Rmm ago

Man that woman says the yuckiest things!

EvaEverywhere ago

Friendship "Turtle" Park is located at the junction of 45th and Van Ness Streets in Washington, D.C.. It is part of District of Columbia http://turtlepark.org/

YingYangMom ago


YingYangMom ago


Great Discovery. Maybe you should create another post to update this find. Check out what Dressage2 found here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1816517/8893032

Luzzatto writes this:

Marisa works with Ken at ONE--its all so neat and tidy! Posted by Mr. T at 11:33 AM"

Who is Marisa? Could she have provided Jack to Ken and Stephanie? Is this why she says they own Jack? Because he's not their biological child and Marisa snatched him from a poor family where she works at? This needs to be addressed in my opinion.

TruthSeeker710 ago

Her name is Marisa Luzzatto and I believe she is a relative of Evie from Evie's Crib???

YingYangMom ago

Oh, interesting!

micha_ ago

Am I allowed to wish Adolf Hitler having a comeback - but this time winning.

Littleredcorvette ago

Two things: 1. Wikileaks email with key words Evie, Ann Pincus, Luzzattopalooza, overnight, farm (mentioned in forwarded email) https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/47943

  1. in regard to The stroller pic mentioning Brandywine, don't forget JP lives at 3743 Brandywine St NW

🏎 @honeybee_ @4truthunited

Mammy ago

I clicked through Jack's blog and no pedo flags or child trafficking flags went off for me at all. A bit narcissistic and overly doting? Yes. Does s/he write about his/ her kid like writing a review of some nifty kitchen gadget? Definitely. Is it in poor taste and/or poor judgment to post a naked baby picture with frontal nudity on the world wide web and offer unedited version to premium subscribers, tongue-in-cheek or not? I think so. But do I take any of it seriously? Not. At. All.

I perceive Jack's parent(s) AND the stupid grandmother of Evie's Crib (which I read through months ago) merely as ridiculously boring and self-centered upper middle class people desperately seeking attention and meaning to their superficial existences through their oh-so-special child/grandchildren.

To be sure, they strike me as sad and sick.

But I just am not perceiving pedophilia, or intent to traffic their children.

GuannaRue ago

1. Evie's Crib BLOG HEADER: "Evelyn is growing up, soon she will be the Queen of the entire US of A, right now, for a limited time only, you can spend some time with her online, raw and uncut. Take advantage of this now, as in the future she will have the power of life and death over you."

2 POSTED Thursday July 2, 2009 TITLE: Why, Hello! "Well, Evie has now found her voice. Just in time for our 6 hour plane flight to LA tomorrow. If any readers are on the IAD-LAX united flight tomorrow morning, we apologize. She's not mad, she is just excited, and vocalization seems to be a highly enjoying thing for her to do.

3The blog author warned that their perverted setup would eventually have certain "challenges" once Evie grows up. Fast forward to July 2009 and Evie has found her voice! The author is taking the baby somewhere (maybe LA) to meet with “readers” (aka regular customers). The author goes on to apologize on Evie’s behalf, saying basically: If Evie screams while you are raping her, it’s just because she is excited, she’s not mad that you, a grown man, is raping her!

YingYangMom ago

Ugh, WTF!

karenrussell63 ago

glad to see people are still investigating. good find op.

Smyrtz ago

Wait. I might be remembering incorrectly, but wasn't there a pizza place website with photos of a kid's party with a link to Jack's page that was removed?

I think it was a post about websites being catalogs of available kids.

It may have come up in discussion about the Evie's Crib website from a while back.

quantokitty ago

OBVIOUSLY, something exceedingly sick is going on. For the authorities not to have investigated and made arrests shows a flagrant disregard for individuals engaging in behavior that is offensive, lewd, and obscene. When someone or a group of someones give off signals like that, a thorough vetting of the evidence should be undertaken by lawfully designated officers/agents to make sure those children are safe. The fact that nothing was done points to the need for pizzagate and that it is NOT a false flag and that it has NEVER been DEBUNKED!

PurpleReign ago

Report to interpol/FBI

Omnicopy ago

Ok James Alefantis

TruthSeeker710 ago

Why is she offering up her child in naked photos to premium members???


See_Millie731 ago

I agree there is something to this. It is blantently obvious with the premium membership comment at the end of the blog entry. It's been so long now that I doubt anything can actually be done. It may be worth doing a search to see how many kids these people have and if he was adopted or biologically their child.

