Forgetmenot ago

No one is attempting to hold "justice hostage" in fact presumption of innocence is a specific legal principal that is depends on charges being filed. It is to protect the accused standing trial. Wikipedia:

"The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, article 11, states: "Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.".

. No one is asking for podesta or alefantis to prove they did not do it. As far as I know the public is demanding an investiagation from law enforcement. Our FBI, D.C. Police dept, they have NOT investigated as they should. In this country and most democracy the legal protection of presumption of innocence is afforded to those accused with a crime. It's a specific legal principal. You want the presumption of innocence without formal charges and it does not work that way. You don't change the rules of the game if you don't like it. That is cheating right? The rules only work when they are applied equally, justice should be blind. But unfortunately when it comes to politically connected wealthy individuals such as podesta or alefantis They are able to bribe or blackmail to avoid justice. "They" hold "justice hostage". As long as the discussion remains in the "court of public opinion" than there is no presumption of innocence, there are no Miranda rights, there are no burden of proof rules. We the public at large are not bound by any of those legal principals whatsoever. We are not public institutions, there are NO charges filed therefore they have NO right to presumption of innocence. 1st come charges THEN AND ONLY THEN do they have the right to presumption of innocence.

What podesta and his crew of pedofile traffickers are trying to do is avoid an investigation at all costs. They hire shills and public relation firms and use their connections in media to distract, discredit, and distort the legitimate questions that remain unanswered. We all know Where there is smoke there is fire. Innocent people all the time are ruled out during an investigation. The problem is not the public asking the questions, the problem is the high powered white collar criminals are able to prevent the enforcement of laws. That does not mean they have not broken laws it means they exert pressure so that the laws are not enforced. As it stands anyone who calls infants hotard, drinks menstral blood and sperm, associates with convicted pedos, collect artwork of sexually abused children and dead people, and tape children to tables, celebrates canibalism, should be investigated for the email code words and the public photos and comments posted on social media. there is already precedent of people being investigated for child abuse just on photos of children and animals being taped and published on social media. Are you saying podesta or alefantis are above the laws of the land?
It's ok to use children as entertainment in a heated pool? It's ok to tape a baby to a table? It's not ok for a mother to do that to her son. People have been arrested for the same thing except they were not wealthy or politically connected. What's interesting you are advocating not asking questions about wealthy and politically connected individuals who publish photos and collect art that depicts children getting harmed. Who will speak for these children? These elites individuals don't need your voice: they have the ability to buy the best defense. Yet here you are choosing to protect these "elite" instead of protecting the victims who have no voice. At this point the public is demanding an investigation, and justice one way or another will be served ... the writing is on the wall. Public relations will only go so far. Facts matter evidence matters, your opinion ( that has no basis in legal principals) does not matter.

There is moral outrage building.

Go back and tell alefantis and podesta: when they are officially charged thejudge and jury will presume their innocence, they will have the right remain silent as it stands now the pubic will judge them anyway they want. Their own behavior damns them in the court of public opinion. They want rights ? They they should turn them selves in!

rooting4redpillers ago

I think it's probably THIS Jon Leibowitz:

Jonathan David Leibowitz (born June 17, 1958) is an American lawyer who served as the Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). ... Prior to his work on the FTC and as a lobbyist, Leibowitz worked on Capitol Hill. He served as counsel to the U.S. Senate Antitrust Subcommittee, Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism and Technology, and counsel to Senator Herb Kohl. Leibowitz's career includes working as a lobbyist at the Motion Picture Association of America where he was Vice President for Congressional Affairs (2000–2004) and as an attorney in private practice in Washington, D.C. (1984–1986). ...

But, you're also CORRECT, Jon Leibowitz is Jon Stewart's real name.

Jon Stewart (born Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, November 28, 1962) is an American comedian, ... a supreme asshole and first-degree lying sack of shit. He was the host of The Daily Show, a satirical news program on Comedy Central, from 1999 until 2015. ...

PizzaGateTwiceRetard ago

Your argument may as well be "I can imagine it happening, therefore it happened."

TruthSeeker710 ago

Thank you for putting this all together! I knew in my gut there was something more to this, and to really follow through on it! Hope we can bring this to justice!!

daddysdarlin ago

Awesome work! Thanks so much! You are a true investagtive reporter, like in the days of old. There should be more like you. My hope is others follow your fine example. You are someone to be looked up to. Kudos!!!

