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Dressage2 ago

In the last paragraph of your post it says, ". . .Marissa works with Ken at ONE, it makes it so neat and tidy!" I am thinking what the hell that statement meant. What makes it so "neat and tidy"? I DuckDuckGo One in DC and this came up.

Look under tab for DC News. The picture is shown with a lady with a microphone. Sign, t-shirt and symbol for One is telling. Okay, yep it is a spiral and people say spirals don't mean always pedo, so maybe once again, it is a coincidence! The people in the picture shown are protesting their units are being downsized in number so that less people with children can live there. So where do these people go? Homeless shelters? It makes you think homeless people with children are easy prey.

YingYangMom ago

Damn. Nice find.

It makes you think homeless people with children are easy prey.

You bet it does. Just like all those poor families that the social services prey upon and steal children from. Medical Kidnap Website is shining a light on this!