toobaditworks ago

Bullshit. She worked mailing newpapers for a short period of time. Strafor is trying to infiltrate and she was FIRED. What the fuck is wrong with you... oh yeah you're the disinfo spreading rumor lying scum. Here for 3 months... yep. Checks out. Always 3 months, 2 months 1 month...

Marthvedderette ago

If this is a CIA thing, then we don't need the fucking CIgay anymore. It obviously is government running it. With James crazy talk about "the farm".

salinaslayer ago

"we're not in Kansas" lmao

sunajAeon ago

Well AJ reveals himself

e-traiu ago

Alex Said the Pizzaplace is of less significans. And he is not peopably not touching Alafantis because the guy is fighting back hard.

Yuke ago

Shut down and now he starts making pizzagate comments that try to disprove some of the things we have found? No way.

catslovejustice ago

Yeah they were claiming that he was the ring leader. They being Megan Kelly. And supposedly the guy who went into CPP with a gun said he listened to AJ. My guess is he is trying to distance himself from that.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


IPleadThe2nd ago

Ok so a lot of people hold the belief that AJ is a disinformation agent, controlled opposition, etc. He may well be. After all he has done a lot of things that have caused me to pause and wonder about him so I do take him with a grain of salt and question him. But what I don't get is what is the point of AJ being used as a disinformation agent? The reality is he is waking people up and exposing them to all of the corruption and lies that we have been indoctrinated with throughout our lives. He woke me up and it changed everything for me. Even if he is controlled opposition I will always be grateful for that. But it leaves me with the question, why would the elites/TPTB use him to do that? To what end?do they actually want the populace becoming awake and aware? Is it a part of some bigger cosmic game to further fuck with us? I really can't figure out what the point would be, so if anyone else understands the big picture of why I would love to hear it.

V____Z ago

To the powers that be, our awake state doesn't threaten them as much as his ability to discredit a thing helps them, would be my guess. Also if he has a following, he can be used to drop little lies and misinformation like in the example in this post. That is very useful to TPTB.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Ok I can see that. I was thinking it was maybe it was for a bigger use or more sinister plan but what you said makes sense too. I guess I shouldn't over complicate it!

Zongongo ago

Alex is the real deal. Listen to the whole Joe Rogan podcast, #911 Anyone who doubts Alex just hasn't listened to enough of his shows. The poster who said he was just being cautious nailed it. The pizzaman is inconsequential. The Podestas, Chuck Schumer, and the Clintons , all the "power brokers" are the important targets. Sure Alefantis will go down too. David Brock and many others. Focusing on the pizza parlor is like not seeing the forest for the trees. AJ is like our Paul Revere. Give him the credit he deserves. If you're not sure, invest 15 years and review all he has exposed !!!

IPleadThe2nd ago

I agree that people can't really listen to one podcast and get the whole picture. I listen to Alex everyday and while there are some things he says and does that make me say hmmmm, I really tend to want to trust that he is for real. He tends to look at things from the big picture approach and does a good job of showing how all of these little events and things fit into the big picture. A lot of people are focused on pizza gate or comet, but really those are just one little piece of the bigger NWO puzzle. We definately need people scouring through the details, but we can't lose sight of the overarching system either.

downwithpizzaelite ago

Mislead because he's controlled opposition. He's such a dickhead.

ravensedgesom ago

King gatekeeper

pavezi ago

I find it highly unlikely that Alex has been unable to figure out what is going on with Comet ping pong, with all the resources for research he has at his disposal. He basically even admitted that he told his crew not to investigate pizzagate that much.

Trump's administration is full of people connected to Goldman Sachs, Dyncorp, Rothschild, and even the Skull&Bones secret society at Yale as well. They're for the surveillance state, they're for militarism, they're for Wall Street, and most importantly they're for Israel, and mr. Alex Jones is cheerleading these corporate and occult elites on, while saying that Comet Ping Pong is probably innocent. The times have changed.

But pizzagate isn't going away, and there's many people who know about it, within the FBI and NYPD and so on. Some pedophiles will probably go to jail, but most likely the whole global network of "elites" will not be destroyed in the short-term. Eventually there will be a true awakening and we'll figure out how to organise society so that this kind of evil bullshit can not happen anymore.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Gotta love how Jones knows almost nothing about this, did really no work in it, now is stepping up at the last second to claim the credit, while simultaneously still taking heat off Alefantis and shitting all over serious researchers' credibility.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

Jones is a tard

21yearsofdigging ago

Yeah I watched much of it and Joe Rogan seemed more inclined to believe something was going with Pizzagate than Alex Jones.I remember very well how he switched from talking about it to clamming up. I gave a bunch of comments asking why his change of heart regarding pizzagate. No real answer, other than he thought it was a distraction. Alefantis, his connection to David Brock and the Podestas, Lynn De Rothschild(through David Brock), his Instagrams, his art on the walls of a child friendly place??? I mean come on, I am a parent and I wouldn't want my children to see that shit Isn't he (Jones) associated with Stratfor in some way.