TruthSeeker710 ago

From the research I've done it is their own child they had, however their connection to the Luzzatos, Tamera Luzzato also is what is worrying me.. The organization's they all seem to be associated with. Stephanie Copeland who is Jack's Mom and writer of Jack's Place works for a social media company with heavy influence it appears also. I get a really bad feeling from all of this. Wish I could upvote your comment but I've used all mine up for the day lol!

See_Millie731 ago

I've had to take a break from looking at this for awhile. It really gets to you seeing how much evil is in the world. After reading the Deutrox Dossier and victim X1's testimony, it takes you to a dark place.

But you hit the nail on the head about this blog. You do not speak of your children in this way or offer a way for others to see your child naked! It hard to wrap my head around how someone could do this to their child. These people have to have something mentally wrong with them.

micha_ ago

And something is very wrong with a country/world and it's media, political, executive and legal systems, igoring that.

TruthSeeker710 ago

I am so grossed out!!! Read the bottom of this post please!!! Alarm bells!!! **** http://jacklowell.blogspot.ca/2009/05/naked-time.html?m=0

TruthSeeker710 ago

Okay guys! Alarm bells are going off like crazy now. I'm actually deeply upset about what I just discovered.

"Monday, May 4, 2009 Naked Time!

It was bathtime again this weekend, which Jack celebrated in high style by slipping into the baby bath hammock (thanks Sarah C!). Before reuniting with the frog towel, Jack luxuriated (and exfoliated) in a warm soak by the kicthen window. Unrated version of this photo available only to premium subscribers. ;)"

I'll post the link so you can all see it for yourselves. These poor children. 😭😭😭

Godwillwin ago

Here's a link to a blog on jack. I find the capitalized words fit each blog entry a little weird.

TruthSeeker710 ago

Just found this disturbing bit in the blog....


Godwillwin ago


Godwillwin ago

First time I've read that from evies crib. A normal person would have said, "Jack is Ken and Stephanie's child." Even talking about a dog you'd say "Ken and Stephanie's dog." Saying owned is totally speaking about property. It's obvious they view Jack as a piece of property and not a child. Not even a pet. :(

YingYangMom ago

Maybe Jack was stolen and is not their biological child.

Marisa works with Ken at ONE--its all so neat and tidy!

Who is Marisa and check out where she works. http://archive.is/y1HAR

Found by Dressage2 here, read his comment, it makes sense: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1816517/8893032

PurpleReign ago

Let's send this to NYPD

TruthSeeker710 ago

It's clear what they use this poor child for now! I hope that these children can be rescued. I can't sleep at night knowing these sick people are doing this!


Pizzalawyer ago

Stephanie Copeland Weber and Ken Weber sold their home in DC in 2015 and moved to Portland Oregan (Lake Oswego area) just like the parents of Caris Cummings aka Caris James, for what it's worth.

TruthSeeker710 ago

Curious to know your thoughts on this!!! 😭😭😭


Pizzalawyer ago

How do these folks have the time to engage in such mindless drivel, assuming it's innocent drivel.

Dressage2 ago

In the last paragraph of your post it says, ". . .Marissa works with Ken at ONE, it makes it so neat and tidy!" I am thinking what the hell that statement meant. What makes it so "neat and tidy"? I DuckDuckGo One in DC and this came up.


Look under tab for DC News. The picture is shown with a lady with a microphone. Sign, t-shirt and symbol for One is telling. Okay, yep it is a spiral and people say spirals don't mean always pedo, so maybe once again, it is a coincidence! The people in the picture shown are protesting their units are being downsized in number so that less people with children can live there. So where do these people go? Homeless shelters? It makes you think homeless people with children are easy prey.

YingYangMom ago

Damn. Nice find.

It makes you think homeless people with children are easy prey.

You bet it does. Just like all those poor families that the social services prey upon and steal children from. Medical Kidnap Website is shining a light on this!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

These people are just plain freaks! I think it is a inside joke for all their sick Pedo buddies.

TruthSeeker710 ago

They sure are!!! Look what they are doing!!! http://jacklowell.blogspot.ca/2009/05/naked-time.html?m=0

SayWhatNOWAY ago

"Unrated version of this photo available only to premium subscribers. ;)"

**WTF!! I hope karma finds these freaks! **

GeorgeT ago

Unrated photo available only to premium subscribers!!!! This should warrant a full on SWAT team raid. What the hell is going on folks?! Honestly guys WTF??? Where are the police? Where is FBI? We are getting glimpses into parallel universe of utter spiritual and moral bankruptsy! Again, what does police have to say about that - unrated - that is porn lingo! This is a blatant reference to child porn - absolute abomination!

