zzvoat ago

Soros' Open Society Foundation 7th Floor Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank London, SW1P 4QP United Kingdom

rspix000 ago

7th floor of the State Department H.Q., located at 2201 C Street NW, which is the Harry S. Truman Building https://www.intellihub.com/state-department-h-q-houses-secretive-shadow-governments-7th-floor-group/

MAGABoomer ago

Sources reported that a senior '7th Floor' Department official ordered [diplomatic security] to stop the investigation of an ambassador accused of pedophilia, and another such senior official had [diplomatic security] stop an investigation of an ambassador-designate," the draft reads.

This is not true (that the 7th is the State Department). The 7th is the shadow government as revealed in the FBI Vault documents where they literally say the 7th is Shadow Gov. Also in Powell's "you better not so that" email to Clinton's query about how to go around SAP security etc he REFERS to the 7th, as pissed/mad/upset (can't recall exact terms) if the 7th is the State Department how can Hillary be mad at Hillary?

If you want names, Patrick Kennedy is one of the dirtiest. Google Richard Higbie,*Patrick Kennedy..also there are some good videos he did whistleblowing. Some thought Higbie might be FBIAnon, but I don't think they are the same person. Higbie is a known entity so no reason to hide his ID. He's also not on the inside anymore.

But more than that...who the FUCK are the 7th Shadow Government?

darthveddit ago

Probably the satanic sect of the government. You know; with the shadow part and all. John Kerry.

redditsuckz ago

But more than that...who the FUCK are the 7th Shadow Government?

“The Secretary’s suite was a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) which also had a DSS security detachment outside of the office. Currently, The 7th Floor Group meets on Wednesdays and this includes the Secretary of State John Kerry, Deputy Chief of Staff Jennifer Tout, Deputy secretary of State for Management and Resources, Kennedy, Assistant Secretary Julia Frifield, and members of the Office of the Legal Advise,” according to Wikipedia, and likely refers to the seventh sub-level of the facility underground rather than the upper 7th floor.


MAGABoomer ago

Again more subterfuge.

email scandal show that there really is a “Shadow Government” and that it is based out of the 7th floor of the State Department H.Q., located at 2201 C Street NW, which is the Harry S. Truman Building.

that is the floor of the State Department in actually on. That is the floor the SAP servers/security is actually on.

yet Wiki goes on to say 7th "likely refers to the 7th SUB-level of the facility"...so even that document is attempting to obscure. ALL the people listed there are not shadow, they are State Department officials. Hillary was their boss. And yes, according to Higbie, they are all rotten to the core. But I do not believe THEY were the ones actually referred to, and I think Wiki was trying to say so by saying the 7th SUBfloor.

So, who's in the basement?

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Paging Edgar...

redditsuckz ago

The state departments and other departments in government could be part of the "shadow government"...the Secretary of State is an unelected official.

It doesn't make sense at all that Obama would want Hilary to be his Secretary of State after he just ran against her for the Presidency and they both seem to "hate" each other...Hilary was chosen and she was apart of the Shadow government herself taking orders from George Soros and one of the Rothschilds as evidenced in the Wikileaks emails.

I would say anyone who was Secretary of State since the late 1700's in America was part of the Shadow government taking orders from people like George Soros.

MAGABoomer ago

Hillary blackmailed Obama into that position. They're both corrupt from end to end. Obama is narcissist and Hillary is a psychopath...a match made in hell. I do not believe that KNOWN officials are what they mean. The 7thSUB floor...is something else entirely. It's illogical to say the shadow is the state department when Trump just took it over and is going to wipe it clean. I did some studying on Rex Tillerson, and the man has some massive integrity.

George Soros is shit out of luck now isn't he? He never communicated directly with Hillary, did you notice that?

Soros might be shadow but he's not on the upper 7th floor. And I hope Trump cleans out the basement.

redditsuckz ago

Whats funny is Rex Tillerson is CEO of Exxon and there is an EXXON mobile directly across from Comet Ping Pong...

MAGABoomer ago

LOL boom! I'll admit to having a initial WTF moment when he was named...but then, remembering epic 3d chess I went googling and found myself thinking..well, apparently not every CEO is a psychopath. I saw a Q&A he'd done some time ago and wound up massively impressed. I had never heard of him before. I'm feeling a bit grateful that this billionaire is willing to step DOWN a few notches to serve this country.

ronnyCPI ago

Why did they stop the investigation? Because that's how they control people.

If they step out of line, though, THAT'S when the investigation begins, in earnest. This is a CIA tactic. Eventually people will find out that HRC and Obama started their careers with the Agency and have worked under Agency-cover ever since.

oresd ago

News outlets cannot be trusted, and therefore must actually publish the reports in question, including the revisions in question, if they want consideration in 2016. I'm not buying anymore of Anderson Cooper's green screens while faking bomb blasts, and I am not buying this unless I can substantiate it with my own eyes.

Otherwise, potentially interesting find.

tjarco ago