SturdyGal ago

Okay which is it? There is no evidence or all the evidence was fake? Nothing was amiss or somebody set him up? You media whores are getting sloppy.

21yearsofdigging ago

He's a prick for doing that. All you have to do is look at Jimmy Comet's Instagram

Z11Mama ago

To believe CPP is innocent is naive. There is too much, like Caris James photos for example, which supports CPP being involved. It may at worst be a disgusting pizza place owned by a pedophile but it is connected.

DonDiegoDeLaVega ago

I do not believe a single word out of his mouth. When I first was redpilling myself, he seemed good, but as a psychology student, I saw that he was a predator, always shilling some miracle product that would "help" people, always amping up fear and uncertainty, but he always seemed to stop short of proving anything.

He serves as an agitator and a gatekeeper. He serves to divide people with his ridiculous claims like Jade Helm, which makes his followers become alienated from the people around them when nothing happens, because it never does. He has made so many outrageous claims that are clearly BS and then when it doesn't go down as he claims, he then jumps in and says something to the effect of his vigilance and telling people caused the elites to change their plans. And then claims that he is being left alive to ruin the elite plans because if they killed him, it would reinforce his claims, which is utter BS.

If an on the record, vetted source is scored as a positive 10, and an off the record, but vetted source is a positive 5, basically Alex is a negative 7.

Coloradical2 ago

That's a serious "WTF". Between the Podesta emails and the Alefantis instagram account, it's pretty damned obvious something is going on. Innocent is certainly not the word I'd be using. So who the hell is James Alefantis and why did GQ name the owner of a pizza shop, one of the most powerful figures in DC, a city already full of very powerful people? Is he the Prince of Darkness? Can he shape shift into a lizard? Does he have files and compromising pictures of politicians engaging in pedophilia and other despicable acts? Who the hell is James Alefantis and why is he so powerful? And how did he get Alex Jones to proclaim his innocence on national radio when Alex knows damned well he is not "innocent "?

comeonpeople ago

Why don't you contact the GQ writer and ask him why he put Alefantis on that list?

Do you really believe that some GQ freelancer had the inside scoop on who is blackmailing whom in DC and used that to compile his list fluff piece?

Coloradical2 ago

I never said that. Way to twist my words. I'm simply asking questions. I have no idea where GQ got their info and I seriously doubt you do either.

V____Z ago

More interestingly, why did he get Alex Jones to proclaim Comet innocent?

FriesischShipping ago

Really, innocent huh? I worked for a lawyer whose said that all the circumstantial evidence found in this case would have been impossible to fake. He did say that drugging a person and then recording them in a stupor spending naked time with child would be much easier and more practical if you wanted to set someone up.

IPleadThe2nd ago

All valid points from the OP and commenters, however just to add to this, Alex always approaches things this way and assumes things are innocent until he has documentation to back up that it is not. This avoids setting himself up for lawsuits and the possibility of being discredited if he runs with an angle that turns out later to be false. He originally did this when John DeCamp first made allegations about the franklin scandal. Alex steered clear of that until there was credible documentation proving it. now jones continually brings it up and talks about how DeCamp was right.

OrwellKnew ago

Jones is at least a gatekeeper, or more unflatteringly a disinfo agent

Same with George Norry

islandofdelight ago

George Noory is disinfo? I understand the ET situation inside out but would never consider him an actual source of information or a gatekeeper. Seems pretty harmless to me.

OrwellKnew ago

Harmless...exactly = gatekeeper. Harmless to TPTB

Check into why John B. Wells left Coast 2 Coast. Norry hated that the weekend host (Wells) was getting higher audiences than the main host (Norry). Also, Wells is a REAL Truther who had on guests that talked about actual government wrongdoing. Clear Channel management wanted Wells to do what Norry does...sticks to the "safe" topics like crystal skulls and ghosts

islandofdelight ago

Ah, gotcha... I do find it annoying how he doesn't seem to serve any real function. Certainly no Art Bell.

sunshine702 ago

Speaking of Coast to Coast radio. George Knapp is also a complete sellout elite bootlicker jackass! Found out about wrong doing at the dog shelter here in Las Vegas. He took the story being an "investigative journalist" then called the rich lady in charge and outed me and never ran the story. Finally proven right 7 years and one lawsuit later. FUCK GEORGE KNAPP and his aliens. Lol

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Is anyone worried that given Alex's apparent love for Trump, that Trump shares these views?

Gammi ago

What is he trying to do??? give aid to the enemy?....I have enough highs and lows dealing with the MSM without hearing this!

CapitalistUtahraptor ago

Apparently, his mindset is similar to the consensus we arrived at a while ago; the MSM WANTS us to focus on Comet Ping Pong, and ignore the bigger picture.

I'm giving AJ the benefit of the doubt here. Maybe he's trying to get us to focus on the Clintons (as FBIanon recommended)?

