious, what sort of proof do we have that "FBIanon" was actually an FBI insider??

setter ago

He told us he was.

That's enough proof, according to the Washington Post, when they asked Alefantis about Pizzagate.

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago

WaPo is a piece of shit, we should have higher standards.

Stukov ago

Apparently I'm blind I see nothing on 7th floor?