TruthSeeker710 ago

Thank you!! That's what I was saying last night when I discovered all of this! I'm willing to bet the close personal relationship with the Luzzattos has something to do with it.

PizzagateBot ago

Unrated version of this photo available only to premium subscribers. ;)

That is soliciting child pornography. They should be reported.

This reminded me of the post here - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1756219 - I even reported them to interpol https://www.interpol.int/Forms/Crimes_against_children , their locked album pages robots.txt doesn't stop google from crawling them and you can get access to them through google images, its clearly a CP repository of their own children.

26 days later and that czech page is still up, hopefully for a good reason.

TruthSeeker710 ago

I agree, any link you might be able to refer me to on how to properly send a tip? Do you send the tip to the FBI because the crime is within the US? Or do we report to our countries form of FBI? Thanks for any help.

PizzagateBot ago

I personally think the more eyes the better, but does that mean you also report to ICMEC/NCMEC even with all the controversy surrounding them?

Maybe it is worthy of a new submission to discuss a reasonable SOP for reporting CP/Crimes against children to make sure that it gets to as many eyes as possible.

Inside the USA, when I was working in data recovery, I have just reported to FBI in the past - https://tips.fbi.gov/ . I would suggest to stay anonymous, report through a VPN/proxy and don't submit with your real name/info.

Outside of USA is new to me and right now I have reported to Interpol https://www.interpol.int/Forms/Crimes_against_children and also search for a local police contact, but that is not so easy to find as a foreigner on the internet.

At a minimum I would include an archive of the page you are reporting and clear explanation of what you are reporting.

PurpleReign ago

Submitted tip to NYPD http://imgur.com/a/I9l7t

TruthSeeker710 ago

I'll have to find out how I can go about reporting all of the stuff I found also! This is entirely new to me, What all do you include for information in your tips? How do I figure out where to go for my country?

TruthSeeker710 ago

Thanks for submitting these tips so much!! Greatly appreciated!

TruthSeeker710 ago

Did I miss a discussion where Evie's Crib has been found to be harmless and completely unconnected? I am just adding on to the discussions I've seen about the questionable content.

Pizzalawyer ago

Inviting one and all to see Evie "raw and uncut" offends me but maybe I'm old fashioned. Still it sounds like an expression out of Larry Flynt's Hustler magazine which just seems suspect when applied to children. I sense a pedo subculture throughout DC whether or not these sophisticates actually "swing" with their children/grandchildren.

Mammy ago

I share your view on this, Pizzalawyer, especially your sense of a DC pedo sub culture wherein yuppies/wannabe sophisticates may perhaps unwittingly be using pedo-lingo or pedo innuendo in their attempts to be "cool". It is very easy to pick up sayings,trends, mannerisms, and even symbology without realizing one is even using them, much less have awareness of a change in meaning -- or what meaning within a particular sub group may be.

PizzagateBot ago

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Vindicator ago

@TruthSeeker710, welcome to v/pizzagate! Thank you for making the effort to fulfill our research post submission guidelines by stating a clear premise and providing links supporting it. I am going to give this a "New Evidence" flair, 'cause I agree, that is not a healthy way to talk about a child.

YingYangMom ago

Awesome :) Look here what @Dressage2 found as well: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1816517/8893032

TruthSeeker710 ago

Thank you so much! Glad to be of any form of help possible no matter how small! I really wanted to ensure it was something others were aware of! Thanks again!

equineluvr ago

Since the whole blog is supposedly "tongue in cheek," I don't think this is a huge piece of "evidence." Just a choice of verbiage that feeds into what we already know.

Which is probably why you have not been able to find "anyone talking about this anywhere at all."

GeorgeT ago

Unrated - that is a porn lingo.

Pizzalawyer ago

Welcome, please provide a citation or source for the Jack/Weber/Copeland remark and maybe someone can help you.

TruthSeeker710 ago

Looks like Stephanie Copeland, Mom of Jack, are friends with the Luzzattos.......

GeorgeT ago

It's a pedo circle and it's global!

UglyTruth ago

https://archive.is/Yo82y (from the OP)

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

I found this: https://archive.is/Yo82y