DarkMath ago

"What do you all think?".....That was my first reaction because all the evidence like the murals with decapitated heads on the wall and the subtle pedo symbols were so obvious. They were TOO obvious if you know what I mean. I'm not saying JA is either guilty or innocent. I'm 100% certain some bad shit went down somewhere but JA and CPP are screaming "fall guy" or patsy.

Then there was the Edgar Welch comedy show: It screams cover up.

You could argue there's a strong parallel between JA and Lee Harvey Oswald. There's no question JFK was killed by the CIA and probably in concert with the Mafia.

So the parallels are quite striking. Instead of assassinating JFK today we have the Clinton Foundation and CIA gang-raping Haiti. The story wasn't about Lee Harvey Oswald then and it's not about JA now. It's about power and corruption at the highest levels.


SturdyGal ago

I think CPP is just the tip of the iceberg, but JA wasn't hired to be set up like Oswald was. He is an agent who prides himself on his connections and how he can put evidence in plain sight then gaslight his way out of it. This was not a set up IMO - they were caught out by WikiLeaks and researchers. They may try to make him take the fall now, but he's had enough time to set up anonymous blind kill switches so they can't accident him without little black books raining down.

ben_matlock ago

interesting. from stratfor to lifelong democraptic pol to infowars. i wonder how she got that gig with IW...

bumbleberries ago

That reminds me, Alex Jones may have worked at Stratfor himself, check this email. There is an Alex Jones that worked as a Webmaster back in 2005.

Alex Jones


Phone: 512-744-4080

Fax: 512-744-4334

Email: [email protected]

Oh, apparently there are two Alex Jones's:

I'm not gonna think into it though, but I'd take Alex Jones with a grain of salt. He betrayed pizzagate awhile back, doesn't hurt to be cautious.

francine_rose ago

Maybe there was a possible lawsuit Since the news were blaming him talking about comet... and the false flag gun men came in, and saying jones jones jones Alex jones Fault!!

So he's trying to step away from that, which we all know it's real...

Dasistnichtgut ago

We should probably start judging people based on their actions and what they say instead of making excuses for them. Back to eyes wide shut. Stuff is out in the complete open and no one says a thing bc we Try to rationalize it, make excuses, etc. What if we all just said, "yeah, that's effed up and until they uneff it I'm gonna take them at face value. " If Alex is saying that crap and has a stratfor hire, eff him.

Dasistnichtgut ago

P.s. People like Ben Swann disappear. Why not Alex?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

well fucking hell.

stratfor and alex. never thought that would happen.

maybe have a strafor as a leak, but not a hire. oy vey..

jones is controlled disinfo. i never listened to a thing he said.

he's like the mirror of anderson cooper

remedy4reality ago

To say JA ( Comet ) is innocent shows either how little AJ knows, or he is soft peddling controlled opposition.

victuruslibertas ago

I watched AJ on the Joe Rogan Podcast and I have to say, I was disappointed in how LITTLE AJ knows about PG. His knowledge is limited to Memes and Sound bytes. He was actually saying that Comet was innocent. He's suspect...

toobaditworks ago

You have the ability to post what you want and not get sued and lose your entire business. Jones doesn't have that luxury. And he employs a lot of people. Many people would lose their jobs and a big dent in the truth industry would be seen. Someone would take his place but Jones is big time now and has to deal with people wanting to sue him all the time so he can't just spread rumors. He can only spread things that are proven to be true or things that the media already spreads.

The establishment wants him gone. And they trying very hard to make this happen.

blind_sypher ago

Might be a bit of self protection. I have a feeling this is all gonna point back to the jews when its finally blown wide open. They have this terrible habit of sacrificng things that they just cant let go of it seems.

HomeboyChrisBanned ago

I wish people would quit acting like he's any kind of authority on conspiracies. It just makes us look bad.

victuruslibertas ago

Here's what I have always thought about AJ... I don't trust him. I think he is a plant to discredit all of us that are working on these stories they like to call Tin Foil Hat Conspiracies. Here's the rub though. Much of what AJ says is actually true but he presents the info like he's a nutjob (done on purpose) so if you say something like (I think 911 was an Inside Job) the reaction is.. OH, You're one of those Alex Jones freaks. Total pysop

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Alex Jones was raised to the status he currently holds, so he could replace the assassinated William Cooper. Alex Jones is and will always be a fake counterfeit William Cooper.

LargePepperoni ago

I was also surprised. There's probably only a couple hundred people who know pizzagate inside and out. I'd consider the most frequent pizzagate voat posters and visitors to be the real experts on it. I think I was one till about a few weeks ago. I got burnt out and also realized that we have enough evidence. It's game over, just have to push and wait for justice.

21yearsofdigging ago

Pisses me off. There are a ton of reasons why Comet pizza is suspect and involved

dickface8 ago

They're of course playing into our cognitive dissonance and in reality of course AJ doesn't think CPP is innocent... At least we know he's controlled opp for sure now and can disregard him. It's a pity.