V____Z ago

hey darlin, all i did was copy and paste from the people here, but thanks SO MUCH for saying this. support is always nice. and i agree, i miss these types of posts that actually relate to PIZZAGATE :(

2impendingdoom ago

Don't forget the Podesta email where there is an event that "all available children" should be brought to it, another case where totally strange use of language involving children with adults. I think it was a pig roast or tortilla party or something. It was commented on here a while back.

pizzagater99 ago

"This is a family friendly event, so you should bring all children that are available"

what the fuck, how have I not seen this before?

Pizzalawyer ago

Could you give us a citation on that video, please. Google Ms. Luzzato, then press images and see all the pictures on her. A weird one, for sure. There is a picture of her and Heather Podesta having fun. Alas, I don't know how to copy pics from one site and post to another or I would display for all to see.

V____Z ago

Sometimes it works to right click and press "view image", and it will take you to separate page, you can copy the URL from that. But only once in a while do you get a link that actually opens up in Voat. You might try it

Pizzalawyer ago

Thanks, I'll try. The montage of images is especially challenging.

Forgetmenot ago

I forgot to mention one thing when I originally read that email Kids in a pool for entertainment I remeber thinking to odd that luzzatoo would allow children in a pool on a cold day when she was advising others to dress warmly. Now this is before pizzagate connections were made. Then as I kept rereading the email it was clear she was using these children and had no concern for their wellbeing. She would use these children as entertainment on a cold day while advising her colleagues to dress warmly. In my family and social circles she would have been given a lecture on caring for children. Thanks for your post once again!

V____Z ago

That makes sense. Do you think a valid argument could be made for the heated aspect? Saying well, of course she cared for them, that's why they heated the pool. Swimming in a heated pool when it's chilly outside is kind of fun!

You're welcome, thank you too

Forgetmenot ago

It depends how warm the pool is. I know children should not be in jacuzzis and maybe my family tends to be overprotective lol but they would have had a fit if children were not properly bundled outdoors in cold weather. I thought it was odd how the email read. Adults bundled up against the cold and children in a pool without their mother or father just a driver? Who was going to make sure the children changed out of a wet bathing suit?just knowing how kids are it seemed weird the whole set up. It jumped out as odd and this was before pizzagate was figured out, so I knew there was something wrong especially when you count her entertainment comment. Very, very shady.

V____Z ago

This helps a lot, thank you. I haven't been a print, so these things aren't so obvious to me. I'll try to fit this into the post.

Forgetmenot ago

This was an awesome post thanks for helping expose these people so logically and reasonably. I did not know about the jacks place connection: it's heart breaking hearing about children referred to as raw and uncut or premium subscribers get full access. This truly is a national security issue. These individuals show very poor judgement, they have no idea how to function with social norms, the level of depravity with the art they collect and social media images in my opinion makes them vulnerable to black mail and also shows they have weak personalities that are controlled by their lists. We need to hold people in public office and government to higher standard than private citizens. In the least luzzato and rao and the rest of the clowns should be fired. If I had posts like that I would be fired.

srayzie ago

Very good job! These people make me sick. Seeing it visually is different. I know this stuff happens, but when I seen baby Jack's picture of him in the bath it broke my heart. It's sickening that they would let people see him completely naked if they're subscribed. These kinds of people deserve the death penalty. No sympathy for these creeps!

V____Z ago

Let's rub in their faces then until they're too ashamed to sit back any longer. This is a crime!

Phenomenonanon ago

Well done

V____Z ago

Thank you.

pizzagater99 ago

It would be awesome if you could include big archive links saying SOURCE next to the blogs mentioned, it would loan a lot of credibility to the blog post. Great writing.

V____Z ago

You're complimenting your own writing - i wrote nothing. I will do those links now.....

pizzagater99 ago

most of what i said was a rehash too. i think the other side of the research coin is being able to present the research in a logical and coherent manner. cheers.

V____Z ago

That's exactly what I am attempting to do, because seeing it clearly laid out in visuals makes it really hard to deny. Please offer any suggestions for making it more clear, this is your blog too. Hearing the recent Joe Rogan and other interviews lately where pizzagate was mentioned, I realize we have NOT done a good job at presenting the evidence we have in a convincing manner. People are in such denial and concerned with whatever is on MSM, that we really have to present this as "pizzagate for dummies" with pictures and super simple language.

The_Crux ago

I don't know how you people come up with that interpretation that she's sending kids to a party to be raped by Podesta and other various Democrats. And you keep reposting this evil slander. I'm thinking it's the shill camp that keeps harping on this.

Pizzalawyer ago

WHOA! No one is suggesting rape. Sexual gratification can be accomplished via voyeurism. By listing the ages, Grandma Luzatto invites hebephiles 11yo thru 14yo and pedophiles , children under 12, to partake of viewing pleasure. If you are into infants, nepiophilia, then go to the Jack or Evie blogs.

PizzaGateTwiceRetard ago

I think it's funny that its the Pizzagaters who hear "my kids will be in the pool" and immediately start thinking about sexual gratification.

Pizzalawyer ago

Context my dear. It's not just those 7 words, its the entire email together with a naked grandchild being offered up for some raw and uncut viewing. Anyone who is a parent and/or grandparent would agree that the verbiage of Ms. Luzatto is peculiar. How so? Well sexual gratification is one possible explanation for the odd phrases, there can be other explanations I'm sure. There are pedophiles who never go so far as sexual intercourse. Being close to children and just touching children is sufficient, Joe Biden being an example. The Pizzagate community has enlightened us with the knowledge that parents oft times are complicit in the sexual exploitation of their own children, Its not a matter of children being snatched by total strangers.

You comment frequently. What's your take
on the sexual references by Jimmy Comet to every photograph of a child? Do you regard that as normal and harmless?

V____Z ago

Exactly where in the world did this post say what you're quoting?

The_Crux ago

What is the crux of your post? Are you saying that she wasn't sending the kids to the party to be raped by Democrats? What is the insinuation then? I destroy dumb-play specialists. It's my specialty.

rooting4redpillers ago

I'm an upper-middle class American, approaching six decades of personal, social interaction, volunteerism, and close, personal friendships with a large number of people in my excellent experience in human interaction and friendship on this earth. Long-term frienships with many people include bartenders, investment brokers, soccer moms, pipeline workers, accountants, farmers, teachers, preachers, steel and coal workers, graphic designers, fine artists, bankers, lawyers, physicians, mechanics, college professors, stay-at- home moms, politicians, drug abusers, and community volunteers. I can't even begin to express the joy I have, when I think of these people, so thanks for that inspiration.

I KNOW, none of these people are perfect.

That said, Not one person, of all these people I have known, or associated with, in these decades, have EVER, even once, described their kids as "the entertainment, unless it was a school play, or some school sponsored entertainment event. What's the reason for a parent to refer to photos of their beloved child as "raw and uncut".

That's only a small part of the "crux,"

PizzaGateTwiceRetard ago

You know, I keep hearing this argument, and it's really nonsensical.

"I would never say this, I don't understand why they said it this way, therefore pedophilia."

Just because you don't think the "entertainment" joke is funny, you assume it must be taken at face value?

rooting4redpillers ago

No "therefores," in my comment. Just a factual description of my life observation. All thoughts of therefores come from you.

V____Z ago

If I had anything to say beyond what is stated and shown in the post, I would have added it. If you want to ask me if I personally believe Podesta raped a child in the pool, I have to admit I've never really thought it that far through, and it wouldn't matter what I think anyway. The only thing I'm concerned with is the evidence, circumstantial and otherwise, that points to strange and concerning language being used with regard to children. And finally in the post we have actual evidence of a link to solicitation of child porn, or was that lost on you? Recognizing child porn is not part of your specialty?

The_Crux ago

So you have no insinuation about why she's sending the kids to that party but you made a post about it? But then you say you picked up something "strange" in the language that she used but you become bashful about explaining what that is once I make my charge about what you are insinuating. Wouldn't you say you are at least implying some shenanigans were going on with those children and the adults at that party? If you admit that then I'm gonna ask you what kind of shenanigans so be careful.

Forgetmenot ago

I think their own words in the emails and the blog lead to those questions. I think without an independent investigation these questions will taint the reputations of these people. The only thing that will clear these individual is a full investigation. But the last thing they want is an investigation. That is evident.

PizzaGateTwiceRetard ago

these questions will taint the reputations of these people

And there we have it. The goal of Pizzagate is to ruin reputations by sticking to the motto "guilty until proven innocent".

Forgetmenot ago

Then investigate and clear them of any wrong doing. Once the Miranda rights are read then they have the right to be presumed innocent. I am not sure why they would rather let all these doubts and questions surround them. Clearly they are hisding something. Innocent people welcome investigations.

V____Z ago

So you are ignoring my direct claim that this post has evidence of child prom solicitation? How do you defend this?

Forgetmenot ago

This is another one of their shill tactics: debunk one detail while ignoring the context. He is trying very hard to make this about one issue. He will ignore every other questionable point you raised and try to discredit the whole thing based on one detail. Next he will try to accuse of profiteering somehow when that does not work it will be a threat for law suits. That it is illegial to accuse people like that.

V____Z ago

It's clear Podesta has hired someone to defend him online. This one appears to be a lawyer. One who doesn't give a crap about the suffering and abuse of children, only cares about a paycheck for defending ALLEGED pedos.

PizzaGateTwiceRetard ago

Pizzagater tactics:

  1. Accuse of being a shill

V____Z ago

If you only have one example, you should not use the plural of "tactic".

srayzie ago

Screw him. You'd have to be retarted to not see something wrong here.

The_Crux ago

Does this mean you are backing off your claim that the woman was sending children to be sexual entertainment for Podesta and the other Democrats at that party? It's okay if you are. I won't ridicule you for it. But the people replying to your post are probably a bit confused right now and are expecting you to bravely spell out the charge because it would be a serious matter if your charges are correct. None of them are pretending you meant something else at this point.

PizzaGateTwiceRetard ago

The goal is to create a space in the reader's mind where their imagination makes the claim, absolving the innocent Pizzagater of slander.

Forgetmenot ago

Are you trying to censor free speech with threats? Go back to Reddit this is voat.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

You sound like a pedesta brother.

druhill007 ago

llllllllloooooooooooolllllllllllllllllll..... funny dude

HollandDrive ago

I destroy dumb-play specialists. It's my specialty.

Damn you are awesome. Not. MFalcon sucks y'all.

V____Z ago

Oh is this his sock? Must be why he keeps deleting my posts, giving different reasons and moving the goalpost.

Check this out. Suddenly the Bill Nye vid is not fodder for PG this time he deleted it for rules 1 & 4.

HollandDrive ago

Not that I know of V_Z. I just decided to include a comment about Falcon. Who knows.

HollandDrive ago

This (below) was my exchange w/ Falcon about your first Really Graceful post that was deleted. I did send him the link as he requested. Then I saw he deleted your second Really Graceful post. I just (metaphorically) threw up my hands ... he left the stupid NPelosi post up, at least for a very long time.

Millennial_Falcon > HollandDrive | Sent: 11 hours ago on 4/27/2017 2:47:19 AM Why? please link to the post you're referring to.

V____Z ago

M Falcon banned me from pizzagate this morning!

HollandDrive ago

EDIT 3: I added evidence that 12 hours after posting this, I was banned from v/pizzagate, only to be unbanned hours later.

Are you still banned? Wow, this guy is really strange.

V____Z ago

Strange indeed. But more importantly, impeding the work we are here to do.

HollandDrive ago

Wow. Thanks.

druhill007 ago

bill nye vid deleted??

V____Z ago

No longer, thanks to Vindicator who is awesome

druhill007 ago

V is awesome :D

pizzagater99 ago

Great post. One possible addition under "Reasons why this is highly suspicious.." - Luzzatto states "a swim is a possibility" but then says "the kids will definitely be in the pool" - to me, this means something like 'you can have a swim if you want, the kids will be available for sure'. Also, it seems wasteful to heat an entire pool for one event, with 3 kids and heaps of adults - If they're not even sure the adults are swimming?

Lastly, if I can suggest re-submitting this at a later date as a link post rather than a discussion post, it should get more exposure because all the top voted posts on here seem to be links.

Some of you have said this evidence should result in nothing less than immediate action by authorities.

Fully agree. If I had the means, I would submit a tip to the FBI and also to the Madeline McCann hotline (weird I know, but it seems like her parents would care).

V____Z ago

Whenever I submit something without a description, it gets deleted by the mods.

V____Z ago

@HoneyBee_ might be able to offer suggestions on getting action.

V____Z ago

I am busy tonight, but will add these and any further additions you suggest tomorrow or later tonight. Please bring em on.

Pizzalawyer ago

Great's so vital to our mission to stay focused on the DC scene and to start piecing together the evidence which will result in a convincing narrative.

V____Z ago

Amen. And to stay focused on what might be actionable, and I believe along with others here that this IS.

Laskar ago

I'm surprised your post wasn't deleted because you dared to mention the (((one))) who may not be named.

V____Z ago

I'm surprised too, happily so.

Laskar ago

have an upvote.

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle PostDate LinkOrigin Evie's Crib - Big piece of evidence missed??? 4/25/2017 8892265 official statement 4/24/2017 OP /v/pizzagate 5 OP

druhill007 ago

DANNNGGGGGG. brilliant work VZ

V____Z ago

all i did was copy y'alls brilliant work!